sabato 30 gennaio 2016

'Dear Mother, please forgive me, I could not resist love': Marie Vetsera's farewell and love letters hidden in Austrian bank vault for 90 years.

Liebe Mutter, verzeih mir was ich gethan.- 
Ich könnte der Liebe nicht wiederstehen.


Furono le prime luci dell'alba del del 30 gennaio 1889, come sicuramente ben sapete, a svelare tragicamente i corpi senza vita di Rudolph d'Asburgo e della sua giovanissima amante, la Baronessa Marie "Mary" Vetsera presso la stanza del casino di caccia di proprietà del Principe Ereditario situato presso Mayerling, poco distante da Vienna; 

non voglio fare qui approfondimenti storici sull'evento, che già credo di aver chiarito, per quanto mi è stato possibile, lo scorso anno ( 30 gennaio 1889: Mayerling, il tragico destino degli Asburgo. ), ma voglio piuttosto rendervi edotti circa un episodio occorso la scorsa estate, nella caldo della capitale Austriaca, durante il mese di agosto: si tratta di una clamorosa scoperta circa la storia d'amore forse più celebre al mondo, sicuramente quella  che più di ogni altra ha ispirato films, romanzi, balletti ed opere teatrali. 
Era il 1926 quando presso il caveau di una banca di Vienna  'Una persona sconosciuta depositò una cartella in pelle rilegata contenente numerosi documenti personali, lettere e fotografie della famiglia Vetsera, comprese le lettere d'addio di Marie Vetsera.' questo è quanto afferma la Biblioteca Nazionale Austriaca (ÖNB) che le ha prese in consegna; le sue lettere, indirizzate alla madre, la baronessa Helene, al fratello Feri e alla sorella Hanna, sono state scoperte 126 anni dopo la sua morte da alcuni impiegati della banca, incaricati dall'archivista Sylvia Linc di sgombrare questo vano che li ha segretamente custoditi per ben 90 anni.

E' senza dubbio questo un ritrovamento sensazionale, per gli storici e per gli uomini di scienza, se si pensa che fino ad ora si sapeva che l'unico documento superstite relativo al tragico evento di Mayerling era la lettera che il Principe Ereditario Rudolph scrisse alla moglie Stephanie del Belgio e che quelle scritte da Marie erano state distrutte dopo la scomparsa della madre.

Cara madre -
Perdonarmi per quello che ho fatto. -
non ho potuto resistere all'amore. si legge sui fogli vergati dalla giovane baronessa - D'accordo con lui, voglio essere sepolta a lui accanto nel cimitero di Alland. - *
Sono più felice nella morte piuttosto che in vita.

Purtroppo le ultime volontà di Marie non vennero rispettate, poiché ella riposa presso il cimitero di Heiligenkreuz, 

mentre le spoglie del Principe Rudolph sono state deposte dove riposano tutti gli Asburgo presso la Cripta dei Cappuccini ( Kapuzinergruft ) a Vienna ( oggi si trovano accanto a quelle del padre ).

Tornando ai documenti storici che costituiscono il nostro argomento di interesse primario, essi, conservati all'interno di una busta chiusa sigillata recante le insegne della corona del principe, saranno esposti al pubblico presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Austriaca durante tutto questo anno come parte delle celebrazioni relative al centenario della morte dell'Imperatore Francesco Giuseppe (1916 - 2016).

Voglio, infine, per concludere, porgere un dono a chi ama questa parte della storia del secolo XIX° e questi personaggi ... si tratta di una fotografia, l'ultima, scattata da un anonimo, al Principe Ereditario mentre stava compiendo una passeggiata sul suo cocchio nel parco del Prater, proprio due giorni prima della sua morte ... 

Die Letzen Fahrt - L'ultima passeggiata

Anche se di solito guidava il cocchio da solo, Rudolph era sempre accompagnato da un cocchiere di corte; qui sono seduti fianco a fianco entrambi con le gambe protette da una coperta ed il principe ereditario cerca distrazione compiendo un giro nel Prater; sua cognata, Louise v. Coburg, sorella di Stephanie, che per caso si trovava lì, da poco lo aveva visto, e, non sentendosi egli nella sua forma migliore - era in odore di ciò che stava per accadergli - la cosa accrebbe il suo nervosismo.

