"Well do I remember the time when I thought there were two kinds of people in the world - children and grown-ups - and the world really belonged to the children.
And I think it is because I have been more or less a gardener all my life ..." 1
(Ricordo bene il tempo in cui pensavo che al mondo vi fossero due categorie di persone - bambini ed adulti - e che il mondo appartenesse decisamente ai bambini. E questo credo perchè più o meno sono una giardiniera da sempre ...)
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, London 1908,
Più approfondisco la conoscenza di questa Lady della Londra Vittoriana, divenuta già all'età di cinque anni figlia del Surrey e delle sue verdi lande, più sono colta dalla meraviglia suscitata da quanto la Miss Jekyll che conoscevo da tempo come paesaggista, progettatrice e realizzatrice di giardini da sogno, fosse invece una talentuosa e sensibile artista in senso lato e nel senso più appropriato del termine ... ed ho da poco realizzato che tra le altre cose la sua profonda sensibilità le aveva rivelato l'arcano che vuole che la Natura e l'Infanzia non siano altro che due aspetti di una stessa meravigliosa verità che ci appartiene.
Questa è stata la prima realtà che mi è emersa dalla lettura del suo "Children and Gardens" pubblicato nel 1908, non so dirvi con esattezza se si tratti di un testo indirizzato a fanciulli o ad adulti, anche se credo che lo abbia scritto pensando innanzitutto ai fanciulli, ma posso con ogni certezza dirvi che meraviglia ed incanta alla stregua di un libro di fiabe.
Ripercorrendo i primi anni della propria infanzia, Miss Jekyll mette a conoscenza il lettore di come sia avvenuta questa sua presa di coscienza della Natura e delle sue meraviglie in una continua scoperta quotidiana, quando, giunto il momento in cui i fratelli in compagnia dei quali era cresciuta trascorrendo ogni giorno tra giochi e scorribande ( l'unica sorella aveva sette anni più di lei e perciò crebbe in compagnia di quattro fratelli maschi con atteggiamenti che ella stessa descrive più da ragazzaccio che da ragazzina ) dovettero cominciare a frequentare la scuola; fu così che a dorso del suo pony Toby ed in compagnia del suo cane Crim la piccola Gertrude esplorava la meravigliosa campagna e gli specchi d'acqua che circondavano la vecchia casa nel Surrey,
scoprendo, giorno dopo giorno, qualcosa di nuovo per cui provare stupore ed amore "... when my brothers went to school I had to find my own amusements. There was a dear old pony Toby and the dog Crim, and we three used to wander away into the woods and heaths and along all the little lanes and by - paths of our beautiful country. Soon I came to notice the wild flowers and wanted to now about them; but had no one to tell me till I was given a capital book that you will hear about presently. But I had got to know them as friends long before I could find out what their names were." 2 - ... quando i miei fratelli andarono a scuola dovetti trovare come divertirmi da sola. C'era al tempo un caro vecchio pony, Toby ed il cane Crim, e noi tre eravamo soliti vagare tra praterie e boschi e lungo gli argini degli stagni della nostra bellissima campagna. Notai presto i fiori spontanei e volli saperne di più, ma non vi era nessuno in grado di aiutarmi finchè non mi fu donato un magnifico libro di cui sentirete parlare attualmente. Ma dovetti fare a lungo amicizia con loro prima di imparare i loro nomi. -
Più ci si addentra nella lettura e più ci si rende conto di avere di fronte un vero e proprio testo di valore pedagogico che espone i principi su cui si reggevano le teorie della pedagogia ottocentesca e che ancor oggi sono capisaldi della pedagogia moderna, da Froebel in Germania a Pestalozzi in Svizzera alle sorelle Agazzi in Italia che vedevano fondamentale per lo sviluppo psicologico, emotivo, sociale ed intellettuale del bambino il contatto con la Natura, ma se supponiamo che Gertrude Jekyll, con ogni probabilità, non disponeva di competenze specifiche in materia, viene da pensare che realmente quando una persona è dotata di marcata sensibilità entra nel cuore delle cose, così come, immediatamente, entra nel cuore delle persone.
