mercoledì 1 marzo 2017

Albert (Albrecht) Samuel Anker, how life in a Swiss XIXth century village was.

"One has to shape an ideal in one's imagination, 
and then one has to make that ideal accessible to the people."

Albert (Albrecht) Samuel Anker (1831 - 1910)

Die Kleinen Stricker (?)

"Ci si deve formare un ideale nella propria immaginazione,
e quindi rendere quell'ideale accessibile alla gente. "

Albert (Albrecht) Samuel Anker (1831 - 1910)

Albrecht Samuel Anker, pittore ed illustratore svizzero, fu nominato "pittore nazionale" grazie alle sue ancor oggi popolari immagini su come si svolgeva la vita del villaggio nella Svizzera del 1800.
Nato ad Ins, nel Cantone di Berna, il 1 aprile del 1831, figlio di un veterinario, Samuel Anker, egli frequentò le scuole a Neuchâtel e poi a Berna dove conseguì la maturità. Decise quindi di seguire la strada della teologia che lo condusse nel 1851 nuovamente a Berna e quindi presso l'Università di Halle, in Germania, dove il contatto con le grandi collezioni d'arte influenzò profondamente il suo animo sensibile, al punto che nel 1854 convinse il padre ad accettare il fatto che egli avrebbe potuto dedicarsi solamente a ciò che riguardava l'arte e fu così che tornato a Neuchâtel mutò il suo nome in Albert, molto più facile da pronunciare per i suoi compagni di classe di madre lingua francese.

Anker si trasferì a Parigi dove avvia la propria carriera artistica e frequentò l'École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts dal 1855 al 1860. Pur essendo il suo studio collocato nella soffitta della casa dei suoi genitori, egli non mancò di partecipare regolarmente a mostre in Svizzera e in Francia. Nel 1864 Albert Anker sposa Anna Rüfli da cui avrà sei figli, quattro dei quali - Louise, Marie, Maurice e Cécile, i soli non deceduti durante l'infanzia - appariranno più volte nei suoi dipinti
Nel 1866 vinse il primo riconoscimento, la  medaglia d'oro al Salone di Parigi per Schlafendes Mädchen im Walde - La Ragazza Addormentata nel Bosco 

e per Schreibunterricht - Lezione di Scrittura,

tele tutte appartenenti all'anno precedente; nel 1878 fu nominato cavaliere della Légion d'Honneur e dal 1870 al 1874 è stato membro del Gran Consiglio di Berna, sostenitore della costruzione del Kunstmuseum - Museo d'Arte - della città.

Accanto ai suoi regolari soggiorni invernali a Parigi, vanno ricordati i frequenti viaggi in Italia e in altri paesi europei. Nel 1889-1893 e 1895-1898 è stato membro della Commissione Federale d'Arte Svizzera e nel 1900 ricevette il Dottorato Onorario dall'Università di Berna. Un ictus nel 1901 limitò la sua capacità di dipingere, tanto che posiamo notare pennellate diverse sulle sue tele da quell'anno in poi. 
Solo dopo la sua morte, nel 1910, fu aperta al pubblico una prima esposizione a lui dedicata, presso il Musée d'Art et d'Histoire a Neuchâtel.

Ma torniamo alle sue opere ...
Essendo il suo studio localizzato ad Ins, ben si comprende perché egli abbia dato il meglio di sé, dopo essersi dedicato alla produzione di circa una trentina di nature morte e di dipinti a contenuto biblico e a sfondo protestante, nel dipingere i suoi compaesani osservati nella più umile vita di tutti i giorni, senza nessuna pretesa, astenendosi sia dall'idealizzare il mondo rurale sia dall'esprimere alcun accenno politico-sociale, semplicemente come li vedeva dedicarsi con spirito profondamente cristiano alle loro opere.

Osserviamo questi personaggi che nel loro candore esprimono la più profonda poesia, il più profondo calore, i più elevati ideali cristiani ... si tratta della sacralità che solo nei gesti più genuini di tutti i giorni può trovare espressione ...

