mercoledì 3 giugno 2015

When You Wish Upon a Star .... Tenuta Geremia has become a Short Lets !

When you wish upon a star ....

Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true


( Quando esprimi un desiderio sotto di una stella / Non importa chi tu sia / Qualsiasi cosa il tuo cuore desideri / Verrà a te / Se tu metti il cuore nel tuo sogno / Nessuna richiesta è troppo esagerata / Quando esprimi un desiderio sotto di una stella / Come fanno i sognatori / Il destino è gentile / E porta a coloro che amano / Il dolce compimento di / Un loro desiderio segreto / Come un fulmine che squarcia il blu del ciel / Il destino passa e ti vede attraverso / Quando esprimi un desiderio sotto di una stella / I tuoi sogni diventano realtà )


Mai avrei solamente immaginato che un giorno, non molto lontano, il destino, complici l'amore e la collaborazione dei miei familiari, mi avrebbe consentito di trovare realizzazione a questo sogno ... Tenuta Geremia mettendo a disposizione dei propri ospiti un mini appartamento ed una stanza dove soggiornare a contatto diretto con la natura, è divenuta uno SHORT LETS !

Se è vero che la cartografia nacque agli albori dell'epoca moderna per rendere più agevoli le rotte dei primi navigatori olandesi, la carta geografica, seppur rudimentale, datata 1594 che reca indicata Tenuta Geremia è davvero una delle prime che possiamo contare; allora aveva un'altra dimensione, ben più contenuta, e si chiamava 'Casa del Vescovo', chissà che fosse parte delle proprietà del Vescovo di Acqui, nominato poi Santo, San Guido, oggi patrono della cittadina, che dimorava presso il castello di Melazzo, posto su di un'altura situata sulla sponda opposta del torrente Erro.
Ancora poco conosciuta in Italia l'attività imprenditoriale dello SHORT LETS sta andando sostituendosi a quella del B&B e sono orgogliosa di farmene promotrice per prima nella zona in cui dimoro, avendo così la possibilità di coniugare la vecchiezza degli ambienti e della struttura con l'innovazione della forma di accoglienza degli ospiti.

Sempre nel rispetto della storia che connota Tenuta Geremia abbiamo potato avanti i nostri restauri ed eccovi quello che abbiamo ottenuto ... si tratta di ambienti molto modesti, ma che spero possano mostrarvi immediatamente il senso dell'ospitalità con cui li abbiamo pensati e realizzati, cercando di trasmettere gioia e serenità a chi vorrà ed avrà piacere di soggiornarvi.


Situata a pochi chilometri da Acqui Terme Tenuta Geremia gode di una posizione favorevole a cavaliere tra l'Appennino Ligure ed il Basso Monferrato, con possibilità d numerose escursioni in luoghi ricchi di storia ed antichi castelli e fortezze. 
Con circa 100 km. potete inoltre da qui raggiungere Milano, Torino, Genova.


Tenuta Geremia si compone di più di due ettari di terreno suddivisi tra parchi e giardini, tra cui un giardino segreto ed un roseto popolato da rose antiche ed inglesi provenienti dal vivaio di David Austin.


Realizzata in parte in stile provenzale ed in parte in quello alsaziano, La Dependance è un mini appartamento di circa 50 m.quadri che consta di tre stanze ( camera matrimoniale, ingresso-soggiorno, tinello con angolo cottura ) + servizi, con ingresso indipendente con balconcino, vista sul giardino d'ingresso ed approdo diretto dal giardino situato sul retro in prossimità del viale dei cedri che occupa la parte retrostante l'ala del corpo principale della costruzione, in cui possono trovare alloggio 3 persone.


Grazie al restauro ed al recupero di antichi mobili di grande valore emotivo siamo riusciti a ricreare qui l'atmosfera di un vecchio cottage di campagna in cui i ricordi sono i veri protagonisti: la Old Cottage Room si compone di una grande stanza di oltre quindici metri quadri, la cui dimensione rettangolare ci ha concesso di creare un zona relax – con divano letto matrimoniale -, disimpegno e servizi, può accogliere fino a 4 persone ed anch'essa gode della vista sul giardino d'ingresso, quello sottostante e su parte del frutteto e si avvale dell'accesso indipendente direttamente dal giardino sul retro.

Che altro aggiungere ancora ... vi aspetto ! ( per informazioni e prenotazioni contattatemi via email all'indirizzo che trovate nel mio profilo )

Ah, dimenticavo, non smettete mai di credere ai vostri sogni !
Vi abbraccio con tutto il mio affetto.

