lunedì 16 gennaio 2017

Empress Josephine & the Fortune Teller.

Probabilmente il nome di M.lle Lenormand non dice nulla a molti di noi, oggi,

Josef Danhauser (1805 - 1845), Neapoleon &  Josephine with the Card Reader.

ma durante il periodo napoleonico ella era la più famosa cartomante dell'intera Francia, conosciuta praticamente ovunque per la sua bravura, ed essendo l'Imperatrice Joséphine di origini creole e perciò appartenente ad una cultura in cui tanta parte aveva la componente legata a superstizioni e scaramanzie, non poteva vivere lontano da una persona che fosse in grado di guidare le sue scelte predicendo il suo futuro, il che ci aiuta a comprendere perché la celebrità di Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand fu altresì accresciuta ed impreziosita dal plauso di cui godeva negli ambienti della corte parigina.

“Madamoiselle le Normand was born in 1768, and was already celebrated as a fortune-teller so early as 1790. She is said to have predicted to the unfortunate Princess de Lamballe her miserable death at the hands of the infuriated populace. She is also reported to have been frequently visited and consulted by Robespierre and St Just; to have reported his downfall to Danton, at that time the idol of the people; to have warned the famous General Hoche of his approaching death by poison; to have foretold to Bernadotte a northern throne, and to Moreau exile and an untimely grave.”1

Si dice che ella fece previsioni anche su altri illustri personaggi, quali l'autore Germaine de Staël e lo zar Alessandro I di Russia, ma fu per lo stretto legame che nacque con l'Imperatrice Joséphine che Mademoiselle Lenormand viene principalmente ricordata.

La prima, amata moglie di Napoleone era fortemente affascinata dall'occulto, cosa che costui viveva con estrema frustrazione, era interessata ai tarocchi, alla negromanzia e ad altre arti esoteriche, ed era talmente ammaliata dalla chiaroveggente che ella sarebbe diventata una delle sue più strette confidenti; va da sé che per tramite di questo legame un'illustre fama venne assicurata a Mademoiselle Lenormand.

Anche se non era gradita a tutti e più volte si trovò a trascorrere alcuni giorni in prigione fu sempre solo per brevi periodi: fu dapprincipio incarcerata per aver tentato di salvare la Regina Maria Antonietta dall'esecuzione, per l'accusa di aver previsto con successo l'esecuzione di Robespierre, per aver  predetto l'ascesa di Luigi Filippo al trono, il divorzio di Joséphine da Napoleone, la caduta di Napoleone e la sua morte in esilio. 

Ovviamente queste ultime predizioni fecero accapponare la pelle all'imperatore - Napoleone era fortemente preoccupato dalla notizia della propria morte e l'interesse persistente di sua moglie per Mademoiselle Lenormand fu spesso origine di conflitti tra di loro. 

“The Empress Josephine, who, like most creoles, was very superstitious, used frequently to send for Madamoiselle le Normand to the Tuileries, and put great faith in her predictions; which she always asserted in after years had constantly been verified. But, unfortunately for the sybil, she did not content herself with telling Josephine’s fortune, but actually ventured to predict a future replete with malignant influences to the Emperor himself.2

Uno dei brevi periodi in cui la cartomante si trovò in carcere fu proprio mentre Napoleone stava divorziando dalla sua Joséphine nel 1809 per sposare Maria Luisa d'Asburgo-Lorena - matrimonio di pura convenienza, come ben sappiamo, ma che lasciò Joséphine letteralmente distrutta -
evento che la Lenormand le aveva predetto quando lesse il palmo della sua mano due anni prima, ed il fatto che ella fosse così esatta nelle sue previsioni, al punto da indicare il giorno preciso in cui si sarebbe verificato un evento (questo accadde anche in merito alla predizione del giorno della morte di Napoleone in esilio) condusse la polizia segreta francese nel 1811 a chiedere la sua collaborazione.

Nel 1820, tuttavia, Mademoiselle Lenormand lasciò Parigi decisa a cambiare vita,dando avvio ad una carriera d'autrice, scrivendo una serie di opere tra cui il Mémoires de l'Impératrice Joséphine (Memorie dell'Imperatrice Joséphine), opera comprensiva di tre volumi che contiene inoltre aneddoti circa il suo legame con l'imperatrice nonché la copia di una lettera che la stessa Joséphine le scrisse quando ella dovette affrontare la persecuzione. 

