sabato 16 gennaio 2016

A QUEEN'S GOWNS: the gowns worn by Queen Victoria.

Spesso, anche nelle biografie ufficiali, accade di leggere che la regina Victoria, pur nella molteplicità e nella ricercatezza delle Sue virtù, difettasse in quanto a gusto nell'abbigliarsi; si dice, in breve che Ella non avesse alcuna cognizione dei dettami della moda del tempo, ma forse, chi lo scrisse, e continua a scriverlo oggi, ignora che stiamo parlando sì, di una grande, grandissima donna, ma la cui statura, in realtà, a dispetto dei traguardi che raggiunse, non superava il m.1.50, anzi, neppure lo raggiungeva ( Victoria era alta 4 feet and 11 inch. / 4 piedi ed 11 pollici = cm.149,86 ) e probabilmente i Suoi abiti erano siffatti non per noncuranza della moda, quanto, con ogni probabilità, per non enfatizzare il divario che la separava dal marito, molto più alto di Lei ( Albert era alto 5 feet and 10 inch. /5 piedi ed 10 pollici = cm.177,8 ) e spesso ritratto seduto a Lei accanto, ovvero per non accentuare la sua brevilineità ... e pensare che il Suo sangue teutonico avrebbe dovuto garantirle una statura piuttosto elevata, come, peraltro, si può osservare nei Suoi predecessori e nella Sua discendenza.

E comunque resta il fatto che taluni degli abiti che Ella vestì conservano, almeno ai miei occhi, un fascino ed una grazia senza pari !

L'abito che vedete nelle fotografie qui sotto è un abito da sera datato 1851 ed è realizzato in "seta Spitalfields innaffiata di blu" ( Spitalfields è una località ad est di Londra nota per la produzione manifatturiera della seta e del satin ); reca uno scollo ampio e tondo, un corpetto con pizzo sulla pettorina a V, manica corta, anch'essa decorata; gonna con mezza sopra-gonna bordata con nastro increspato, decorata con fasce di rose stampate e fogliame ... vi lascio alla contemplazione di questa magnificenza degna di una favola ! 

  Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

Allo stesso anno appartiene quest'altro abito da ballo, ma questa volta, trattandosi di un ballo a tema, il BALLO STUART, stiamo parlando di un vero e proprio costume in stile: 
Creato da Eugène Louis Lami (1800-1890) e commissionato dalla regina Victoria per il Ballo Stuart del 1851, questo costume è il più sontuoso di tutti i Suoi abiti superstiti, ispirato alla corte di Carlo II. Il ricco broccato della sottogonna è stata tessuto a Benares, il pizzo di Berthe, che compone la 'collaretta' e con cui terminano le maniche, è una copia veneziana del XVII secolo a punto merletto ad ago sollevato, probabilmente realizzata in Irlanda e forse acquistata alla Great Exibition.

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

Ed eccovi quindi un abito mai esposto prima del 2014, in raso di seta color crema con intricati ricami, che fu donato alla giovane regina nel 1850 dalla moglie di John Gregory Crace,

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

e di seguito l'abito con cui, insieme con il suo amato consorte, Ella inaugurò la GREAT EXIBITION del 1851;

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

nel 1855 Victoria si recò in viaggio a Parigi vestendo questo abito in seta fiorata dai colori sgargianti

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

ed infine voglio mostrarvi quelli che secondo me sono gli abiti che più hanno segnato la vita della Regina del Popolo:

l'abito, rigorosamente in seta, con cui la diciottenne Victoria presenziò al suo primo Privy Council il 20 giugno 1837, immediatamente dopo avere ereditato la corona del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda a seguito della dipartita dello zio Re Giorgio IV, 

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

e quello con cui la Regina Victoria maritò l'amato Albert di Saxen Coburg-Gotha.
Contrariamente a quanto fece l'Imperatrice Elisabeth che lo diede in donazione, rendendo quindi oggi difficile persino ricostruirne una copia fedele, ella lo volle conservare.

