venerdì 11 novembre 2016

HISTORY OF FASHION ~ The Victorian corset.

Avete mai provato a riflettere sulla forma impeccabile, per non dire perfetta, di cui facevano sfoggio le modelle delle stampe vittoriane ?
Sì, è vero che si trattava di meri disegni, ma riproducevano con fedeltà le silhouettes che era ordinario vedere, non solo in occasioni particolari, ma anche scendendo semplicemente in strada ... 
Ah, che magie operava sul corpo femminile il corsetto, 

così tanto detestato, ma così tanto amato !

Cercando di tracciarne una seppur breve storia, va detto che fu il Rinascimento italiano a conoscere i primi bustier indossati da Caterina de' Medici, figlia di Lorenzo Duca di Urbino e divenuta Regina Consorte di Francia e Reggente quale moglie del Re Enrico II di Valois: tra le altre cose che recò in Francia vi fu anche l'introduzione dell'utilizzo di questa sorta di corpetto che allora vestivano le dame italiane, il corsetto, che aveva allora una forma allungata e che veniva indossato sotto i vestiti insieme con una sottoveste di tessuto dalla forma circolare che fasciava i fianchi e che aveva lo scopo di allargare e dare forma alle gonne.  
Inutile dire che tale indumento fu accolto in Francia con estremo entusiasmo e visto come indispensabile per la bellezza della figura femminile: esso, comprimendo il costato ed il petto, innalzava e sosteneva il seno lasciandolo 'libero'ed era generalmente fatto di tessuto stratificato, irrigidito con colla, ed allacciato molto strettamente - proprio perché erano di tessuto i corsetti rinascimentali non sono giunti ai nostri giorni, anche se va ricordato che esistono alcuni corsetti superstiti con struttura in acciaio o in ferro comunemente considerati come busti ortopedici vestiti a scopo correttivo.

Con la metà del XVI secolo, i corsetti vennero ad essere considerati un indumento comune tra le donne europee e britanniche. Tali capi gradualmente cominciarono a includere l'uso di un "busk", una lunga stecca di balena o in legno cucita all'interno di un involucro sul corsetto per mantenerne la forma rigida. La parte anteriore del corsetto era tipicamente coperta da una "pettorina", una struttura rigida a forma di V che venne successivamente portata sull'addome a scopo decorativo.

Ma fu proprio la Francia, durante il secolo dei lumi, il XVIII, a condurre il corsetto al suo massimo splendore: sete pregiate, broccati, satin erano i tessuti privilegiati per confezionare questo piccolo segreto che rendeva la parte superiore del corpo di ogni dama semplicemente divino !

Corsetto femminile c. 1730–1740. Tessuto di seta semplice con intreccio davanti dalla trama fluttuante, irrigidito con stecche di balena, Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Corsetto francese, 1750 - 1775 

Il tipo più comune di corsetto nel 1700 era di forma conica rovesciata, spesso indossato per creare un contrasto tra un torso quasi-cilindrico e rigido sopra la vita e gonne ampie e pesanti sotto di essa. Lo scopo principale dei corsetti settecenteschi era quello di sollevare e modellare il seno, stringere il diaframma, sostenere la schiena, migliorare la postura per aiutare una donna a stare dritta quanto più possibile, con le spalle verso il basso e indietro, ed erano solo leggermente stretti in vita, per creare di una parte superiore del tronco a forma di V su cui sarebbero stati indossati gli abiti.

Amatissimi dalla Regina Maria Antonietta che, quasi come fossero un inno alla sua ambizione, ne possedeva una collezione,

conobbero una sorta di declino con gli inizi del XIX secolo, i cui abiti a tunica, leggeri e scesi senza accarezzare le forme femminili, richiedevano corsetti molto bassi, quasi reggiseni, o addirittura non ne richiedevano affatto.

Short corset - 1803 ca.