A presto 

When you wish upon a star ....

- picture 1

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true


I would have never imagined that one day, not far away, the fate, accomplices my family's great love and cooperation, I would allow this dream to be realized ... Tenuta Geremia providing its guests a mini apartment and a room to stay in direct contact with nature, has become a SHORT LETS!

- picture 2

While the cartography was born at the dawn of the modern era in order to facilitate the routes of the first Dutch sailors, the map, albeit rudimentary, dated 1594 bearing indicated Tenuta Geremia is really one of the first that we can count; it had another dimension and another shape, then, was far more limited, and it was called 'House of the Bishop', probably it was part of the property of the Bishop of Acqui Terme, then named Santo, San Guido, now patron of the town, who lived in the Castle of Melazzo, located on a hill just on the opposite bank of the river Erro.
Still little known in Italy the entrepreneurial activity of SHORT LETS is going replacing that of the B&B and and I'm so proud to be the first first in the area where I dwell to promote it, thus having the possibility to combine the old age of the environments and the structure with the innovation of the form of receptioning guests.

Always respecting the history that characterizes Tenuta Geremia we went on with our restoration and here's what we've got ... they're very modest rooms, but which I hope they will immediately show you the hospitality with which we have designed and realized them, trying to convey joy and serenity to those who want and will have the pleasure to stay there.


Located a few kilometers from Acqui Terme Tenuta Geremia enjoys a favorable straddle between the Ligurian Apennines and the Monferrato, with the possibility of numerous excursions to places rich in history and ancient castles and fortresses. With about 100 km. you may reach Milan, Turin and Genoa too.

- picture 3


Tenuta Geremia consists of more than two hectares of land divided between parks and gardens, including a rose garden populated with lots of ancient and English roses coming from the David Austin nursery.

- picture 4

- picture 5

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- picture 9


- picture 10

Made partly in the Provencal style and partly in the Alsace one, 'La Dependance' is a flat of about 50 m.quadri which consists of three rooms (bedroom, entrance hall, living room, dining room with kitchenette) + services, with separate entrance balcony, overlooking the garden and harbor entrance directly from the garden on the back near the cedar avenue that occupies the rear wing of the main body of the building, where they can find accommodation 3 persons.

- picture 11

- picture 12

- picture 13

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- picture 15

- picture 16


- picture 17

Thanks to the restoration and the recovery of ancient furniture of great emotional value we were able to recreate here the atmosphere of an old country cottage in which memories are the real stars: the Old Cottage Room consists of a large room of more than fifteen square meters, the  rectangular size of which has allowed us to create a relaxing area - with double sofa bed -, hallway and services, and where we can host up to  4 people who can also enjoy views of the entrance garden, on the one below and on the orchard and use its independent access directly from the back garden.

- picture 18

- picture 19

- picture 20

- picture 21

- picture 22

What else yet ... I'm awaiting for you ! 
(For information and reservations please contact me via email to the address you may find in my profile)

Oh, I was forgetting to say to you: do never stop believing in your dreams !
I hug you with all my love.

See you soon 

This post is linked up to:


82 commenti:

  1. Oh my sweet Dani, what a cozy and charming little cottage. And the flowers my dear, they have truly stolen my heart. You have done a beautiful job restoring this lovely home.

    I am not sure of its exact location but it would be a dream to visit. Congrats on your venture for making your dream come true. I wish you much success sweet friend. I do hope to make it there someday.



    1. @ Janet
      thank you for your lovely words, the rooms are so simple, as ypou could see, but made with love .... you've got such a sweet heart and you put it in everything you do and say !
      I'd love so much to have you here, my beloved friend, maybe one day ....

      I'm sending much love and gratitude for the delicacy of your soul and your lovelyness, have a blessed course of the week ❤

  2. Giustissimo, mai smettere di inseguire i propri sogni. Questa incantevole dimora ne è la prova. Tutto parla di passato, di romantico, di pace e tranquillità. Un posto da favola! Complimenti di cuore per il sogno che hai realizzato e che sono certa ti darà tanta soddisfazione.Torno a riguardare il roseto e gli interni arredati con molto gusto.