Il pizzo fu progettato da William Dyce, allora capo della Government Scuola di Design ( più tardi noto come il Royal College of Art ), e montato su di un abito di raso bianco realizzato da Maria Bettans.
Il semplice abito in raso, oggi color crema, è stato fatto con tessuto proveniente da Spitalfields, é rifinito con una profonda balza e passamanerie di pizzo che ornano il 
petto, entrambi fatti a mano a Honiton e Beer, nel Devon ( il fatto che tutto ciò che lo componeva fosse stato realizzato in Inghilterra era un esplicito segno dimostrato a sostegno dell'industria inglese, in particolare quella del lavoro a domicilio per i merletti - i motivi in pizzo erano fatti rigorosamente a mano ed applicati su di una rete in cotone realizzata a macchina - ) ed i fiori d'arancio che vediamo nella fotografia sotto, simbolo di fertilità, sono stati utilizzati per decorare l'abito e comporre una corona che Victoria indossava, invece di un diadema, sopra il velo, che, visto da dietro, per la sua ampiezza, fungeva anche da balza per la gonna, mentre lo strascico, portato dalle sue damigelle, misurava 18 piedi di lunghezza, ovvero circa mt.5,5.

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

E queste erano le scarpe che Ella indossò, fatte del medesimo tessuto dell'abito.

Royal Collection Trust /© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015  

E pensare che per la prima volta i nostri Victorians vedevano una sposa, che era anche quella che più amavano ed ammiravano, in abito bianco ... sì, perché fino ad allora era ordinario abbigliarsi con abiti in tessuti tinta pastello, rosso, marrone, grigio e persino nero ... ma questa è un'altra storia che vi racconterò presto !

Spero di avervi dilettati con queste immagini, amici miei carissimi ed avervi aperta la porta dei sogni ... a me è accaduto !

Vi ringrazio con tantissima riconoscenza ed affetto, vi abbraccio con il cuore e vi auguro che la vita abbia in serbo per voi sempre il meglio ...

a presto 

- picture 1

Often, even in official biographies, I happen to read that Queen Victoria, despite the multiplicity and the  refinement of Her virtues, He lacked in terms of taste about clothing ; in short, it's said that She had no knowledge of the fashion trends of the time, but maybe, who wrote it, and goes on writing it today, ignores that we are talking about, yes, a great, great woman, but whose stature, in spite of the achievements that She reached, didn't exceed m.1.50, indeed, She didn't even reach it (Victoria was 4 feet and 11 inches tall = cm.149,86) and probably Her clothes were such not to neglect the fashion, indeed, in all likelihood, for not to emphasize the gap separating Her from Her husband, much taller than Her (Albert was 5 feet and 10 inches tall = cm.177, 8) and often depicted sitting next to Her, for not to accentuate her shortness ... and to think that Her Teutonic blood would had to assure Her a rather high stature, as, on the other hand, can be seen in Her predecessors and Her descendants.

Anyway, the fact remains that some of the clothes that She wore, retain, at least in my eyes, a charm and a grace ... unmatched!

The dress that you see in the photos below is an evening dress dated 1851 and is made of "silk Spitalfields sprayed with blue" (Spitalfields is a place at the east of London known for the manufacturing of silk and satin); it has a large, round neckline, a bodice with lace on the chest V shaped, short sleeves, also decorated; skirt with over half-skirt edged with ruffled ribbon, decorated with strips of printed roses and foliage ... I leave you to contemplate this magnificence, worthy of a fairy tale!

- picture 2

- picture 3

- picture 4

At the same year it belongs this other evening dress, but this time, since we're talking abut a themed ball, the STUART BALL, this is a gown in true custom style:
Created by Eugene Louis Lami (1800-1890) and commissioned by Queen Victoria for the 1851 STUART BALL, this costume is the most sumptuous of all Her survived clothes, inspired by the court of Charles II. The rich brocade underskirt was woven in Benares, the lace of Berthe, who composed the 'ruff' and with which the sleeves end, is a copy of a XVIIth century Venetian goatee made at needlepoint lace relieved, probably made in Ireland and maybe purchased at the Great Exhibition.

- picture 5

- picture 6

- picture 7

- picture 8

And then here's a dress never exposed before 2014, made with satin cream silk with and decorated with intricate embroidery, which was donated to the young queen in 1850 by John Gregory Crace's wife.

