domenica 30 aprile 2017

The Hermesvilla in Wien, Sisi - Queen Titania's Retreat.

Era l'estate del 1881 quando il Kaiser Franz Joseph, stanco di doversi separare, talvolta anche per lungo tempo, dalla sua amata Sisi che mal tollerava la vita di corte e che non appena poteva lasciava Vienna, talora anche per mesi e mesi, decise di farle dono di un castello alle porte della capitale, utilizzando la riserva di caccia del Lainzer Tiergarten ...

A quel tempo erano in pieno svolgimento i lavori nella zona centrale del RING - l'ANELLO che raccorda i principali viali della capitale, una sorta di circonvallazione che ricalca le antiche mure medievali che anticamente circondavano il centro storico di Vienna, su cui furono edificati i più importanti e prestigiosi palazzi di rappresentanza appartenenti all'epoca imperiale, dal Neue Burg, al Kunsthistorische Museum, al Naturhistorische Museum, allo Staatsoper, al Burgtheater, accanto ai quali sorsero il Parlament, il Rathaus, e l'Universität, rispondenti allo spirito sempre più democratico che andava assumendo il governo.

La Coppia Imperiale inaugura i viali del Ring il 1 maggio del 1865

Come ben potete immaginare, si trattava di lavori davvero imponenti che coinvolsero i più grandi architetti e costruttori del tempo e che li videro impegnati per più di mezzo secolo ( cominciarono con l'anno 1859, l'inaugurazione dei cantieri a lavori già avviati è datata 1 maggio 1865, e gli ultimi palazzi furono conclusi dopo il 1912 ) e proprio all'architetto di corte Karl von Hasenauer, già incaricato di realizzare tali opere, fu fatta richiesta di metter mano al progetto di quello che sarebbe divenuto il castello di Titania 1, dapprincipio nominato"Villa Waldruh" realizzato tra il 1882 ed il 1886.

Carl v. Hasenauer, Entwurf zur Hermesvilla, 1881, Fotostudio Otto, © Wien Museum

L'anno prima del suo completamento, ossia prima ancora che fossero costruite le stalle che dovevano ospitare i cavalli dell'imperatrice, Costei, dopo aver commissionato allo scultore tedesco Ernst Herter l'Hermés der Wächter ("Hermés il Guardiano"), che la mitologia classica voleva fosse protettore dei viaggiatori e che Sua Maestà intendeva porre al centro del giardino della villa, lo rinominò Hermesvilla e fu questo che divenne a Suo dire, il suo Castello dei Sogni (Schloss der Träume).

Non tutti i Viennesi videro di buon occhio tale realizzazione che si sovrapponeva ai lavori di bonifica e di miglioria urbanistici, poiché non era del tutto chiara la reale provenienza dell'ingente somma di denaro che fu necessaria per portare a termine tale castelluccio che possiamo collocare tutt'oggi tra le più belle dimore romantiche che il periodo vittoriano vide sorgere in tutta Europa.

L'Hermesvilla vanta interni opulenti con mobili originali permanentemente in mostra.
Al tempo furono coinvolti i più importanti artisti del periodo vittoriano austriaco: una menzione particolare per gli appartamenti privati ​​dell'imperatrice Elisabetta la meritano i blasonati August Eisenmenger e Hugo Charlemont che si occuparono del progetto della palestra di Sua Maestà, le cui pareti sono affrescate con dipinti che riportano scene sportive tratte dal mondo classico, mentre la camera da letto in cui troneggia un enorme letto di stato appartenente al XVIII° sec. 

deve i suoi dipinti ispirati a il "Sogno di una notte di mezza estate" di Shakespeare, al pittore Hans Makart ( dalla stanza una scaletta a chiocciola consente l'accesso, tramite il piano sottostante, direttamente la giardino ).
Ed ancora degni di nota sono lo studio di Franz Joseph, decorato da Bernhard Ludwig, così come la "Sala Terrena" al piano terra, per il progetto della quale fu incaricato lo scultore Viktor Tilgner.