Sonntag Nachmittag, 1861

Mädchen mit Kätzchen im Korb, 1862

Die Arbeitsamen, 1883

Die ältere Schwester, 1889

Bauer die Zeitung lesend, 1881

Das erste Lächeln, (?)

Die kleine Kartoffelschälerin, 1886

Stricken Mädchen ein Kleinkind in einem Kinderbett Zusehen, 1885

Mädchen mit Brot, (?)

Weitere Auflösungen, (?)

Mädchen, Das Haar Flechten, 1887

Mädchen Stricken, (?)

Die Verbannten, 1868

Junge Mutter betrachtete ihr Schlafendes Kind im Kerzenlicht, 1875

Junge mit Fagot, 1872

Die Andacht des Grossvaters, 1893

Kinderfruhstuck, (?)

Rotkäppchen, 1883

Der Dorf Schneider, (?)

Der Kleine Musiker, 1873

Alte Frau, die die Bibel Liest, 1904

Mädchen Fütterung Hühner, 1865

Titolo sconosciuto, 1831

Spero che questi dipinti vi abbiano colmato il cuore di serenità, così come accade a me ogni qualvolta mi trovo ad osservarli, perché è questo di cui oggi vorrei farvi dono !

Scriveva George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Si usano gli specchi per guardarsi il viso, 
e si usa l’arte per guardarsi l’anima.

Vi abbraccio con immensa gratitudine,

a presto 💕

"One has to shape an ideal in one's imagination, 
and then one has to make that ideal accessible to the people."

Albert (Albrecht) Samuel Anker (1831 - 1910)

- picture 1 - Die Kleinen Stricker (?)

Samuel Albrecht Anker, Swiss painter and illustrator, was named "national artist" thanks to his still popular works of art depicting how the life of a village in the XIXth century Switzerland was.
Born in Ins, in the Canton of Bern, on April 1st, 1831, the son of a veterinarian, Samuel Anker, he attended school in Neuchâtel and then in Bern where he obtained the maturity. He decided to follow then the path of theology which led him in 1851 again in Bern and then at the University of Halle, Germany, where the contact with the great art collections profoundly influenced his sensitive soul, to the point that in 1854 he persuaded his father to accept the fact that he could devote himself to everything what was about art and so it was that he went back to Neuchâtel, where he changed his name to Albert, much easier to pronounce for his French-speaking class mates.

Anker moved to Paris where he started his artistic career and attended the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts from 1855 to 1860. Although his studio was located in the attic of his parents' house, he did not fail to participate regularly to the exhibitions which were held in Switzerland and France. In 1864 Albert Anker married Anna Rüfli who gave him six children, four of whom - Louise, Marie, Maurice and Cécile, the only ones which didn'd die in childhood - appear repeatedly in his paintings.
In 1866 he won the first award, the gold medal at the Paris Salon for Schlafendes Mädchen im Walde - The Girl Sleeping in the Wood

- picture 2 -

and Schreibunterricht - Lesson of Scripture,

- picture 3 - 

- picture 4 -

paintings all belonging to the previous year; in 1878 he was named a knight of the Legion d'Honneur, and from 1870 to 1874 he was a member of the Grand Council of Berne, supporting the construction of the Kunstmuseum - Art Museum - of the city.

Alongside his regular Winter stays in Paris, it should be mentioned the frequent trips to Italy and other European countries. In 1889-1893 and 1895-1898 he was a member of the Swiss Federal Commission of Art and in 1900 he received the Honorary Doctorate by the University of Bern. A stroke in 1901 limited his ability to paint, that's why we may see some different brush strokes on his paintings from that year onwards.
Only after his death, in 1910, it was opened to the public a first exhibition dedicated to him at the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire in Neuchâtel.

But let's come back to his works ...
Since his studio was located in Ins, we can  well understand why he has given the best of his art, after having devoted himself to the production of about thirty still-lifes and paintings of Biblical content and of Protestant background, in painting his countrymen observed in the most humble life of everyday, without any pretense, abstaining himself both by idealizing the rural world and from expressing any political-social hint, just as he saw them busy with their work with deeply Christian Spirit.

We see these characters in their whiteness demonstrating the most profound poetry, the deepest warmth, the highest Christian ideals ... it is the Sacredness that only in the most genuine gestures of everyday life can express ...

