domenica 11 febbraio 2018

Napoleon's obsession for coffee.

“As soon as coffee is in your stomach, there is a general 
Ideas begin to move… smiles arise, the paper is 
Coffee is your ally and writing ceases to be a 

Honoré de Balzac (1799 - 1850)

Napoleon's Coffee Set from St.Helena

And they were precisely the French and the Americans, even before than the English, who could taste the precious drink obtained from the 'beans' grown in the tropical colonies - and fall in love with it - perhaps as a result due to where their respective nations had placed their colonial possessions; we know, in fact, that the Georgian period saw the opening of the first coffee-houses in London, following the example of the much older Viennese ones, which were locals reserved for men only, in which the wealthy gentlemen gathered to spend time in company, exchanging their ideas while sipping a cup of the precious brew, we know that in the Regency era were really numerous the coffee-houses that had been opened in the meantime when tea was still a novelty, and much more expensive than coffee, but we also know that in France and in America coffee was known and appreciated by famous people since the early XVIIIth century: from the Parisian philosopher Voltaire, who claimed to owe his own intuitions to the benefits of coffee, of which he drank from 40 to 50 cups a day, mixed with chocolate, to King Louis XV, who had managed to grow coffee plants directly in the greenhouses of Versailles and loved to offer it to his guests, but didn't abuse it; to Benjamin Franklin, who claimed that "Among the many luxuries of the table ... coffee can be considered one of the most precious, it exalts the happiness without poisoning and the pleasant flow of spirits it causes ... it is never followed by sadness, languor or weakness ", to the third president of the United States, as well as author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, lover of wine, but not only, connoisseur and passionate coffee drinker.

We know today that coffee allows us vivacity, both intellectual and physical, and promptness of reflexes, which is a precious source of antioxidants and therefore has the power to reduce the risk of contracting some serious diseases, including those due to brain deterioration, things that at the time were ignored, but of coffee was appreciated the immediate induction of the increase in blood pressure and therefore the tone and the sensation of well-being that it immediately derives from it.

The Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte, knew it well, and it is just of him that I want to tell you today.

Napoleon in his dining room at Longwood House, St.Helena

History teaches us that He did not become passionate about coffee as soon as he knew it, indeed, as soon as He tasted it he found it not at all captivating, but with the passing of the time He became an authentic lover, or, perhaps, it would be more appropriate to say, a real coffee - dependent.

At first He began drinking two cups of bitter and pure coffee a day, one for breakfast and one after dinner, in the evening, but, with the flowing of years, aware of the beneficial aspects of this drink that had the ability to invigorate His spirits, keep Him in good mood and always active, He began to not to able to live without it - and there are those who still today claims that His heroic undertakings could not have been achieved without the support of caffeine!

Coffee became one of the many things He could not do without ... He refrained from drinking wine and any other alcoholic beverage, but He had a genuine passion for politics, for war, for beautiful women and for coffee - and he arrived to drink up to 50 cups at any time of day.

One of the most famous stories related to Napoleon's weakness for coffee is linked to his last days. According to the St.Helena Coffee website:

''A few days before the end, Marechal Bertrand recorded that Napoleon kept begging for coffee and that his new 'doctor', Antonmarchi (he was, in fact, a dissecting room assistant), allowed him a few spoonful’s. Then, as the Emperor declined further, Bertrand writes:

That morning, he had asked twenty times if he could be allowed some coffee. 'No, Sire', 'Might the doctors allow me just a spoonful?' 'No, Sire, not at the moment, your stomach is too irritated, you would vomit a little earlier, perhaps.' He had already vomited perhaps nine times during the day. What a great change had overtaken him! Tears came to my eyes, seeing this formidable man, who had commanded with such authority, in a manner so absolute, beg for a spoonful of coffee, seek permission, obedient as a child, asking again and again for permission and not obtaining it, without ever losing his temper. At other times during his illness, he would have thrown his doctors out, flouted their advice and done as he wanted. Now he was as docile as a child. So, here is the great Napoleon: pitiful, humble.''

Death of Napoleon on St Helena, May 5, 1821, by Carl von Steuben (1788-1856), ca 1828

We still do ignore what the real causes that induced His stomach disease were, if His death was due to arsenic poisoning or cancer, the fact is that during the autopsy that was done after His death Dr. Antonmarchi found traces of coffee in his stomach ... because you have to know that once exiled to St.Helena, Napoleon found an excellent coffee, which induced him to aggravate his dependence ... the state of constant depression in which He spent the days of His last exile, the boredom that often caught Him, the bitterness for the fate that had been touched Him, sanctioned by the Congress of Vienna that had eventually deposed him to put on the French throne King Louis XV, without any doubt induced Him to exaggerate with the coffee more than how much He was used to do.

