sabato 14 maggio 2016

A forgotten master in Victorian painting: Hugues Merle.

Ogni artista intinge il pennello nella sua anima,
e dipinge la sua stessa natura nelle sue immagini.

Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887)

Maternal Affection

Spesso paragonato a William-Adolphe Bouguereau, che conobbe nel 1862 e del quale condivise temi sentimentali espressi con tecniche chiroscurali affini, Hugues Merle nacque nel 1823 nel villaggio di Saint-Marcellin nella regione dell'Isère ( situato nel Sud-Est della Francia). Poco ci è dato di sapere della sua famiglia e della sua educazione infantile; per certo sappiamo che come comunità, quella dell'Isère era connotata da un forte accento politico ed era nota per le profonde radici protestanti e per il supporto quasi uniforme a favore dell'Impero e non a caso all'inizio della sua carriera Merle dipinse una serie di opere pro-impero che potrebbero essere una chiara espressione delle sue origini.

Accettato quale studente all'École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, la più prestigiosa scuola per artisti dell'intera nazione, egli si iscrisse presso lo studio di Léon Cogniet (1784-1880) famoso e capace pittore anche se ricordato principalmente per le proprie doti in fatto di insegnamento; Merle iniziò ad esporre le proprie opere al Salon (Parigi) nel 1847 e dopo aver ricevuto il secondo premio nel 1861 e nel 1863, venne nominato Chevalier de la Legion d' Honor nel 1866.

Guardando ai suoi dipinti si potrebbero quasi distinguere tre differenti fasi evolutivo-espressive della sua produzione, poiché partendo dai tele di natura propriamente storica, approda alle scene di carattere romantico - sentimentale intorno agli anni '50 per concludere con le figure tratte dal repertorio letterario, anche stimolato dalla traduzione in francese da parte di François-Victor Hugo, figlio del celeberrimo scrittore, di tutte le opere di William Shakespeare, cui attinsero il teatro, la scultura ed, appunto, anche la pittura. 

 Romeo and Juliet

Tristan and Isolde

Ma è nell'ambito della pittura così detta di 'genere', nelle scene affettive e familiari, che a mio modo di vedere egli riesce ad esprimere il meglio di sé, basta osservare i volti dei protagonisti dei suoi dipinti ... non occorre leggerne e conoscerne il titolo, lo si comprende dalle espressioni ritratte, dalle luci che si accordano con gli stati d'animo che egli vuole suscitare e comunicare, dai temi scelti che infondono serenità d'animo ...

Grandmother's Story

The Embroidery Lesson

Young Girl Holding A Sleeping Baby

Mother and Children

Best Friends

The First Thorns of Knowledge

Mother and Child

Afternoon Dreaming (detail)

Good Sister

Chi ha arte o scienza
quegli ha anche religione;
Chi non ha arte o scienza
quegli abbia religione.

Johann Wolfgang  von Goethe (1749 - 1842)

Che nel vostro cuore trovi sempre spazio la gioia per le piccole cose, mie carissimi lettori, ve lo auguro sinceramente ...

A presto 💕

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, 
and paints his own nature into his pictures."

Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887)

- picture 1 - Maternal Affection

Often compared to William-Adolphe Bouguereau, whom he met in 1862 and with which he shared sentimental themes expressed with similar chiroscurali techniques, Hugues Merle was born in 1823 in the village of Saint-Marcellin, located in the Isère region (South-East of France). Just a little we are given to know about his family and his childhood education; we do know that as a community, the Isère was marked by a strong political accent and was known for deep Protestant roots and for an almost uniform support in favor of the Empire and not by chance early in his career Merle painted a series of pro-empire works that could be a clear expression of its origins.

Accepted as a student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, the most prestigious school for artists of the entire nation, he enrolled at the studio of Léon Cogniet (1784-1880) famous and capable painter although primarily remembered for his talents in teaching; Merle began to exhibit his works at the Salon (Paris) in 1847, received the second prize in 1861 and in 1863 and was appointed Chevalier de la Legion d'Honor in 1866.

Looking at his paintings we could distinguish three different evolutionary-expressive stages of his production, since starting from the strictly historical paintings, lands to the romantic – sentimental scenes nearly in the 50ies to finish with figures taken from the literary repertoire, also stimulated by the translation into French by François-Victor Hugo, son of the famous writer, of all the works of William Shakespeare, by which drew the theater, sculpture and, of course, also painting.