- picture 5 - Sonntag Nachmittag, 1861

- picture 6 - Mädchen mit Kätzchen im Korb, 1862

- picture 7 - Die Arbeitsamen, 1883

- picture 8 - Die ältere Schwester, 1889

- picture 9 - Bauer die Zeitung lesend, 1881

- picture 10 - Das erste Lächeln, (?)

- picture 11 - Die kleine Kartoffelschälerin, 1886

- picture 12 - Stricken Mädchen ein Kleinkind in einem Kinderbett Zusehen, 1885

- picture 13 - Mädchen mit Brot, (?)

- picture 14 - Weitere Auflösungen, (?)

- picture 15 - Mädchen, Das Haar Flechten, 1887

- picture 16 - Mädchen Stricken, (?)

- picture 17 - Die Verbannten, 1868

- picture 18 - Junge Mutter betrachtete ihr Schlafendes Kind im Kerzenlicht, 1875

- picture 19 - Junge mit Fagot, 1872

- picture 20 - Die Andacht des Grossvaters, 1893

- picture 21 - Kinderfruhstuck, (?)

- picture 22 - Rotkäppchen, 1883

- picture 23 - Der Dorf Schneider, (?)

- picture 24 - Der Kleine Musiker, 1873

- picture 25 - Alte Frau, die die Bibel Liest, 1904

- picture 26 - Mädchen Fütterung Hühner, 1865

- picture 27 - Title unknown, 1831

I hope that these paintings have filled your heart with a deep serenity, given I happen every time I find myself watching them, because is this which I would like to give you as a present today !

Wrote George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950):

We use mirrors to look at our faces,
and use the art to look inside our souls.

I embrace you with utmost gratitude,

see you soon 💕

86 commenti:

  1. Beautifully tender paintings of the young and old by Samuel Anker. Thank you so much for sharing Daniela. Have a joyous Wednesday :)x

    1. @ Prunella Pepperpot
      I heartily thank you for visiting, darling friend of mine,
      you bring the sunshine here and today your words of amusement and appreciation bless my heart with the deepest joy, I'm sincerely grateful to you !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week
      ♡ஐ♡ sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡ஐ♡

  2. Amazing paintings Dany! How can some one be so talented & skilful! One of my favourites is the girl peeling potatoes. But all children are beautifully painted and with love.

    I wish you a lovely 1st week of March!

    1. @ riitta K
      your words of estimation and enjoyment make my day, my heart is filled to overflowing, thank you, dear, precious friend, you're right, alle the paintings here are painted with love, thanks to a rare Gift ... that's why they touch our heart in the deep.

      Thinking of you with much love and thankfulness,
      I'm sending my warmest and dearest hug to you,
      may you too enjoy the rest of this week with gladness ❥

  3. I'd not heard of him, but I'm not into the art world very much. I am learning a lot by visiting here though.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ☺

    1. @ Sandee
      I'm sincerely grateful to you for your so nice words, loving friend, blessed be !

      Wishing you too a beautiful remainder of your day,
      sending hugs and love across the many miles ಌ•❤•ಌ

  4. Cara Daniela pur amando l'arte non conoscevo questo pittore.Bellissime scene rurali splendidi i bambini ma ho adorato subito il vecchio sarto e la ragazza addormentata nel bosco.Come sempre il tuo blog è un angolo di paradiso in questo mondo che capisco sempre meno.Grazie per la serenità che trasmetti.Baby

    1. @ Baby
      cara, carissima amica, le tue parole mi commuovono !!!
      Tale infatti era il proposito che originariamente mi aveva animata dando vita al mio blog quattro anni or sono il prossimo mese, proprio quello dell'evasione, della serenità, della spensieratezza...

      Ti abbraccio con tanta, tanta gratitudine augurandoti una lieta serata ♡✿*✿♡

  5. I love what Prunella said about the paintings being beautiful and tender...I most certainly agree, sweet friend. Such a lovely post!

    I trust you are well, dearest Dany. I sent you an email last week letting you know that you won one of the books giveaways - I hope you received it. I need your mailing address, dear one, in order to send them to you. I know you gave me you address a while ago, but alas, I can't find it.