Per certo i corsetti più affascinanti appartengono al periodo vittoriano, quando la moda degli abiti recupera il punto vita ed, anzi, tiene a sottolinearlo ...

Riding corset da Harper's Bazaar, 1888

Non che fosse cosa granché semplice il muoversi ed il solo sedersi con una siffatta imbrigliatura che più era stretta più dava soddisfazione a chi lo vestiva

ma ogni sacrificio era degno e ben speso !

Vi era chi talvolta lamentava vertigini, soffriva di cattiva digestione e di bruciori allo stomaco, chi ancora soffriva di stitichezza o dissenteria, perché ovviamente la motilità gastroenterica era del tutto interdetta dal corsetto che strozzava il busto femminile, ma l'estrema conseguenza cui un uso esasperato del corsetto conduceva era la così detta patologia di Glénard, una vera e propria malattia indotta dal rilassamento dei mezzi di fissità di vari visceri addominali quali stomaco, intestino, fegato e reni che si spostavano verso il basso presentando disturbi alle varie specifiche funzioni.

Ma le Ladies vittoriane davvero non ci pensavano ... e tenevano il fiato a più-non-posso perché il loro girovita fosse il più sottile che mai si fosse visto !

Un abbraccio a voi, carissimi amici, lettori, 'viandanti' che vagate per il web e che vi trovate a passare di qui per la prima volta ...a voi tutti giunga il mio più profondo e sincero ringraziamento, ed un arrivederci

a presto 💕


Eleri Lynn, Underwear: Fashion in Detail, Victoria & Albert Museum, 2014;

Valerie Steele, The Corset: A Cultural History, Yale University Press, 2003; 

Norah Waugh, Corsets and Crinolines, Routledge, 1954.

Have you ever tried to think about the impeccable, if not perfect shape, which showed the models of the Victorian prints ?
Yes, it is true that they were mere drawings, but they reproduced faithfully he silhouettes that was ordinary to see, not only on special occasions, but also just down the street ...
Oh, what kind of magic was operating on the female body the corset,

- picture 1

so much hated, but so much loved !

Trying to outline a short history of it, it must be said that it was the Italian Renaissance to know the first bustier worn by Catherine de' Medici, daughter of Lorenzo Duke of Urbino and become Queen Consort of France and Regent Queen as wife of King Henry II of Valois: among the other things that she brought to France there was also the introduction of the use of this sort of bodice that at that time were dressing Italian ladies, the corset, who had an elongated shape and was worn under the clothing along with a material petticoat which had a circular shape that wrapped the sides of the body and which was intended to broaden and to give shape to the skirts.

Needless to say, this garment was greeted in France with a great enthusiasm and seen as essential to the beauty of the female figure: compressing the ribs and the chest, it lift up and claimed the breast leaving it 'free', and was generally made of stratified fabric, stiffened with glue, and was tied very tightly - just because they were made of material, renaissance corsets have not come to this day, although it must be remembered that there are some survivors corsets made of steel or iron commonly regarded as orthopedic busts worn with a corrective purpose.

By the mid XVIth century, corsets were to be considered a common garment among European and British women; they gradually began to include the use of a "busk", a long strip of wood or whale sewn inside a casing on the sides of the corset, to maintain its rigid form. The front of the corset was typically covered by a "bib", a rigid structure in the form of V that was subsequently sewn on the abdomen for decorative purposes.
But it was France, during the Age of Enlightenment, the XVIIIth century, to lead the corset at its peak: fine silks, brocades, satins were the privileged materials to package this little secret that made the upper body of each lady simply divine!

- picture 2 - Woman's corset c. 1730–1740. Silk plain weave with supplementary weft-float patterning, stiffened with baleen. Los Angeles County Museum of Art

- picture 3 - French Corset, 1750 - 1775 

The most common type of corset in 1700 was of inverted conical shape, often worn to create a contrast between a quasi-cylindrical rigid torso above the waist, and large and heavy skirts under it. The main purpose of the eighteenth century corsets was to lift and to shape the breast, to tighten the diaphragm, to support one's back, to improve one's posture and to help a woman to stand straight as much as possible, with her shoulders down and back, and they were only slightly narrow at the waist, to create a top of the V-shaped trunk on which the clothes had to be worn.