- picture 2 -  Romeo and Juliet

- picture 3 - Tristan and Isolde 

But it is in paintings so-called 'of genre', in affective and familiar scenes, that, in my view, he's able to express the best of his artistitalent, just look at the faces of the protagonists of his paintings ... it's needless to read and know their title, you can understand it by the expressions portrayed, by the lights that accord with the states of mind he wants to stimulate and communicate, by the themes chosen to infuse peace of one's soul ...

- picture 4 - Grandmother's Story

- picture 5 - The Embroidery Lesson

- picture 6 - Young Girl Holding A Sleeping Baby

- picture 7 - Mother and Children

- picture 8 - Best Friends

- picture 9 - The First Thorns of Knowledge

- picture 10 - Mother and Child

- picture 11 - Afternoon Dreaming (detail)

- picture 12 - Good Sister

He who possesses science and art,
has religion;
 he who possesses neither science nor art,
let him get religion. 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1842)

May the joy for the little things always dwell in your heart, my dear readers, 
that's my sincere and fond wish for you ...

See you soon 💕

67 commenti:

  1. I love all the images here, Daniela, especially the best friends one. Such a lovely and absorbing post, as always. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. @ Linda
      you're such a sincere and adorable friend, I so cherish you, my dearest one !

      So very grateful for this beautiful and precious friendship of ours, I wish you a wonderful Sunday and a new week ahead as beautiful as you,
      sweetie ༺❀༻

  2. What strikes me is the tenderness I see in the faces of the mothers and children. My own daughter is at that stage, with a baby and a toddler, and this artist has captured the expression beautifully.

    1. @ Pondside
      so you've the fortune to live such moment and to compare just the expressions which this so great love can give life to ... what a wonder !

      Sending blessings to you across the many miles, with so much, heartfelt thankfulness, you mean so much to me, my darling friend ♥♡♥

  3. Oh, my favorite is the one of the little girl and her dog! How precious! Such a talented artist, he was. Thank you for sharing, dear friend, and for the time, energy, and love you put into every, single post. I love and appreciate you so very much. May God bless you abundantly!

    1. @ Cheryl
      you bring the sun here, whenever you come, dearie !
      Thank you for your words of enjoyment filling my heart with such a sincere joy ... and my Sunday too !

      Sending blessings on your Lord's Day, today, and on your week to come, may it be joyous and as beautiful as you, my adored, esteemed friend, I so love you ... ಌ•❤•ಌ

  4. An extraordinary talent is needed in order to paint something as beautiful as these paintings! Thank you for sharing my dear Dany.

    I wish you a sunny Sunday and all the best for the coming week ♥

    1. @ riitta
      I'm so thankful to you, my adorable friend, your words of appreciation put in light the sensitiveness of your heart, I so love and admire you for this !

      May your Sunday be filled with joy too, sending love and dear hugs on your days to come, with sincere gratitude ✿⊱╮

  5. Cara DAniela, passando da te c'è sempre qualcosa di molto interessante da scoprire, mi piace moltissimo "lezione di ricamo".
    Come sempre i piu' vivi e sinceri auguri di serenita' e pace.
    Buona domenica.
    Anna Maria

    1. @ Anna Maria
      dolcissima amica mia, è sempre un immenso piacere accoglierti qui, grazie per le tue parole di apprezzamento, riconfortano di gioia il mio cuore !

      Ti abbraccio augurandoti una lieta settimana,
      con riconoscenza sincera ❥

  6. Dany, these paintings are just magnificent.
    I have not heard of this artist.
    Truly so very beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing here, sweet friend. I wish you a beautiful week. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      I'm so overjoyed by your words of enjoyment and delight, my loving friend, they mean so, so much to me !

      Hope your week is off to a good start, I wish you most wonderful days to come, with all my love ಌ❀ಌ

  7. The faces tell all, do they not? Such beautiful paintings I have never seen. Thank you for sharing, dear one. I look forward to seeing your bunnies :)

    1. @ June
      thank you for gracing my blog today with your presence here and your inner Beauty, my adorable friend !
      My little bunnies will be protagonists of a post of mine coming very soon, you'll se, my darling, how cute and tender they're are !!!