    Love and hugs to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      thank yopu for brightening my evening, dear, darling friend !!!

      Honestly I didn't receive your e-mail (I'm going and have a look at the spam files), I cannot believe your words, I'm one of the winners, my heart is filled to overflowing ... truth is that just now I was reading your last post about your cup tea-mug exchange ... I'd love to participate but I don't know if I'll be able to keep my promise ... you know that Spring is such a very busy season at Tenuta Geremia ... I promise, I'm thinking of it for I'm sure it to be such a lovely chance to meet new wonderful ladies !

      Well, I'm going and e-mail you at once, Dearie, I' so thrilled, thank you !!!

      Wishing you a most lovely month of March
      I'm thinking of you with love and gratitude •♥•✥•♥•

  6. Ciao Daniela carissima, grazie per questo importante Post che mi ha permesso di apprezzare la sensibilità poetica delle Opere del pittore artista Albert Samuel Anker, che non conoscevo.
    Davvero sa cogliere e "descrivere" con infinita delicatezza e semplicità, gli affetti più veri della vita famigliare e rurale.
    Sono Opere che poeticamente parlano.. emozionando il cuore!
    Veri tesori per l'intera umanità.
    Colma di tenerezza, ti ringrazio e abbraccio..

    1. @ Nives
      carissima, grazie a te per la tua sensibilità d'animo che ti consente di cogliere la delicatezza di questo pittore, poco conosciuto, molto meno di quanto merita, secondo me, perché davvero le sue opere sembrano parlare con il linguaggio della poesia e dei sentimenti, ... toccano il cuore emozionando, come dici tu !

      Contraccambio dal profondo del cuore l'abbraccio che mi invii, che ti accompagni per quanto rimane di questa serata di inizio Marzo, che ti scaldi l'animo con l'affetto e l'ammirazione di cui è colmo ⊰✽*✽⊱

  7. Questi dipinti mi sono arrivati al cuore. Questo è proprio il genere di pittura che amo perché ritraggono attività quotidiane con estremo realismo. Sembra quasi che i personaggi siano vivi e che da un momento possano invitarci ad "entrare" nel quadro
    Bacioni Alessandra

    1. @ Alessandra
      carissima, più trascorre il tempo e più ti sento vicina, ti vedo simile a me, ed è meraviglioso, grazie !!!

      Ti abbraccio forte come non mai augurandoti un sereno prosieguo di settimana e che la tua serata ti avvolga il cuore di letizia ✿⊱╮

  8. Bellissimi questi quadri.Volti e luoghi sembrano reali!E per noi che siamo di questo tempo, è un emozione ancora più grande poterli ammirare.Ci comunicano tempo lento e serenità di piccole cose quotidiane!Grazie a te, che ci fai sognare!Baci,Rosetta

    1. @ Rosetta
      e grazie a te, mia dolce, poiché sempre più ti scopro simile a me, che emozione, il tuo commento sembra l'abbia scritto io !

      Un bacio grande che ti accompagni per quanto rimane di questa splendida giornata, colmo di affetto e di gratitudine ♡❤♡

  9. Thank you for sharing these beautiful, tender paintings, Daniela.
    For your information; the German word 'stricken' means 'knit' in English and German 'sticken' means 'embroider' in English.
    So, the wonderful paintings # 1 and # 16 show embroidering girls.
    I am deeply touched by 'The elder sister' and 'Potato peeling girl' paintings and the memories they bring up in my mind and heart.
    Thanks again; always a pleasure to visit your blog.

    1. @ Janneke
      it's always such a delight to welcome you here, darling friend !
      I hoped that someone German speaking would notice those ... mistakes, but you have to know that those are not my translations but their original titles, so I didn't feel to correct such works of art, I'm sure to have your understanding !
      Anyway, thanks most sincerely for your clarification and explanation, Dearie !

      Wishing you a most pleasant remainder of your week
      may your days to come be joyous and peaceful
      with utmost thankfulness ❥

  10. Dearest Daniela, I absolutely love the paintings! Sending you much love and warm hugs, my cherished friend.

    1. @ Linda
      I feel so overjoyed by your words, I heartily thank you, wondeful friend of mine !