Vi lascio con la mestizia nel cuore che sempre questo episodio mi comunica perché non si può morire per fede ai propri ideali e perché non si vuole rovesciare dal trono imperiale il proprio padre, trascinando in questa tragedia anche l'innocente, innamorata Mary che si trovava dove non avrebbe dovuto essere quella notte ...

Come sempre vi ringrazio, miei cari, carissimi amici, con il cuore colmo di affetto, 

a presto 


Daily Mail

The Local at - Austria's news in English


* Alland è un piccolo, ridente paesino nei pressi di Mayerling.

Dear Mother, please forgive me,
 I could not resist love

- picture 1 - The young Mary Vetsera ( she died when she wasn't still eighteen !)

It was the dawn of the January the 30th, 1889, as surely you know, which tragically unveiled the lifeless bodies of Rudolph of Hapsburg and of his young lover Baroness Marie "Mary" Vetsera in the bedroom of the hunting lodge owned by the Crown Prince located at Mayerling, not far from Vienna; 

- picture 2 - Mayerling, where the tragedy happened

I don't want to do historical insights about the event here, which I think I have already made clear, as far as I was able, last year (January 30th, 1889: Mayerling, the tragic fate of the Habsburgs.), but rather I want you to be informed about an episode which occurred last summer, in the heat of the Austrian capital, during the month of August: it is a sensational discovery about the love story that is, perhaps, the most famous in the world, certainly the one that more than any other has inspired films, novels, theatrical plays and ballets. 
It was 1926 when at a bank vault in Vienna 'An unknown person deposited a leather bound folder containing several personal documents, letters and family photographs from the Vetsera family , including Marie Vetsera's farewell letter.', this is what the Austrian National Library (ÖNB), which took them over,  asserts;  her letters, addressed to her mother, Baroness Helene, her brother Feri and sister Hanna, were discovered 126 years after her death, by the clerks of the bank entrusted by the archivist Sylvia Linc with clearing this room, that has kept them secretly for almost 90 years.

This is with no doubt a sensational find, for historians and men of science, if you consider that until now it was known that the only surviving document relating to the tragedy of Mayerling was a letter that the Crown Prince Rudolph wrote to his wife, Stephanie of Belgium, and that those written by Marie had been destroyed after her mother's death.

- picture 3 - The farewell letter Mary addressed to her mother

Dear mother -
Forgive me for what I did.-
I could not resist  love, we read in the papers penned by the young Baroness -
Agree with him, I want to be buried next to him in the cemetery of Alland.- *
I am happier in death than in life.

Unfortunately the last wishes of Marie were not respected, as her rests were buried at the cemetery of Heiligenkreuz,

- picture 4 - Mary's grave at Heiligenkreutz

while the remains of Prince Rudolf were laid where in the Capuchin Crypt (Kapuzinergruft) in Vienna where lie the remains of all the Habsburgs (after his father's death they're lying next to them).
Returning to the historical documents that is the topic of our primary interest, Which were kept closed inside a sealing envelope bearing the insignia of the Crown Prince, they'll be on public display at the Austrian National Library throughout this year as part of the celebrations related the centenary of the death of the Emperor Franz Joseph (1916 - 2016).
I want, finally, present a gift to those who love this part of the history of the XIXth century and these characters ... it's a photograph, the last, which was taken from an anonymous, while the Crown Prince was doing a ride on his chariot in the Prater park, just two days before his death ...

- picture 5 - Die letzen Fahrt - The last ride

Although he usually drove the chariot alone, Rudolph was always accompanied by a coachman court; here they're sitting side by side with both legs protected by a blanket and the crown prince seeks distraction circling it in the Prater; her sister in law, Louise v.Coburg, Stephanie's sister, who happened to be there, had just seen him, and, for he didn't feel on top form - was in the odor of what was going to happen - it increased his nervousness.

I'm  leaving you with a little bit of sadness in my heart that always  this episode makes me feel, because you cannot die for faith to your ideals and  because you do not want to overthrow from the imperial throne your own father, dragging in this tragedy even the innocent, so in love with him,  Mary, who was where she hadn't to be that night ...