Although Napoleon preferred the coffee of St. Helena to all the others, as it was the only thing good, he claimed, that the island offered Him (an excellent quality of Arabica coffee had in fact been cultivated in plantations by the East India Company that of the island held possession since 1733), He was willing to drink whatever coffee was available. For example, just when he was spending His days at Longwood House,

Nhà Longwood (Unknown author)

Sir Hudson Lowe, governor of the island and jailer of Napoleon, gave Him as a gift a wooden case filled with coffee that the Emperor ordered had to be placed in the pantry. Charles Tristan, better known as the Marquis Montholon, thought that Napoleon wouldn't have accepted it and was amazed when the Emperor began by saying "A good coffee is a precious thing in this horrible place" and decided to drink it without fear that it might have been poisoned.

Finally I will mention a sentence that Napoleon once said: " The strong and abundant coffee wakes me in.It gives me a warmth, an unusual strength, a pain that is not without pleasure. I would suffer rather than be senseless."
And I wonder if what was the reason for His glory was also the cause of His suffering and eventually His death ...

Attributed to Jean-François Villain after a drawing by Louis-Joseph-Narcisse Marchand

I'll never be grateful enough for the interest and affection which you follow me with, 
dear friends and readers, 
I have no words to thank you as you deserve ...

See you soon 💕


Barden, Thomas M., Humanizing the Corsican Ogre, at State University of New York at Geneseo; 

Forsyth, William, and Hudson Lowe, History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, Volume 2,  1853; 

Saint-Arroman, Auguste, Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, 1852;

Smallman, David L., Quincentenary: A Story of St Helena, 1502-2002, 2003;

Ukers, William Harrison, All About Coffee, 1922.

Website St.Helena Coffee

“Non appena il caffè è nel vostro stomaco, vi è una generale 

Le idee cominciano a muoversi… spuntano i sorrisi e la carta 

 si copre. 
Il caffè è il vostro unico alleato e scrivere cessa di essere uno 


Honoré de Balzac (1799 - 1850)

- immagine 1 - Servizio da caffè appartenuto a Napoleone conservato a St.Helena

E furono proprio i Francesi e gli Americani, prima ancora degli Inglesi, a poter gustare la preziosa bevanda ottenuta dai 'chicchi' coltivati nelle colonie tropicali - e ad innamorarsene - forse di conseguenza a dove le rispettive nazioni avevano collocati i loro possedimenti coloniali; sappiamo infatti che il periodo Georgiano vide aprire le prime coffee-houses a Londra, sull'esempio di quelle viennesi, ben più antiche, che erano locali riservati a soli uomini, in cui i gentlemen più facoltosi si riunivano per trascorrere il tempo in compagnia, scambiando le proprie idee mentre sorseggiavano una tazzina del preziosissimo infuso, che in epoca Regency erano realmente numerose le coffee-houses che nel frattempo erano state aperte quando il tè era ancora una novità, e del caffè ben più costoso, ma sappiamo anche che in Francia ed in America il caffè era conosciuto ed apprezzato da personaggi famosi già dagli inizi del XVIII°secolo: dal filosofo parigino Voltaire, il quale sosteneva di dovere le proprie intuizioni proprio ai benefici del caffè, del quale ne beveva da 40 a 50 tazzine il giorno, mischiato con il cioccolato, a Re Luigi XV, il quale era riuscito a coltivare piante di caffè direttamente nelle serre di Versailles ed amava offrirlo ai propri ospiti, senza però abusarne; da Benjamin Franklin, il quale sosteneva che "Tra i numerosi lussi della tavola ... il caffè può essere considerato uno dei più preziosi. Esalta l'allegria senza intossicare ed il piacevole flusso di spiriti che provoca ... non è mai seguito da tristezza, languore o debolezza", al terzo presidente degli Stati Uniti, nonché autore della Dichiarazione d'Indipendenza, Thomas Jefferson, amante del vino, ma non solo, conoscitore ed appassionato bevitore di caffè.

Sappiamo oggi che il caffè ci consente vivacità, sia intellettuale che fisica e prontezza di riflessi, che è una preziosa fonte di antiossidanti e che perciò ha il potere di ridurre il rischio di contrarre alcune malattie anche gravi, incluse quelle dovute al deterioramento cerebrale, cose che al tempo si ignoravano, ma del caffè si apprezzava l'immediata induzione dell'aumento della pressione sanguigna e perciò il tono e la sensazione immediata di benessere che da esso subito deriva.