      May the remainder of your week be as beautiful as you ❀≼♥≽❀

  11. Beautiful series. Also, you have a small painting in side bar of a little girl in a white dress with a kitten. I have a reproduction of it in my sewing room. Love it.
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

    1. @ ZippiKit
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you for your words of appreciation !

      ღ Wishing you a lovely day ღ

  12. I loved this art so much. It really is a beautiful glimpse into how life was lived. It all feels very personal. Thank you for sharing these wonderful works.
    Enjoy the rest of your week Dear friend.
    With love,

    1. @ Andrea
      you always put me in such high spirits both with your words of enjoyment and with your precious presence here, thank you, darling friend, you truly fill my heart !

      May the sun of joy always shine for you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  13. My internet can't handle all these photos, but the ones that I saw are quite lovely and typical of that time period.

    1. @ betty-NZ
      I'm sorry to read that you cannot handle all the images of this post of mine, but your words of appreciation for those you can see are already such a prize to me !!!

      Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week,
      may your days to come be filled with so many little things which to be glad for, dearest friend ༺♡❀♡༻

  14. This was especially interesting, Dany. I love details of everyday life from past times.

    1. @ Amalia
      thank you, Dearie, you enjoyment means so much joy to me !

      Sending much love on your coming days
      may they be filled with gladness and peace ❥

  15. Thank you for all these wonderful paintings..and for the Quote...much much appreciated..xoxo

    1. @ The Duthcess
      it is I who thank you for your so precious presence here, wondrous friend of mine !

      Sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead
      *♥* with utmost gratitude *♥*

  16. How wonderful to stroll through the gorgeous gallery of Samuel Albrecht Anker, Dany! Such beautiful and gentle paintings evoking a sense of peace and contentment. One could look at these works of art forever and find something different each time. Thank you for bringing such joy to my day, lovely Dany. Xx

    1. @ Kim
      with your so beautiful words of appreciation you've touched my heart and moved me, you're right, these scenes seem to be still alive and comunicate such a inner peace, I'm really so pleased that you've enjoyed them, dear, dearest friend !

      Hope you're having the most joyous of weeks,
      I'm sending blessings on your coming days,
      with much, so much thankfulness ♡❤♡

  17. Oh wow I am so glad that you shared these works of art with us today. I don't believe I have ever seen his artwork and he had done such wonderful works of art that's for sure. I love the ones with the mothers and children, the girl so happy with the kittens, the boy reading to the older gentlemen and the older lady reading, he knew just how to capture them.
    Lovely post once again Dany, wishing you all the best!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      your words of praise for such artworks mean so so much to me, I heartily thank you for brighten my day, darling friend !

      •✥• May the Lord grant you the most glorious day •✥• 

  18. Thanks for sharing these amazing art works, Dany !
    All are wonderful !
    Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead, sweet friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      I wholeheartedly thank you for your beautiful words of estimation for this great artist almost unknown to most of people, they fill my heart with the deepest gladness ever, Sweetie !!!

      May the Sun of Joy always shine for you ✿*✿

  19. Dear Dany, These gorgeous works of art are incredible. Each and everyone is amazing. Thank you for sharing the designs of this talented artist.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead and blessings to you always my dear friend. Hugs!! xoxo

    1. @ Celestina Marie
      you do estimate them with your eyes of skilfull artist, so your words are so much appreciated, wonderful friend of mine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

      Sending blessings of joy on your weekend ahead,
      I'm thinking of you with so much love *•♥♥•*

  20. Bellissime scene di vita famigliare che raccontano la memoria e la dolcezza del tempo... Sono balsamo per il cuore.
    Grazie mia preziosa amica!
    Ti abbraccio con tanta stima e ti auguro una serena giornata.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      sono realmente felicissima di aver allietato il tuo animo con queste immagini che sembrano dover prendere vita da un momento all'altro, felicissima e grata, mia cara !