      Sending blessings on your week just begun, sweetie,
      may it be filled with so much love and joy •♥•♥•♥•

  8. The Victorians were very sentimental people with a love of family I think.
    Such beautiful works of art.
    Thank you for sharing them.

    1. @ annie
      oh, yes, our Victorians had in their family their most precious value and Gift, I think in that we all have so much to learn ... thinking of so many young girls and boys who don't know what a family love is, alas ... !

      Hope you're enjoying your week, I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come, my lovely, with heartfelt thankfulness ✿*✿

  9. What a great painter he was ... expressing such lovely sentiments !
    Ma favorite is the one with the little girl and her dog, so sweet !
    Thanks for another lovely post, dear Dany !
    Wishing you a wonderful week, my friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      I'm so very happy to have you here, my lovely, and even happier after reading your words of amusement !

      Enjoy your Sunday and your new week ahead, sweetest friend of mine, sendig my dearest love with so much gratitude ♡❤♡

  10. I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried. I love them all! The children are just precious! Your images are always so lovely and a joy to scroll through. Thank you Dany! Have a nice week my friend!

    1. @ Linda
      your words fill my heart with such a deep joy and make my day, I'm so very grateful to you, dearest friend !

      Hope you're having a beautiful Sunday I wish you most beautiful days to come, thinking of you with love and thankfulness ⊰✽∗♥∗✽⊱

  11. Daniela Ciao!
    Che bei dipinti, che come dici perfettamente trasmettere il tuo tema! Mi piace visitare voi, è il mio biglietto per il passato in cui ho voluto vivere, sto aspettando la macchina del tempo per fare questi viaggi! ih ih ih ih

    Abrazos.Rose M.

    1. @ Rose
      le tue sono parole meravigliose, mia cara ... quindi ~ My little old world ~ è il tuo biglietto speciale, anzi, molto speciale, per viaggiare nel tempo trascorso ... fantastico, mai nessuno me lo aveva scritto prima d'ora !

      Ti ringrazio ancora, con tutto il cuore, oggi mi hai davvero donato un sorriso !
      Che la tua domenica scorra serena e che la nuova settimana sia prodiga di gioia per te, dolcissima amica ❥

  12. Il dipinto della ragazzina che tiene in braccio il bimbo che dorme
    è una poesia scritta in punta di pennello . Il bimbo si abbandona ad un sonno pacifico nel piccolo abbraccio della fanciulla , un nido sicuro per lui.
    Grazie per mostrare un mondo così bello a chi , come me , non lo conosceva !
    Lieta settimana,

    1. @ Franca
      parole che deliziano il cuore di gioia pura sono le tue,... e che mi commuovono !

      Grazie a te, mia dolce, ti abbraccio forte forte con il mio più sincero affetto, trascorri una serata gioiosa ♡ஐ♡

  13. Non conoscevo questo straordinario artista e ti ringrazio immensamente per la bellissima carrellata di questi dipinti di incredibile bellezza. Non saprei scegliere, sono tutti magnifici ed arrivano al cuore.

    1. @ Alessandra
      leggo con immenso piacere la gioia che il vedere queste tele ti ha donato, dolcissima, e te ne sono immensamente grata !

      Che il tuo weekend si concluda in serenità e che la nuova settimana porti con sé gioia e armonia, te lo auguro di vero cuore •♥•♥•♥•

  14. I like good paintings, and have several but nothing to compare this work of art. I loved each and everyone for its on unique and special meaning. The details are outstanding.

    1. @ LV
      I'm really overjoyed by your words of amusement, thank you, sweetest friend of mine, they really fill my heart with deep gladness !

      Sending my dearest love to you across the many miles,
      with so much gratitude ༺❀༻

  15. Oh my word, these paintings are breathlessly beautiful. The romantic scenes and the family scenes are stunning. The faces are so beautiful. a true master and I did not know his works.

    Thank you for sharing your awesome posts with Blue Monday.
    Hugs, Jeanne

    1. @ Jeanne
      it is I to be so very grateful to you, my adorable friend, reading your enjoyment and appreciation in your lines makes me feel so very happy !