Lo sapeva bene anche l'Imperatore dei Francesi, Napoleone Buonaparte, ed è proprio di lui che oggi voglio raccontarvi.

- immagine 2 - Napoleone nella sua sala da pranzo a Longwood House - St.Helena

La Storia ci insegna che Egli non si appassionò nell'immediato del caffè, anzi, non appena lo assaggiò non lo trovò per nulla accattivante, ma con il tempo ne divenne un autentico amatore, o, forse, sarebbe più appropriato dire, un vero e proprio caffè - dipendente.
Dapprincipio cominciò con il bere due tazzine di caffè amaro e puro il giorno, una a colazione ed una dopo cena, la sera, ma con il tempo, accortosi degli aspetti benefici di questa bevanda che aveva la capacità di rinvigorire il suo spirito, mantenerlo di buonumore e sempre attivo, cominciò con il non poterne più fare a meno - e vi è chi ancora oggi sostiene che le sue grandi imprese non avrebbero potuto essere realizzate senza il sostegno della caffeina!

Il caffè divenne così una delle tante cose di cui non poteva fare a meno ... si asteneva dal bere vino e qualsiasi altra bevanda alcolica, ma aveva un'autentica passione per la politica, per il fare la guerra, per le belle donne e per il caffè, del quale giunse a bere fino a 50 tazzine ad ogni ora del giorno.

Una delle storie più famose legate alla debolezza di Napoleone per il caffè è legata ai suoi ultimi giorni. Secondo il sito St.Helena Coffee:

'' Pochi giorni prima della fine, il maresciallo Bertrand registrò che Napoleone cominciò ad elemosinare del caffè al suo nuovo 'dottore', Antonmarchi (in realtà François Carlo Antonmarchi era quello che oggi potremmo definire un anatomo-patologo e seguì Napoleone dal 1818 fino al giorno del suo decesso, il 5 maggio del 1821), il quale gliene concesse qualche cucchiaiata. Poi, mentre l'imperatore si placò, Bertrand scrisse:

Quella mattina, aveva chiesto venti volte se poteva permettersi un caffè. "No, Sire", "Potrebbero i medici permettermi solo un cucchiaio?" "No, Sire, non al momento, il Vostro stomaco è troppo irritato, probabilmente vi farebbe vomitare." Aveva già vomitato forse nove volte durante il giorno. Che grande cambiamento aveva subito! Mi vennero le lacrime agli occhi vedendo questo uomo formidabile, che aveva comandato con una tale autorità, in modo così assoluto, mendicare un cucchiaio di caffè, chiederne l'autorizzazione, obbediente come un bambino, chiede ancora ed ancora il permesso per averlo e non ottenerlo, senza mai perdere la calma. In altri momenti della sua malattia avrebbe buttato fuori dalla stanza i suoi dottori, infastidito dai loro consigli e avrebbe fatto come voleva. Ora era docile come un bambino. Quindi, ecco il grande Napoleone: pietoso, umile."

- immagine 3 - Death of Napoleon on St Helena, May 5, 1821, by Carl von Steuben (1788-1856), ca 1828

Non sappiamo ancora con esattezza quali furono le reali cause che indussero questa sua malattia allo stomaco, se si trattò di avvelenamento da arsenico o di tumore, sta di fatto che eseguita l'autopsia dopo la sua morte il dottor Antonmarchi trovò nel suo stomaco tracce di caffè, ... perché dovete sapere che una volta esiliato a S.Elena, Napoleone vi trovò un ottimo caffè, il che lo indusse ad aggravare la sua dipendenza ... lo stato di costante depressione in cui trascorse i giorni del suo ultimo esilio, la noia che spesso lo coglieva, l'amarezza per il destino che gli era toccato, sancito dal Congresso di Vienna che lo aveva definitivamente deposto per mettere sul trono francese Re Luigi XV, lo indussero senza alcun dubbio ad esagerare con il caffè più di quanto già non fosse uso fare. 