      Nella speranza che anche la tua giornata sia trascorsa in letizia ti invio un caloroso abbraccio che ti accompagni per quanto rimane di questa settimana, possano i giorni a venire essere prodighi di serenità per te e per i tuoi cari ❀≼♥≽❀

  21. nn conoscevo questo grande pittore, mi piace molto!
    sto approfondendo la mia conoscenza sulla svizzera questo paese dai mille volti..chissà se riuscirò a organizzare un viaggetto lì prima o poi...
    buona giornata cara dany

    1. @ infuso di riso
      la Svizzera è davvero un paese splendido, peccato che ne sappiamo realmente poco circa la sua storia e la sua cultura, approfondire entrambi credo che sarebbe di grande giovamento per tutti noi !

      Ti abbraccio forte forte augurandoti una lieta serata
      ed un weekend sereno come non mai,
      grazie per gli apprezzamenti che sempre esprimi,
      dolcissima amica mia ಌ•❤•ಌ

  22. Carissima, uno dei miei preferiti in assoluto!!! Ho visto l'esposizione di Blocher, che è uno dei più grandi se non il più grande collezionista, e ho sognato ancora per diversi giorni questi quadri magnifici.... ahhh troppo bello: ti sembra di poter toccare tutto! A te cara Dany un grazie e un abbraccio grande 😃🤗💕💕

    1. @ WOODY
      che privilegio il tuo, posso solo immaginare che cosa significhi vedere queste tele dal vivo, già sembrano 'vive' viste sul blog ... e sono sì in alta definizione, ma vuoi mettere il valore di una pennellata vista dal vero !

      Grazie a te preziosa amica,
      e che la tua serata sia illuminata di gioia,
      te lo auguro di tutto cuore ♥♡♥

  23. Such a beautiful selection of art from this artist. My grandmother had at least 3 of Anker's works in prints in small frames throughout their home. Perhaps because they easily could have been family members. Lovely, thanks for sharing--Sandi

    1. @ Sandi
      given that he portrayed his fellow villagers, these are images of people and children who lived for real, more than a century ago ... so you have Swiss roots, have you ?
      How lovely to know you better, sweet friend !

      Wishing you a beautiful remainder of your Sunday
      and new week ahead ❥

  24. Dany, what gorgeous pictures! Each one is so unique and they make me wonder who the people are. {{HUGS}}

    1. @ Gina
      how absolutely delightful of you to come and visit me here today, you really bless my evening !

      I'm so very pleased, indeed, overjoyed after reading that you loved them all, they're tremendous, I know it !

      Sending blessings of joy on your Sunday,
      and love, much love to you •♥•*☆*•♥•

  25. What a beautiful collection of pictures from this talented man ! I loved the peek into the world back then. Always such a joy to read your historical insights and the lovely sharing of each one that you do. Appreciate you so much dear friend, and always a blessing to visit you here!

    1. @ SpicingUpIdaho
      my Darling Friend, with your so nice words you truly bless my heart, thank you for gracing my blog today, you're such a ray of sun on this page of mine !

      May your day be filled with joy and wonder,
      I'm thinking of you with so much love, sweet Marilyn,
      and sincere gratitude ⊰✽*✽⊱

  26. Oh Dany, I just wrote a long comment on this and lost it! Ugh! But it's a fabulous post. I'm not familiar with this artist and I find his work mesmerizing and very moving. When I think of Switzerland, I think of outdoorsy images -- mountains and lakes, often with snow. But these capture the humble, daily lives of people with such warmth and detail. To step back into this world and observe a young woman plaiting her hair or people cooking or children studying is so deeply personal.

    I've recently learned that my family history as far as I can trace originated in Switzerland, a country with which I've had little personal experience. In compiling our history for my family I'm hoping to do some research into country life in a period much earlier than this -- the 1500s. But I suspect that while the dress may be different, many of these images, had they been painted earlier, would be much the same. Thanks for this.

    1. @ Jeanie
      I'm always so sorry when I read that you've lost a comment of yours, when I happened I feel so ... surprised, astonished, most of the times I don't understand why and how could it happened !!!

      So you also have Swiss roots, I can't believe it ... and maybe you also, like Sandi, have a relative amongst those portrayed by Albrecht Samuel Anker ... what amazing thing !