- picture 9

- picture 10

And following is the gown with which, together with Her beloved husband, she inaugurated the GREAT EXHIBITION in 1851;

- picture 11

Victoria in 1855 travelled to Paris wearing this gown in vibrant colors flowered silk,

- picture 12

and finally I want to show you those I think are the clothes that, more than others, have marked the life of the Queen of the People:

the dress, strictly in silk, with which the eighteen Victoria attended Her first Privy Council on June 20th, 1837, immediately after having inherited the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as a result of the death of Her uncle King George IV,

- picture 13

and that with which Queen Victoria married Her beloved Albert of Saxen-Coburg Gotha.
Contrary to what made the Empress Elisabeth who gave it as a donation, thus making it difficult even today to reconstruct a faithful copy of it, She wanted it to be kept.
The lace was designed by William Dyce, then head of the Government School of Design (later known as the Royal College of Art), and mounted on a white satin gown designed by Maria Bettans.
The simple satin dress, which today looks cream colored but which once was white, was done with satin coming from Spitalfields, is finished with a deep flounce made of trimmings and lace that adorned the chest, both hand-made in Honiton and Beer, Devon (the fact that all what it consisted had been made in England was a sign explicitly demonstrated in support of the British industry, in particular that of hand work for laces made at home  - lace motifs were made by hand and used on a cotton net machine made - ) and the orange flowers that we see in the picture below, symbol of fertility, have been used to decorate the wedding gowns and to make a crown that Victoria wore instead of Her tiara, above the veil, which, seen from behind, for its breadth, it looked like a flounce to the skirt, while her train, led by her bridesmaids, measured 18 feet long, about mt.5,5.

- picture 14

- picture 15

- picture 16

And these were the shoes she wears, made of the same fabric of the dress.

- picture 17

- picture 18

Think that for the first time our Victorians saw a bride, who was also the one they most loved and admired, in white dress ... yes, because until then it was ordinary to see wedding dresses in pastel fabrics, red, brown, gray and even black ... but that's another story that I will tell you soon!
I hope I've pleasantly entertained you with these pictures, my dear friends, and have open you the door of dreams ... actually I happened !

- picture 19

I thank you with a lot of gratitude and affection, I embrace you with my all my heart and I wish that life could bring you always the best ...

See you soon 


76 commenti:

  1. Dearest Daniela,

    What gorgeous gowns! It is always such a refreshing and soothing time that I spend on your blog, I enjoy and savour every single moment. Thank you so much for sharing, dear friend.

    1. @ Linda
      lovable, marvellous friend of mine, bless you !
      Your words always sound like music to my heart, thank you for gracing my blog today with them and, above all, with your bright presence here, my dearest friend !!!

      Have a wonder-and-joy-filled Sunday, my lovely lady,
      thinking of you with much love and thankfulness ❥

  2. Ho varcato la porta dei sogni ed ho sognato ad occhi aperti. Questi abiti meravigliosi, questi tessuti preziosi, questi dettagli eleganti sono un vero sogno romantico. Dolce week end, cara Daniela.

    1. @ Alessandra
      le tue bellissime parole illuminano di gioia la mia domenica, mai cara, ti ringrazio per il dono che con esse fai al mio cuore !

      Che la tua giornata sia meravigliosa quanto lo sei tu, dolcissima amica dall'animo gentile e romantico,
      ಌ❀ಌ ti abbraccio con sincera, immensa gratitudine ಌ❀ಌ

  3. How wonderful that those beautiful clothes have been preserved! Dany, thank you so much for sharing them with us. I was too tall for Queen Victoria's clothes by the time I was 9!

    1. @ Jean
      you said it, my sweetest friend, it's a marvellous thing that some dresses of her have been preserved, for the gladness of so many people like us, feeling amazed by such refined and fabulous Beauty !

      Have a most beautiful Sunday, darling,
      sending much love across the ocean ♥♡♥

  4. Dany, the first gown is my favorite! I don't think I'd like to wear a corset though...

    1. @ Gina
      my adorable friend by the wonderful smile, the first gown is that I also do prefer, I think it to be the most tasteful and delicate in its fabric and colours ... and also its features are so very gentle .. I do love it ...
      As for the corset ... they were used to wear it ... today it's a different thing for us all, I suppose !

      Sending blessings on your Sunday,
      with sweet, big hugs ಌ•❤•ಌ

  5. Such beautiful gowns! Considering Queen Victoria was in mourning for so long. I so love visiting you and seeing your beautiful posts - thank you for sharing, my lovely!