    1. @ Alessandra
      per due anime romantiche e sognatrici quali noi siamo è praticamente impossibile rinunciare a sognare, non credi ?
      E poi se ci tolgono anche i sogni cosa ci rimane in cui credere ?!?
      Ti ringrazio di vero cuore per ognuna delle tue parole, sei sempre così graziosa e dolce, e ti auguro una splendida giornata carissima, e perché no, anche se con un deciso anticipo, un delizioso fine settimana ✿⊱╮

  3. Oh, wow! How truly exquisite and romantic, Daniela. :)
    Congrats on your new venture, my dear! A big hug from Novara.

    1. @ Kia
      my dearest, I've just read that you're in Novara, well ... just around the corner !
      Come and meet me, if you can, I'd love to, I'd love to so very much ...
      ஐ Sending much love to you and your dears ஐ

  4. Daniela, sono rimasta incantata. Ma che luogo incantato, che nido accogliente, romantico, dal sapore di un tempo perduto, e che io amo tanto! Lo tengo presente, e chissà mai che io possa venire un giorno.....mi piacerebbe davvero moltissimo. Complimenti per come siete riusciti a trasformare in realtà un sogno, davvero bellissimo ♥♥♥!!! Anche se non posso più realizzare un mio vecchio sogno, non ho smesso di sognare cara Daniela, e mai lo farò. Un abbraccio forte forte. Paola

    1. @ Paola
      carissima, se da un lato mi danno una gioia immensa le tue parole di sincero entusiasmo per Tenuta Geremia tanto da animare in te il desiderio di venire qui un giorno - e non immagini quanto ne sarei felice - dall'altro mi rattrista sapere che un tuo vecchio sogno non ha trovato realizzazione ... sai, credo che ognuno di noi abbia qualche grande sogno al quale ha dovuto adattarsi, con il tempo, a rinunciare, con più o meno rammarico, ma questo non giustifica, come giustamente dici tu, la rinuncia a continuare a sognare ... la vita riesce sempre e comunque, in qualche modo, a trovare come compensarci per le rinunce che ci chiede, e continua a donarci, sempre e comunque, qualcosa per cui gioire !
      Contraccambio con tutto il cuore e con tanto afetto il tuo fortissimo abbraccio per ringraziarti infinitamente e per augurarti una splendida domenica, mia dolce amica dal cuore gentile ღ*ღ

  5. Complimenti Daniela, per la tenacia ed il buongusto. Un luogo che ispira tranquillità, tutto in ordine e perfetto e..così accogliente!
    Sicuramente da ricordare visitando quella splendida zona.
    Un caro saluto Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      un caro, anzi, carissimo saluto a te, mia dolce amica, ti ringrazio di cuore per le parole di apprezzamento !
      Sì, questa nostra è davvero una zona molto ricca di storia - posta a cavaliere dell'Appennino Ligure conserva affascinanti castelli - cultura locale, folklore, vivace soprattutto in estate e mi sembra di capire che tu abbia già avuto modo di conoscerla ed apprezzarla, almeno in parte.
      Un sentito ed affettuoso ringraziamento e che la tua giornata sia colma di gioia e serenità, dolcissima ಌ•❤•ಌ

  6. There is nothing plain or simple about your beautiful cottage, Dany! What a lovely destination! My wish would be to see it with my own eyes one day. I'm so glad I stopped by for a visit this morning, my dear, your beautiful images have made a great start to my day! Blessings on your day, my dear friend!

    1. @ June
      my adorable creature, I'd love so much to have you here, one day ...I wonder if this dream of us will ever come true, anyway we're never stop to dream it, don't we ?!?
      Have a Bright and Joy-filled day, the Thanks are due to me, my precious friend ♥

  7. Ce l'hai fatta Tata!
    Bellissime anche le foto che hai fatto :)
    Un bacio

    1. @ Ross
      tesoro, il tempo, quale giudice, ci dirà se abbiamo fatto la scelta giusta ... come sai per ora ne sono più che felice !
      Che sia una Buona Giornata amore, anche se molto lunga e faticosa ... come sempre, del resto ... ❥

  8. Good morning Dany! I LOVE your house! The wooden ceiling, the teddy bear on the bed, the whole IDEA of wishing upon a star....YES! MAGIC! Thank you dearest Dany for coming to visit me! I am currently on summer vacation in Carmel by the sea, a beautiful area in Northern California. My husband and I are celebrating our 33rd anniversary and we are enjoying ourselves.

    Keep wishing my friend. ENJOY! Anita

    1. @ Anita
      you cannot imagine my surprise when I saw on my dashboard a post of yours: "She's come back" I said to myself, and I'm so very glad that sometimes you can do such wonderful surprises to me !
      So you're celebrating your anniversary, congratulation on your life together, may your future be still better for you both, just think, my dearest friend, that today, 20 years ago, my husband and I got married, so today is our anniversary too !!!
      In the hope that your project is going on in the best of ways I wish you a good time of relax, joy and love.