      Sending my dearest love to you,
      dear, dearest, precious friend of mine,
      may your week ahead be as Beautiful as you ♡❤♡

  27. Samuel Anker is one of my favorite artists. What a wonderful gift you have given me dear Dany in gathering so many lovely images.
    My heart is full.

    1. @ Decore to Adore
      and my heart is filled to overflowing with the deepest joy ever after reading your words of appreciation ... your gladness is mine .. multiplied !
      I often find myself thinking about you and your recent, great loss, your Franz had win my heart, he had such sweet, languid eyes, and was really so passionate with you .. poor darling you both, may the Lord embrace him and you with His Love !

      Wishing you a most lovely Sunday
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you,
      precious Laura, happy that with your nephew also everything went well ✿⊱╮

  28. Hello Daniela,
    How are you? These paintings are beautiful and I enjoyed scrolling through each and every one! A few of them are familiar to me but I do not know where I may have seen them before. Just wonderful my friend! Thank you so much! xo

    1. @ Linda
      it is I who thank you, my adorable friend, I'm so glad to read your words of valuation and esteem for this wonderful painter !

      Thanking you wholeheartedly for visiting and appreciating,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you,
      may they reach you despite the many miles ∗⊱༺♡❀♡༻⊰

  29. Such beautiful paintings of family, solitude, and daily life. Though much later than Vermeer one can see some influence of looking at the masters. xoox Su

    1. @ Su
      yes, Flemish painting is in the background, you are right, my dearest friend !

      May your day be blessed with joy,
      I'm thinking of you with love and thankfulness ಌ•❤•ಌ

  30. Esatto cara Daniela, è proprio come dici tu: provo un grande senso di pacatezza e serenità nel godere della visione di queste splendide immagini.
    Vuoi la pioggia che scende lenta, vuoi la musica sottofondo al tuo blog, vuoi queste raffigurazioni di personaggi veri, vividi, crepuscolari, così comuni ma ciascuno anche così particolare nella sua bellezza...insomma trovo che sia tutto assai rilassante.
    E di questo te ne sono immensamente grata.
    Un abbraccio, buon inizio di settimana

    1. @ Susanna
      anch'io ti sono immensamente grata per tutto quanto mi doni e per ciò che rappresenti per me, carissima, la tua presenza qui è sinonimo di una tale gioia per me !

      Ti abbraccio calorosamente ringraziandoti dal profondo del cuore e che il prosieguo della tua settimana di prodigo di gioia e serenità ❥

  31. Risposte
    1. @ Kathe W.
      I thank you for the bottom of my heart both for your so precious presence here and for you lovely appreciation, thanks for commenting, I'm sincerely glad you enjoyed it, sweetest friend !

      May the remainder of your week be as Beautiful as you ∗♡❀♡∗

  32. Your post fulfilled my need for culture today! Thank you for sharing these lovely paintings, Daniela.

    1. @ Margie
      you're so heartily welcome, dear friend, thanks for taking the time to comment and for your kind words, I sincerely appreciate it all !

      Wishing you my best for your coming days,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs across the many miles ⊰✽*✽⊱

  33. Oh, dear friend! These photos are just amazing! I loved visiting with you and sharing them with you tonight. God bless you for all you do! You are a tremendous blessing to us all...and thank you SO much for continuing to pray for dear Kristen. She gets her heart monitor on Wednesday to wear for 14 will reveal a lot, I am sure.

    1. @ Cheryl

      I'm trusting that your lovely niece and her baby are getting better more and more, our prayers cannot not to be heard by the Lord !

      With your wonderful words you've brightened my morning, my day, and warmed my heart with blessings, I'm so grateful to you for the precious friend you are !

      Wishing you joyous day to come,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  34. You share some of the most lovely images my sweet friend! Each one is delightful!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      with utmost and heartfelt gratitude I'm sending blessings of joy across the many miles, may your day be as Beautiful as you, Dearie !


  35. Dear Dany,
    I missed you @ Mosaic Monday this week so I'm very glad that I came to visit your blog today and read your post featuring these stunning works. I have never seen paintings as beautiful as these before, once again you have brightened my day and put a smile in my heart.
    Merci mille fois!