Beloved by Queen Marie Antoinette who, almost as if they were a hymn to her ambition, had a real collection of them,

- picture 4

- picture 5

they knew some sort of a decline with the beginning of the XIXth century, whose tunic dresses, light and floating down the body without touching the female forms, required very short corsets, which were almost bras, or even didn't require them at all.

- picture 6 - Short corset - 1803 ca.

For sure the most fascinating corsets belong to the Victorian times, when fashion clothes recover the waist and, indeed, want to emphasize it ...

- picture 7

- picture 8

- picture 9

- picture 10 - A riding corset from Harper's Bazaar, 1888

It was not something much easy to move around and just to sit down could be a little trouble with such a 'harness' which the more was tight the more it gave satisfaction to those who wore it

- picture 11

but every sacrifice was worthy and well spent!

There were those ladies who sometimes complained dizziness, suffered from indigestion and heartburn, who was suffering from constipation or diarrhea, because obviously the gastrointestinal motility was totally dumbfounded by the corset that squeezed the female bust, but the extreme consequence which an exasperated use of the corset led was the so called Glenard's pathology, a real disease induced by the relaxation of the means of fixity of various abdominal viscera such as the stomach, the intestine, the liver and the kidneys that moved downwards presenting disorders to the various specific functions.

- picture 12

- picture 13

But the Victorian Ladies didn't really think about it  ...  and were holding their breath to 'more-I-cannot' because they wanted their waist to become the thinner than ever a man had seen !

Hugs to you, dear friends, readers, 'travelers' wandering through the web and who are passing by here for the first time ... to all of you I extend my deepest and most sincere thanks, and 

see you soon 💕


Eleri Lynn, Underwear: Fashion in Detail, Victoria & Albert Museum, 2014;

Valerie Steele, The Corset: A Cultural History, Yale University Press, 2003; 

Norah Waugh, Corsets and Crinolines, Routledge, 1954.





This blog-post was featured, I thank you sweetest Bev from the bottom of my heart ** !




54 commenti:

  1. Such a lovely post, dearest Daniela, and the corsets are beautiful! I can't help it but laugh when people today say that having to wear a seat belt in the car is so uncomfortable...perhaps they should wear a corset for one day. LOL! Thank you so much for sharing, my cherished friend. Love and hugs to you.

    1. @ Linda
      ahahah, you made me heartily laugh ツ !
      Actually, compared with cars belt, corsets were some other things, you're so right, the thing is that we'd love our life to be comfortable more and more and first of all we're always in a hurry, that's the truth !

      Thanking you with all my heart for this so welcome good morning of yours, I'm sending blessings on the remainder of your week, precious friend, may it be filled with love and joy •♥•♥•

  2. Oh my goodness, these are just beautiful, Dany!
    I am not sure how women were able to breathe, but I do love the look, and the fabrics these were made from are simply magnificent.

    I wish you a beautiful weekend, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      I'm always in high spirits when you come and meet me here, darling friend, and when I read your enjoyment in your words, well, my heart is filled to overflowing, thank you !

      Hope your weekend too is the most beautiful ever,
      I'm sending hugs & love to you despite the many miles separating us ♡❤♡

  3. Those tiny waists that hands could easily envelop. It seems people have always been willing to suffer pain and illness for the 'look' of the day, people having cosmetic surgery are no different today xx

    1. @ Cheryl
      no, not really, times have changed, but the meaning of that kind of suffering which people 'looks for' to appear nicer is just the same !

      With so much gratitude I'm sending blessings of joy on your Sunday, sweetest friend of mine ❥

  4. Dany, I would only have been willing to wear a very moderate corset, nothing too exaggerated or uncomfortable. The only advantage I can see to them is that it seems like they would help one be able to stand for long periods of time more comfortably than without. Thanks for another history lesson!