      ஜThank you so much for your visit, you've brigthened my evening, dearie, and let me hope that you're coming back soon with your lovely pictures and inspired words to warm our hearts ஜ

  9. Ma che bella idea Daniela hai avuto!!!,hai creato veramente un angolo di paradiso. Sono sicura che sarai anche una meravigliosa padrona di casa,qualunque ospite venga da te,troverà ciò che cerca..
    Un bacio.

    1. @ Antonella
      ti ringrazio di cuore carissima per i tuoi sempre dolcissimi pensieri e per le tue parole gratificanti ed incoraggianti, si tratta di un sogno che cullavo da tempo e che solamente ora ha trovato, con mia immensa gioia, la sua realizzazione !
      Ti abbraccio con tutto il mio affetto e ti auguro una bellissima serata ed un dolce riposo, mia splendida amica ❤*❤

  10. Oooooh! Questa sì che è una notizia fantastica! E un luogo da annotare! Potessi prenderei la prima diligenza... Complimenti vivissimi! Dalle foto traspare senz'altro l'amore per il progetto, curato nei minimi dettagli, da tenere presente per un indimenticabile viaggio!

    1. @ Elisabetta
      ... giusto, la prima diligenza :) !!!
      Non immagini cosa darei per poterti ospitare qui ... chissà che un giorno non accada davvero !
      Ti mando un grande bacio •ಌ• ♥ •ಌ•

  11. Oh my, so cosy and romantic in such a wonderful place ... congrats dear Dany !
    And yes, dreams do come true !
    Wishing you a lot of success, my sweet friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      thank you so very much for your sweet and of good omen words and your heartily wishes ... let's hope that dreams go on coming true !
      Have a joy-filled weekend, dearest friend, sending much love ≼✿*✿≽

  12. I love all the collages of flowers so pretty and that tiny coattage is so interesting.

    1. @ Margaret
      thank you for your beautiful comment !
      The cottage is the part of our home we rent to tourists for short times, the so called SHORT LETS, consisting of a little flat of almost 50 square meters, furnished according to the French Country Cottage style, and the Old Cottage Room of around 25 square meters, furnished in English Cottage style, consisting of a big bedroom with a living zone, and an antechamber.

      This was the last part of the restoration we made last Spring, but our so ancient building is truly so large, we haven't finished yet, alas !

      Sending blessings on your weekend, my sweet friend,
      with much love and thankfulness ღ❀ღ

  13. Risposte
    1. @ Tanya
      I'm always so overjoyed to welcome you here, darling friend, every wordof yours are a breath of fresh air to me !

      Enjoy the end of your week, sweetest one,
      thinking of you ✿≫♥♡♥≪✿

  14. Dany, I can't find the translator and I'm not exactly what this says. Is this your cottage? It's just lovely and cozy.

    The song takes me back to my childhood. :)

    Happy TOHOT friend.

    1. @ Stacey
      I'm so sorry you had troubles with the part in English, which is always under the one written in Italian, between it and the comments ... yes, that's the part of our ancient building which we dedicated to SHORT LETS, consisting of two little flats with independent entrance hall directly from two gardens of ours.

      Thank you a lot for your words of appreciation, you know that I'm so proud of linking my posts to your wonderful TOHOT, my loving friend !

      May your weekend be blessed with joy,
      sending you dear hugs ⊰✽*✽⊱

  15. Dani ma che bella notizia!
    Sono felicissima per te!
    Un abbraccio

    1. @ manu
      carissima, se ti trovassi a transitare dalle nostre parti, ora sai che qui puoi trovare alloggio ... nel qual caso puoi contattarmi anche via email qualche giorno prima !

      Ti abbraccio ringraziandoti come sempre per la tua dolcezza, ed augurandoti un sereno weekend di primavera,
      con tutto il cuore ♡❤♡

  16. What a gorgeous flat Dany! The blooms are truly beautiful too. Your post is such a happy addition to Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Thank you SO much for sharing the joy.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. @ Laura
      actually these are two little flats for the guests of our SHORT LETS, my wonderful friend, how I'd love you to be one of them !

      Thanking you always, more and more, for your marvellous words of appreciation, I wish you too a beautiful end of your week, dearie, may it be filled with joy and gladness ஐღஐ

  17. Dear Daniela:
    Oh what a lovely place this is and a world of beauty and charm. I love that you shared this glorious countryside!