Tali memorie furono dedicate alla Zar Alessandro I, il quale, in segno di riconoscimento le fece pervenire anello di diamanti. 

Naturalmente quella di Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand fu una figura di grande fascino, tanto che sopravvisse alla sua morte occorsa nel 1843 (ella riposa nel cimitero Père Lachaise a Parigi) e persino Alexandre Dumas, autore de Les trois Mousquetaires (I tre moschettieri), la immortalò nel suo romanzo Les Blancs et les Bleus (I Bianchi e i Blu); se pensiamo che Josephine & John Bowes, collezionisti d'arte di epoca vittoriana e creatori di un museo tutt'oggi esistente, The Bowes Museum presso Barnard Castle, a Newgate, nel Regno Unito, si assicurarono la copia dell'opera scritta da Mademoiselle Lenormand, comprendiamo quanto ella divenne una figura di grande rilievo a cavallo del XVIII e del XIX secolo, non solo per il suo legame con l'imperatrice dei francesi, che peraltro fu fondamentale per la sua carriera, ma per la sua importanza in sé ci è attestata dalla presenza nel museo di un suo ritratto di Jeanne Philiberte Ledoux (1767-1840) 

che appare accanto a quelli degli imperatori.
E che questo curioso personaggio ci affascini ancor'oggi davvero suscita il mio entusiasmo !

Nella speranza di avervi coinvolti con diletto in questa lettura, vi auguro una gioiosa, piacevole giornata,

a presto 💕


Captain R. H. Gronow of the Grenadier Guards & M.P. for Stafford, Celebrities of London and Paris, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1865 


1 - 2Captain R. H. Gronow of the Grenadier Guards & M.P. for Stafford, Celebrities of London and Paris, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1865, pag.54.  

Probably the name of Mlle Lenormand means nothing to many of us today,

- picture 1

but during the Napoleonic period she was the most famous fortune teller of the whole France, virtually most famous for her skill, and being the Empress Josephine of Creole origins and therefore belonging to a culture in which so much is linked with superstitions, she could not live far from a person who was able to guide her predicting her future, which helps us to understand why the celebrity of Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand was also enhanced and enriched by the acclaim she enjoyed in the environments of the Parisian Court.

"Madamoiselle Le Normand nacque nel 1768, e fu presto conosciuta e celebrata come indovina già nel 1790. Si dice che abbia previsto alla malcapitata principessa di Lamballe la miserabile morte che l'avrebbe attesa per mano della popolazione infuriata. Si sa che spesso ricevette visite per essere consultata da Robespierre e da Saint Just; ella predisse a Danton, in quel momento idolo del popolo, la sua caduta, avvertì il famoso generale Hoche della sua morte che si sarebbe approssimata ad opera dell'azione di un veleno, preannunciò a Bernadotte un trono al nord, e a Moreau l'esilio ed una tomba prematura. "1

It is said that she also made predictions about other famous people such as the autor Germaine de Staël and Tsar Alexander I of Russia, but it was for the close bond that was born with the Empress Joséphine which Lenormand is mainly remembered for.

- picture 2

The first, beloved wife of Napoleon was strongly fascinated by the occult, thing that he lived with extreme frustration, was interested in tarot cards, the necromancy and other esoteric arts, and was so enthralled by the clairvoyant that she would become one of the closest confidants of hers; it goes without saying that through this tie such an illustrious reputation was secured in Mademoiselle Lenormand.

- picture 3 on the left - Although not everybody loved her much and she often found herself spending a few days in prison, it was always only for short periods: at first she was imprisoned for trying to save Queen Marie Antoinette from execution, on charges of having provided successfully Robespierre's execution, for having predicted the rise of Louis Philippe to the throne, the divorce of Joséphine by Napoleon, Napoleon's fall and his death in exile.

Obviously these latest predictions made the Emperor's skin crawl - Napoleon was deeply concerned by the news of his death and the continued interest of his wife for Lenormand was often a source of conflict between them.