      May the remainder of your Sunday be blessed with joy,
      sending hugs and more hugs to you ♥♡♥

  16. Cara Daniela, rimango letteralmente rapita dinnanzi a tanta bellezza. Non ci sono parole, davvero. Che splendore. Che calore!Che realismo. Ma mi colpiscon in particolare il carattere e la personalità, i sentimenti che emergono e traspaiono da questi delicatissimi personaggi.
    Grazie ancora
    Un abbraccio Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      grazie a te dolcissima, la tua sensibilità mi rende talmente orgogliosa di averti accanto !

      Che la tua serata ti doni gioia e serenità e che la nuova settimana sia prodiga di letizia per te, con tutto il cuore ed un fortissimo abbraccio ✽≼♥≽✽

  17. Dear Dani:
    These pictures are so wonderful and such an amazing artist. I love them all and especially the one with the Mother doing needlework and the child watching at her side. Lovely posting and I thank you for sharing and linking such beauty.

    1. @ Bernideen
      I'm so very grateful to you for your words of appreciation, my darling friend !

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your Sunday and on your new week ahead, dearie, thinking of you with much love ಌ•❤•ಌ

  18. So very, very lovely and peaceful....

    Thank you for sharing this artist. I always love to find new-to-me art and artists.


    1. @ Tessa
      what a blessing you gifted me, precious friend of mine, your words put a smile on my face !

      Have a lovely remainder of your Sunday, dearie, sending hugs and ever much love to you ✿⊱╮

  19. Dipinti che sembrano parlare, incredibilmente realistici. Quelli che sono arrivati dritti al mio cuore, sono quelli con i bambini e mamme. In particolare, per ragioni personali, il dipinto con la mamma che allatta mi ha dato emozioni e sensazioni immense. Grazie sempre cara Daniela, e oggi ti ringrazio in modo particolare ♥♥♥. Paola

    1. @ Paola
      deliziosa amica mia, quelli che più hanno toccato la tua sensibilità sono proprio quelli che anche io preferisco, li trovo così eloquenti e quasi per assurdo mi lasciano priva di parole ... in realtà tutti esprimono una genialità ed un talento non comuni, amo questo artista misconosciuto, lasciato in ombra da nomi più celebri e celebrati, ma non per questo più capaci a trasmettere emozioni intime e sentimenti autentici.

      Grazie per essere sempre così partecipe, mia dolce, che la tua serata sia serena come non mai e che la tua nuova settimana trascorra lieta, te lo auguro con profondo affetto e sincera riconoscenza ஐ ಌ❀ಌ ஐ

  20. What a gorgeous post this is - especially the background music! Loved all the pictures - such talent on display!! Something to aspire to. Good to meet you!

    1. @ Isobel
      you're heartily welcome, my friend, your words bless my heart with such a inner joy !

      Hope you're having a lovely weekend I'm wishing you all my best for your new week to come, with utmost gratitude ⊰♥~❖~♥⊱

  21. The beauty of this art lasts forever! I'm so glad it has survived over the years and that you found so many beautiful paintings to share with us. Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

    1. @ Diane
      I'm always overjoyed by welcoming you here, adorable friend of mine !

      So very glad to have entertained you with gladness and amusement I'm sending blessings of joy on your new week ahead, sweet friend, with much, so much thankfulness ❀≼♥≽❀

  22. Art, especially art that is very old, shows us that a mother's love is always most important. I love seeing all of these sweet faces. ;)

    1. @ Stacey
      I'm so very grateful for the delicacy of your heart, my beautiful friend !

      ♡❤♡ Sending much heartfelt love to you ♡❤♡

  23. Oh, be still loving my heart. These paintings are spectacular. Such romance and beauty in these works of art. What incredible talent and we are very fortunate to be able to enjoy them today.


    1. @ Janet
      I'm so happy to read your words of praise, sweetie, Merle was truly a wonderful, amazing painter, something like a poet of images ...

      Enjoy your new week ahead, dearie, I cherish you ... ღ≫✿≪ღ

  24. Your painting are stunning. I always enjoy learning about each one. Have a great week dear friend. Blessings, Martha

    1. @ Martha
      you're truly a sweet hearted lady, my dear friend, and I'm so very grateful to you for this !

      Hope you had a beautiful week - forgive my delay - I wish you most wonderful days to come, sending my dearest love to you ❥

  25. Hi Dany, What a beautiful post. I love all these amazing paintings you share. They really are inspiring works for a life time.
    Thank you for sharing and always bringing great teachings my friend. Hugs and Blessings to you. xo

    1. @ Celestina Marie
      thank you for gracing my blog today both with your presence here and with your so lovely words filling my heart, blessed be !