Miss Jekyll, memore del suo giardino che condivideva con la sorella maggiore
"Great was my pride and delight when I was first given a garden of my own, to do just what I liked with. [ ...] Here is a plan of the garden, or rather of the two gardens, for mine and my sister's were togeteher, end to end."3 - Grandi furono il mio orgoglio e la mia gioia quando mi fu fatto dono di un giardino tutto mio, del quale poter fare ciò che più desideravo [ ... ] Eccovi una piantina del giardino, o meglio dei due giardini, poichè il mio e quello di mia sorella finirono con il diventare tutt'uno. -
suggerisce di scegliere uno spazio, all'interno del giardino di casa, da lasciare a completa disposizione dei fanciulli: il piccolo giardino dovrebbe essere preparato in autunno affinchè i tepori della primavera scoprano i primi germogli ed i fanciulli maturino cura ed ambizione per mantenerlo ( "The late summer or early autumn is the time to begin the little garden. The ground should be got ready not later than September, so that it will have time to settle down before it is planted. Every detail should be exactly thought out beforehand, in order that, by the end of October or beginning of November, the plants may be put in their places."4 - La tarda estate o l'inizio dell'autunno sono il periodo propizio per avviare il piccolo giardino. Il terreno dovrebbe essere pronto non più tardi di settembre in modo che, con la fine di ottobre o i primi di novembre, le piante possano essere poste a dimora. - ) e, sempre in questo spazio, di collocare una piccola costruzione interamente dedicata a loro: guardate la piantina del progetto che aveva in mente questa donna dalle incredibili e straordinarie qualità ..
ella aveva in mente una piccola 'dimora' , una 'play-house', una casa per giocare fornita di cucina, in cui poter 'pasticciare' con la terra e fare le prime esperienze con semplici ricette, conserve, insalate ed un soggiorno in cui chiacchierare magari degustando il tè appena preparato, entrambi arredati con pochi, essenziali mobili che i fanciulli avrebbero potuto integrare con quanto di meglio gradivano; fondamentale, in cucina o nel portico, la presenza di un banco da lavoro con una spalliera cui appendere i primi, indispensabili, attrezzi per i giardinaggio, il vero momento del dialogo con la Natura: imparare a conoscere il profumo della terra, toccarla con le dita, e soprattutto esperire la fatica nel lavorarla e la soddisfazione nel vedere crescere ciò che si è coltivato altro non sono che una metafora della vita stessa ..
"A good straight of digging in clear ground for half an hour at a time will soon train the young hands and arms and backs. [...] It is important that the children should be provided with proper tools. [...] The tools should be made by a clever country blacksmith, and the handles carefully adapted to the use of the little hands; perfectly smooth but not varnished . [...] The necessary tools are spade, rake, hoe, a little wooden trug - basket, and a blunt weeding - knife; a good cutting knife, a trowel, a hand - fork, and a little barrow: there will also be wanted some raffia for tying, some hazel sticks, and a little white paint. A tiny tool - shed with a well lightened fixed bench, is most desirable, the tools hanging on their proper places on the wall. Tools should never be put away dirty."5 - Una buona dose di 'scavatura' in piena terra per mezz'ora il giorno allenerà presto le giovani mani e le braccia e la schiena. [...] E 'importante che i bambini siano dotati di strumenti adeguati. [...] Gli strumenti devono essere prodotti da un capace fabbro del villaggio, ed i manici accuratamente adattati all'uso di piccole mani, perfettamente lisci, ma non verniciati [...] Gli strumenti necessari sono una vanga, un rastrello, una zappa, un cesto di legno a foggia di secchiello, ed un coltello per diserbare sagomato, un buon coltello per tagliare, una paletta, una forca con manico corto, ed una carriola: saranno anche necessari un po' di rafia per legare, alcuni bastoni di nocciolo, e un po' di vernice bianca. Una piccola tettoia per gli attrezzi con una panchina fissa bene in luce, cui appendere gli attrezzi al loro posto sarebbe auspicabile. Gli attrezzi non devono mai essere riposti sporchi . -
Quante cose è ispirato a fare un fanciullo se si trova a colloquiare con la Natura ..