    1. @ Bernideen
      I'm sincerely honoured by your words, when we arrived here there was only a majestic building to restore and no gardens, no flowers to enjoy ... we worked so, so very hard, but it was worth ... isn't it ?
      Your words means so much to me, sweetie, I thank you with all my heart!

      Sending blessings of joy on the end of your week,
      with utmost gratitude ❀≼♥≽❀

  18. Oh Dany my favorite song from one of my favorite movies...and what a dream you have had realized...a beautiful place, like a dream! Many hugs to you!

    and LivingFromHappiness

    1. @ Donna
      I'm so grateful to you for your so wonderful words of appreciation !

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your week, dearest friend, with so much love and gentle hugs ✿⊱╮

  19. The two flats are decorated with charm, much like I would expect from you Dany and both are very welcoming.
    I enjoyed the roses in your collage, such beauty!

    1. @ Judith
      your words of praise are so very welcome, my sweetest friend, they mean so much to me, they truly bless my heart and fill it with such a joy !
      Actually I wanted to create rooms which could transmit joy and brightness, warmth and coziness ... them both have the windows facing by one side toward the orchard and the big lawn with the old well, to the river flowing under the sun, they're so sunny in every season !

      As for the roses, they're all going to bloom, I love David Austin who gave me the chance to create my collection of English and Ancient Roses ... I have a little corner of England in my gardens, haven't I ?!?
      I wonder how beautiful your garden is, with your climate I'm sure that your flowers are enjoying such a stunning blooming !

      Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you so lovely and serene days to come, adorable friend of mine, sending love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  20. A beautiful series of romantic images. Love the wonderful interior design of the cottage.

    1. @ Gemma
      I'm truly honoured by your so beautiful words, they bless my heart with such a deep joy you cannot even imagine, my friend !

      May your day be blessed with joy, Dearest One,
      I wholeheartedly thank you ♥♡♥

  21. You truly blessed us with this lovely post of your home and surroundings.

    1. @ LV
      it's my pleasure and my delight, you're so welcome !
      These are the rooms we rent during the good season, I'm so overjoyed by your words of appreciation, sweet friend of mine !

      Hope your week is off to a great start I wish you most wonderful days to come, sending blessings of joy to you ღ❀ღ

  22. This is a great the rooms and the flowers are beautiful

    1. @ bj
      my Lovely Lady, thank you for your wonderful words, you truly make my day !

      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your week,
      may it be filled with love and joy ✿~Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ~✿

  23. I love dropping in to see your lovely home and beautiful photos.

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

    1. @ Art and Sand
      it's my pleasere, it is I who thank you, sweet friend !

      Wishing you a most lovely end of your week
      with utmost gratitude ❥

  24. Risposte
    1. @ Louca por porcelana
      you're so welcome, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

      *♥* May your Mother's Day weekend be filled with love *♥*

  25. Dear Dan I you have created a beautiful welcoming place for visitors to enjoy, surrounded by stunning countryside and amazing scenery, the David Austin roses are perfect in this setting. Thank you for sharing your delightful "short let" accommodation with us on Mosaic Monday, wishing you much success with your new venture.

    1. @ Maggie
      I thank you from the bottom og my heart, to welcome you here always put a smile on my face and bless my day !!!

      Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week,
      sending hugs, love and blessings across the many miles,
      thank you once again for your so beautiful words ⊰✽*✽⊱

  26. Wonderful flowers and a wonderful home you have as well. Thank you for linking up with "Through My Lens".

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. @ Mersad
      it is I who want to thank you, dear friend, indeed, your so beautiful words fill my heart to overflowig !

      Sending hugs and more hugs to you,
      with sincere gratitude ♡ஐ♡

  27. Risposte
    1. @ Jim
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you !

      ✥ Wishing you my best for the remainder of your week ✥ 

  28. Delightful! What a wonderful spot! I'd be dreaming, too!

    1. @ Snap
      you're too, too sweet, Dearie, I thank you wholeheartedly !!!

      May the reaminder of your week be blessed with all the joy
      and peace you deserve ⊰♥⊱

  29. Wish my dreams where like this. Of course, my nightmare dreams are a little different. These were so wonderful. You amaze me how you put all this together each time and in other languages.

    1. @ LV
      your words of admiration always leave me speechless, darling, precious friend of mine, blessed be !