"L'imperatrice Giuseppina, che, come la maggior parte dei creoli, era molto superstiziosa, era solita far chiamare Madamoiselle Le Normand perchè la raggiungesse alle Tuileries, e riponeva grande fiducia nelle sue previsioni che sempre sono state confermate dagli eventi degli anni a venire. Ma, purtroppo per la Sibilla, non si è limitata a predire il futuro di Josephine, ma si avventurò a prevedere un futuro ricolmo di influenze maligne anche per l'imperatore. "2

One of the shortest periods in which the fortune teller found herself in prison was just when Napoleon was divorcing from his Josephine in 1809 to marry Marie Louise of Habsburg-Lorraine - marriage of pure convenience, as we all well know, but which left Joséphine literally destroyed -

- picture 4 on the right

event that Mademoiselle Lenormand had predicted when she read the palm of her hand two years before, and the fact that she was so accurate in her predictions to the point of indicate the exact date in which an event had to take place (this also happened about the prediction of the day of Napoleon's death in exile) led the French secret police in 1811 to ask for her cooperation !

In 1820, however, Mademoiselle Lenormand left Paris decided to change her life for starting a career as a writer, writing a series of works including the Mémoires de l'Impératrice Joséphine (Memories of the Empress Joséphine), work which includes three volumes and that contains anecdotes about her bond with the Empress as well as a copy of a letter that the same Joséphine wrote to her when she had to face a real persecution.

- picture 5

These memories were dedicated to Tsar Alexander I, who, as a sign of recognition, sent her a diamond ring.

Of course, that of Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand was a figure of great charm, so much that survived her death that occurred in 1843 (she is buried in Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris) and even Alexandre Dumas, author of Les Trois Mousquetaires (The Three Musketeers) immortalized her in his novel Les Blancs et les Bleus (The Whites and the Blue); if we think that Josephine & John Bowes, art collectors living during the Victorian era and creators of a still existing museum, The Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle, Newgate, in the UK, made sure to keep the copy of the work written by Mademoiselle Lenormand, we understand how she became a figure of great importance at the turn of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries, not only for her link with the Empress of the French, which, however, was decisive to her career, but because of her importance itself, attested by the presence in the museum of a portrait of Jeanne Philiberte Ledoux (1767-1840)

- picture 6

that is shown next to those of the emperors.
And that this curious character still fascinates us today arouses my enthusiasm !

Hoping to have involved you with delight in this reading, I wish you a joyful, pleasant day,

see you soon 💕


Captain R. H. Gronow of the Grenadier Guards & M.P. for Stafford, Celebrities of London and Paris, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1865 


1 - 2Captain R. H. Gronow of the Grenadier Guards & M.P. for Stafford, Celebrities of London and Paris, London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1865, pg.54.  

62 commenti:

  1. cara dany
    non conoscevo questa storia, affascinante come sempre, non so se ti ho mai detto che mi rilassa moltissimo la musica di sottofondo appena approdo qui da te nel blog... è un po' come essere ospite nel tuo salotto, manca solo il the ... curato tutto alla perfezione solo come tu sai fare..
    ti auguro un buon lunedi pieno di gioia

    1. @ daniela
      meraviglioso e dolcissimo il tuo commento, mia cara, un vero nettare per il mio cuore ... sono tanto felice nel leggere che ti gratifica la musica, l'atmosfera, le storie che trovate qui, in quello che è realmente una sorta di salottino virtuale, lo hai detto, mia cara ... mi spiace per il tè, anche se ormai è un po' tardi te ne offrirei volentieri una tazza e lo berrei anche io così compiaciuta e deliziata dalla tua compagnia !

      E che la tua serata scorra lieta anche per te, adorabile amica mia, grazie ancora, ciò che mi hai scritto ha acceso i miei occhi di gioia ❥

  2. Come sempre i tuoi articoli sono super interessanti! Non avevo mai sentito parlare di questa Mademoiselle Lenormand e trovo che sia una figura quanto mai interessante! Soprattutto se è vero che le sue predizioni erano tanto precise e puntuali (quando di solito quelli che sostenevano di prevedere il futuro erano quasi sempre ciarlatani). Sono rimasta davvero colpita!


    1. @ Silvia
      benvenuta carissima e grazie, l'aver suscitato il tuo interesse e la tua curiosità mi rallegra nel profondo ... sì, ho letto che Mademoiselle Lenormand risultasse per molti a corte addirittura inquietante proprio perché esercitava le sue arti taumaturgiche predicendo eventi futuri con esattezza incredibile !

      Ti auguro una prosieguo di giornata piacevole e sereno e che la tua settimana rechi con sé solo tante, piccole cose per cui gioire, te lo auguro di vero cuore ringraziandoti ancora ✿*✿

  3. Hello, interesting post. I have never had my palm read, but too scared to hear bad news? Love the images and story. Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      I think that we have to live our lives day by day, trusting in God ... well, for those having Faith probably it's easier, but to know what is going to happen tomorrow I think would affect our behavior today, and I think that this would be a quite miserable life ... let's enjoy every day and consider it a blessing, darling friend of mine ... I think it's better ツ !