Miss Jekyll suggerisce come preparare mazzi di fiori da portare all'interno della casetta e conservare in vaso e come confezionare una sfera di primule,
insegna a ricavare i semi a fine fioritura da ripiantare a in autunno
dà i primi rudimenti di botanica, insegna a sfoltire le piante troppo vigorose, elenca le varie avventure che si possono vivere in giardino, come scoprire nidi di ricci, pipistrello ed uccelli e suggerisce di non fare a meno di ospitare animali domestici in giardino, nello specifico parla dei suoi amati pussies, per il diletto che provano loro nel seguire le nostre attività all'aperto e a prendervi parte e per quello che ne traiamo noi dalla loro giocosa compagnia.
"My garden would not be the half pleasure it is to me without my pussies. I hope you love them as much as I do. They are perfect garden companions. When I am out at work there is sure to be one or other of them close by, lying on my jacket or on a bench if there is one near. When it is Tabby, if there is an empty basket anywhere handy he is certain to get into it. When I take one of my baskets for flowers - of the pattern that I invented and always use - if I put it down for a moment Tabby takes possession. One day I was bringing the basket home full of Hydrangeas, and put it down to see if there were any figs ripe. I did not see what was going on behind my back, but when I turned round to take up the flowers there he estabilished in the basket; some of the Hydrangeas were pushed out on the grass, and Tabby has composed himself to sleep among the rest."6 - Il mio giardino non mi darebbe neppure la metà della letizia che mi dà se non vi fossero i miei pussies. Spero che li amiate quanto me. Sono perfetti compagni di giardino. Quando sono fuori al lavoro vi è sicuramente o l'uno o l'altro vicino a me, sulla mia giacchetta o su di una panchina se ve n'è una nelle vicinanze. Quando si tratta di Tabby, se da qualche parte c'è un cestino (con il manico) vuoto, sicuramente ci s'infila. Quando prendo uno dei miei cesti per i fiori, del tipo che ho creato e che sempre uso, se lo poso per un attimo, Tabby ne prende immediatamente possesso. Un giorno stavo riempiendo il cesto di casa con delle Hydrangeas e lo posai a terra per controllare se vi fossero dei fichi maturi. Non vedevo quello che stava accadendo alle mie spalle, ma quando mi voltai per riprendere i fiori, lui si era già sistemato nel cesto; alcune Hydrangeas le aveva spinte fuori sull'erba e si era accomodato per dormire su quelle rimaste. -
Guardate infine lo spirito di osservazione di un'artista, che mai si sopisce .. osservando con una fanciulla del villaggio cuccioli di gatto dentro una cesta o attorno una ciotola, ci dice infine Miss Jekyll, fu portata a notare che spesso essi si dispongono, privi di ogni consapevolezza, a comporre forme che rispettano con esattezza quasi strabiliante le regole della simmetria!
Ebbene sì, avrete sicuramente capito che ho trovato questo libro entusiasmante, delizioso, di una dolcezza e di una poesia incredibili e mi sento di consigliarne la lettura a tutti, grandi e piccini, ma penso che soprattutto, per quanto in fatto di psicopedagogia mi appartiene, che genitori ed insegnanti di scuola materna vi possano attingere utili spunti e suggerimenti.
Se siete interessati vi è qui la possibilità di leggerlo on-line, non mancate di farvi un salto, da qui ho tratto le citazioni e le fotografie delle pagine.
Vi abbraccio di cuore e vi saluto con affetto.
A presto ♥
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, with one hundred and six illustrations by the author., published in 1908 by Offices of 'Country life', ltd., C. Scribner's sons in London, New York .