Il Kaiser pretese che i 2500 ettari appartenenti alla intera proprietà venissero completamente spianati onde eliminare anche le minima asperità del terreno in modo da poter consentire alla sua amata di esercitare al meglio lo sport che prediligeva, ossia l'equitazione, che la vedeva impegnata in lunghe cavalcate ogni giorno - sappiamo infatti che l'imperatrice era tra le più abili ed ammirate amazzoni del suo tempo - e spesso, durante i fine settimana di primavera, l'imperatore si univa a lei in questo luogo incantato immerso nel verde, nell'immediata periferia di Vienna

ed allora Titania ritrovava il suo adorato Oberon.
Pensate che si narra che tale fosse l'amore che questa amabile creatura che fu chiamata a divenire imperatrice nutriva per la Natura, ammirata soprattutto nell'esibizione di quanto di incommensurabile le appartiene, il mare, il cielo, il vento, e le sue incontenibili forze, quali un temporale od una tempesta in mare aperto, amasse prendere un materasso e porlo sotto la finestra della sua stanza per dormire guardando il cielo !



Ma con il trascorrere degli anni e l'aumentare delle afflizioni che il destino aveva in serbo per la nostra amata imperatrice, sempre più andò crescendo l'irrequietezza che tormentava il suo animo, e sempre più la vedremo lontana dalla capitale austriaca e dalla sua famiglia, sovente per recarsi in località turistiche balneari dove svernare o in stazioni termali onde lenire i suoi malesseri ... si sa quanto l'emotività ed uno stato depressivo profondo e costante agisca irrimediabilmente minando il fisico, indebolendo cuore e polmoni inducendola a cercare sempre quel qualcosa che mai si troverà ... almeno qui su questa nostra terra ... ( da non dimenticare che Sisi soffriva anche di gotta, forse dovuta o senz'altro aggravata dai 'succhi di carne' che facevano parte da molti anni della sua dieta quotidiana: erano questi un pieno di proteine ben maggiore di quanto fosse necessario per avere l'energia che il suo fisico richiedeva onde reggere la superattività cui ella lo voleva sottoporre )

Stanchissima Titania vagando va nel parco, 
pensosa le trecce si scioglie
e compone strofe nuove ripensando ai vecchi tempi,
quando lei qui indugiava ad attendere l'amato
che a raggiungerla si affrettava al chiarore della luna --
"Su questa panchina a lungo sedevamo abbracciati,
mentre dal parterre si udivan suoni e canti; 
là partivano razzi, si accendevano fuochi del Bengala,
qui filtrava appena l'argento della luna piena attraverso
la volta di foglie di castani
e ci scambiavamo baci ardenti, come la più tiepida
notte di luna,
mai pensando al mattino che tutto rende grigio e,
ahimè!, più freddo".
Questi i malinconici ricordi di Titania durante le sue
passeggiate serali.
E' rimasto solo il grigio e da tempo è muto il canto!3

Con il cuore colmo di gioia, così come accade ogni qualvolta tratto di tali argomenti, 
prendo congedo da voi, 
augurandovi tanta letizia e tanta serenità di cuore,

a presto 💕


Hellmut Andics, Die Frauen der Habsburger, WILHELM HEYNE VERLAG, München

Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998;


Maria Valeria d'Asburgo, La prediletta - Il diario della figlia di Sissi, a cura di Martha e Horst Schad, traduzione di Flavia Floradini, MGS PRESS, 2001;

Marguerite Cornell Owen, THE MARTYRDOM OF AN EMPRESS WITH PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS [ 1898]HARPERS & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK AND LONDON, collected by Benno Loewy, bequeathed to Cornell University - The Cornell University Library Digital Collection;

Conte Egon Cesar Corti, L'imperatrice ElisabettaMondadori, Milano, 1937;

Brigitte Hamann, Elisabeth. Kaiserin wieder Willen, Amalthea Verlag, Wien, München, 1982;

Brigitte Hamann, (a cura di)ELISABETH Bilder einer KaiserinAmalthea Verlag, 1998;

Marie Louise, Countess Larisch von Wallersee-Wittelsbach with Paul Maerker Branden and Elsa Brander, HER MAJESTY Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, The Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court, DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY Inc. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK, 1934;

Maria Matray - Answald Kruger, L'attentato, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 1998;

Xavier Paoli, THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM - Personal Reminescences of the Kings and Queens of Europe, EDITORA GRIFFO (edizione originale Parigi, 1934);

Gabriele Praschl - Bichler, L'Imperatrice Elisabetta, Longanesi & C., Milano, 1997;

Gabriele Praschl-Bichler, Josef Cachée, "...von dem müden Haupte nehm' die Krone ich herab": Kaiserin Elisabeth Privat, Amalthea Signum Verlag, Wien, 1981; 

Irma Sztáray, Elisabeth gli ultimi anni, L'imperatrice raccontata dalla sua Dama d'onore, (titolo originale: Aus den letzten Jahren der Kaiserin ElisabethMGS PRESS, Trieste, 2010.