As usual I thank you , my dear, dearest friends, with all my love,

see you soon ♥ 



The Local at - Austria's news in English


* Alland is a small, lovely village near Mayerling.


68 commenti:

  1. I want you to know how much your posts touch my heart, dear Daniela. I am struggling with depression and the music and content here are wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing, dear friend. Hugs.

    1. @ Linda
      my dearest, I'm so very glad if my posts touch your heart, but I don't want you to struggle with depression, not at all, ... when I come and visist you, you often make me laugh, ... when you come here, well, I don't want you to cry sweetie {{smiles}}!

      Have a blessed end of your week
      sending so, so much dear love to you,
      ༺❀༻ my delicate and sensitive soul ༺❀༻

  2. Hello Daniela, what a lovely love story. It is a shame Marie's last wishes were not respected. Thanks for sharing! I hope you are having a great weekend!

    1. @ eileen
      sweetest friend of mine, with you I think that it was a shame, but we have to think that we're talking about a love story which linked a married Crown Prince to a young woman in a story which was kept hidden ... well, the will of the Royal Family was certainly stronger than hers, and dictated the conditions, that's why she was buried in the cemetery near the little village where there were other relatives of hers, while the Crown Prince was placed with all his ancestors and relatives ...

      So overjoyed that you've liked this writing, I hope that your Saturday is ending in the better of the ways and that you Sunday may be filled with joy and brightness, my wonderful friend,
      sending love and sweet hugs to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  3. Un post toccante ... a volte se si potesse riavvolgere il nastro della vita ... cambiare in meglio gli eventi non essendo possibile , si guarda avanti , facendo tesoro dei Ricordi.
    Lieta domenica ,

    1. @ Franca
      dolcissima amica mia, ti ringrazio con tutto il cuore per le tue splendide parole che aggiungono grazia a questa mia pagina, facendo quasi da chiosa allo scritto ...

      Che anche la tua domenica scorra serena, carissima, e che la nuova settimana sia foriera di amenità,
      ஐ ti abbraccio tanto, tanto caramente ஐ

  4. Another amazing post. The entries you post here, draw me in!!!

    I'm sure I have heard of Mayerling. But did not know the real story. Thank you for telling it to us.

    Gentle hugs,

    1. I'm so very glad to involve you so deeply with the topics I choose, your words truly make my day, my dearest !
      May your Sunday be blessed with joy,
      have a wonderful week ahead, my sweetest, marvelous, precious friend.

      With all my heart ❥

  5. Oh this is so sad, Dany.
    They were so young, and to think they were not buried next to each other breaks my heart.

    I wish you a beautiful week ahead, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      beloved friend of mine, this is certainly a far romantic piece of History, but with a sad ending, just think that the Emperor made destroy that room so badly reduced ( it was evident that it saw a hard fight ), and immediately he made built a chapel instead of it, and where there was the bed today we may find an altar behind which are hanging two portraits depicting them both ...
      Maybe Franz Joseph wanted to ask mercy for such a shame ... for sure it was an episode which marked so deeply and irremediably His and the Empress's life ... and began to 'write down' the Habsburgs' decline ...

      I hug you with so much gladness, having you here always blesses my heart with joy, dearie, have a wonderful day today and a bright new week ahead you too,
      thinking of you with love ღ❀ღ

  6. Carissima, e se ti dico che sono stata proprio al museo a vedere la camera dove pare siano morti? Almeno penso di ricordare giusto. Che emozione. Un caro saluto sempre da Vancouver dove sono in partenza per l'Ecuador:)))

    1. @ Woody
      amica mia dolcissima, esiste una ricostruzione della stanza che ha visto la tragedia, ma dove essa giaceva realmente oggi vi è una cappella, una sorta di ex voto commemorativo: l'Imperatore Francesco Giuseppe, nei giorni che seguirono la sepoltura del suo unico erede al trono, ordinò la demolizione di quella parte dell'antico edificio e, nel luogo esatto in cui vi era collocato il letto, fece collocare un altare ( se hai avuto tempo e modo di andare a vedere il post che ho pubblicato lo scorso anno di cui ho indicato il link ne vedi la fotografia ).
      Sono luoghi che ancora oggi si sentono così tanto ...'appesantiti' da ciò che vi è stato vissuto, hai ragione, mia cara !