1 - pag. 1
2 - pag. 2
3 - pag. 65
4 - pag. 10
5 - pag. 9 - 10
6 - pag. 98
dà i primi rudimenti di botanica, insegna a sfoltire le piante troppo vigorose, elenca le varie avventure che si possono vivere in giardino, come scoprire nidi di ricci, pipistrello ed uccelli e suggerisce di non fare a meno di ospitare animali domestici in giardino, nello specifico parla dei suoi amati pussies, per il diletto che provano loro nel seguire le nostre attività all'aperto e a prendervi parte e per quello che ne traiamo noi dalla loro giocosa compagnia.
"My garden would not be the half pleasure it is to me without my pussies. I hope you love them as much as I do. They are perfect garden companions. When I am out at work there is sure to be one or other of them close by, lying on my jacket or on a bench if there is one near. When it is Tabby, if there is an empty basket anywhere handy he is certain to get into it. When I take one of my baskets for flowers - of the pattern that I invented and always use - if I put it down for a moment Tabby takes possession. One day I was bringing the basket home full of Hydrangeas, and put it down to see if there were any figs ripe. I did not see what was going on behind my back, but when I turned round to take up the flowers there he estabilished in the basket; some of the Hydrangeas were pushed out on the grass, and Tabby has composed himself to sleep among the rest."6 - Il mio giardino non mi darebbe neppure la metà della letizia che mi dà se non vi fossero i miei pussies. Spero che li amiate quanto me. Sono perfetti compagni di giardino. Quando sono fuori al lavoro vi è sicuramente o l'uno o l'altro vicino a me, sulla mia giacchetta o su di una panchina se ve n'è una nelle vicinanze. Quando si tratta di Tabby, se da qualche parte c'è un cestino (con il manico) vuoto, sicuramente ci s'infila. Quando prendo uno dei miei cesti per i fiori, del tipo che ho creato e che sempre uso, se lo poso per un attimo, Tabby ne prende immediatamente possesso. Un giorno stavo riempiendo il cesto di casa con delle Hydrangeas e lo posai a terra per controllare se vi fossero dei fichi maturi. Non vedevo quello che stava accadendo alle mie spalle, ma quando mi voltai per riprendere i fiori, lui si era già sistemato nel cesto; alcune Hydrangeas le aveva spinte fuori sull'erba e si era accomodato per dormire su quelle rimaste. -
Guardate infine lo spirito di osservazione di un'artista, che mai si sopisce .. osservando con una fanciulla del villaggio cuccioli di gatto dentro una cesta o attorno una ciotola, ci dice infine Miss Jekyll, fu portata a notare che spesso essi si dispongono, privi di ogni consapevolezza, a comporre forme che rispettano con esattezza quasi strabiliante le regole della simmetria!
Ebbene sì, avrete sicuramente capito che ho trovato questo libro entusiasmante, delizioso, di una dolcezza e di una poesia incredibili e mi sento di consigliarne la lettura a tutti, grandi e piccini, ma penso che soprattutto, per quanto in fatto di psicopedagogia mi appartiene, che genitori ed insegnanti di scuola materna vi possano attingere utili spunti e suggerimenti.
Se siete interessati vi è qui la possibilità di leggerlo on-line, non mancate di farvi un salto, da qui ho tratto le citazioni e le fotografie delle pagine.
Vi abbraccio di cuore e vi saluto con affetto.
A presto ♥
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, with one hundred and six illustrations by the author., published in 1908 by Offices of 'Country life', ltd., C. Scribner's sons in London, New York .
1 - pag. 1
2 - pag. 2
3 - pag. 65
4 - pag. 10
5 - pag. 9 - 10
6 - pag. 98
"Well do I remember the time when I thought there were two kinds of people in the world - children and grown-ups - and the world really belonged to the children. And I think it is beacuase I have been more or less a gardener all my life ..."