Sebbene Napoleone preferisse il caffè di Sant'Elena a tutti gli altri, in quanto era l'unica cosa, sosteneva, che l'isola di buono gli offriva (un'ottima qualità di caffè arabico era stato infatti coltivato in piantagioni dalla Compagnia delle Indie Orientali che dell'isola deteneva il possesso già con il 1733), era comunque disposto a bere qualunque caffè fosse disponibile. Ad esempio, proprio mentre trascorreva i suoi giorni a Longwood House,

- immagine 4 - Nhà Longwood (Autore sconosciuto)

Sir Hudson Lowe, governatore dell'isola e carceriere di Napoleone, gli elargì come dono una cassa di caffè che l'imperatore fece riporre nella dispensa. Charles Tristan, meglio conosciuto come il Marchese Montholon, pensò che Napoleone non l'avrebbe accettato e si stupì quando l'Imperatore esordì dicendo "Un buon caffè è una cosa preziosa in questo posto orribile". e decise di berlo senza timore che potesse essere stato avvelenato.

Concludo infine citando una frase che Napoleone una volta ebbe a pronunciare: "Il caffè forte e abbondante mi sveglia. Mi dà un calore, una forza insolita, un dolore che non è privo di piacere. Preferirei soffrire piuttosto che essere insensato."

E chissà se ciò che fu motivo della sua gloria non sia anche stato motivo della sua sofferenza ed infine del suo decesso ...

- immagine 5 - INTERIOR [A VIEW OF THE ROOM AT LONGWOOD WHERE NAPOLEON DIED ON ST. HELENA] - Attribuito a Jean-François Villain, su un disegno di Louis-Joseph-Narcisse Marchand

Non vi sarò mai abbastanza grata per l'interesse e l'affetto con cui mi seguite, 
carissimi amici e lettori, 
non ho parole per ringraziarvi come meritate ...

A presto 💕


Barden, Thomas M., Humanizing the Corsican Ogre, at State University of New York at Geneseo; 

Forsyth, William, and Hudson Lowe, History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, Volume 2,  1853; 

Saint-Arroman, Auguste, Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, 1852;

Smallman, David L., Quincentenary: A Story of St Helena, 1502-2002, 2003;

53 commenti:

  1. I didn't know about his love of coffee. I learn so much here.

    Have a fabulous day, Dany. ♥

    1. @ Sandee
      dearest one, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, your visits always put in me in such high spirits, blessed be!

      Trusting your week is off to a great start,
      I'm sending you my dearest hug ❀≼♥≽❀

  2. My morning cup of coffee is essential to start the day off right!

    1. @ David Gascoigne
      oh, to me too, be sure my friend, without the first cup of coffe I drink as soon as I wake up my day cannot start!

      Wishing you a most lovely Monday,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡❤♡

  3. I did not know Napoleon loved coffee. Once again, Dany, you have enligtened me with your fascinating research and writing. Though I do enjoy a cup of coffee, tea is my preferred hot beverage. =)

    1. @ Kim
      I also do prefer a cup of tea to a cup of coffee, I drink no more than 3-4 cups a day of coffee when I need some more energy, but not because I'm in love with its taste ... it's necessary to me, that's all ... as for tea, I drink it because I do love its taste and I love enjoying some tea-times during my day!

      Thanking you for gracing my blog today,
      cherished friend,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ✿⊱╮

  4. Fascinating, i had no idea that Napoleon was so enamored of coffee.

    "The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it that the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce." ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

    1. @ messymimi
      History tells us that he truly loved coffe, he couldn't lived without it, .. it's quite incredible, isn't it, sweet friend of mine?!?
      But he was not the only one!

      With utmost gratitude for being so supportive,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ❥

    2. @ messymimi
      oh, please, forgive me, I forgot to thank you for the delightful quote!


  5. I know how many people rely on coffee to begin the day and it’s interest to see how in this case times have not changed. For me though it’s a cup of tea. (not so much caffeine). wishing you a wonderful week.

    1. @ Cathy Keller
      thank you darling friend for gracing my blog today!
      As you probably have read in the previous comments, I'm amongst those who love tea, but I cannot help but drinking a cup of coffe as soon as I wake up, in the very first morning ... that's the only way I have to start my days!

      In the hope your week is off to a beautiful start,
      I'm sending blessings on your coming days ♡ஐ♡

  6. I do love my tea too but each morning it is coffee first to "wake up my day"! You have such wonderful history lessons here Dany! And always so beauty and music!

    1. @ Bernideen
      it's always such a delight and honour to welcome you here, dearest friend!
      As for coffee, you said it, to me too coffee is necessary to "wake up my day", though I love tea so, as you know!

