giovedì 10 aprile 2014


L'epoca vittoriana ci ha lasciato in eredità dei piccoli capolavori, di molti dei quali non siamo neppure consapevoli ...

conseguenzialmente alla suddivisione in classi e alla differenze del modo in cui veniva impartita l'educazione, oggi possiamo giovarci dell'ammirare tali opere d'arte ...

Erano le ladies appartenenti all'aristocrazia, quelle che siamo soliti immaginare a trascorrere le loro giornate sorseggiando pigramente tazze di tè con le amiche con cui condividere pettegolezzi e discorrere sui migliori partiti da conquistare per combinare matrimoni di successo, che passeggiavano con la mente sgombra tra i vialetti dei loro parchi godendo dell'accurato lavoro dei giardinieri e suonavano il piano per allietare il dopocena di parenti e conoscenti invitati ad opulenti desinare, ... sì, erano queste signore facenti parte delle classi agiate che trovavano il tempo per collezionare amabilmente le fotografie che più avevano care creando delle vere e proprie composizioni artistiche in cui dare libera espressione alla loro creatività:

tra applicazioni floreali, acquerelli e disegni geometrici che sembrano celare un significato simbolico le fotografie si uniscono per divenire quadri di grande effetto e suggestività.

Non solo erano necessari tempo, cura e pazienza, ma era fondamentale anche una grande inclinazione artistica, che, come sappiamo, permeava di sè quasi ogni ambito della vita quotidiana di coloro che avevano la fortuna di non doversi preoccupare della propria sopravvivenza.
Non se ne fa menzione da alcuna parte, ma per me coloro che hanno dato vita a questi affreschi, rendendo dei semplici ritratti parte integrante di scene dalla profonda artisticità, erano delle vere artiste dotate altresì di notevole senso estetico e talento.

Ladies di cui si ignora perloppiù il nome, vissute per la maggior parte nella Gran Bretagna nel tardo ottocento, ci consegnano questi piccoli gioielli che possono essere annoverati tra le opere d'arte che il XIX secolo ha, in più ambiti, dispensato con unica prodigalità.

E pensare che al tempo quello del comporre i photocollages era considerato un hobby ... Con più li osservo e con più ne sono affascinata, cogliendo, come nella contemplazione di un quadro, caratteristiche e particolari sempre nuovi ed accattivanti.

Gran parte di questi photocollages vittoriani li trovate nell'album di Madame B - Marie Blanche Hennelle Fournier e qualora foste interessati qui potete sfogliarlo per intero ( ve lo consiglio vivamente, è davvero splendido !).

E con le ultime immagini di questa piccola galleria di rara bellezza vi lascio augurandovi con affetto tanta serenità

A presto 

The Victorian era has left us a legacy of small masterpieces, many of which we are not even aware of ...

- picture 1

in consequence to the division into social classes, and the differences in the way in which education was imparted, today we can take advantage to admire these works of art ...

- picture 2

- picture 3

- picture 4

- picture 5

They were the ladies belonging to the aristocracy, those we usually imagine while spending their days sipping lazily cups of tea with friends with whom to share gossips and talk about the best parties to be conquered for successful marriages, who were walking with a clear mind between the paths of their parks enjoying the gardeeners's accurate work and played the piano to entertain, after opulent dinner, relatives and acquaintances who were guests ... yes, were these ladies, who were part of the upper classes, who found the time to collect so amiably photographs they loved most by creating real artistic compositions in which give free expression to their creativity:

- picture 6

- picture 7

- picture 8

- picture 9

- picture 10

among floral sticked trimmings, watercolors and geometric designs that seem to conceal a symbolic meaning, the photographs are combined to become cadres of highly effective and suggestiveness.

- picture 11

- picture 12

- picture 13

- picture 14

- picture 15

They weren't only necessary time, care and patience, but it was also required as fundamental a great artistic inclination, which, as we know, self-permeated almost every aspect of daily life of those who had the good fortune of not having to worry about their own survival. 

It is mentioned nowhere, but in my opinion those who have given life to these frescoes, making simple portraits an integral part of scenes from the deep artistry, were real artists with aesthetic sense and also of considerable talent.

- picture 16

- picture 17

- picture 18

Ladies mainly with unknown name, living mostly in Britain in the late XIXth century, have left us these little gems that can be counted among the works of art that the Victorian age has, in many areas, given with generous prodigality.

And what about if we think that, at that time, composing photocollages was considered a hobby ... With more and more I look at them more I'm fascinated, seizing, as in the contemplation of a picture, features and details which are always new and appealing. 

Many of these Victorian photocollages can be found in the Madame B - Marie Blanche Fournier Hennelle's album and if you are interested you can browse it here in full (I highly recommend it, it really is wonderful ! ). 

And with the latest images of this small gallery of rare beauty I'm leaving you wishing you all with love much peace 

- picture 19

- picture 20

- picture 21

- picture 22

- picture 23

See you soon 

This post is joining the link-up party at:



42 commenti:

  1. Cara Daniela, riesci sempre a trovare qualcosa con cui incantarci!
    Grazie per gli attimi magici che ci doni

    1. @ Mavi
      grazie a te mia cara, per tutto ciò che mi dai !!
      Un fortissimo abbraccio * ❤ *

  2. ma che belli questi collage originali! Il mio preferito? Le papere con le facce! ahah!
    Un saluto!