- picture 1
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, London 1908, 1
More I deepen the knowledge of this Lady of the Victorian London, who, at the age of five, became daughter of Surrey and of its green lands, more I am caught by the wonder aroused by what the Miss Jekyll whom I knew for a long time as a landscaper, a dream garden designer and realizer, was instead a talented and sensitive artist in the broadest and in the more appropriate sense of the term ... and I just realized that among the other things, her deep sensitivity had revealed her the secret that wants the Nature and Children to be simply two aspects of the same wonderful truth that belongs to us !
This was the first reality that has emerged to me from the reading of her "Children and Gardens " published in 1908, I cannot tell you exactly whether it's a text addressed to children or to adults, although I think she wrote it thinking first and foremost to children, but I can tell you with any certainty that it wonders and enchants like a storybook .
- picture 2
- picture 3
Tracing the early years of her childhood, Miss Jekyll makes the reader aware of how her consciousness of Nature and its wonders has occured in a continuous daily discovery, when, at the time in which her brothers, in the company of whom she was grown up spending every day between games and raids (the only sister was seven years older than her and therefore she grew up in the company of four male with attitudes most proper of a boy than a young girl, as she herself said) had to begin to attend school, on the back of her pony Toby and together with her dog Crim, the little Gertrude began to explore the beautiful countryside and the pounds surrounding the old house in Surrey,
- picture 4
discovering something new every day which feel amazement and love for "... when my brothers went to school I had to find my own amusements. There was a dear old pony Toby and the dog Crim, and we three used to wander away into the woods and heaths and along all the little lanes and by - paths of our beautiful country. Soon I came to notice the wild flowers and wanted to now about them; but had no one to tell me till I was given a capital book that you will hear about presently. But I had got to know them as friends long before I could find out what their names were."- 2
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, London 1908, 1
More I deepen the knowledge of this Lady of the Victorian London, who, at the age of five, became daughter of Surrey and of its green lands, more I am caught by the wonder aroused by what the Miss Jekyll whom I knew for a long time as a landscaper, a dream garden designer and realizer, was instead a talented and sensitive artist in the broadest and in the more appropriate sense of the term ... and I just realized that among the other things, her deep sensitivity had revealed her the secret that wants the Nature and Children to be simply two aspects of the same wonderful truth that belongs to us !
This was the first reality that has emerged to me from the reading of her "Children and Gardens " published in 1908, I cannot tell you exactly whether it's a text addressed to children or to adults, although I think she wrote it thinking first and foremost to children, but I can tell you with any certainty that it wonders and enchants like a storybook .
- picture 2
- picture 3
Tracing the early years of her childhood, Miss Jekyll makes the reader aware of how her consciousness of Nature and its wonders has occured in a continuous daily discovery, when, at the time in which her brothers, in the company of whom she was grown up spending every day between games and raids (the only sister was seven years older than her and therefore she grew up in the company of four male with attitudes most proper of a boy than a young girl, as she herself said) had to begin to attend school, on the back of her pony Toby and together with her dog Crim, the little Gertrude began to explore the beautiful countryside and the pounds surrounding the old house in Surrey,
- picture 4
discovering something new every day which feel amazement and love for "... when my brothers went to school I had to find my own amusements. There was a dear old pony Toby and the dog Crim, and we three used to wander away into the woods and heaths and along all the little lanes and by - paths of our beautiful country. Soon I came to notice the wild flowers and wanted to now about them; but had no one to tell me till I was given a capital book that you will hear about presently. But I had got to know them as friends long before I could find out what their names were."- 2
The deeper you dig into this reading and more you realize you're face to face to a text of real pedagogical value that sets out the principles on which they were holding the theories of the XIXth century pedagogy and which are still the cornerstones of the modern one, from Froebel in Germany, Pestalozzi in Switzerland and Agazzi sisters in Italy who saw fundamental to the psychological, emotional, social and intellectual child's growth the contact with Nature, but if we assume that Gertrude Jekyll, in all probability, didn't have any specific expertise, you'd think that when a person really has a marked sensitivity goes to the heart of all the things, as well as, immediately, goes to the heart of every person.