      I'm wishing you the most pleasant of weeks,
      sending hugs across the many miles,
      thanks most sincerely for your words both of interest and amusement *•♥♥•*

  4. Carissima, ma lo sai che anch'io sono molto curiosa per il futuro? E chi non lo è? Fortuna vuole che non lo sappiamo.... se no, chissà che vita vivremo.... Ti auguro una splendida settimana !!🤗💓

    1. @ WOODY
      Infatti !
      Come ho scritto poco fa ad Eileen qui sopra, il fatto di conoscere il futuro, per quanto possa apparirci fascinoso, condizionerebbe il nostro agire quotidiano ed appiattirebbe la nostra vita deprivandola di ogni significato !

      Ti ringrazio infinitamente per il tuo coinvolgimento, sei sempre così tanto cara e partecipe !

      Ti invio un forte abbraccio con cui ti auguro una deliziosa settimana ♡❤♡

  5. Another wonderful post, Dany, you always find the best bits of history to share with us.

    1. @ Amalia
      so very, very happy to have pleased you once more, I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      may the new week just begun bring much joy to you and your derar ones ✿⊱╮

  6. Dear Dany, I'm always fascinated by your historical posts so imagine my delight when I read that a copy of M'selle Lenormand's book is to be found at Barnard Castle a wonderful place that my husband I visited a few years ago. I think we shall have to go back so that I can see it for myself as I surely missed it the first time we were there.
    Thanks as ever for your company at MM this week.

    1. @ Maggie
      you really visited Barbard Castle ?
      For sure you had to come back and see the memories she herself wrote !!!

      So very grateful for the amusement and the interest you always fill your comment with, sweet friend,
      I'm sending blessings on your days to come ಌ•❤•ಌ

  7. What a lovely history lesson about Empress Josephine. I enjoyed it very much.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥♥♥

    1. @ Sandee
      I thank you wholeheartedly, dear friend, your enjoyment is my gladness and means so, so much to me !

      May your week be blessed with joy ༺♡❀♡༻

  8. Cara Daniela che bel personaggio mi hai fatto conoscere! Grazie di cuore. Auguro ancheca te una buona ...serata a questo punto della giornata. Qui belle Marche sotto una copiosa nevicata che non cessa da stanotte.
    Un grande abbraccio, con affetto

    1. @ Susanna
      che spettacolo ... praticamente un presepe !
      Le Marche sono da sempre tra le regioni che più amo ... le visitai in più tempi da ragazzina insieme con i miei genitori ed i mie cari nonni quando conobbi anche l'Umbria e. credimi, sono stata in luoghi che mi sono rimasti nel cuore ... immagino la poesia dei tuoi paesaggi innevati !

      Contraccambio con tutto il cuore il tuo abbraccio, speriamo che la neve non esageri e non faccia danni, ma che sia solo una delle meraviglie di cui l'inverno ci fa dono e con cui esprime parte della sua magia, grazie ... sempre ⊰✽*♥*✽⊱

  9. cara daniela ho scoperto il tuo blog il 31 dicembre ed ho letto con interesse della cena nell'iguanodonte alla faccia dei trenini! mille complimenti ho trovato un angolo di paradiso nel web un

    1. @ baby
      le tue parole mi lusingano ... grazie, sono davvero felice di donare attimi di diletto e serenità anche a te !

      Spero di ritrovarti presto qui con noi,
      per ora lascia che ti auguri una splendida settimana,
      grazie ancora per la contentezza di cui mi hai colmato il cuore ❥

  10. Dany, that was very, very interesting to read. Thank you for doing the research and compiling this for our entertainment! Listening to the beautiful music you've chosen to accompany this makes the experience of visiting your blog a lovely part of my day.

    1. @ Cyntia
      what a blessing to have you here, Sweetie !
      I'm sincerely pleased by your words of amusement, to be a nice part of your day means so much to me, indeed, it put a smile on my face and brightens my evening !

      Trusting that your week is off to a good start,
      I'm wishing you joyous and peace-filled days to come ♥♡♥

  11. sounds like she was an interesting woman, I think I would be nervous if I could predict things that would happen in the future, I wonder if she had more after she took up writing but just never shared them. That is a pretty painting of her in the last picture.