    1. @ Mug
      nella loro originalità, in stile romantico, d'impronta 'avant guarde' o umoristica, sono tutti splendidi, io non saprei davvero quale scegliere, da che li ho conosciuti tempo fa ne sono realmente innamorata ... quello che preferisci di tu di tutti è il più estroso in assoluto :D !
      Un bacio e un grazie grande grande per essere passata a trovarmi mia cara, trascorri un pomeriggio sereno e, qualora non avessimo l'occasione di rincontrarci prima, ti auguro con un generoso anticipo di trascorrere un bellissimo weekend di primavera ♡

  3. Cara Daniela, ogni tuo post è una sorpresa , che riesce a catturare il mio interesse come non mai!
    Composizioni originali e molto curate nei particolari... una specie di "scrapbooking ante litteram" , che ritengo un modo di "abbracciare" le proprie foto con amorevole fantasia.
    Ti auguro un piacevole pomeriggio ,

    1. @ Franca
      se solo potessi dare voce a tutta la gioia che mi ha colmato il cuore non appena ho letto le tue parole, mia splendida amica !!!
      Auguro anche a te una serata lieta che ti dia anche solo una parte della serenità che tu con questo commento hai dato a me ... sarebbe sufficiente per farti gioire nel profondo, grazie ✿⊱╮

  4. So interesting. I never saw anything like these photographs.
    Wonderful post my friend!

    1. @ annie
      I'm far too happy you've enjoyed this reading ... actually, this is a post more to watch than to read ...
      I thank you so much for your words, my dear, your appreciations are very important to me, you're such a kind soul !
      A big big hug ⊰♥⊱

  5. Cara amica che interessanti questi lavori, alcuni sembrano facce di caleidoscopi così ben costruiti che sicuramente manifestano il talento artistico di queste Signore d'altri tempi. Le mie preferite sono quelle floreali! Spesso mi soffermo nel pensare come dovevano essere le giornate di queste Signore fra una passeggiata, un ricamo, un te con i conoscenti, un ricevimento, una lettura e il dedicarsi ad altre forme d'arte come queste oltre a gestire le loro case. Per non parlare dei letteratura ne ha più volte rappresentato lo stile di vita e davvero credo che la loro qualità di vita fosse migliore di quella dei giorni nostri..almeno al netto dell'aspetto medico-sanitario e dei matrimoni imposti..di questo e altro mi piacerebbe tanto discorrere con te. Ti auguro un sereno fine settimana e ti abbraccio. Laura

    1. @ Laura
      meraviglioso pensare a quel mondo e a come allora si svolgeva la vita, mi affascina così tanto !!
      Sai, devo confessarti che l'avere dato vita a questo spazio mi ha dato e continua a darmi l'opportunità di conoscere e "frequentare" persone splendide con le quali immagino un giorno di potermi incontrare, perchè tanti sono gli interessi e le curiosità che ci accomunano .. tu sei una di queste, grazie ♡
      ❦ Che sia un fine settimana colmo di cose liete anche per te mia carissima amica ❦

  6. These photo collages are amazing, Dany !
    I browsed through the album, oh my, so creative, real art work !
    I saw one with the cutest cat photos !
    Thanks for sharing, dear friend ...
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. @ Sylvia
      honestly when I was putting together this post looking for the photos that seemed most original I thought of you because I was sure you'd be thrilled, your artistic sense is remarkable and indisputable, my dear .. I too love the photo with cats, but actually I like a lot all of them, really !
      I'm really happy that you enjoyed browsing the album, I think it to be truly charming !
      Good night my friend, enjoy the weekend coming ღ♥ ♥ღ

  7. Dany! How wonderful! I do not think I have every seen anything like these before. They are lovely - well, except for the ducks and turkey, which made me chuckle. I do not think my family would enjoy being made a head of a duck! But you have inspired me to do something like this with my family photos! You always find such beautiful things to share with us, my friend! Thank you!

    1. @ June
      actually, those with the ducks and the turkey are quite fun, you're right, but I think them to be significative as works of art.
      I'm truly glad I've inspired you with this post, my dear friend, and glad to read that you find nice to come here and visit me, you're so important to me !
      A big hug for thanking you with all my heart ⊰♡⊱

  8. How wonderful these are, Dany!
    I was just watching a show on television last night, about photography in the Victorian era. It was so interesting.

    I wish you a beautiful weekend, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      my dear, your visits and your words always bring me a breath of true joy !
      ஐ Thank you so much for what you mean to me ஐ

  9. Hello sweet Daniela. I learn something new each time I visit your pretty blog. I have never seen images such as the ones which you have shared with us. Women were not typically allowed to participate in any craft. The images are very artistic and very modern for their time.