Miss Jekyll, mindful of the garden she shared with her older sister
- picture 5 - "Great was my pride and delight when I was first given a garden of my own, to do just what I liked with. [ ...] Here is a plan of the garden, or rather of the two gardens, for mine and my sister's were togeteher, end to end." 3
suggests to choose a space, in the garden of the house, to leave at complete disposal of the children: the small garden should be prepared in autumn for the warmth of spring can discover the first buds and children can grow care and ambition to keep it "The late summer or early autumn is the time to begin the little garden. The ground should be got ready not later than September, so that it will have time to settle down before it is planted. Every detail should be exactly thought out beforehand, in order that, by the end of October or beginning of November, the plants may be put in their places." 4
and, also in this space, to place a small building entirely dedicated to them: look at the map of the project this woman of incredible and extraordinary qualities had in mind ..
- picture 6
she had in mind a small 'home', a 'play-house' with equipped kitchen, where children can 'mess up' with the ground and make their first experiences with simple recipes, preserves, salads and a parlour where perhaps enjoy the freshly brewed tea, both furnished with few essential furniture that children can integrate with what they do prefer; fundamental, in the kitchen or in the porch, the presence of a bench with a backrest where hanging the first, indispensable tools for gardening, the real moment of dialogue with Nature: get to know the smell of the earth, touching it with fingers, and above all experience the hard work and the satisfaction in seeing what you're taking care about is grown are nothing more than a metaphor for life itself ..
"A good straight of digging in clear ground for half an hour at a time will soon train the young hands and arms and backs. [...] It is important that the children should be provided with proper tools. [...] The tools should be made by a clever country blacksmith, and the handles carefully adapted to the use of the little hands; perfectly smooth but not varnished . [...] The necessary tools are spade, rake, hoe, a little wooden trug - basket, and a blunt weeding - knife; a good cutting knife, a trowel, a hand - fork, and a little barrow: there will also be wanted some raffia for tying, some hazel sticks, and a little white paint. A tiny tool - shed with a well lightened fixed bench, is most desirable, the tools hanging on their proper places on the wall. Tools should never be put away dirty." 5
How much is inspired to do a child when is able to communicate with Nature ..
- picture 7
Miss Jekyll suggests how to prepare bouquets of flowers to bring into the house and store in a pitcher and how to package primroses balls,
- picture 8
- picture 9
teaches how to get the seeds to replant at the end of flowering in Autumn
- picture 10
gives the rudiments of botany, teaches to prune too vigorous plants, lists the various adventures that you can experience in the garden, how to find nests of hedgehogs, bats and birds and suggests to guest pets in the garden, in the specifically she speaks of her beloved pussies, for the delight they feel following our outdoor activities and taking part to them and for what we draw from their playful companionship.
- picture 11
"My garden would not be the half pleasure it is to me without my pussies. I hope you love them as much as I do. They are perfect garden companions. When I am out at work there is sure to be one or other of them close by, lying on my jacket or on a bench if there is one near. When it is Tabby, if there is an ampty basket anywhere handy he is certain to get into it. When I take one of my baskets for flowers - of the pattern that I invented and always use - if I put it down for a moment Tabby takes possession. One day I was bringing the basket home full of Hydrangeas, and put it down to see if there were any figs ripe. I did not see what was going on behind my back, but when I turned round to take up the flowers there he estabilished in the basket; some of the Hydrangeas were pushed out on the grass, and Tabby has composed himself to sleep among the rest." 6
- picture 12
Look finally at an artist's spirit of observation that never appeases .. observing with a little girl of the village some kittens in a basket or around a bowl, Miss Jekyll says, was brought to notice that often they, free of any consciousness, compose forms that comply with almost amazing accuracy the rules of the symmetry!
