mercoledì 12 giugno 2013

Le Rose Inglesi - Dedicato ad Emanuela.

Mia carissima e stimata amica,
vengo a te con questa mia per esprimerti con affetto immenso la mia gratitudine e la mia devozione per quanto hai sempre fatto per me.
Con i primi giorni caldi del mese di Giugno, dopo un Maggio decisamente instabile, le rose che, grazie a te, abitano il nostro roseto e che animano di sentori di essenze l'aria della tarda primavera stanno cominciando a fiorire e ci schiudono, gioise, le loro corolle dai mille petali, io credo abitate da qualche ninfa .. !
Mi hai fatto conoscere le meravigliose creazioni di David Austin che fino ad alcuni anni fa abitavano solamente i miei sogni e le mie fantasie, me ne hai fatto apprezzare l'unicità ed il prestigio e grazie alla guida dei tuoi consigli ci troviamo ad avere oggi la fortuna di poter godere di una discreta collezione di cotanta bellezza nel roseto dietro casa e negli angoli più romantici del nostro giardino.
Ed io ritrovo te in ogni rosa che fiorisce; riscopro la tua dolcezza tra i petali delle corolle rosa delicato, della "Constance Spry" (Austin,1961), corolle talmente ricche che riportano a quelle delle Centifolia ritratte dai pittori fiamminghi nel XVII secolo

ed in quello più antico, giocato tra le sfumure del pesca e dell'albicocca, della "The Shepherdess" (Austin, 2005);

il candore della "Winchester Cathedral" (Austin, 1988), con i petali avorio fortemente profumati di mirra, mi riporta alla tua ingenua fierezza, alla tua eleganza così spontanea

la Tea Clipper (Austin, 2006), nella pienezza delle sue corolle e di sfumature dei petali irregolari mi evoca la tua umiltà,

mentre il fiorire dei cespugli delle "The Generous Gardener"  (Austin 2002) mi riporta al tuo grande cuore;

nei miei rambler quali il "Malvern Hills" (Austin, 2000) ritrovo la tua perseveranza

ed ogni fioritura della "Geoff Hamilton" (Austin, 1997), che sempre più generosa si aggrappa all'arco d'ingresso del nostro portico, mi ricorda la prima foto delle vostre rose che ti inviai ...

La "Jude the Obscure" (Austin, 1995) nelle sue calde sfumature crema esprime tutta la tua mitezza,

nei petali talvolta scomposti delle profumatissime Scepter'd Isle (Austin, 1996) trovo riflesso il tuo spirito indomito ( e anche il mio !)

ma forse quella che più ti somiglia è la "Sweet Juliet" (Austin, 1989), sì, decisamente quella che più manifesta la delicatezza e la gentilezza del tuo nobile animo,

anche se credo che tutte le nostre rose, in fondo, un po' ti appartengano, credo che tu sia la vera "fairy" del nostro "rose garden" my sweet Emy.

Considerami sempre sinceramente e devotamente
tua Amica


Le Rose Inglesi - Caratteristica di queste rose è la coniugazione tra la rosa antica, considerata prestigiosa per il suo profumo e le sue ricche corolle, e la rifiorenza quanto la resistenza ai parassiti che in epoche precedenti le rose, pur amatissime, non potevano vantare.. sono rose nuove, ma memori di profumi, forme e sfumature che datano al passato.
A partire dall'inizio degli anni '60 David CH Austin ebbe l'intuizione di creare questa nuova categoria di rose a cespuglio o sarmentose dall'aspetto perloppiù informale, dal portamento libero, ideali per il "natural garden" inglese e perfette per le bordure miste e fu così che, cominciando con la profumatissima Constance Spry, nel 1961, diede vita, ad oggi, a circa duecento Rose Inglesi, conosciute ed apprezzatissime in tutto il mondo, pluripremiate nel corso degli anni e sempre protagoniste all'annuale manifestazione londinese del Chelsea Flower Show.