1 - Titania, Regina delle Fate, è la bella sposa di Oberon, Re degli Elfi. Entrambi, sono protagonisti, con la loro intricata storia d'amore, della commedia shakespeariana: A Midsummer Night's Dream; in lei l'imperatrice s'identificava quando prendeva la sua penna in mano per scrivere versi poetici e sotto tale pseudonimo scriveva.

2 - Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998, pag. 262;

3 - Op. cit. pag. 65.


- picture 1

It was the Summer of 1881 when the Kaiser Franz Joseph, tired of having to separate, sometimes even for long times, from his beloved Sisi, who hated the court life and, as soon as she could, left Vienna, sometimes for months and months, dedided to give her a castle as a gift at the doors of the Austrian capital, using the Lainzer Tiergarten hunting reserve ...

At that time they were in full progress the works in the central RING area connecting the main avenues of the capital, a sort of beltway that resembles the ancient medieval walls that formerly surrounded the historic center of Vienna, on which they were built the most important and prestigious representative buildings belonging to the imperial era, the Neue Burg, the Kunsthistorische Museum, the Naturhistorische Museum, the Staatsoper, the Burgtheater, next to which emerged the Parliament, the Rathaus and the Universität, in order to respond to the spirit always more democratic that the government was taking.

- picture 2 - The Imperial Couple inaugurates the Ring Avenues on May 1st, 1865

As you can imagine, these were really impressive works involving the greatest architects and builders of the time and they saw them busy for more than half a century (they began with the year 1859, the inauguration of the yards at work already started is dated May 1st, 1865, and the last palaces were completed after 1912), and the court architect Karl von Hasenauer, who was already commissioned to carry out such works, was asked to give a hand to the project of what would have became Titania's Castle 1, named at first "Villa Waldruh"

- picture 3 - Carl v. Hasenauer, Entwurf zur Hermesvilla, 1881, Fotostudio Otto, © Wien Museum

realized between 1882 and 1886.
The year before it were ended, that is just before they were built the stables that had to accommodate the Empress' horses, She, after commissioning the Hermes der Wächter (Hermès the Guardian) to the German sculptor Ernst Herter - Hermes was for the Classic mythology the protector of travelers and Her Majesty wanted to lay it in the center of the garden of the villa - renamed this little castle Hermesvilla and this was what became Her Dream Palace Schloss der Träume ).

Not all Viennese people saw with sympathize this realization 'overlapping' the works of reclamation and improvement of their city because it was not entirely clear which was the real origin of the huge amount of money that was needed to bring about that castelluccio that we can still place amongst the most beautiful romantic buildings that the Victorian period saw building throughout Europe.

- picture 4

- picture 5

The Hermesvilla boasts opulent interiors with original furniture still on display.
O f course, at the time, the most important artists of the Austrian Victorian period were involved: a special mention for the private apartments of the Empress Elisabeth deserves the distinguished and titled August Eisenmenger and Hugo Charlemont who took care of the project of the gym of Her Majesty, the walls of which are frescoed with paintings depicting sports scenes from the classical world, while the bedroom has a huge bed belonging to the age of Empress Marie Therese, the 18th century

- picture 6

and has paintings inspired by Shakespeare's "Dream of a Midnight's Night", by Hans Makart (from the bedroom a spiral staircase allows to access, through the floor below, directly to the garden).
And still worthy of note are Franz Joseph's study, decorated by Bernhard Ludwig, as well as the "Sala Terrena" on the ground floor, for which the sculptor Viktor Tilgner was commissioned.