      May your afternoon and your evening be full of joy,
      sending hugs and more hugs to you,
      with so much sincere thankfulness ~ Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ ~

  26. Such magnificent works of art depicting a this lovely Victorian era. Just beautiful!

    1. @ Debby
      thanks most sincerely for appreciating this post of mine, sweet friend !

      Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday I wish you most wonderful days to come, sending blessings of joy across the many miles ✿⊱╮

  27. These are wonderful! Reminds me of Vermeer.

    1. @ Linda
      lovable friend of mine, you're right, probably this is one of the reasons why I love him so much !

      So glad you've enjoyed this post, I wish you much love for the coming week, with heartfelt gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  28. Good Morning my Inspiring Friend,
    Art History was one of my favorite subjects in College.
    My studies did take me elsewhere-creative writing and English.
    However, I may remember that this artist had penchant for mythical, allegorical and literary scenes. His mastery of the human figure, is extraordinary and beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at TOHOT!

    1. @ Jemma
      here you are, precious friend of mine !
      You're such a talented and skilled lady in everything requiring artistry and sensitiveness and I was sure that such an expressive painter would have talked to your heart .. indeed, you already knew and appreciated him since your time at College, I'm truly happy to read it, my lovely !

      Enjoy your new week ahead, dearie,
      sending blessings of joy to you *♥*♡*♥*

  29. He paints such beautiful pictures, the ones that look like they are staring right at you are just amazing, so life like and just beautifully done!!! Hope you are having a good week :)

    1. @ Connie
      wonderful friend, your enthusiasm is my joy !

      Hope you're having a lovely Sunday I wish you a most beautiful new week coming, thinking of you with my dearest love ✿⋰⋱✿

  30. Dear Dany:
    Just letting you know that this post was chosen as a special featured from last Monday! Thanks so much for sharing your talents and beautiful posts!

    1. @ Bernideen
      dearest friend of mine, I cannot believe your words, I'm so overjoyed to be ... speechless ... you're so generous with me, sweet friend ... how may I thank you ?

      Sending blessings on your evening,
      with utmost sincere gratitude ❥

  31. @ Nives
    amica carissima dal cuore colmo di buoni sentimenti, credimi, la fortuna e la stima sono davvero reciproche, grazie per le toccanti parole che mi hanno abbracciata di gioia !

    Ti auguro una serata lieta ed una nuova settimana colma di serenità, con sincero affetto e sentita ammirazione ಌ❀ಌ

  32. Thanks for sharing these beautiful paintings. They are all beautiful. Great talent. I especially love Romeo and Juliette. Have a great week Daniela. xo

    1. @ thel day
      I heartily thank you for your words of appreciation, sweet friend, you're always so very welcome !!!

      Hope you're having a lovely week, I wish you most beautiful days to come, sending my dearest love to you ಌ❀ಌ

  33. What wonderful paintings of mothers/children. This artist really captures the love between them both!

    1. @ Pat
      to me also his great talent is just that of capturing this so deep, inner love in the expressions ... that's a kind of love which can be hardly expressed by words, but also facial expressions are so very difficult to paint !

      I'm sincerely glad to read your enthusiasm, dearie, it means so much to me !

      Enjoy your week just begun,
      may it be filled with so much love ♡❤♡

  34. Dany, I can't believe I haven't yet commented on this beautiful post. I remember reading it, I even remember writing a comment but I don't see it and suspect that perhaps I lost my connection at the time. No matter -- it was a joy to revisit it once more. I have never seen such lovely paintings of mother and child. They take my breath away. Thank you for introducing us to these.

    1. @ Jeanie
      I'm so very sad to read that you've lost your comment ... sometimes I happen, on my blog and on those of other friends, but not always I'm aware of it as soon as it happens ... sometimes I do realize after a few days ... as you did, my lovely !

      Anyway, I'm so overjoyed by having you here, always, and to read your words of appreciation means such a blessing of joy to my heart, I thank you most sincerely !

      Hope you're having a lovely day, I'm wishing you a remainder of your week as beautiful as you, darling friend ✿⊱╮