- picture 13
- picture 14
Yes, you've surely understood that I've found this book exciting, delicious, with an amazing sweetness and poem and I would suggest this reading to everyone, young and old, but I think above all, as in terms of psychology belongs to me, that parents and kindergarten teachers can draw from here useful ideas and suggestions.
If you are interested you have here the chance to read it online, don't miss to pay a visit, here I took the quotes and photographs of the pages.
I heartily embrace you and greet you with affection.
Gertrude Jekyll, Children and Gardens, with one hundred and six illustrations by the author., published in 1908 by Offices of 'Country life', ltd., C. Scribner's sons in London, New York .
1 - p. 1
2 - p. 2
3 - p. 65
4 - p. 10
5 - p. 9 - 10
6 - p. 98
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This Blog post was featured by Bev at Eclectic Red Barn!
I'm always overjoyed to see my articles amongst those which are mentioned,
I heartily thank you Dearie ❥
Wonderful, Dany! I have always loved, and yearned for gardens. I will have to come back again and re read this post when I have more time to concentrate more fully on your lovely words of description! Have a blessed weekend!
RispondiElimina@ June
Eliminawhat a joy to me is reading your enthusiastic words my sweet friend !
A serene Sunday and a fulfilling and blithesome new coming week to you ♡
A lovely post about a great lady, one of my favorites !
RispondiEliminaI bought a book years ago with beautiful gardens she designed, I really enjoyed (enjoy) it ...
Have a wonderful new week, Dany !
@ Sylvia
EliminaGertrude Jekyll was really an incredibly talented woman, I'm going on discovering always new aspects of her adorable personality that surprise me more and more and for which I feel much interest and love ...
And how many books she has written !!!
A very beautiful week to you too my dear friend ღ
This is wonderful, Dany, and I so love the quote. I think there are 3 kinds of people...children, grown-ups, and those lucky few who are grown-ups with a child's heart!
RispondiEliminaHave a wonderful week sweet friend. xo.
@ Lisa
Eliminahow right you are !
those who are able to retain a child's heart have one of the biggest fortunes in life I think, even more if they don't realize of it, to keep the heart of a child, the wonder in discovering new things, rejoice in the little things, to be moved by the performances of Nature, I think it's really prodigious ..
I wish you a happy continuation of week my precious friend ❦
You are so talented with words! Your posts are always so captivating. :)
RispondiElimina@ Kia
EliminaI must reveal you a secret .. you have to know that as a child I learnt to read and write quite early, before than going to school, but when the time for compositions arrived, a little tragedy began: I never knew what to write, I had no ideas, I didn't know what to say and how to write it even if I read a lot ...!
Until I began to attend the secondary school, my fate let me know such an obstinate teacher of italian language that obsessed me with extra homeworks and reading, how hard I worked, but it's really worth it, .. now I have another problem .. I can hardly stop writing ;)
Hugs my sweet Kia. xox.
Dany è una delizia, peccato io non conosca l'inglese, sono subito andata a vedere il link che ci hai segnalato! fantastico libro, fantastica Jekill
@ s
Eliminastrabiliante ed entusiasmante Gertrude Jekyll, animata da innumerevoli interessi, tutti coltivati con successo, dall'architettura, alla storia, al costume e alla cultura del suo popolo, alla fotografia (tutte le foto pubblicate nei suoi libri sono state scattate da lei !) oltre quello che conosciamo come precipuo, quello per l'allestimento di giardini ovviamente.
Presto penso di fare un ulteriore approfondimento, anche se il libro che ho in mente è decisamente più consistente di questo, mi ci vorrà un po' di tempo per leggerlo, ma credo che ne valga la pena !
Purtroppo di 'Children and Gardens' non esiste alcuna edizione in italiano in commercio, ma se pensi che possa esserti utile, conta pure su di me per la traduzione, ne sarei felicissima, te lo dico in tutta onestà :)
✻ Ti auguro una bellissima domenica mia cara, spero da te ci sia il sole ✻
Dear Dani:
RispondiEliminaYes, I have heard of Gertrude and what a famous gardener she was. I had to laugh when you said the book was "delicious" as that was a term Beatrice Potter used and I use myself sometimes......for fun! Thanks for a lovely historic posting.