    Thank you for sharing this bit of history with us. Feliz pascua



    1. @ Janet
      my dear friend, you're perfectly right, probably there handiworks are much more appreciated today than in the Victorian era when they were made; at that age, as you say, except for rare cases, it wasn't attribuited to women any artistic attitude ... that's why these little masterpieces were preserved in personal albums discovered casually, they weren't shown to anyone, were kept as a personal diary, as personal treasures.
      With love I wish a Happy Easter to you too my dear, you're so adorable ❥ !

  10. Dear Dany this was very interesting! I never knew that Victorian women did this as a hobby. It is a vintage version of the photo collages we now make with scrapbook craft supplies or on our computers. I'm sure photographs were particularly treasured in those days! Thanks for another wonderful post!



    1. @ Pat
      thank you, my dear, I love to surprise and arouse enthusiasm in my friends and readers, I was sure you'd appreciated this vintage form of art !!!
      One more time I'm asking you to forgive my delay in giving my answer, pray, have a lovely Sunday, dearest friend ♡♡♡

  11. There are so interesting, Daniela! These photo-collages are true little gems. :) Madame B's album is so pretty, thank you for the link.

    1. @ Kia
      you're right, my dear, they're little works of art contained in a precious coffer, I also think them to be truly unique and so very precious, I'm so glad you've appreciated them !
      Sending much love to you all ღ*ღ

  12. Dear Dani:
    I have never seen so many unique collages with people - the ducks made me laugh. This is quite unusual. You have so many clever presentations. Thanks for sharing and linking. That would be a darling idea for "babies" I think as a keepsake.

    1. @ Bernideen
      this comment of yours, filled with enthusiasm and amusement, touches me in the deep, I thank you most sincerely - your idea about a keepsake for babies is truly great !

      Hope your week is off to a good start I wish you all my best for your days to come, dearie, sending you my dearest hugs ♡ஐ♡

  13. Such beautiful work! This gives me so much inspiration!

    1. @ Lisa
      I'm so overjoyed by your words, trey really fill my heart, my dearest one !

      Hope you're enjoying your week I wish you most wonderful days to come, sweet friend, sending blessings of joy to you ❥

  14. These are fantastic and so delicate Dany! They remind me of the romantic glossy pictures I had as a little girl. Every girl had a tiny book and we glued our gift glossies there with a sweet poem - mainly promising to be friends for ever.

    Thank you so much for sharing. I have never seen these before. Have a lovely week ❤︎

    1. @ riitta
      precious friend, your words of enthusiasm put a smile on my face and make me feel in such high spirits, and besides, to have recalled to your mind such a lovely time makes me feel sincerely glad, thank you !

      Si very pleased by your lovely words,
      I'm wishing you too a beautiful remainder of your week, dearie *•♥♥•*

  15. Risposte
    1. @ Louca por porcelana
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, sweet friend, your beautiful words put me in high spirits!

      Wishing you a most lovely week to come,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  16. These are really amazing Dany. I love them! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      I'm so glad to read that you loved them, they're all wonderful, aren't they?

      With utmost gratitude
      both for your so welcome visit and lovable kindness
      I'm sending my dearest love across the many miles ♡ஐ♡

  17. These are truly works of art, dear Dany! And such elegant and beautiful ladies. I had not seen photo collages like these before. Thank you for sharing them with us dear! Big hugs and love, xx

    1. @ Wen Sylvestre
      I'm so, so glad that you loved it, your so beautiful words of enjoyment and appreciation make my day, I thank you wholeheartedly, Dearie!

      Wishing you a lovely day, today,
      and a weekend ahead filled with joy and wonder ✿⊱╮

  18. ...Oh Dany, what a collection of treasures! The Victorians certainly had style. Thanks for sharing at Tuesday's Treasures, enjoy your week and please stop back again.

    1. @ Tom
      dear friend of mine, you're right, these are truly treasures to us loving everything talking about the past... I wonder the patience and the time which were nedeed to create such wonders...

      Thanking you from the bottom of my heart
      - you're always so kind! -
      I'm sending my dearest hug across the many miles ⊰✽*♥*✽⊱

  19. Very interesting. I must say the ducks with women's heads are rather creepy looking!

    1. @ Linda
      actually we all don't have the same tastes, and it's a fortune, we must say, that's why I suppose the woman who did this so artistic photocollage had an unusual artistic talent, expecially if we think about the time in which it was made!

      Thanking you so much both for visiting and for commenting,
      I'm sending blessings on your way, Sweetie ༺♡❀♡༻

  20. Dany, What a stunning album of old photos. Such interesting presentation ideas! That museum would be such fun to visit in person.
    Have a great week,

    1. @ Jesse
      I heartily thank you for your so kind and nice words, to read your appreciation bless my heart, dear friend!

      Thanking you once again,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ♥♡♥

  21. These are so lovely. I'm afraid my feelings about these ladylike pursuits have been colored by reading Jane Austen with her bored and desperate female protagonists, but thank heavens women from that era had an "acceptable" past time that brought some beauty into their lives.

    1. @ Michele Morin
      I welcome you with a big hug, dearest friend of mine, thank you for gracing my blog today!

      With utmost gratitude
      I'm sending blessings on the remainder of your Sunday
      and on your new week ahead,
      may it be filled with joy and smiles ❥