    1. @ Maggie
      how absolutely delightful of you to take the time to visit me here - this Monday I have no mosaics to share, alas ! - and to write such wonderful words, my heart is filled to overflowing with such a contentment, gladness, gratitude, blessed be, darling friend !

      May the remainder of your week be filled with so many little things which to rejoyce for, this is my wish for you ✿⊱╮

  36. I loved these paintings Daniela...the post really was a gift ...thank you. We have four children (now middle-aged of course) and so I loved those pictures ... the little girl braiding her own hair especially brought memories.. of my daughter when she was that age ... even though over a century later! I also enjoyed the older people, such loving portraits. Thank you for all of the information about this great artist.

    1. @ Sallie
      YOU are a gift to me, darling friend, I'm so thankful to you, to have recalled to your mind such loving memories touches my heart in the deep, thank you again, I always appreciate your visits and your so kind words !

      Thinking of you and sending wishes for a peaceful and beauty -filled remainder of your week, with sincere gratitude ❀≼♥≽❀

  37. I feel as though I have been dropped down into a world of
    tender, kindred spirits.... the paintings are heart-filling
    the comments heart-warming and the blog one to be relished.
    Having lived in Switzerland, I can attest that you have aptly named this entry... even down to certain musical pieces. Daniela dear,you and your sensitive nature have
    blessed the blog world.

    1. @ Heritage Hall
      I cannot believe my eyes, I've just read your words which are too Beautiful to me, I really feel ... stunned and speechless, your comment is such a blessing to my heart, it makes it sing of joy, for it's filled to overflowing !

      With sincere thankfulness,
      I'm sending blessings of joy to you, wherever you are,
      may the Lord grant you a most glorious day ❥

  38. Confesso che non conoscevo questo pittore mia dolce amica, ma grazie a te ho scoperto quadri bellissimi e tanto ricchi di particolari da sembrare fotografie ...Dolci momenti di quotidianità velati da una dolce malinconia...mi hanno emozionato davvero! Grazie cara per tutto quello che ci dai attraverso il tuo blog, ti abbraccio fortissimo Lory

    1. @ lory
      grazie a te mia preziosa amica, le tue parole di apprezzamento sono una vera benedizione per me !

      Ti abbraccio forte forte augurandoti una lieta serata,
      con il cuore così colmo di gioia ... grazie ancora e sempre ♥∗≫✿≪∗♥

  39. Nessun titolo per il magnifico ultimo dipinto che ci hai proposto ...
    ma penso che "Beatitudine" possa esprimere il senso di serenità
    che comunica a chi lo ammira.
    Lieta settimana,

    1. @ Franca
      grazie mia cara, carissima amica per aver trovato un titolo anche all'ultima magnifica tela di questo autentico Artista !

      E che la tua serata sia prodiga di letizia,
      te lo auguro di vero cuore,
      con immensa riconoscenza ed ammirazione *•♥♥•*

  40. Thank you for sharing this beautiful history lesson. The images are gorgeous! xo Kathleen Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen Our Hopeful Home
      thanks most sincerely for commenting, I'm so glad you enjoyed it !

      *♥* Wishing you a most pleasant remainder of your week *♥*

  41. I have always loved his paintings and I thoroughly enjoyed the details you shared about the artist! Especially the sentiments about the deep but honest Christian spirit depicted... There is no golden halos but average people living quiet lives...

    1. @ JES the Pilgim
      my cherished friend, you're right, it's just this simplicity to make every panting of his so very precious !

      Thanking you most sincerely for gracing my blog today,
      I'm sending blessings, hugs and love, much love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  42. What wonderful works of art! Thank you for sharing them. Thanks for linking to Blue Monday!

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      your words of appreciation mean so much to me, they mean such a contentment and such a joy for my heart, it is I who thank you, sweet friend !

      ✿•• May your day be filled with joy and wonder ••✿

  43. these are stunning pieces of art! i feel like i just had a visit to a museum! i love your posts. xo Michele

    1. @ Michele
      my Dearest, I'm so so glad to read that you loved it, I've always loved Anker's art, he was truly a Master to me !

      So pleased by your comment of praise,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come,
      with heartfelt thankfulness ❥