The Kaiser claimed that the 2500 hectares belonging to the entire property would be completely paved so as to eliminate even the slightest roughness of the ground to allow her  beloved one to exercise at her best the sport she loved most, that is horse riding, which saw her engaged in long rides every day - we know that the Empress was one of the most skilled and admired amazons of Her time - and often during the Spring weekends, the Emperor joined Her in this enchanting place immersed in green, in the immediate periphery of Vienna

- picture 7

And then Titania found back Her beloved Oberon.
Just think that so immense it was the love that this lovable creature, who was called to become Empress, nourished for Nature, the Nature admired especially in the exaltation of its immeasurable dimensions, the sea, the sky, the wind, and its incontinable forces, such as a storm or a gale in the open sea, that she often loved to take a mattress and put it on the floor under the window of Her bedroom to sleep not in Her bed, but looking at the sky !


- picture 8 - Kaiserin Elisabeth together with her Greek reader Mr.Backer


But with the passing of the years and the increasing afflictions that fate had in store for our beloved Empress, the growing turmoil that tormented Her spirit grew more and more and we will see Her far away from the Austrian capital and her family, often to go to seaside resorts where to spend the Winter or to thermal resorts so as to soothe Her illness ... it is known how a deep and constant depressive mood and depression itself can work irretrievably by undermining the physic, weakening the heart and lungs, and pushing always to look for that something that will never be found ... at least here on the earth ...let's don't forget that Sisi also suffered from gout, perhaps due to or unduly aggravated by the 'juices of meat' that were part for many years of Her daily diet: these were a full of proteins far greater than needed to give her physic the energy it required to sustain the superactivity she wanted to submit it )

Far tired Titania goes wandering into the park,
thoughtful her braids she gets undone
and compose new verses thinking back to the old times,
when she was here to wait for her beloved one
who to reach her he was going at the clarity of the moon -
"On this bench for long time we were hugging,
while sounds and songs we heard from the parterre;
there were rockets and they lighted flames from Bengal,
here just the full moon silver filtered through
the vault of the Chestnut trees leaves
and we exchanged kisses, as flamboyant as the warmest
moon night,
never thinking about the morning that everything makes gray and,
Alas!, colder. "
These are the melancholy memories of Titania during her
evening walks.
Only the gray is left and the song is mute for so long!3

With my heart filled with joy, as I always happen when I deal with such topics,
I take my leave of you,
wishing you so much gladness and serenity of heart,

see you soon 💕


Hellmut Andics, Die Frauen der Habsburger, WILHELM HEYNE VERLAG, München

Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998;


Maria Valeria d'Asburgo, La prediletta - Il diario della figlia di Sissi, a cura di Martha e Horst Schad, traduzione di Flavia Floradini, MGS PRESS, 2001;

Marguerite Cornell Owen, THE MARTYRDOM OF AN EMPRESS WITH PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS [ 1898]HARPERS & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK AND LONDON, collected by Benno Loewy, bequeathed to Cornell University - The Cornell University Library Digital Collection;

Conte Egon Cesar Corti, L'imperatrice ElisabettaMondadori, Milano, 1937;

Brigitte Hamann, Elisabeth. Kaiserin wieder Willen, Amalthea Verlag, Wien, München, 1982;

Brigitte Hamann, (a cura di)ELISABETH Bilder einer KaiserinAmalthea Verlag, 1998;

Marie Louise, Countess Larisch von Wallersee-Wittelsbach with Paul Maerker Branden and Elsa Brander, HER MAJESTY Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, The Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court, DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY Inc. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK, 1934;

Maria Matray - Answald Kruger, L'attentato, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 1998;

Xavier Paoli, THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM - Personal Reminescences of the Kings and Queens of Europe, EDITORA GRIFFO (edizione originale Parigi, 1934);

Gabriele Praschl - Bichler, L'Imperatrice Elisabetta, Longanesi & C., Milano, 1997;

Gabriele Praschl-Bichler, Josef Cachée, "...von dem müden Haupte nehm' die Krone ich herab": Kaiserin Elisabeth Privat, Amalthea Signum Verlag, Wien, 1981; 

Irma Sztáray, Elisabeth gli ultimi anni, L'imperatrice raccontata dalla sua Dama d'onore, (titolo originale: Aus den letzten Jahren der Kaiserin ElisabethMGS PRESS, Trieste, 2010.


1 - Titania, Queen of the Fairies, is the beautiful bride of Oberon, King of all the Elves. Both are the protagonists, with their intricate love story, of Shakespeare's comedy: A Midsummer Night's Dream; in her the Empress identified Herself as soon as She took Her pen in Her hand to write Her poems and under that pseudonym She wrote.