@ Bernideen
EliminaI enjoyed it so much that it came spontaneous to me this translation, 'delightful' could be perfect for other kinds of books, this is truly 'delicious', believe me ツ !!!
Enjoy your new day in your wonderful garden, sweetest friend of mine, sending my dearest love to you •♥•♥•♥•
...Gertrude Jekyll is a world famous horticulturist and there are many plant varieties that were named after her. Thanks for sharing about this important woman.
EliminaDear, you're right, she was the first landscaper architect of the history of gardening too, a very special lady whose heritage is far precious to us even today!
Thank you for your kind words of appreciation,
enjoy the remainder of your week, sweet friend ༺❀༻
This post makes me want to be able to keep a garden! I kill absolutely every green thing comes near me. My grandmother was a florist, an amazingly talented one at that. She had a "green thumb" for sure. My mother, her daughter-in-law, can keep all sorts of plants alive, but not her mother, my other grandmother. She and I kill everything! I had a little plant that I kept alive for about 10 months, and I was so proud! I put it outside for some sun a few weeks ago, and I went outside earlier this week to find it dead, its pot broken on the ground. My son threw a football and hit it. He didn't tell me, so it didn't get repotted in time. I had finally found a plant I could keep alive, and HE killed it lol. Oh well, I'll try again. I love this post and learning something new when I visit your site! Thanks for sharing with us on Crafty Creators!
Niki ~ Life as a LEO Wife
EliminaDear, I'm always glad to have you here!
Don't be so sorry if you haven't inherited your grandmother's 'green thumb'!
If you like gardening you may become a wonderful and skilled gardener, passion is the most important 'ingredient' in everything!
You haven't to discourage yourself, gardening needs passion, yes, but also patience and time, and when you are with your plants you just have to think about them only, you have to stay with them without being oppressed by any bad thought, you may talk to them if you want, they can feel your sensitivity and answer you with their flourishing.
In some cases gardening can be an important medicin, I'm telling it to you for experience!
Be constant and you'll see that the results will come ✿⊱╮
As usual, I love your posts. Congratulations, you are being featured on Thursday Favorite Things. I hope to see you there. https://www.eclecticredbarn.com/2022/01/thursday-favorite-things.html
EliminaDearest One, I so love having you here!
And what a gladness to read of your feature, be sure, you'll see me later at TFT Party!
Sending my dearest love to you,
with sincere gratitude •ღ❤ღ•
Hello Dany,
RispondiEliminaWhat a lovely post featuring the talented Gertrude Jekyll. I love the quote and images. The garden kitties are cute. My hubby is the gardener in our family, I get to enjoy all his hard work. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
EliminaIn your comment you thank me for sharing my post at your party... Dearie, you don't know how much I'd love to have postst to share every Saturday, but not always I do talk about our critters, you see me seldom, alas, at least less than I'd love to!
And as for the comment I leave, it's my pleasure and delight and I feel I have to, you're such a kind and good-hearted lady!
Wishing you a wonder-filled weekend ❥
A tiny little toolshed - that would be something!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful pictures.
Gertrude Jekyll still is a great inspiration. The rose with her name also is beautiful.
EliminaYou're right, Gertrude Jekyll is still a great inspiration for us today, sher was a keen gardener and the first landscape architect of gardening history, and the rose you recall is truly a well deserved tribute to her!
With heartfelt thankfulness,
I'm wishing you a lovely Sunday and new week ahead, Dearie ♡ஐ♡
Had a quick scroll through your post. The photos are charming and made me to stop and admire.
RispondiEliminaShiju Sugunan,
EliminaI'm sincerely honored by such words, thank you for this so beautiful visit of yours!
May your Sunday be filled with gladness ∗✿≫♥≪✿∗