      Ti abbraccio tanto, tanto caramente, ringraziandoti per il tempo che mi concedi anche durante le tue vacanze, che sono certa siano meravigliose, ti auguro una settimana colma di gioia e di emozioni da conservare nel cuore ✿⋰⋱✿

  7. Lovely friend, what a tragic story. While it's exciting that the letter was found, it is terribly sad to know her mother never read it. This post brought tears to my eyes, dear Dany.

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for being sweet, wonderful you :) Much love!

    1. @ Stephanie
      my blessed soul, I'm always in so high spirits when I read your words here, your enthusiasm fills my heart with such a gladness !
      Actually all these document were owned, secretly, by Marie's mother, until her death (1926); probably the man who brought them to the Austrian bank was a family lawyer or a notary who was given this task, maybe in her last will or maybe by her son and /or her daughter... we're not able to know these things, darling, ... forgive me if I've explained myself in a not intelligible way !

      I'm so grateful to you for your goodness and for your so sweet heart filled with good sentiments, may your week to come be joyous and serene, bless you ♡❤♡

  8. It is a very sad and strange historic story. Thank you for telling us about it. xoxo Su

    1. @ Su
      it's my pleasure, my lovely !
      I'm so grateful to you for having read and enjoyed it, dearest friend of mine, I wish you a most beautiful Sunday and new week ahead, sweetie,
      *♥* sending much love to you *♥*

  9. Oh Daniela che ritrovamento eccezionale questo plico con documenti storici, conservati gelosamente in un caveau!
    Si ricordo la narrazione che facesti nel tuo post, tempo fa. Interessante e coinvolgente, come sempre.
    Un abbraccio e buon inizio di settimana

    1. @ Susanna
      leggiadra, delicata, amabile amica mia, ricordi ancora il mio post di un'anno fa su Mayerling, sei formidabile ... e questo ritrovamento di cui non vedevo l'ora di rendervi edotti - mi sembrava che fosse questa l'occasione propizia - è davvero sensazionale, sì, mia cara, sono davvero felice che anche tu la pensi così ... quando viene rinvenuto qualcosa che ormai, sepolto tra i ricordi, si ritiene andato smarrito, è sempre un guadagno notevole per la nostra Storia e talvolta anche per la ricostruzione di eventi che hanno conservato scarsa chiarezza ed alimentano ancora dubbi e perplessità.
      Sempre molto, molto grata per la tua partecipazione, dolcissima amica, ti abbraccio augurandoti una piacevole serata ed un inizio di settimana all'insegna della serenità,
      ༺♡༻ con tutto il cuore ༺♡༻

  10. As it is beautiful this history even if it is deeply moving and sad also. Thank you for sharing with us these so rich historical records.
    I hope that you understand what I want to say, my English is

    1. @ Christelle
      loving and graceful friend of mine, you cannot imagine the sweetness you bring here and the love with which you fill my heart every time I read your words !
      Of course I do understand what you mean, and i do agree with you, your english is not poor, my darling, not at all !

      With so much gratitude and esteem for the Beauty of your Heart and of you Soul, I wish you a most beautiful start of your week, may it be very joyous to you and your beloved ones, thinking of you with so much sincere love ❀≼♥≽❀

  11. Quanto mi è caro questo argomento e quanto mi allieta sapere che le lettere di Marie Vetsera ci appartengano ancora!
    Questo è stato il primo evento - tragico - che mi ha avvicinato alla storia asburgica del periodo vittoriano e che mi ha incuriosita facendomi leggere così tranto, appasionandomi e coinvolgendomi in un vortice - piacevole - da cui ancora non sono uscita !
    Marie mi è fatto sempre una grande tenerezza, povera giovane vittima di un destino che non era stato scritto per lei ... quella sera non ci doveva essere a Mayerling, Rudolph l'aveva ammonita dal raggiungerlo, ma lei, da ingenua innamorata pensò solamente che probabilmente gli avrebbe fatto una gradita sorpresa.
    Grazie per questa notizia che apprendo solamente ora grazie a te, carissima Dany, grazie ancora, il tuo blog, che non frequento da un po', è sempre più bello ed accogliente, un angolo senza pari nel web.
    Tua Mavi