2 - Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998, p. 262;

3 - Op. cit. p. 65.


♚ NOBLE MANSIONS AND CROWNS ♚ Empress Elisabeth of Austria and Schloß Trauttmansdorff.

The Genoese Days of the Empress Elisabeth of Austria.

For the love of a horse - Ludwig & Sisi and horsemanship.

"And my soul is so full to burst" - The Poetical Diary of Elisabeth of Austria.

Marie Valerie, Favorite Daughter, The Only One.

74 commenti:

  1. What a retreat, dear Daniela! I love the images. Your blog is a beautiful retreat. I hope you have a fantastic day!

    1. @ Linda
      to come to know that ~ My little old world ~ is a retreat to you ... well, it honours me and fills my heart, actually I have no words to express my joy, Dearie, I heartily thank you !

      Wishing you a most lovely end of your Sunday
      and new week to come,
      always thinking of you with so much love •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•

  2. The opulence and extravagance of the architecture. Amazing buildings and interiors. The money that would be needed to maintain this lifestyle would be astronomical. I must say I wouldn't mind being gifted a castle!! As always, Dany, visiting your little old world has been informative and a delight!

    1. @ Kim
      dearest friend, as for me I do prefer to live in a cottage, but to have a castle where to spend the holidays, maybe in such a fabulous place, well, it wouldn't be so bad :) !

      And after reading your last words I'm feeling speechless once more, you all are so generous with me, you leave me without words for the emotion, I'm truly touched...!


  3. querida Daniela:
    suas pesquisas são sempre muito interessantes, cheias de histórias românticas e de um passado que nos parece mágico, não é mesmo?
    um pouco de fantasia e então a gente sonha com algo muito bonito.
    grande abraço querida.
    passei para desejar um bom domingo..

    1. @ Kr.Elianen
      nos estamos realmente distantes, querida amiga,
      mas Eu estou perto de ti com o coração e com a mente !!!

      Eu não sei como lhe agradecer,
      você é tão adorável !

      Um abraço e muitos beijos,
      muito obrigada ಌ•❤•ಌ

  4. Some things are bittersweet and this story is one of them. Very well done.

    Have a fabulous day, Dany. ♥♥♥

    1. @ Sandee
      cherished friend, so few were the glad and pleasant chapters of this wonderful Empress' life, especially with the flowing of the time of Her life, alas !

      Thanking you for appreciating this post of mine,
      i'm sending blessings on your coming week
      may it be filled with joy and smiles ✻ღღ✻

  5. Ciao Daniela, è sempre un piacere di farvi visita e conoscere le storie del passato, così affascinante in una delle maggior parte delle instrigantes volte che molti di noi vorrebbero avere vissuto. Un grande abbraccio! Rose M

    1. @ Rose M
      contraccambio il tuo grande abbraccio dal più profondo del cuore, dolcissima amica mia, mi sei talmente cara !

      Ed è così confortante ed entusiasmante trovare chi come me desidera vivere in ciò che è stato, e magari conoscere più da vicino personaggi che hanno fatto la storia ... non eravamo presenti nelle epoche in cui avremmo voluto vivere, ma ~ My little old world ~ ci aiuta ad immaginarci nei luoghi e con i personaggi che avremmo tanto voluto conoscere... e magari frequentare !

      Grazie come sempre per la tua preziosa e graziosa presenza,
      lascia che ti abbracci ancora ♡❤♡

  6. Che bel post cara Daniela, grazie anche per questo tuo racconto e, come sempre, quando ci parli degli argomenti che ami, è tutto così coinvolgente ed appassionante.
    Buon primo Maggio

    1. @ Susanna
      è sempre un immenso piacere accoglierti qui e leggere le bellissime parole che mi scrivi, sei talmente adorabile, mia cara !

      Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore contraccambiando l'augurio per un sereno giorno di festa,
      grazie ancora e sempre ✿⊱╮

  7. Castles and palaces are beautiful to visit or read about, but i don't know that i'd want to live in one. A tiny house would be more suitable for me.

    1. @ messymimi
      the walls of ancient castles still breathe of the history and the lives they've 'watched' and lived, that's why I do love visiting them so, they truly talk to my heart and tells such wonderful stories, don't they !