English Roses – Dedicated to Emanuela

My dear and esteemed Friend,
I come to you with this to express my affection, my immense gratitude and devotion for what you've always done for me.With the first warm days of June, after a very unstable May, the roses, that thanks to you, populate our rose garden, making it alive with scients of essences the air of the late spring, are beginning to flourish and, happy, open their corollas of a thousand petals, I think inhabited by some nymph .. ! You have made me know the wonderful creations of David Austin that, until a few years ago, just lived only in my dreams and in my fantasies, you made me appreciate the uniqueness and prestige, and, thanks to the guidance of your advice, we are having today the fortune to be able and enjoy a quite a large collection of so much beauty in the rose garden behind home and in the most romantic corners of our garden. And I find you in every rose that blooms; I rediscover your sweetness between the petals of the delicate pink of the 'Constance Spry' (Austin, 1961), the corollas of which are so rich to reporting to those of centifolia portrayed by the Flemish painters in the seventeenth century

 - picture 1

and in the oldest nuance, played between peach and apricot rose, of "The Shepherdess" (Austin, 2005);

- picture 2

the whiteness of "Winchester Cathedral" (Austin, 1988), with ivory petals heavily perfumed with myrrh, brings me back to your naive pride, your spontaneous elegance.

- picture 3

The Tea Clipper (Austin, 2006), in the fullness of its flowers and the shades of its irregular petals reminds me of your humility,

- picture 4
while the flowering bushes of "The Generous Gardener '(Austin 2002) brings me back to your big heart;

- picture 5

in my rambler such as the "Malvern Hills" (Austin, 2000) I'm meeting your perseverance

- picture 6

and every flowering of 'Geoff Hamilton "(Austin, 1997), which clings ever more generous above the entrance arch of our porch, remember me the first photo of your roses that I sent you ... 

- picture 7

- picture 8

The "Jude the Obscure" (Austin, 1995), in its warm cream shades, expresses all your meekness,

- picture 9

the sometimes broken down petals of the fragrant Scepter'd Isle (Austin, 1996) I find reflected your indomitable spirit (and mine too!)

- picture 10

but perhaps the one that most resembles you is the "Sweet Juliet" (Austin, 1989), yes, definitely the one that best expresses the delicacy and kindness of your noble soul,

- picture 11

although I think that every roses of ours, after all, are a little belonging to you, I think you're the real "fairy" of our "rose garden" my sweet Emy.

Consider me always, sincerely, and devotedly
Your far too affectionate Friend


English Roses - Characteristic of these roses is the conjugation between old rose, considered prestigious for its scent and its rich corollas, and the repeating flowering as resistance to Garden pests that in earlier times roses, even beloved, could not boast. . These are new roses, but mindful of scents, shapes and shades that date back to the past.

Since the beginning of the '60s David CH Austin had the idea of creating this new category of shrub or climbing roses looking particularly informal, free bearing, ideal for the English "natural garden" and perfect for mixed borders and so it was that, beginning with the fragrant Constance Spry, in 1961, he gave birth to about two hundred English Roses, known and highly appreciated all over the world, winning awards over the years and always protagonists of the annual event in London Chelsea Flower Show.



This Blog-post was featured by Marci and Angie!!! 
Thank you sweet Ladies, you've filled my heart with joy to overflowing 

67 commenti:

  1. Ciao Daniela abito in un appartamento in città e non ho un giardino neppure piccolo ma se lo avessi sarebbe tutto rose inglesi le amo alla follia!Sono capitata su questo blog quasi per caso ed ora mi faccio un bel giro tra i tuoi post, il tuo stile m'incuriosisce molto

    1. @ Pat
      anche io quando abitavo in città vivevo in un condominio e le rose le potevo solo ammirare e sognare, ma poi il destino ha voluto che optassi per la vita in aperta campagna ed ora le mie rose sono tra i tesori che impreziosiscono le mie giornate, soprattutto nella bella stagione .. chissà che anche tu un giorno non possa coltivarle e godere della gioa che donano direttamente nel tuo giardino, te lo auguro !!
      Buona passeggiata e grazie per la visita.