    1. @ Mavi
      carissima, stavo per chiudere, ma sono prima voluta passare di qui ed ho trovato il tuo commento a cui ho dato immediata pubblicazione ... leggere queste tue parole a fine della mia giornata mi consentono di concluderla con tanta gioia nel cuore ... il tuo entusiasmo, i tuoi elogi, tutto quanto mi hai scritto contribuisce ad accrescere la gaiezza che sento nel profondo !
      Ti auguro una notte serena ed un altrettanto sereno risveglio su di una settimana che voglio sperare sia per te che colma di serenità, credimi, te lo auguro con tutta me stessa ✿⊱╮

  12. Questa tragica storia è davvero molto toccante.Se solo si potesse tornare indietro e riscrivere le pagine della storia! Povera Marie, è stata vittima innocente di un amore travolgente.

    1. @ Alessandra
      mia dolce, sai con quale trasporto si vivono le prime esperienze di amore, lo si assolutizza, non si pensa ad altro, si vive solamente per quello, e credo che per la diciassettenne Marie la storia con Rudolph, costretto ad uno sposalizio che lo stava deludendo sempre più, affranto dall'atmosfera complottistica che lo circondava e bisognoso di quel conforto di cui la moglie era persino tenuta all'oscuro, fosse divenuta la sua unica ragione di vita ... perciò suppongo si sia tolta la propria dopo aver assistito alla sua tragica, forzata dipartita ... è questo un ennesimo esempio di come i sentimenti mal si accordino con la Ragion di Stato e con la politica ... è davvero da compiangere chi ne fu vittima !

      Ti abbraccio, carissima, augurandoti una bellissima, romantica settimana,
      con immensa, sentita, sincera gratitudine ಌ•❤•ಌ

  13. So tragic love story! I had to google this Mayerling tragedy... Marie's letter surely was a spectacular find!

    Thank you so much Daniela for these interesting historical posts.

    1. @ helmiritta
      dearest friend of mine, if you like and are interested in deeping this topic, I'm putting here the link of the post last year I dedicated to the last news about this so sad event:

      To do such kind of researches is such a pleasure to me, I've the 'historian soul', that's my profession, after all ... what is sure is that your enthusiasm feeds this passion of mine with so much joy,
      I thank you with all my heart wishing you a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      sending so much dear love to you ❥

  14. E' sempre emozionante, quando degli scritti vengono fuori dopo molti anni!Ti abbraccio cara amica e ti auguro un mese di Febbraio, romantico!Baci,Rosetta

    1. @ Rosetta
      mia carissima amica dall'animo gentile, l'hai detto, il ritrovamento di qualcosa che si credeva fosse andato smarrito è sempre motivo di emozione, soprattutto quando inerisce eventi che ancor oggi sono poco chiari ...

      Contraccambio con tanto affetto, ammirazione e gratitudine il tuo abbraccio, mia dolce, augurandoti ogni bene per la settimana da poco cominciata ....
      Sei talmente cara ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  15. So tragic.
    It is too sad that they could not have had a long and happy life.
    How exciting that the letters were found after so long.
    I hope you are doing well and I am sending you hugs my sweet friend.

    1. @ annie
      my precious, so lovely friend,
      the discovery of something which was supposed to have been lost are always of great, great value !
      Actually the marriage of the Crown Prince Rudolph and Stephanie, daughter of the King of Belgium, was seen since ever with diffidence from the Empress, who knew that it wasn't a love marriage, and so forced to be unhappy... of course Her words and her feelings had so scarce importance, compared to the politic and the alliances which weddings were useful to strengthen ... alas !

      Hoping that your week is off to a great start, my darling, I thank you most sincerely for your affection and, with my heart filled with deep gratitude,
      I wish you a beautiful, joyous day, today ಌ❀ಌ

  16. What a tragic story. I missed you and your blog a lot! Huggles and happy 2016! xo

    1. @ Kia
      is this really you ??? I cannot believe it, I'm overjoyed, my dearest, wonderful friend, how much I have been missing you ... and prayed for you all !
      It was the day before yesterday, maybe last Sunday, when I came and visit you the last time and saw the post dated December 31st, once more, and so I closed it, as I did so, so many times ...
      I have to send you an e-mai before than going to bed, this evening ... for sure, my lovely !