    1. @ Jean
      it is I who have to thank you, dear, darling friend, you always make my day !

      You have to know that once I had the chance to wear a corset, new but made respecting all the tradition in its details ... well, as soon as I wore it, i felt so relaxed and rested, for my shoulders and my back didn't 'work' at all, ... I felt almost lighter !
      It wasn't very tight, but I wore it all day long and when I had to take it off, late in the evening, I felt so very tired all at once !

      Thank you wholeheartdely, precious friend of mine, you mean so so much to me, blessed be !
      *♥* Sending hugs and ever much love to you *♥*

  5. What gorgeous works of art these corsets are. All are beautiful, though I particularly love the heavily embroidered one. Though beautiful I cannot for one minute imagining wearing one of these. They must have been so uncomfortable.

    1. @ Kim
      darling, good morning to you and happy Sunday !

      They're true works of art, you're right, but I think the mistake was to wear them too tight to the point to induce the damages I mention above !

      Hope you're doing very well and enjoying this wonderful season,
      I'm wishing you a wonderful day, today,
      and a most beautiful week to come ✿*✿

  6. os corsetes são belíssimos !!!
    só de ver parece que não consigo respirar..
    não devia ser fácil usá-los !!!
    mas são lindos...a costura é perfeita, maravilhosa..
    grande abraço e bom fim de semana..

    1. @ Kr.Eliane
      I always feel so blessed by having you here, precious friend of mine, both your enthusiasm and your words of appreciation fill my heart with such a deep joy !

      May your day be filled with so many little things which to be glad for, dearie

      MUCH LOVE ಌ•❤•ಌ

  7. So glad corsets are out of fashion.......but the dresses showed so romantic and ladies looked much more beautiful in that time. Should like to wear these dresses in the street, even in the garden (muddy) but without corsets and so on. (lol)
    Thank you so much for this great post Daniela loved reading it. Wish you happy weekend!
    Hugs, Janneke

    1. @ Janneke
      your words of amusement make me feel such a inner joy, darling friend, I'm so very grateful to you for putting a smile on my face ... Oh, I also would love to wear such dresses in the garden, maybe while receiving some friends .... not for working, of course !

      Hope you're having the best of Sundays,
      I'm wishing you a peaceful and beauty-filled remainder of your day and new week ahead ♡ஐ♡

  8. A lovely post about something that so many women fought against, but nowadays, I for one, wouldn't mind wearing one :D x

    1. @ Chel
      I also love them so, even as an actual intimate garment, if tight as much as needed, they're so comfortable ... of course, I mean when you go out for some special occasion and you wear a stylish dress ... the thing is that in Italy they're considered so unusual and they're so, so very expensive, alas !

      Wishing you all my best for what remains of this weekend,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ༺♥•❀•♥༻

  9. Carissima amica, come sempre molto avvincente anche questo tuo post!
    Certo che erano delle vere e proprie torture questi corpetti che donavano vitine di vespa ed antesignani dell'attuale "push up"
    Ma posso dire che sono felicissima di non essere tra le donne che li indossavano abitualmente? Una "comodosa" come la sottoscritta, che aborre qualsiasi costrizione per più di poche ore....
    Tuttavia se proprio avessi dovuto scegliere, certo che quello con le fragoline era delizioso ma anche quello seguente, in bianco e dalle linee più morbide.
    Ti mando un grande abbraccio e ti auguro buona domenica.
    Qui aria gelida e prime nevi sulle vette circostanti.
    A presto Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      sicchè l'inverno è già arrivato dalle tue parti ?
      Qui ancora è autunno, e lo dico con tanta gioia, le temperature sono un po' scese, ma gli alberi hanno ancora tante foglie sui loro rami, perciò si presenta più lunga del solito questa stagione di mezzo che così cara ho nel cuore !