  2. Ooooooh!!!!!!!! Finalenteeeeeee!!!!!!! :) Un post sulle tue rose, nostre rose, ok le tue ;P Forse un pò riduttivo visto la quantità di foto che ogni giorno fai alle tue creature e forse anche nel fatto che non le hai messe tutte ma comprendo, forse sono troppe :) mi piace molto il post perche è anche dedica, verso una persona alla quale so che tieni particolarmente e che beh! mi farebbe piacere conoscere. Ok Dani brava. Ti lascio uno SMACK! qui :) ed uno non appena ti vedrò. Ciau. Tuo Ross. ;)
    PS: Emanuela, chiamala, abbiamo una depandance fresca avvolta dalle rose rosse dell "Etoile d'Hollande"che arriva quasi al tetto dopo aver scalato ben due piani, tutta per te, ti aspettiamo ;) !
    :( volevo pubblicare una foto ma non ci sono riuscito, beh! l'unica cosa è VENIREEEEE!!!!! Ciau :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Dany, I have never seen so many beautiful roses in one place, and what a very, very special dedication to your friend.

    I wish you a beautiful day.

    Tante Belle Cose...

    1. @ Lisa
      I'm far too glad for your visit, your words are such a honour to me .. I have no words for thanking you, believe me !!
      I wish you all the best ✿⊱╮

  4. @Dany
    che meraviglia, con grazia e amore descrivi delle rose davvero fantastiche, spero presto di vederle!
    un caro saluto anche al tuo Ros

    1. @ s
      le tue visite sono sempre una gioia per me!
      Anche io spero di averti presto qui, lo spero davvero, anzi, non vedo l'ora !!
      Un grazie grande grande per le dolci parole e per l'affetto che non manchi di dimostrarmi, a presto mia cara amica.

  5. Buona sera Daniela, grazie per tanta raffinata Bellezza!
    Amo le Rose, la Natura, l'Armonia, la Vita.
    Questo delicato Blog...sembra il Paradiso!


    1. @ Nives
      sono incantata dalle tue bellissime parole per cui ti ringrazio dal profondo, non è facile trovare un animo così delicato e gentile, è un immenso piacere per me che tu abbia scoperto ~ My little old world ~!
      Torno ora da far visita al tuo delicatissimo e splendido Blog, ma non riesco ad iscrivermi per far parte della comunità che ti segue ... pazienza, lo farò da qui, non voglio perderti.
      Ringraziandoti ancora ti auguro un fine settimana colmo di cose liete, a presto mia nuova, dolce amica ❥

  6. Risposte
    1. @ Stacey
      ... and how I do understand you, my darling friend !
      Every year my rose garden seems blessed by charming scents, colours and wonder, I so love them too ... thanks to Mr David Austin !

      May the remainder of your week be filled with the deepest joy ever ღ❀ღ

  7. Are there any lovelier roses than Mr. Austin's? Gorgeous!

    1. @ Lisa
      sweetest friend of mine, I'm answering 'NO' at your question, without any doubt or hesitation !

      Sending love on your day, with much gratitude ♥♡♥

  8. Sigh! I love, love, love these roses! David Austin roses are so beautiful!

    1. @ Deanna
      I'm so delighted to welcome you !
      Yes, David Austin's roses are unique for me too !

      Enjoy your day and thanks most sincerey for visiting ~ My little old world ~ with such loving words ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  9. Beyond lovely, all! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen

    1. @ Kathleen
      sweetest friend, it'ms my pleasure, indeed, I'm so glad you've enjoyed this post of mine and my sharing at your wonderful link-up party!

      Sending love and hugs to you,
      with heartfelt gratitude ∗༺♡❀♡༻∗

  10. I enjoy your music on your site.

    Mi piace la tua musica sul tuo sito .



    1. @ Laura
      I'm so happy to read that you you've enjoyed this post of mine and the time you've spent here with us, you're welcome !

      Sending blessings and love to you ஐღஐ

  11. Those photos are wonderful. The roses are so vibrant and lush. I could spend a day and more looking a them. Lovely.

    1. @ Zara
      I welcome you with such a joy !
      Your words fill my heart with a deep gladness, thanks most sincerely, thanks with all my heart !

      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your week,
      fondly ✿⊱╮

  12. Dear Dany:
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful roses with all of us who have NONE and long for springtime! So lovely.