      Thanking you from the bottom of my heart,
      I'm sending my dearest and warmest hug ಌ•❤•ಌ

  7. One of my obsessions, coffee. Such an interesting piece of history. Feel like I have been to school again. Thanks for this interesting piece of the past and stopping by my place.

    1. @ LV
      you'se so heartily welcome, Derest One, thank you for blessing my heart today!
      So you're coffe-addicted too, I hope not as much as Napoleon, he really drunk too many cups a day!

      Wishing a beautiful remainder of your week,
      I'm sending my dearest love across the many miles ༺♡❀♡༻

  8. I never knew that Napoleon loved coffee so much!
    It's interesting, because I absolutely, positively must have my morning coffee, but it is always decaf, since I just don't tolerate caffeine very well at all.
    Such an interesting post, as always, dear Dany.

    Have a wonderful week, sweet friend.

    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.

    1. @ Lisa Gordon
      I thank you wholeheartedly, Dearie, I always appreciate so, so much your visit and your kind words of appreciation!

      Thinking of you and sending wishes
      for a peaceful and beauty-filled week ⊰✽*♥*✽⊱

  9. Oh wow, so sad that something he enjoyed could have done him in. I don't like coffee myself, my mom drank the stuff from morning until night, she always had pot of coffee made. I read that there are so many benefits from it but just can't bring myself to drink it.
    Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      each of us has his own tastes, we're not all equal!
      Probably you're amongst those who do prefer tea to coffee, so as I myself am, but during my day sometimes coffee is a necessity to me :)

      May your day be filled with love and smiles,
      I thank you as always for being such a faithful and adorable friend ♥♡♥

  10. That Balzac quote!
    I had no idea that Napoleon was a coffee guy!
    Also, thank you for the great Chesterton quote in your sidebar.

    1. @ Michele Morin
      it is I who thank you, precious friend, you're such a bright light!

      Wishing you a Sunday as Beautiful as you,
      sending blessings and gratitude hugs on your way ❥

  11. Che bel post, cara Daniela. E mentre leggevo allucinavo il gusto del caffè. Lo adoro, non posso vivere senza. O meglio: nei paesi dove è davvero troppo lontano dal nostro espresso cremoso e piacevolmente amaro...preferisco evitare di prenderlo.
    Capisco e condivido appieno "la commozione" citata ;)
    Un grande abbraccio, a presto Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      sì, devo ammettere che davvero bisogna tenere presente che esiste caffè e caffè: io credo che Napoleone bevesse il nostro espresso, ristretto, cremoso e profondamente gustoso ... quasi impossibile da trovare spingendosi molto lontano dall'Italia ... in Francia, in Austria ed in Svizzera se lo chiedi sono in grado di farlo al bar, ma già in Inghilterra, per esempio, ti danno dei tazzoni di caffè lungo che sembra tè un po' carico, a giudicare dal colore ... e poi la quantità di caffeina che il caffè così lungo contiene, è indescrivibile ... per me quel caffè corrisponde ad una vera scossa, mi eletrizza :)!

      Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore augurandoti una piacevole domenica,
      mia dolce amica,
      è sempre una tale gioia averti qui e leggere le tue belle parole ♡ஐ♡

  12. So interesting! I did not know about any of this. I can't imagine someone drinking 50 cups of coffee a day!

    1. @ Lois
      I also cannot imagine to have so much caffeine and feel good, nevertheless!

      Thanking you most sincerely both for visiting and for commenting,
      I'm sending all my love to you,
      sweet friend of mine ♥∗✿∗♥

  13. What lovely antique items and great historical photos. I love my coffee, too, but I think I prefer my mug. :)

    1. @ betty-NZ
      as for taste, I do agree with you, Dearie, but the 'charge' that a cup of coffee gives me, is truly unique, and, sometimes, necessary!

      With utmost gratitude,
      I'm wishing you a lovely remainder of your Sunday and new week ahead,
      sending my warmest and dearest hug across the many miles ⊰✽*✽⊱

  14. Ah coffee, the one think I look forward to is have a coffee every day, especially with my dear wife

    1. @ Bill Nicholls
      so you're a coffe lover too, dear friend!

      I heartily thank you for taking the time for visiting,
      while wishing you a day filled with love and smiles ಌ❀ಌ

  15. Non c'è niente di più dolce, di una gustosa tazza di caffè fumante, in compagnia di una intensa e appassionante lettura.....
    Grazie cara Daniela!
    Ti saluto con tanta stima e ti auguro una lieta serata:)
    Ciao da Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      carissma, preziosa amica mia, che immensa gioia averti qui oggi e leggere le tue parole che riscaldano il mio cuore!