      Wishing you a most lovely new week,
      I'm sending blessings to you,
      sweet friend ⊰✽*✽⊱

  8. Wonderful pictures and great stories. Your blog is wonderful
    I wish you a lovely day dear

    Xoxo Lone

    1. @ Lone
      my lovely lady, your so beautiful words brighten my day and fill my heart with joy, I'm so grateful to you for this !

      Sending all my love to you,
      ♥♡♥ dearest friend of mine ♥♡♥

  9. Dear Daniela,
    the depth of your knowledge of the beautiful Empress Sisi is staggering, thank you so much for bringing her story to life for us once more.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

    1. @ Maggie
      Dearest One, your words honor me and touch me in the deep; I begun this knowledge more than 35 years ago, I was just a little girl, I don't remember how many books I read and the place she lived in, loved or hated by Her, I visited ... I held two conferences about Her unique Nature, actually I seem to know Her since ever ... and I'm going on reading, especially in English and German, this topic is too charming to me !

      Happy Mosaic Monday to you too, sweet friend,
      enjoy your week to come with gladness ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  10. Risposte
    1. @ Kathe W.
      thanks for stopping by and for your appreciation !

      ❖ May your week too be blessed with peace and joy ❖

  11. Daniella, What a lovely place. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

    1. @ Sylvia
      it's always such a delight to welcome you here, sweetest friend !

      I'm sincerely glad you loved it
      and with my heart filled with joy
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      with heartfelt gratitude ♡ஐ♡

  12. What an incredibly beautiful place. Always so lovely to visit you here Danny,
    Sending you love,

    1. @ Andrea
      I'm welcoming you with the biggest hug ever, thank you dearest friend of mine, your words bless my heart !

      Thinking of you with so much love,
      I'm thanking you once again ❥

  13. I always enjoy reading your posts about the beautiful Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. The buildings and rooms are lovely. I do enjoy wandering through old buildings and envisioning the lives that once passed through them.

    1. @ Lorrie
      it is I who want to thank you, Dearie, to please you means such a joy to me and i have to add that I also love visiting ancient environments just because I seem to feel the history they 'lived'!

      Wishing you a joyous day, today,
      and beautiful days to come ❀≼♥≽❀

  14. Che dire... Che meraviglioso dono!!! Io mi accontenterei di un piccolo e romantico cottage inglese. Grazie per il bellissimo post.
    Bacioni Alessandra

    1. @ Alessandra
      ... anche io, per carità, sono pienamente d'accordo con te, ma se pensiamo alla Hofburg o a Schönbrunn, alle dimensioni e alla sontuosità sia degli edifici che degli ambienti, beh, questo in rapporto a loro forse ad un cottage potrebbe equivalere !

      Ti abbraccio con tanta gioia,
      grazie per l'entusiasmo che mi comunichi con il tuo trasporto e la tua approvazione,
      e che la tua giornata trascorra serena •♥•♥•♥•

  15. Your beautiful music goes perfectly with imagining this place and time of long ago! Lovely

    1. @ Jeanne
      you're so heartily welcome, your words of appreciation put a smile on my face and brighten my day, thank you !

      ღ Sending blessings to you ღ

  16. A truly bittersweet story, and yet so beautiful.
    It is always such a pleasure to visit with you here, sweet friend. Your "home" here, is like no other. Thank you, dear Dany.
    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.

    1. @ Lisa
      your words of estimation for ~ My little old world ~ touch me in deep, I'm sincerely moved ...

      Wishing you a most lovely week,
      sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      with sincere gratitude •♥•♥•♥•

  17. What a fabulous post! You always treat us with everything beautiful! Happy May! Hugs, Diane

    1. @ Diane
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, dearest friend of mine, it's always such a delight to welcome you here ... and to read your words of enthusiasm, well, it feeds my passions so much, believe me !

      May your days to come be blessed with joy and happiness,
      Cheers ✿⊱╮

  18. Very nice imnages.
    Thanks for joining the party at

    1. @ NC Sue
      to join the party is my pleasure and your kind words mean so much to me, Dearest One !

      With utmost gratitude,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ❥

  19. Wow this is just so amazing, I can't even imagine living in a place like this, it looks like the inside was just as magnificent as the outside was, and that she really enjoyed this place, and her horse back riding daily :) I loved the bit where she would take her mattress down and put it by the window to look at the stars... I think that is one of the best parts of camping, is looking up at all the beautiful sky and falling asleep by it :)
    Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      you know, my darling friend, your comment lead me to think that maybe today too few people look at the wonder of our sky, we're too busy and always in a hurry, we never have a look at the world we have above us ... the stars sparkling all the year long and every night of our life, even if the clouds don't allow us to see them, the moon changing its shape, the falling stars in Summer ... is there something more magical ?