    1. @ Bernideen
      so, these roses of mine are dedicated to you too, my darling friend !!!

      May the reaminder of your week be filled with so many little things which to be glad for, my dearest one,
      ⊰♥⊱ sending much love to you ⊰♥⊱

  13. Risposte
    1. @ Margaret
      David Austin Roses are far scented, they intoxicate you, spreading in the air the most wonderful perfums you can smell even meters and meters far from them !
      Mr.Austin's worth is that, since the 60's, of having breeded roses with the caracteristics of ancient roses, such as the strenght and the number of petals, which is always nearly one hundred, more or less, with the most precious essences scents, such as myrrh, vanilla and anything else ... they're so very special and when you begin to collect them, you cannot stop for anything on earth, if your garden allows you, of course !

      Have a wonderful day, today, my dear friend,
      sending you dear hugs ♡ஐ♡

  14. Che belle le tue foto delle rose, non vedo l'ora di vederle fiorire nel giardino.

    1. @ Susanne
      siamo davvero in molti ad amare le rose e a gioire ogni anno per la loro fioritura, ti ringrazio per le belle parole, sei la benvenuta ogni qualvolta lo vorrai !

      Che il prosieguo della tua settimana sia illuminato dalla luce della gioia, te lo auguro di cuore ✿≫*≪✿

  15. You have all my favourite roses. Jude the Obscure, Shepherdess, Generous Gardener are all in my garden! What a world it would be without roses.

    1. @ Elizabethd
      you said it, my friend, what a world this would be without roses, we cannot live without their fragrances, their colours, the sentiments which they express and recall to our mind and to our heart ...

      Enjoy the remainder of your day and of your week, as well,
      thank you for visiting ♥♡♥

  16. What a gorgeous collection of roses you have shared, so delicate :)

    1. @ Prunella
      I welcome you with a hug, thanks most sincerely for your words of appreciation and for your visit, my new friend !

      Have a lovely remainder of your week,
      ღ with gratitude ღ

  17. Daniela, grazie per questo bellissimo post sulle rose inglesi che io conoscevo solo di nome.
    Ti abbraccio

    1. @ Manu
      ed io abbraccio te, con gioia e riconoscenza, mia nuova amica, augurandoti tutto il meglio che tu possa desiderare per il prosieguo della tua settimana,
      grazie di cuore ❥

  18. Dear Dany,

    in my garden grow 160 differnt roses. You can imagine how it smells when you come out in the morning , stepping through the garden. I love historical roses like Louise Odier, Caroline Testout or Souvenir de la Malmaison. Their fragrance is overwhelming.
    Let roses rain on you, Barbara

    1. @ Barbara
      adorable friend, so we've almost the same number of roses in our gardens !
      Actually I've missed their exact number, I stopped at 150 a few years ago, but every year some new rose arrives here at Tenuta Geremia, in our Rose Garden or in our Secret Garden ... I also do love ancient roses so much, both as bushes and as climbing, our tastes are so similar, aren't they !
      Yes, "Let's take the time to smell the roses !"

      Sending love and hugs to you,
      with much thankfulness ಌ❀ಌ

  19. Beautiful photos of some of my favourites...

    1. @ Villose
      you're so welcome here, my new friend, thanks most sincerely, both for your vist and for your appreciation !

      Enjoy the remainder of your week ⊰✽*✽⊱

  20. Dear friend, these are my favorite flower and your pictures are just beautiful!

    1. @ JES
      adorable friend of mine, your words are always a blessing to me, I wholeheartedly thank you !
      We all love roses, don't we ?!?

      Sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week,
      thinking of you with love and thankfulness ♡ஐ♡

  21. Ah, Dany, some magnificent roses .. I love roses too and have three dozen but none of Austin roses they are on my list to buy one day!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Shaz in Oz.x
    PS you can add a translate gadget to your blog with Google then you dont need to add English underneath..

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

    1. @ Shaz
      if you have space enough in your garden, because these are bushes growing much in wideness and have strong roots needing to be placed quite far one another, you cannot help but adding them in your little corner of paradise !
      As for the transaltion, I thank you for your advice, but I do love your mother tongue, and translating by myself I keep my English alive !