      Quanto ai corpetti, vedo che condividi i gusti della Regina Marie Antoinette, da che quelli che preferisci fanno parte della sua collezione ... certo, nell'epoca vittoriana ne fu fatto un utilizzo esasperato, tanto che indusse negli anni i disagi anatomici che ho segnalato sopra, ossia un prolasso degli organi interni sotto la vita ed un conseguente malfunzionamento di ciascuno di essi ... talvolta il voler apparire troppo belle procura danni irreparabili ... meglio essere 'comodose', che dici, mia cara ?

      Un grande bacio ed un forte abbraccio a te, che ti accompagnino entrambi per questa domenica di novembre, dolce, fedele amica mia ⊰✽*✽⊱

  10. I can not even imagine how uncomfortable they must have been but they sure were beautiful creations for being undergarments! For something that they couldn't show off to people they were beautifully made, I suppose their husbands may have enjoyed them though. have always had big hips and a much smaller waist, so other than pushing up my top half I am already shaped that way, LOL! It sure is scary how much they impacted their health isn't it, guess it is much like the Spanx of today probably, they also squeeze more than you should probably be squeezed.
    Hope you are enjoying a great weekend!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      it's always such a delight to welcome you here, darling, and reading your words is really a treat, thank you !

      Hope you too are enjoying a lovely end of your week,
      I'm sending blessings on your day across the many miles ❥

  11. Buongiorno e buona domenica Daniela, ho letto con molto interesse il tuo post e le mie riflessioni sono di tipo diverso. La prima: quanti sacrifici per piacere a se stesse e agli altri, per aderire a quei canoni di bellezza che ci vengono imposti (anche e soprattutto oggi); la seconda: in due secoli la storia delle donne e del loro abbigliarsi hanno fatto passi da gigante, ma se prima l'eleganza aveva dei canoni ben precisi oggi questi canoni non ci sono piu'. Non parlo di moda, ma di eleganza. Sono due concetti ben diversi tra loro.
    E' sempre un piacere passare dal tuo blog, un caro saluto.
    Anna Maria

    1. @ Anna Maria
      carissima, dal mi punto di vista hai ragione in ambo i casi: sempre, da che esistono l'uomo e la donna, quest'utima ha cercato persino di soffrire pur di compiacere l'uomo e guadagnare in fascino ed avvenenza; secondariamente devo ammettere che il concetto di eleganza non sempre cammina al fianco di quello della moda, sono due cose diverse ... oggi abbiamo perso il primo, mentre allora era l'eleganza era essenziale e dettava leggi alla moda, che all'eleganza era soggiogata.

      Ti ringrazio infinitamente, i tuoi commenti sono sempre una piacevolissima fonte di riflessione ... concludo augurandoti una dolce serata ed una notte serena, grazie ancora ♡❤♡

  12. What a beautiful lesson you have gracefully shared with us, dear Danny.
    My those corsets are amazing and those dresses are stunning! I would have loved living in those days and wearing such lady like dresses, but wow it must have been so very painful.
    My dear husband and I dressed up as Rhett Butler and Scarlett of Gone with the Wind and I wore a corset under my dress that killed me by the end of the evening. Oh to breath again once I removed it. :-) A corset will certainly help ones waist look slimmer.

    It was so nice visiting with you!

    Have a beautiful week~~

    1. @ Debbie
      how absolutely delightful of you to come and visit me here today, you truly make my day, dearest, wonderful friend !
      I wonder how stunning you and your husband dressed in such a style I so love were ... so you truly wore a Victorian corset and have 'tasted' what it meant to wear it all day long, don't you ?