      Hoping that you're doing well, I wish you all the most beautiful remainder of your week,
      ♥♡♥ sending you all my love, with so much gladness ♥♡♥

  17. All the great love stories have such sad endings, don't they. How sad Stephanie's last wishes were not honoured. As always, Dany, it is lovely to visit your lovely world, read about momentous episodes in history and have one's soul quietened by the soft and melodious music....thank you.

    1. @ Kim
      it's my pleasure, my lovable friend, believe me, and when you write me such words, my heart flies so high that I touch the sky !

      With so much gratitude and love I wish you all my best for the days to come,
      sending sweet, big hugs to you across the miles ✿⋰*⋱✿

  18. E' triste che una cosa così bella come l'amore possa far fare gesti così estremi,tragici. Ma questo ritrovamento è sensazionale, come aprire un vecchio scrigno, da tempo dimenticato, e trovare un vero tesoro, anche se molto triste.....per certi versi ricorda un pò "Giulietta e Romeo".
    Grazie mia dolcissima, riesci sempre ad appassionarmi!!
    Un abbraccio colmo di affetto
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      il mio tesoro tutto vittoriano !!!!
      Sono sempre emozionata da tali ritrovamenti che rendono 'vera' la storia scritta sui libri, emozionata ed in questo caso anche commossa, non lo nego ...
      Sì, davvero, anche a me è sempre sembrata una tragedia shakespeariana, se fosse stato ancora vivo allora, la penna del genio di Stratford on Avon avrebbe sicuramente tratto spunto da un simile evento per una delle sue tragedie !

      Felicissima, come sempre, di averti coinvolto con le mie narrazioni, ti auguro una lieta serata ed un prosieguo di settimana all'insegna della serenità ... ti abbraccio anche io, dolcezza, con tutto il bene che ti voglio ❀≼♥≽❀

  19. An amazing story. Life really is more fantastic than fiction.

    1. @ Amalia
      you're right, and the fictions I do prefer are those which are inspired by reality !
      I'm so grateful to you for everything, my darling friend, when you come and visit me you always put me in high spirits !

      Have a most lovely remainder of your week, sweetie, may it be blessed with joy and gladness,
      *♥* sending much love to you *♥*

  20. A tragic tale of lost love, so reminiscent of Romeo & Juliet! There is still so much mystery around it & I am sad she was so young.
    Have a very special week!

    1. @ Christine
      wonderful friend of mine, this is really one of the saddest and tragic episodes that History could tell us, for so many reasons ...
      So glad you've enjoyed this reading, sweetie !

      May you have a delightful day, today, and may the remainder of your week be filled with abundant joy and wonder,
      with so much gratitude and love ಌ•❤•ಌ

  21. I don't know that I had ever heard about this before, I learned even more by reading your comments to others comments to your post. It amazes me how many people have affairs and fall in love with people they shouldn't, how tragic she lost her life at such a young age, and didn't end up where she wanted to be. It is funny that the papers were put away to be found so many years later, I wonder why her mother wouldn't have been rid of them so no one else would know.
    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful week so far, many hugs to you

    1. @ Connie
      if during that age life was far hard for poor people, I think that it wasn't so very easy to live for those belonging to the highest ranks ... of course, they didn't suffer hunger or cold, but had to succumb to the will of others, had to live the lives that others wanted them to live ... I don't know and, thus - for my fortune ! - cannot imagine how sad to live with a person you almost hate, could be ... that was the feeling Crown Prince Rudolph felt for Stephanie, the wife his father imposed him, not since ever, but after having lived a little with her, a woman which had no beauty, simpaty, intelligence and who gave him a wonderful baby-girl as a child, Erszy, but who couldn't have children anymore after her, so he couldn't see any future for them, because no heir to the Habsburg throne would arrive from that wedding.
      You know what it did mean for them ... As his mother he loved art, but he loved also to keep in touch with people, to talk with them, he loved politic and wrote under nickname for some magazines and was a progressist while, as Emperor's son, he HAD to be a conservator ... sometimes I wonder how the Empire would have become under his reign ...
      Thank you my precious, wonderful friend for the interest you always have for every topic I deal with, I say it with so much sincere gratitude.