      Truth is that our Empress was such a sensitive soul, She had a romantic and poetic heart which allows us to consider her so much ahead of Her times and for sure living not in the places She would have love to, She looked back with regret at Her Bavarian Alps and the direct contact with the Nature She had during her youth, ... for sure She hated the Court life, based on apparences and lies, it couldn't be otherwise !

      With such a deep gratitude for this reflexion you gave me the chance to express, I'm sending all my love to you ಌ❀ಌ

  20. Carissima è triste vedere che nonostante la vita agiata il lusso i castelli e i viaggi Sissi fosse sempre alla ricerca di qualcosa.Penso che il suo fosse un mal di vivere,radicato e profondo sicuramente aggravato dai suoi impegni a corte che mal sopportava.Purtroppo è un male che conosciamo bene anche nel nostro secolo.Ti mando un bacio e grazie per le belle parole che hai per tutte le tue affezionate...e sono tantissime!!Baby

    1. @ Baby
      carissima e fedele amica mia, eccome, quello di vivere è tipicamente il 'male' del novecento ed ancor più di questo secolo, ce lo raccontò come nessun'altro seppe fare il nostro Montale, ed è questo uno dei motivi che rendevano così ineffabile ed incomprensibile ai più questa bellissima imperatrice che già ne soffriva un secolo prima, in pochi capivano il suo turbamento, la sua intelligenza e la sua spiccata sensibilità la ponevano molto in avanti rispetto al suo tempo... come vedi non sempre essere più dotati della maggior parte delle persone dona la serenità, anzi, è spesso motivo di isolamento e di alienazione ... non essere compresi credo che sia un qualcosa di simile ad un castigo, credo che il dramma dell'incomunicabilità, come quello dell'incomprensione siano terribili da vivere !

      Ti invio un abbraccio dal profondo del cuore, mi sei talmente cara,
      i tuoi interventi significano molto per me, grazie, davvero
      e che il mese di maggio appena cominciato sia prodigo di serenità per te e per chi ti sta accanto ♡❤♡

  21. Thanks for sharing at

    1. @ NC Sue
      it is I who thank you, dear friend,
      thanks for stopping by !

      *♥* Cheers *♥*

  22. non sono argomenti che mi competono ma è pur sempre interessante conoscere storie del passato... grazie!

    1. @ Luisa
      grazie a te mia cara,
      ti abbraccio ♡ஐ♡

  23. You bring history to life for us. Thank you dear friend.

    1. @ annie
      and you delight my soul with you so, so beautiful words, you truly brighten my evening with your kindness and your sweetness, Dearie, you cannot even imagine what your words mean to me !

      Wishing you much joy for the remainder of your week,
      and may your month of May be as Beauty-ful as you
      sending all my love across the many miles ⊰✽*✽⊱

  24. What beautiful buildings! I also love your wallpaper on your blog... so lovely. :)

    1. @ Gentle Joy
      how absolutely delightful of you, your words of praise bless my soul, thank you sweetest friend of mine !

      Sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      with sincere gratitude ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  25. This was such an interesting post, Dany. I remember as a young girl my grandmother reading a biography of Sisi and telling me little stories about her. This post brought back fond memories.

    1. @ Amalia
      when I read that with the article I wrote I recall to your mind cherished memories you're treasuring, well, my heart fills with joy, thanks sweetest friend, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

      Wishing you a most lovely weekend ahead,
      sending my dearest love to you *•♥♥•*

  26. Incredible place and beautiful artwork. I feel rather sad for the poor little rich girl. You cannot buy away depression.

    1. @ Linda.
      you're so right, if we think about Her life we could say that She lived almost completely in company with sadness and depression, so few were the moments of joy ... depression dominated Her and there was no money who could buy Her serenity and peace, alas !

      Thanking you for taking the time to comment and for your so kind words, Dearie,
      I'm sending blessings on the remainder of your week,
      may it be filed with gladness and smiles ❀≼♥≽❀

  27. History was not my favorite subject. However, it is nice the way you present it. I should have had you for a teacher.