      Thanking you most sincerely for your so kind words of interest and amusement I'm sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week, may it be filled with all the LOVE you deserve,
      with utmost gratitude ✿*✿

  13. Happy Monday, my sweet and lovely friend! Ah, it's a brand new week and I hope yours is positively delightful :)

    I so enjoyed your post and while the corsets gave the ladies a lovely form I think I am glad we no longer have to wear them {{smiles}} Oh, the things we ladies do for beauty - hehe :)

    Much love and sweet hugs to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      my darling, your visits always bless my day, thank you !
      Well, with the life we live nowadays wearing a corset I think it would really be ... impossible !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week so far,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love on your days to come
      much love to you too, sweetie •♥•♥•♥•

  14. Dany you have shared such gorgeous corset examples. I must admit that I am glad that are no longer required wearing. Have a beautiful day!

    1. @ Decor to Adore
      a romantic lady cannot resist facing a Victorian corset, isn't it, my dearest ?

      You're always so heartily welcome, my lovely Laura, your words of enjoyment bless my heart with such a inner joy, thank you, sweetest friend of mine !

      Wishing you a most wonderful Tuesday ever,
      I'm sending you my dearest and warmest hugs across the Ocean ♡ஐ♡

  15. Quanto amo i corsetti!!! Certo non li indosserei mai...prima che mi venga il morbo di Glènart...di cui non ne conoscevo l' esistenza...Seppur molto scomodi, non si può rinnegare la loro bellezza ed il loro fascino. Grazie per la meravigliosa carrellata d' immagini da cui trarrò ispirazione per le mie creazioni.
    Bacioni Alessandra

    1. @ Alessandra
      non immagini con quale gioia leggo che questo mio post è fonte d'ispirazione per le tue future, fascinose creazioni, carissima, ti ringrazio infinitamente per colmare il mio cuore di letizia profonda !

      Augurandoti un sereno prosieguo di settimana,
      ti ringrazio ancora ... e sempre ಌ•❤•ಌ

  16. The corsets you show are so pretty and feminine garments, but I have to say that I feel so fortunate not having to wear them! Pressed ribs and difficulty to breathe - no thanks! It is funny what all odd things women have been ready to use in order to match the beauty canon of their era - and to please men.

    Thank you for this interesting post dear Dany 💕 Wishing you a lovely week.

    1. @ riitta
      my lovely lady, your words of amusement for this post of mine fill my heart with gladness, I'm sincerely grateful to you ... no, for sure today we couldn't wear a corset !

      Wishing you all my best for the coming weekend,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ❥

  17. What a very informative and creative post with lovely photos ~ Sure glad we don't have to wear those corsets!

    Thanks for visiting ^_^

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

    1. @ carol
      thanks most sincerely for your nice and so kind words, it's always such a joy to welcome you here, darling friend !

      Hope you're having a lovely day, today,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead,
      thank you again, sweetie ಌ❀ಌ

  18. carissima dany
    la femminilità e la sensualità anche delle donne vittoriane non ha eguali... il corsetto è chic, peccato che io nn possieda un vitino da vespa altrimenti mi piacerebbe indossarne uno:)
    sempre appassionati, colti e piacevolissimi i tuoi post.
    ti auguro una serata notte

    1. @ daniela
      da sempre con te considero il corsetto l'indumento più ... speciale in assoluto della storia della moda, è femminile, seducente, elegante ... ha tutto per piacermi ... certo, non ammiro l'uso esasperato che ne è stato fatto, quello è certo !

      Ti sono infinitamente e sinceramente grata per le tue parole di ammirazione, così tanto importanti per me, mia carissima amica, e con affetto e riconoscenza ti auguro una piacevole serata ed un sereno weekend autunnale, grazie ancora ♥♡♥

  19. I remember my grandmother wore a corset. It wasn't a fancy or frilly one, just an everyday undergarment. She wore one every day under her dress. She was a farmer's wife and even in their retirement wore a dress every day even around the house. I can't imaging wearing either one. My everyday wear is sweats and a t-shirt or shorts in summer. My "dress up" clothes are jeans. My how times have changed. - Margy

    1. @ Margy
      you're right, dear friend, times have changed really so much, we couldn't wear a corset nowadays, it's certain ... alas ! even if once it was so usual ... probably the way of living our lives itself has changed ... indeed, for sure ... and sometimes I'd love to come back !