      Have a marvelous day, my dearest one,
      ༺❀༻ thinking of you with so much love ༺❀༻

  22. Hello dear Dany! I's always a pleasure to read your interesting posts. Today I learn about this tragic love story. Sometimes the stories of love are a suffering symbol regardless of the era in which they were lived. When they involve mostly monarchies must be very difficult to live a love freely once the duty comes first. Poor who falls in love for the wrong person ...
    Sorry maybe I can't express in english so well as I wish but I think you can understand me...
    Thank you for your wised words.
    Enjoy your end of week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    1. @ Ana
      darling friend, good morning to you !
      The pleasure and the joy, great, are mine to have you here and to read your interest in your lovely words, dear one, you're right,'duty came first' and often this motto ruined wonderful people and their lives ... and gave life to several 'liaisons' and sometimes to real tragedies, as in this case !

      May your weekend be filled with many little things filling your heart with joy, sweet friend,
      sending love to you, with so much thankfulness ❥

  23. bellissimo questo post Daniela, complimenti....
    un abbrcaccio simona:)

    1. @ simona
      mia cara, ti ringrazio con tutto il cuore, felicissima che il mio scritto ti abbia entusiasmato !

      Che la tua giornata sia colma di gioia, dolce amica, te lo auguro sinceramente con un forte abbraccio ஐღஐ

  24. Such a great but oh so sad love story, Dany !
    Always enjoy visiting here ...
    Have a nice evening, sweet friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      my wonderful friend, you always make my day when you come and visit me here with your sweetness and your grace !

      Have a wonderful day, today, my lovely lady,
      ✿*✿ thinking of you with so dear love ✿*✿

  25. dearest Daniela,

    Such a beautiful and poignant story you have shared. Thank you for sharing and even though it was very sad, it is history and always good to read.
    Many thanks for the kind visit to my blog and the lovely note you left.
    Hope you are enjoying the week
    Sending love and hugs

    1. @ Carolyn,
      lovely friend of mine, I love your words when you say that even if sad, this story is part of our History and that's why you think it to be pleasant and interesting to read ... and I love you for thinking so, my darling !

      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your week,
      with my heart filled with love and so much, sincere gratitude,
      sending sweet hugs to you too, sweetie ♡❤♡

  26. Hi Daniela, what an incredible love story. So sad she could not have her last wishes granted but I am sure her mother did not approve of her love. Although why keep the letter locked away for 90 years. This story poses many questions!
    My mother was born in 1926 and I am always interested in this era. I had not heard this story.
    Thank you for sharing so many wonderful history lessons with us. You are such a blessing. The music, photos and your words make my visits so much fun. I love your blog.
    Have a blessed day dear one. xo

    1. @ Celestina Marie
      thank you for blessing my heart with your presence here and your beautiful words, my darling !!!
      Actually we don't know how things went, maybe the Empress or the Emperor told Marie's mother to destroy those letters but, for love of her daughter, she didn't find the courage for doing it and kept them hidden in her home till her death ... this could be an hypothesis ... so many can still be done today about this tragedy an about all the events which surrounded it, before and after it happened ...

      I'm so overjoyed to read your enjoyement in your words, dearie, that's such a great gift to me !

      Thanks most sincerely for this all, my sweet soul,
      may your day too be blessed with deep joy and wonder,
      my marvelous lady ღ❀ღ

  27. Una storia struggente!
    La piccola Marie,vittima di un forte sentimento passionale che tende a soffocare tutte le facoltà riflessive...
    E quelle lettere ritrovate, accompagnate da tanto realismo, vibrano ancora nell'aria...
    Un post bellissimo ed emozionante!
    Grazie splendida amica,ti auguro una serena giornata e ti mando un'abbraccio di tutto cuore.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      come sempre non mi è facile trovare le parole adeguate con cui ringraziarti, con cui rispondere a tanto sentimento, leggiadria, levità nel sentire e nel pensare !