    1. @ LV
      and I'm sure that you'd be such a clever pupil to me, and for sure the most loving of all !

      I have no words for thanking you as you deserve, adorable friend of mine, you're always so very kind and far generous with me, you're truly a treasure !

      Wishing you a beautiful weekend to come,
      I always think of you with much love and esteem ❥

  28. As always, a nice selection of blues mixed in with your historical sketches. Thanks for linking to Blue Monday!

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      to link my posts to Blue Monday is my pleasure and delight, believe me, sweet friend !

      Thanking you heartily for the kindness of your words,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead ಌ•❤•ಌ

  29. Beautiful castle ...but I guess it all goes to show that money cannot buy happiness.

    1. @ Sallie
      that's so true, it really cannot !

      With utmost gratitude for gracing my blog today, Dearie,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ༺♡❀♡༻

  30. What an amazing gift to receive. Such grandeur and opulence. These people had it all and yet had no true happiness. How sad and unfortunate.

    Love reading all of your historic stories. They are facinating.

    Have a blessed week my dear friend.



    1. @ Janet
      precious friend of mine,
      you've found the right words to describe Her,'sad and unfortunate'!

      Always so very grateful for having you here - you truly bless my day and my heart both with your visits and your so beautiful words -
      I'm sending all my love to you,
      •♥•♥•♥• you're such a gem to me •♥•♥•♥•

  31. Oh my, giving a castle as a gift...what an extravagance! A simply delightful post, sweet friend. I so love the way you share historical events with us.

    Much love and sweet hugs to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      treasured friend of mine, if you only could know how I love having you here, you're such a blessing to me !

      Sending love, hugs and smiles on your day,
      may it be filled with all the Peace you deserve,
      and may the end of your week ahead hold much Joy ✿⋰⋱✿

  32. i tuoi post sono sempre molto interessanti!
    Buona giornata, Luisa

    1. @ Luisa
      ancora grazie, carissima,
      contraccambio il tuo augurio di vero cuore ♥♡♥

  33. As always, you tell us the most fascinating and beautiful stories. I have a book on my stack called "Danubia" and I don't know if Franz Joseph and Sisi are a part of this or not but I'm looking forward to digging into it. Seeing the amazing photos and detail you share brings things to life.

    Have a beautiful day, dear Dany!

    1. @ Jeanie
      thank you for gracing ~ My little old world ~ today with your joyfulness and your sweet heart, blessed be !

      You also say that I'm able to bring things, belonging to the past, to life ... honestly, you cannot even imagine how honored I am to read these words of yours, you really fill my heart !

      With deep gratitude I'm sending hugs and love to you,
      dear, dearest friend of mine,
      enjoy your day with gladness •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•

  34. Your blog is stunning! I love that it is a totally transportive with the music and pictures.

    1. @ Melissa Ruddy
      you're so heartily welcome, I hug you with much joy thanking you for such beautiful words about ~ My little old world ~ I'm so glad you feel at home here !

      But I'm sorry I'm not able to find the way to thank you on a profile or blog of yours, alas !

      Hope that these words of mine may reach you,
      I'm wishing you a most pleasant week ಌ•❤•ಌ

  35. oh how interesting! I enjoyed reading the history behind this. Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a lovely week! Angelina

    1. @ Angelina
      how absolutely delightful of you to find the time for stopping by and for commenting with such nice and kind words, I heartily thank you !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week so far,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      dearest friend ❥

  36. Such beautiful buildings and history behind them! So romantic! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen
      what a blessing to have you here this morning, Dearie !

      To share at Vintage Charm is my pleasure and delight, believe me !

      With sincere thankfiulness,
      I'm thinking of you with so much love ༺♡❀♡༻

  37. Ciao Daniela, penso che l'imperatrice Sissi abbia profondamente segnato la sua epoca, una figura interessante, un piacere approfondire tramite i tuoi post sempre cosi' dettagliati e accurati.
    un caro saluto. Anna Maria

    1. @ Anna Maria
      è sempre una delizia leggere i tuoi commenti, così garbati ed interessati, grazie, grazie di cuore !!!

      Ti invio un forte abbraccio, che possa accompagnarti per ciò che rimane di questa giornata di primavera ♥∗✿*♥*✿∗♥