      Thanking you wholeheartedly for visiting and wishing you the most wonderful weekend ever,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ✿*✿

  20. Oh my hurts to even think about being laced into one of those. Queen Victoria herself is always shown as rather round and dumpy.... or was that just in her older years? And what about the women who wanted to have the thinnest waist a man had ever seen? What happened when they fell in love got married (I suppose we n those days before) and the man saw them without the corset? Oh dear. In any case I'm glad we live now instead of then aren't you?

    1. @ Sallie
      to be honest I have to say that once I had to wear a corset, not too much constrictive, and I felt so at ease, comfortable and so ... light, it gave relief to me, really, as if I were less tired of my day :) !
      Of course it's unthinkable to wear corset for our everyday life, this is a fact, Dearie !

      Thanking you ancoe again, but never enough,
      I'm sending blessings on your weekend just begun *•♥♥•*

  21. Hello Daniela, We were traveling all day yesterday to arrive home from FL late last night. We came home to a full day of obligations, thus my late comments to my Blue Monday friends.

    Your post about corsets just makes me happy we do not have to wear them. My sister would call them "woman killers" HA! Your photos and research is terrific as with everything you post for our pleasure.

    Dear Daniela I wish you a wonderful week.

    Love, Jeanne

    1. @ Jeanne
      I'm missing you so so much, darling Friend, you cannot even imagine how much !

      In the hope that you're doing well,
      and are able to come back to blogging very soon,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ✻ღღ✻

  22. Very interesting post. They look uncomfortable, and I did not know about the syndromes they caused. But we do some odd things to look fashionable too.

    1. @ Linda
      you're right, still nowadays we do odds things to appear fashionable and pleasant :) !

      With utmost gratitude
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your weekend,
      dear, dearest friend of mine ❀≼♥≽❀

  23. Your post brought back quite the memories for me! I remember my grandmother always wearing a girdle. She never went anywhere without it. It was not quite like a corset, but a similar effect happened. My word, I cannot imagine how those poor women even were able to breathe and get anything accomplished. That is probably why they were all prone to fainting so much! Thank heavens women aren't expected to wear such things any longer, but I surely did enjoy your sharing of this piece of history that I am glad is in the history books! LOL! Many hugs to you dear Dany, you always post on the most interesting subjects! Hope you are having a lovely day, and may the blessings of the Lord be with you my friend :)

  24. What a fascinating post! Fashion certainly has come a long way- although modern "shapewear" seems to be making a comeback. I really enjoyed learning the history accompanied by your wonderful images!


  25. L'irresistibile fascino del corsetto.....
    Mia cara amica, che meraviglia venirti a trovare, trovo sempre molto interessante ed illuminante, tutto quello che ci regali con tanta grazia e bellezza.
    Grazie di cuore e un abbraccio, da Luci@

  26. Hello, these clothes are all beautiful. But, I can not imagine having to wear the corsets when they make you feel sick? I am glad fashion has changed over the years. What a great post, thanks for sharing. Happy weekend to you!

  27. Thank you for sharing at OBW dear Dany - wishing you a lovely Sunday ❤︎

  28. Oh Dany, dear, just reading this post makes my entire back hurt! They are truly the loveliest undergarments but oh, the pain!

  29. Torture instruments but at the same time so beautiful!

  30. What wonderful photos of these gorgeous corsets! Lovely post and photos! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!

  31. Love this post. I always thought I would have loved to live in this time frame. Stop by Thursday Favorite Things this week. You are featured.

    1. @ Bev
      Dearest One, honestly I'm floating on air and feeling speechless after reading your comment, I was featured ... truly ?!? I cannot believe it, I heartily thank you !!!

      Wishing you a most lovely reaminder of your week,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles,
      may your days to come be filled with love and smiles, Sweetie ❥