    1. @ Jayne
      we are used to see her in black dresses, since she wore mourning already quite early in her life, for Prince Albert died on December 14th, 1861, at the age of 42, when she also was 42 ( they were coetaneous ) that's why I wanted to introduce you a Queen Victoria quite unusual to see in portraits and in photographs, a brightly-dressed queen as it's pretty difficult to imagine !

      So overjoyed to have you here and to read your so beautiful words, my dearest one, I'm sending you so much love and tender hugs for wishing you a most beautiful Sunday ✿⊱╮

  6. My lovely friend, you have certainly entertained me with this charming post.

    Oh...those sweet, sweet dresses! I am ready to swoon after seeing such lovely lace and silk together :) I enjoyed the little bit of history about Queen Victoria and how she may have not have been into fashion. She was a beautiful woman and her dresses were truly stunning.

    Love, hugs, and blessing to you, dear Dany!

    1. @ Stephanie,
      here's my bright soul, who makes, as usual, my day !
      Reading your words fills my heart of true, inner joy, such a deep joy you cannot imagine, wonderful friend of mine !

      May your Sunday be blessed with Joy, dearie,
      sending dear love to you *♥*

  7. Entertained me?? You most certainly have, Dany. Enthralling information and those dresses........... The lace in the photo is stunning! These dresses are works of art. The time and stitching that have gone into these. The fabrics are amazing and the laces...and then the embroideries...heaven!! I can't believe the lace was hand made. The skills those 'artisans' had. Oh how I would have loved to worked on some of those dresses. Of course, I don't quite know how the ladies moved around in them. I suppose ladies in high society all had huge houses...I fear in my small little house, me and the dresses would not fit. =) I can't wait till you write about the different colours of wedding dresses...that will be fascinating. Hope you are having a lovely weekend, Dany. Xx

    1. @ Kim
      marvellous friend, so you felt almost in awe looking at those laces and embroideries and thinking of those hands which made them ... I also happened !
      I'm so very happy to read the enthusiasm, the amazement and the amusement this post gave you, thanks most sincerely !

      With so much gratitude I wish you a very beautiful Sunday and a glad new week ahead, my blessed friend,
      ⊰✽*✽⊱ sending lots of hugs ⊰✽*✽⊱

  8. Oh my goodness!!! Can you imagine dressing like that?!?! Incredibly beautiful fabrics. lace and trim put together for a piece of art she got to walk around in. I hope you are having a lovely weekend!

    1. @ Andrea
      in the creation of these sumptuous clothes there was a particular refinement, from fabrics to laces, to the tailors of court that had to sew them ... they were in through and through a queen's gowns !

      I'm going and answer to your mail which honoured me so much, my precious friend, have a blessed remainder of your Sunday and start of the new week ahead,
      ༺❀༻ thinking of you with love and gratitude ༺❀༻

  9. What beautiful work of art those dresses are and the shoes also. All the beautiful detail that has gone into making theses dresses.
    Thanks for sharing this part of History with us.

    1. @ thel
      it's my pleasure, my adorable friend, I am truly passionate with all these things and you, with your interest and enthusiasm, feed my love more and more, and I'm so thankful to you for this, darling, sweetest friend of mine, you cannot imagine how much !!!

      May your Sunday evening be filled with gladness, dearie,
      ஐღஐ sending much love and gratitude across the pond ஐღஐ

  10. Oh Dany..è un sogno si!!ma il mio preferito è quello del 1850 donato dalla moglie di John Gregory Crace.
    Anche una sposa dei nostri giorni sarebbe stupenda!!
    Grazie,carissima Daniela,un bacio.

    1. @ A
      quello preferisci, mia cara, è un abito talmente 'lieve' e leggiadro che potrebbe davvero essere adatto come abito nuziale per una sposa dei nostri giorni ... sembra una nuvola di zucchero a velo, non trovi ?

      ⊰♥⊱ Un bacio a te, mia cara, dolcissima amica, ed un abbraccio, tenero e forte, al contempo, dell'affetto e della gratitudine che sento di doverti, sei una donna meravigliosa ⊰♥⊱

  11. In my last report, I expose crowns and in your blog, I discover queen's delicious and so charming dresses! Thank you for this stroll so elegant in the country of the monarchy and the dreams !