      Che la tua domenica sia lieta come non mai,
      e che il sole della gioia non smetta mai di brillare per il tuo animo così gentile ♡❤♡

  16. I have learned something new today. You are a wonderful teacher, dear friend and I learn so much from you. You are a treasure.
    Happy Saint Valentine's Day to you ! ❤

    1. @ annie
      cherished friend, you're so ... too generous with me!

      Trusting you too had a romantic St.Valentine's Day,
      I'm sending blessings on your Sunday and new week to come *•♥♥•*

  17. I had no idea that Napoleon was so obsessed with coffee! Indeed you are right, it may have killed him, as it is so acidic, and drinking 50 cups a day, my goodness! Wow, such interesting things you find in history to share with us sweet Dany! How precious you are, and how much I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your enlightening posts :) Many hugs to you today!

    1. @ Marilyn
      Dearest One, I just love your comments, your so beautiful words always seem to make my day a bit brighter, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

      May your Sunday be filled with love and smiles ❀≼♥≽❀

  18. Amazing post! I love your blog. Thanks for all you put into it.


    1. @ Marla Martenson
      you're so welcome, new friend of mine, I welcome you with a big hug, thank you!

      ❖ Sending all my best to you ❖

  19. Dany ~ wonderful and well researched post about Napoleon's as well as the love of coffee he had ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. @ carol l mckenna
      I'm so glad to read that you loved the article, sweetest friend of mine, your words mean so much to me!

      Trusting you're enjoying a lovely end of your week,
      I'm sending blessings on your new week ahead,
      with sincere gratitude ♥♡♥

  20. Such an interesting post about Napoleon's love of coffee, dear Dany! I'm sure that drinking 50 cups a day was not very healthful, though. We love coffee here near Seattle, as it is the home of Starbucks and there is a coffee kiosk at every corner - sometimes two or more! Our gray, rainy weather might have something to do with that. I always learn so much from your wonderful posts. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Sending hugs and love xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      this coment of yours is truly interesting, darling friend, I didn't know that the area around Seattle was famous for Starbucks, thank you for teaching it to me today!

      Sending blessings of joy on your Sunday
      and new week to come ಌ•❤•ಌ

  21. Le imprese napoleoniche sono note ma non sapevo nulla in merito alla dipendenza da caffè del grande imperatore.Hai scritto un post molto curioso che, da grande amante del caffè, ho apprezzato tantissimo

    1. @ Alessandra
      carissima amica dal cuore romantico, ti sono infinitamente grata per le tue parole di apprezzamento, illuminano questa fosca serata d'inverno!

      Ti invio un abbraccio,
      forte di riconoscenza, stima ed affetto,
      grazie ancora ❥

  22. 40-50 cups per day! Wow...

    "Honoré de Balzac (1799 - 1850)"

    He only got 51 years...

    1. @ Sandi
      I wonder if he drank too much coffee...!

      Thanking you for taking the time for popping up ~ My little old world ~
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      dear friend ✿⊱╮

  23. This made me laugh as I'm trying to give up mine :-)

    1. @ Amalia
      so you're fighting against your coffee addiction ... it really sounds so fun to read it in a comment here, darling friend, forgive me, but you put a smile on my face too :)

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ♡❤♡

  24. Thank you so much for this history lesson about Nepoleon.
    Who knew his love for coffee was so strong.
    I will share this story with my 7 year old grandson who loves history from sixteen through eighteen century's, he took a couple years of classical conversation at his private school.
    I love your posts also and that you visit me


    1. @ Janice
      sweet friend of mine, you cannot even imagine the joy you're giving me writing that you're going to tell this story to your grandson, you truly bless my heart!

      With utmost gratitude for gracing my blog today too,
      I'm sending all my love to you,
      I want you to know
      that I'm always honoured by your presence here ༺♡❀♡༻

  25. I cannot imagine drinking 50 cups of coffee! My poor tummy only tolerates about half a cup at a time.

    1. @ Linda
      actually 50 cups of coffee are far too many for us Italian lovers of 'expresso' too ツ
      He said he couldn't live without it, but I wonder how could he live drinking such a lot of coffee!

      Trusting you're having a lovely week, Dearie,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles •♥•♥•♥•

  26. Ancora una storia interessante. Brava, Daniela!

    1. @ Italiafinlandia
      sono felice che ti sia piaciuto anche questo post, cara Luisella!

      Ti invio un fortissimo abbraccio,
      con tutto il cuore ❥