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      with you I don't like to know what is going to happen in the future even if it were certain, I do prefer living my life day by day, for sure ... following what is natural to us !

      With so much gratitude, I'm sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week, may it be as Beautiful as you, my Dearest ❀≼♥≽❀

  12. Hello Dear Dany

    I never heard of Mademoiselle Lenormand. What a fascinating story! She sounds like she had power over Josephine like Rasputin had over Alexandra.

    Hope all is well with you and that you had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New year! Tanti Auguri Felice Anno Nuovo! I appreciate all your comments on my blog



    1. @ Pat
      I'm so grateful to you, your presence here blesses this evening of mine !

      Actually I don't think that Mademoiselle Lenormand wanted to dominate Empress Josephine, even if for sure she did, but it was Josephine who was so weak of character by not wanting to take any decision before consulting her.

      Hoping that you and your so wonderful family are doing well,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you,
      may the New Year bring many blessings to you all ಌ•❤•ಌ

  13. excellent post- so pleasant a way to learn history!

    1. @ Kathe W.
      your words are music to my soul, thank you !

      *ஜ* Sending hugs and more hugs to you *ஜ*

  14. Wonderful historical post and well chosen photos ~ love the last photo with the snow falling ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a Happy Week ahead ~ ^_^

    1. @ carol l mckenna
      it is I who's thanking you, dearest friend of mine !

      Wishing you all my best for the remainder of yur week,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ❥

  15. Cara Daniela, non conoscevo questo personaggio. Ti ringrazio per la storia che hai raccontato tenendomi incollata fino all'ultima riga
    Bacioni Alessandra

    1. @ Alessandra
      sono davvero felicissima di averti intrattenuta con interesse e curiosità, non sai quanto le tue parole mi colmino il cuore di gioia !

      Ti abbraccio forte forte
      ringraziandoti ed augurandoti una lieta giornata ⊰✽*♥♡♥*✽⊱

  16. It is quite amazing to think about a palm-reader/fortune-teller having influence over political leaders, but it has happened in more recent times as well. Scary.

    1. @ Sallie
      yes, you said it, it's quite scary to me too !

      With so much gratitude for visiting and for being here always with participation and enjoyment,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you,
      sweetest friend ღ❀ღ

  17. What a fascinating story! My fortune teller experience was very different from this one, not at all accurate, and really quite a mess. I imagine I paid someone with no real talent. Alas, everyone dreams that they are somehow special.
    Love to you Dany and have a beautiful week.

    1. @ Andrea
      how absolutely delightful of you to share you own experience, I haven't any in such matter !

      Thanking you with so much joy and gratitude,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      may your days to come be as Beautiful as you, Dearie ༺♡❀♡༻

  18. What an interesting post this is, Dany!
    I've never been to a fortune teller, but I do know people who do it on a regular basis.
    Thank you for yet another great post, sweet friend.
    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.

    1. @ Lisa
      my Dearest, oh you're right, so many people are like Josephine, I mean, they don't move a step without consulting together with a fortune teller !

      So thankful for your interest and your faithful, so important friendship,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡❤♡

  19. Hello Dani,

    This is very interesting. I had no idea that a female fortune teller was that well known and powerful in the 17th century. I am always learning so much unknown history from you.

    Truly facinating.

    Sending hugs from across the pond.


    1. @ Janet
      dear, darling friend of mine, your enthralling and amusement fill my heart with joy till overflowing, they mean so much to me !

      Sending you my warmest and biggest hug,
      with all the gratitude and love I feel for you, sweetie *•♥♥•*

  20. Daniela, I enjoyed reading the history between Josephine and the fortune teller. The photos made a nice addition, too. Have a good WW!

    1. @ Cathy Kennedy
      thanks most sincerely both for visiting and for this reminder of yours, sweet friend !

      Wishing you the best of weeks,
      I'm sending love & hugs to you ✥*♥*✥ 

  21. Thanks for another interesting post, Dany, I'm always learning something new !
    Have a lovely week, my friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      thanks most sincerely for your so nice words of appreciation, my Dearest !

      Thinking of you and sending wishes for a peaceful and beauty-filled
      weekend ahead ❥

  22. As always, a fascinating story, beautifully told (as you always do) in both language and illustrations.

    Thanks for sharing Josephine's life with us, Dany, and giving us a peek into her world.