    1. @ Christelle
      you're right, my graceful friend, we've been inspired by a quite similar topic !
      I'm so grateful to you for having you here, it's always such a big joy to me, darling, I hug you while wishing you a most wonderful start of the new week,
      sending dear love to you, with sincere esteem ❀≼♡≽❀

  12. Oh my goodness, Dany, these absolutely take my breath away.
    I love all of the intricate detail in the dresses. You can see just how much love went into making these.

    Thank you so much for sharing, sweet friend, and you have a beautiful week. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      all these dresses were made with so much care and love, and what makes me wonder, is that still today we can see both of them looking at these gorgeous works of art !
      I wholeheartedly thank you for your enthusiasm and for having enjoyed this post so much, these are those things which make my day, truly !

      I hug you with so much love and thankfulness, my dearest friend, in the hope that your new week is off to a wonderful, great start ✿⋰⋱✿

  13. Oh so beautiful...

    Making her gowns, must have been like dressing a doll. Since she was so 'short.' :-)

    Again, thank you.

    Gentle hugs...

    1. @ Tessa
      that's what I also have thought watching at them when after having done this so long, but so worthy, research ... they look like a doll's dresses, which make them even more precious and lovely, doesn't it ?

      May your Monday be marvellous, my beautiful friend, with a sweet hug I'm sending all my deep and sincere gratitude, thank you again and again, with love ♡❤♡

  14. Sono veramente belli questi abiti, raffinati
    e preziosi. Se poi pensiamo che vengono dal
    passato vittoriano e chi li ha indossati.....che fascino!!
    Grazie ancora una volta mia dolcissima Dany, la tua
    bacchetta magica continua a fare meraviglie su di me.
    Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore e ti auguro una settimana....magica!
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      sempre soggiogate dalla malia del passato, continuiamo a rimanere affascinate da ciò che per noi, che ce ne gioviamo con immenso piacere, ha conservato, mia dolcissima, cara, adorabile amica, e cose da far apparire la mia 'bacchetta magica' ne ha ancora tante, spero solo che siano sempre così tanto entusiasmanti e godibili per te, così ... incantevoli !
      Tesoro, contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con due, tre, quattro baci, dati con il cuore, per me sei una creatura davvero speciale, unica ... e ti voglio un gran bene ... lo sai ... ma non mi stancherò mai di dirtelo !
      ⊰✽⊱ Che la tua settimana sia traboccante di gioia ⊰✽⊱

  15. Dany carissima,
    mi hai regalato la bellissima sensazione di sfogliare una rivista da sogno,dove non si percepisce il trascorrere del tempo.
    Ho attraversato la bellezza, viva e palpitante di queste splendide creazioni ed ho incontrato la soddisfazione di tutti i sensi. Grazie per il gusto raffinato della tua pagina,mi sorride negli occhi e rende la mia giornata;romantica, allegra, dinamica...
    Ti abbraccio con tanta stima e ti auguro una lieta giornata.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      è questo uno di quei commenti che chiunque, credo, avviando un blog quale il mio, sogna di leggere ... io per la prima mai mi sarei attesa un traguardo del genere, perché tale lo giudico, mi dona un tale appagamento, uno stato di pacifica serenità ... o forse si tratta di euforia ... o di entrambe ... se è possibile ...!
      Ancora una volta le tue parole mi confondono, mia cara ...

      Con il cuore gonfio di gratitudine ti auguro una serata piacevole ed una settimana all'insegna della più autentica letizia, ringraziandoti ancora per le gioie che sempre mi doni, ammirata, splendida amica mia ಌ❀ಌ

  16. Ma che splendore carissima Dany. Che tripudio di broccati, raso e delicate fantasie fiorite, con le tipiche rose antiche inglesi.
    Immagino il fruscio delle vesti e l'incedere lieve indossando questi abiti dall'ampia gonna pesante.
    Anche a me ha colpito particolarmente quello quello color crema, donato alla giovane sovrana nel 1850, appare il più semplice rispetto agli altri ma lo trovo meraviglioso.
    Un grande e caloroso abbraccio cara amica, qui alle 10 di mattina siamo a -3° e tutt'intorno una spolverata di neve farinosa.
    Buon inizio di settimana

    1. @ Susanna
      quanto mi delizia leggere nelle vostre parole lo stimolo che ciò che ho pubblicato ha impresso nella vostra fantasia, che, coinvolgendo più sensi, come fa una favola raccontata ad un bimbo, scatena la più fervida immaginazione ... che gaudio per il mio cuore, carissima !!!
      ... Anche tu sempre generosissima con me, di una sincera generosità che viene dal profondo e per cui ti sono grata con tutta me stessa, grazie, grazie .... grazie !