      Sending blessing of joy on your day
      may it be filled with love and smiles ಌ•❤•ಌ

  30. Tenuta Geremia is a marvellous place. The decoration inside and the surrounding garden are all a visitor can wish. I wish you a great and prosperous season.

    Wow - your roses and peonies etc!!! Thank you so much dear Dany for sharing all this bliss and beauty!

    1. @ riitta k.
      it is I who want to thank you, I just love your comments, Dearie, you always seem to make my day a bit brighter !

      Wishing you a most lovely weekend ahead,
      with sincere gratitude ༺❀༻

  31. What a wonderful place ....beautiful dreams would certainly be a part of staying there. And beautiful pictures and memories.

    1. @ Sallie
      I'm always looking forward to your comments, sweet friend of mine, they lift my spirits and put a smile on my face, I heartily thank you !

      Have a wonderful fun-filled weekend,
      thinking of you with love and gratitude ♥*ஜ♡ஜ*♥

  32. Such beautiful nature photos! Lovely flowers...lovely thoughts expressed in the Disney song! The home is wonderful too...lovely place to live once in Alcase. Thank you for sharing!

    1. @ A Colorful World
      To restore these parts of our building I left myself inspire by the simplest Alsacian and Provenzal atmospheres which I thought to be the most suitable for these rooms and which I so love... after the Victorian style, they're those I do prefer !

      Hope you're having the best of weeks, sweet friend,
      I'm wishing you a weekend to come blessed with joy,
      with sincere thankfulness *•♥♥•*

  33. You always show us things we can only see in our dreams! Lovely my friend. Thanks for always making our lives more beautiful! Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. @ Diane
      your so lovely comment is like a bright ray of cheerful sunshine, thank you Dearie !!!

      Sending hugs, love and blessings on your weekend ahead,
      may it be filled with joy and wonder ✿*✿

  34. Molta Bella! Thank you so much for linking with Let's Talk Vintage! Enjoy your week! Signora Gilda

    1. @ Signora Gilda
      thank you for visiting and for leaving such a lovely comment, I'm feeling so honored by having you here at ~ My little old world ~ blessed be !

      Trusting you're having the most pleasant of weeks,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ❥

  35. How wonderful to have your dreams come true, my dear Dany! Your little cottage is truly delightful and would be a joy for any visitor to stay there, creating lovely memories of their stay. The gardens are delightful and the song so perfect! Lovely photos, as always. Sending hugs and blessings for your new venture! xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      how absolutely delightful of you to write such wonderful words, dear, dearest friend of mine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

      May your day be filled with joy and smiles,
      I'm thinking of you with so much gratitude ♥∗✿∗♥

  36. Risposte
    1. @ messymimi
      it would be really a dream to me too to welcome you here at Tenuta Geremia Short Lets, don't forget it if you should come to Italy one day, Sweetie !

      So very glad you loved it,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡❤♡

  37. Risposte
    1. @ Kathe W.
      I thank you wholeheartedly !

      Wishing you a most lovely day, today,
      and even most beautiful days to come,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ⊰✽*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*✽⊱

  38. Thank you so much for linking to Blue Monday. Wishing you all the best!

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      it's my pleasure, dear friend, indeed, thank you for gracing my blog today !!!

      With sincere gratitude - for your good wishes too,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead ✿⊱╮

  39. You have created a beautiful haven. I must find where this is on the map and maybe one day I shall enjoy it Thank you for sharing.

    1. @ Joyful
      it woould be such a joy to me to welcome you in our little corner of the World, Dear Friend!

      In the hope that one day our fate will allow it to us,
      I'm sending much love to you,
      with heartfelt gratitude ❥

  40. Beautiful, beautiful. I enjoyed this post so much!
    Many hugs

    1. @ Annie
      you cannot imagine the happiness which you're filling my heart with, Dearie, I thank you wholeheartedly!

      Sending blessings on your Sunday,
      and on your new week ahead,
      I'm thanking you from the deep of my heart once again ಌ•❤•ಌ

  41. How lovely is your home. Congrats! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    1. @ The Charm of Home
      I'm sincerely glad and honoured by having you here this morning, sweet friend, both with your so lovely presence and your beautiful words you truly make my day!
      The rooms you've seen in this blog post are those where I do host my guests, those belonging to my Short Lets, they're quite simple, but hope cozy and make people feel comfortable,... we've restored and furnished that part of our home with so much love and care!
      And they've a special place in my heart, I'm so, so happy you loved them!

      Wishing you a joy-filled day,
      Sweet Sherry,
      with utmost gratitude ❀≼♥≽❀