      Lascia che ti auguri una giornata illuminata dalla luce della serenità, dalla gioia delle piccole cose che rallegrano il cuore, dalla letizia dell'animo,
      con immensa riconoscenza e gratitudine ✿⊱╮

  28. Can you imagine the scandal this sad story was at the time? In our age and with the culture as it is, it would be a shock, but I hardly think it would in the news for very long. Our society is so jaded. History is interesting, isn't it? Especially history beyond the traditional high school textbook. Thanks for sharing, Dany. xo ~ Nancy

    1. @ Nancy
      my loving lady, I love History, as you say, just that which is not allowed us to learn at school, that which is not written in our books, the one which is 'hidden behind the scenes' but which makes History so very real and still alive to our eyes today !
      This tragedy was an enormous scandal at that age, it was a terrible event, which meant both shame and despair for the Imperial Couple, which lost also their heir to the throne, beyond the pain, of course, immeasurable I believe, that of the loss of a son ...

      My darling, it's always a so great joy to me to have you here,
      enjoy your weekend,
      ⊰♥⊱ thinking of you with love, gratitude and admiration ⊰♥⊱

  29. ricordo questa triste storia anche attraverso il film che è stato fatto , ricordo ancora le mie lacrime....ti abbraccio cara e ti auguro un sereno fine settimana Lory

    1. @ Lory
      buongiorno dolcissima !!!
      Beh, quando le storie sono già di per sé tristi e tragiche, se trasposte su pellicola, la nostra sensibilità ci induce, senza che ce ne rendiamo conto, di immedesimarci nel racconto e la commozione, ti giuro che lo comprendo perfettamente, è una ovvia conseguenza di tutto ciò ... !

      Che il tuo weekend sia illuminato da tanta tanta gioia, carissima amica mia, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ...
      ... mi sei così cara ಌ•❤•ಌ

  30. "Dear Mother, please forgive me; I could not resist love." Words that if they had not been written by a real person would have been written by a character in a very sad novel. Thanks for another history lesson, Dany!

    1. @ Jean
      it's my pleasure !!!
      I thank you most sincerely, my estimated friend, having you here truly blesses my heart and makes my day !

      May your weekend be filled with gladness, dearest one,
      sending big, dear hugs to you ༺♥♡♥༻

  31. I enjoyed your sharing of this tragic love story. What an incredible historical find of the lost letters too. Thank you for sharing this story... fascinating, sad, and intriguing! :)

    1. @ SpicingUpIdaho
      I'm so overjoyed when I read your words of enthusiasm and appreciation, my heart becomes so light and I seem to fly so high !

      I wish you a most beautiful end of your week, sweetest friend of mine, blessed with so much serenity ❥

  32. Ciao caro,
    grazie! Per le vostre visite e bello per i vostri commenti!
    Sono così contento che ti piaccia le diverse voci che ha fatto. ALMA Vedo che sei sensibile e romantica quindi sono sicuro che sarà una grande gioia condividere la mia mondo che, tra i tanti piccoli dettagli MA NOI riempiono l'anima!
    Complimenti per il tuo blog, è bellissimo! Ogni storia! E 'fantastico! Ho bisogno di aggiungere un traduttore di lingua per blog! ah ah ah ah, così posso capire la lingua bella si parla!
    Abbracci! Rosa M.

    1. @ Rosa
      sei una creatura così tanto delicata e amorevole che è davvero un immenso piacere averti al mio fianco !

      Ti auguro tanta gioia e tanto amore, che questo weekend ti porti tanta serenità nel cuore, ti abbraccio caramente ⊰✽*✽⊱

  33. Another beautiful and powerful story Daniela. Life is never fair. Especially when it come to love. I would love to see and read the found love letters. I can only begin to imagine their beauty and impact.

    Thank you for sharing this bit of history sweet friend.


    1. @ Janet
      precious friend of mine, can you imagine how much I'd also love to ?
      Maybe little by little they're showing to journalists and historians everything they've found, I'm staying tuned, don't worry !!!
      Thank you, my dearest one, for your sweetness and your friendship, you're so dear to me ...

      Hope that your week is off to a great start,
      I wish you wonderful days to come,
      thinking of you with so much love ಌ❀ಌ

  34. Risposte
    1. @ Bernideen
      I thank you with all my heart, your words truly make my day !

      I wish you a most beautiful day, today, and a wonderful end of your weeh ahead, filled with love, my dear friend !
      Happy Valentine's Day to you ♡❤♡