      Beati voi che avete la neve, qui abbiamo solo il freddo, che la potrebbe favorire fine e lieve come lo zucchero a velo che spargiamo sui nostri presepi a Natale, ed un bellissimo sole primaverile, che fa sì, bene al morale, ma alla Natura farebbe molto meglio, se non la neve, almeno la pioggia ... anche se la stagione calda è ancora molto lontana, stiamo già presagendo un'annata molto siccitosa, il fiume qui sotto è quasi asciutto, pensa !

      Ti auguro una splendida serata ed una nuova settimana colma di cose liete, per cui gioire e sorridere, mia dolcissima, adorabile amica, ti abbraccio con il cuore ಌ•❤•ಌ

  17. So lovely to see and read about such beautiful things!! Have a pleasant week ahead!

    1. @ Alexa
      I welcome you with a hug, thanks most sincerely for your words, I'm far glad you've enjoyed this post of mine !

      ღ May your week be wonderful too, thank you again ღ

  18. Hello, lovely post. The gowns are beautiful. I can picture the queen wearing these lovely gowns. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      it's my pleasure, thank you so much !

      I wish you too a most beautiful new week, my new friend ✿⊱╮

  19. What beautiful gowns! Thank you for bringing them to us. Wouldn't it have been amazing to have worked on constructing such detailed gowns for the queen.

    1. @ Cranberry Morning
      It's me thanking you for your visit and your words of appreciation, you're so very welcome, believe me, I'm so grateful to you for the joy you've given me !

      Have a joy and wonder filled new week, my friend ❥

  20. Hello Dany!
    Buon Anno! Tanti Auguri!

    I know you must have thought I forgotten you. Thank you for all your comments and best wishes on my blog. I'm so sorry that I have not visited your blog in a long time. I have been suffering with eye problems and for quite awhile the lighted screen of a computer was painful to my eyes. It was even hard to blog. After 3 surgeries in December I am beginning to feel better and see better! I'm still healing but I was very pleased to see these magnificent dresses of Queen Victoria. I never knew she was so very tiny! The dresses have such beautiful detail. I'm glad they have been preserved for the ages to see.

    1. @ Pat
      my lovely, wonderful friend, I'm so far overjoyed to have you here, how do you do ?
      Don't worry, I didn't think so, poor darling, I read on your posts that you've had some surgery at your eyes, by the way, I'm so very glad to read that everything is going better and better for you, dearie !
      Don't force your sight, take the time that you need for coming back to the pc, I do understand your problem, my loved friend !
      So your Christmas was so and so, I'm sorry for you ... this year we also lived a quite strange festivities, we all had a bad flu, nothing so serious, but we're recovering just for a few days, it's struly terrible and, as you well know, in family we pass it from one to another.

      I hope that this year will give you and your dears much wonderful things, sweetie,
      sending much love and gratitude to you *♥*♥*

  21. Another great post, I so do enjoy looking at these marvelous creations that these gowns are, they were so wonderfully made back then, a work of art! Wow I did not know she was that short, quite the woman and in such a small body. I can't imagine having to drag that long of a train behind me either, it must have been tiring for her. I so look forward to your post about the changing of the colors of the brides dresses to white from pastel colors and even black. Have a most wonderful and blessed week, hugs to you!

    1. @ Connie
      my blessed, "brighten-with-love" friend, I feel so pleased by your words, I'm so grateful to you for yor interest and enthusiasm, my darling !
      You're so true, Queen Victoria was known for her strict and authoritarian nature, but with her dresses and her stature she certainly looked like a lovely doll inspiring sweetness ... it couldn't be otherwise !

      Hope your week is off to a beautiful start, dearie,
      ༺❀༻ sending much, so much love to you ༺❀༻

  22. These gowns are incredible Dany.. My favorite is the first gown. Exquisite detail, design and fabrics. Such skill and craftmanship is rare these days. And the cost for such an elaborate gown would be untouchable today.

    What a lovely time it was. Such elegance and grace. Thank you for sharing these amazing pieces of history with us.

    Hugs to you sweet friend.