      Sending you hugs filled with gratitude ❀≼♥≽❀

  22. Wow! The Roses are all so lovely! I especially like the abundant pink ones.
    Visiting from Roses of Inspiration.

    1. @ Anne
      I welcome you with such a joy, my new friend, roses and pet lovers are all wonderful people to me !

      Enjoy your weekend ahead,
      sending hugs to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  23. What a delight to be visiting you from Tues. with a Twist No Rules Linkup. I hail from Tucson, AZ and am stopping by to say thanks for brightening my day with the lovely bouquet of roses and music. Warm regards, Nancy A.

    1. @ Nancy
      it'my pleasure, I welcome you with so much joy !
      Thank you for stopping by, and for your beautiful words, as well !

      I wish you a most wonderful week ahead,
      sending gentle hugs to you,
      fondly ❥

  24. Sweet Dany, what beautiful, beautiful roses! I can almost smell them. I, too, love the David Austin roses. So beautiful!

    1. @ Cynthia
      beautiful friend of mine, I'm so grateful to you for these lovely words of yours, expressing delight and enjoyement !

      I wish you all my best for your new week to come, darling,
      *♥* sending you dear love *♥*

  25. Every single one is exquisitely crafted by God. Beautiful!

    1. @ Nonnie
      you're so heartily welcome, my friend, your words bless my heart !!!

      Enjoy your Sunday and your Memorial Day ahead ✿*✿

  26. Risposte
    1. @ Maria
      I wholeheartedly thank you, sweet friend, I'm so very glad you've enjoyed this post of mine !

      Hope you had a lovely week, I'm wishing you most wonderful days to come, sending blessings on your holiday weekend •♥•♥•♥•

  27. Oh my, Dany - these are absolutely stunning roses! I enjoyed seeing them and learning about their qualities. The colors are sublime....I can only imagine the wonderful scents! Thank you for sharing and hope the rest of your week is lovely among the roses. Hugs xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      I always feel so blessed to welcome you here, sweet-hearted lady, dearest, precious friend of mine !

      Sincerely very glad to have amused you and captured your interest with this post of mine, I'm sending blessings of joy on your day, with utmost thankfulness ღ❀ღ

  28. Dear Dany, your Austin roses are like precious princesses from a fairy tale 💕 They are pretty and gorgeous - as are your photos. I don't have any Austin roses, some people grow them in Finland. But they need special care and cover for the winter.

    I'm so happy having you as a friend. Your posts are always a delight and eye candy. Loving wishes Dany!

    1. @ riitta
      your poetic soul always graces my blog, I'm so grateful to you for this, my Beautiful Lady !

      Well, Finnish climate is probably too cold for English roses, I know that they grow well and healthy till the north of Germany, but in all the regions above they require surely many more cares, even if they're so very strong, for real !

      I also love this friendship of ours, dearie, your garden and your Sissi are a delight ... and you too, Dearest One !

      Sending much, so much love to you ✥*⊰♥⊱*✥ 

  29. Risposte
    1. Michele Morin
      I think that English roses are unique with their beauty, parfume and shape, with all their petals!
      Thank you for your so beautiful visit, dear friend,
      have a greatly blessed remainder of your week ✿⊰✽⊱✿

  30. Wonderful post with gorgeous photos! I love David Austin roses. Thank you for sharing at You're the Star Blog Hop! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

    1. Marci
      I heartily thank you for taking the time for visiting and commenting this article of mine with such nice words!
      To share my Blog-posts at your Blog Hop is my pleasure and delight, sweet friend, it is I who thank you!
      May your days to come be blessed with Joy ⊰♥Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ♥⊱

  31. Lovely photos - romantic and beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. NCSue
      I heartily thank you, sweet friend, it's my pleasure!
      Wishing you a wonderful remainder of your week ❥

  32. The roses are stunning! Such beauty!
    Thank you for sharing at

    1. NCSue
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you truly make my heart sing!
      May your day be filled with joy and smiles ✿⊱╮

  33. Risposte
    1. Linda
      Friendship is a wonderful Gift!
      Thanking you for taking the time both for visiting and for writing your so lovely words,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ༺❀༻