    1. @ Jeanie
      your words of prasie are too beautiful to me, sweet friend, you're so generous with me !!!

      Wishing you a most wonderful end of your week to come,
      with much, so much thankfulness ಌ•❤•ಌ

  23. Risposte
    1. @ Linda
      she really was an interesting and quite uncommon woman for sure, you're right, dear friend !

      Hoping you're having a lovely day, today,
      I'm sending blessings on your weejend ahead,
      with sincere gratitude *♥•✿•♥*

  24. Dear Dany, more education for me! I didn't know (or simply forgot) that Napoleon divorced Josephine. Can't wait to see what I learn next from your fascinating blog!

    1. @ Jean,
      my Dearest, your presence means so much to me, thank you for gracing my blog with your kindness, your delicacy and your intelligence!

      For sure, you cannot even imagine to keep in mind everything, just everything has happened in the past, allow you yourself to forget something :)
      As a teacher in History I must admit that sometimes I have to take a book of mine to check something I don't remeber very well anymore, maybe a date or a name ... I think it's normal, isn't it ?!?

      Hope you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      with utmost gratitude ♡ஐ♡

  25. Fascinating and educational for me, dear Daniela, and the photos harmonize beautifully with the story. Thank you so much for sharing, my cherished friend, and I hope you are having a great week! Love and hugs to you. :)

    1. @ Linda
      thanks most sincerely for gracing my blog today, dearest friend of mine, both with your beautiful words and with your so welcome presence here, you're a kindred soul of mine !

      Wishing you a lovely Sunday,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your new week ahead,
      may it be filled with sweetness and love ಌ❀ಌ

  26. Great choice of history lesson today. It was not my favorite subject in school, but it was not presented as interesting as you do. Always does my heart good having you drop by.

    1. @ LV
      oh, my Dearest, how I'd loved to be a teacher of yours, maybe just in History, for it's my subject for real !

      You know, you're like a ray of sun for my heart, whenever you come and visit me here, you bless it with the deepest gladness ever, thank you !

      Trusting that you're having a nice Sunday,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      may your week ahead be as beautiful as you, sweetie ✿⊱╮

  27. History is full of all kinds of things, and I did not have any idea about the history behind Josephine and this lady. Always happy to stop by and visit with you my dear friend, many blessings to you today :)

    1. @ SpicingUpIdaho
      and I'm always far too happy, indeed, overjoyed, by having you here, dear, darling Marilyn, thank you for the sweetness and the delicacy of your heart, bless you !

      With much, heartfelt gratitude,
      I'm wishing you a most beautiful new week to come

      *♥* MUCH LOVE *♥*

  28. Thank you Dany for sharing this sweet post with us at good morning Mondays. Blessings my friend

    1. @ Terri Presser
      it is I who want to thank you, both for hosting your so beautiful link-up party, always filled with inspiration and comfort, and for gracing my blog today, which truly honor me, dear friend ... it's a pity that I really cannot put this comment of yours at the bottom of the previous post, since that's the one I've shared ... it doesn't matter, sweetie, the most important thing is to have you here, you truly make my evening !

      Wishing you Love and Wonder for your week just begun,
      I'm thanking you again and again ❥

  29. My dearest, you never fail to find the most fascinating pieces of history to share with us! In my heart I embrace you and wish you blessings on your Sabbath!

    1. @ June
      your always sweet and delicate words fill my heart and bless my day, I heartily thank you, cherished friend !

      Hoping that your week is off to a good start,
      I'm sending hugs, love and blessings to you,
      with much, so much thankfulness ༺♡❀♡༻

  30. You pour so much time and care into your posts, Dany. Thank you for giving us a behind the scenes look into the life of Josephine and Napoleon. xo

    1. @ A Joyful Cottage
      it is I who thank you, dearest Nancy, and I'm doing it with my heart filled with joy and love, belive me, thank you for gracing my blog today !

      Wishing you the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs across the many miles ⊰✽*♥*✽⊱

  31. You told the story well and kept my interest throughout the entire post. Even today the great couples are having trouble with Love wanting to know their future. Some of us if we knew our future would be very distressed i'm sure
    I love the pictures

    1. @ Curtains in My Tree
      your words of praise bless my heart, I thank you wholeheartedly, dearest Janice !

      Sending blessings og joy on your weekend,
      may it be filled with joy and wonder,
      thanks most sincerely for visiting and gracing my blog today ♡❤♡