    1. @ Janet
      graceful and sweetest friend of mine, I do agree with you, that's the reason why I put it as first, I think it to be perfect in every detail, also in its state of preservation, it seems new !
      Of course I love them all, everyone has something for which to be special and refined, but the first truly 'answers' my taste in everything ... actually I'd really love to have such a dress, and you ?

      So very thankful to you more and more, first of all for your beautiful friendship, so precious to me, I wish you a most beautiful new week,
      sending sweet hugs and love ✿⋰♡⋱✿

  23. I agree Dany...these are like a fairy tale....lace and silk, satin....fabulous!

    and @LivingFromHappiness

    1. @ Donna
      thank you for your words and your visit here, my sweet friend !

      May your week be blessed with much love,
      ஐ sending hugs to you ஐ

  24. The dresses are so beautiful. They speak to a gentler and sweet era. Thanks for sharing.

    1. @ Rebecca
      that's the era I love most and I feel to belong to, the Victorian age doesn't stop to amaze me ... even if I'm studying it for so long, I'm going on discovering always something 'new' meaning so much charm to me, I'm truly fond of it !
      I've seen you haven't any blog, so I can follow you only on G+, even if I'm not so present there.

      Have a great new week ⊰♥⊱

  25. Cara Daniela, vedendo questi abiti ho sognato!Ho cercato di immaginarmi io nell'abito!Avrei sicuramente scelto il primo!Che cose meravigliose!Grazie a te che ci fai sognare!Ti abbraccio, un bacio,Rosetta

    1. @ Rosetta
      dolcezza, come sono felice di leggere che per un attimo hai sognato con me, mia cara, è questo il dono più bello che possa ricevere, credimi !

      Ti auguro una settimana serena, colma di cose belle per cui gioire e sorridere, romantica amica mia ღ❀ღ

  26. Dany, I have read previously about wedding dresses in pastels and other colors, that white is a late comer to the scene. My mother married my father in the 30's. Her satin dress was a beautiful midnight blue. Her shoes were silver. She was gorgeous. Queen Victoria's gowns are stunning. xo ~ Nancy

    1. @ Nancy
      I wonder what a dream your mother was on the day on her wedding dressed in a so wonderful way ... I seem to see her, looking like an angel ...
      Yes, before Queen Victoria, white gowns for marriage weren't used at all ... I'm so overjoyed to read that you've liked this post about Her dresses so much, I wholeheartedly thank you, my lovely !

      *❖* Have a wonderful day today and a beautiful rest of your week *❖*

  27. What stunning gowns! I have to say that my favorite is the first one! Thank you for sharing this delightful treat! And am I made to understand that she was the first to wear a white gown? Or one of the firsts?... Love, JES

    1. @ JES
      your words filled with pleasure and amusement truly bless my heart with a deep, real joy which brightens my evening, dearest friend of mine !
      Yes, that's true, Queen Victoria was the very first to get married in white, I'm dedicating a post to this topic very soon, in the hope that you'll find it also interesting and entertaining, your comments and your opinions are so very important to me, my darling !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with joy,
      ♥♡♥ thinking of you with love and esteem ♥♡♥

  28. Your posts just get better and better! I was enthralled by these amazing dresses!
    The lace and details is second to none and your research is wonderful too!
    Thanks so much for sharing your wealth of information!

    1. @ Christine
      what a comment ... I am breathless and moved by your touching words, breathless and speechless ... so very grateful to you who reward me with all the joy-filled words that this post of mine has inspired you I wish you to have a day as happy as I'm in this moment !

      Sending love, so much love to you, thanks again ✿⊱╮

  29. che preziosità di dettagli e tessuti e pizzi...ovviamente degni di una regina!!!!! in ogni tuo post si sogna ...chiudo gli occhi e mi immagino con l'ultimo abito in foto....proprio un sogno magnifico!!!!! grazie per tutto questo, ti abbraccio fortissimo Lory

    1. @ Lory
      vorrei potervi dare un mondo migliore in cui vivere, credimi, ma più che farvi sognare qualche attimo chiudendo gli occhi non posso fare ... e già sono felicissima di riuscire in questo ... nel mio piccolo un dono fatto di amore riesco comunque a porgervelo e ti sono grata per apprezzarlo con il cuore, dolcissima amica mia !

      Spero ti giunga forte e caloroso l'abbraccio che ti sto inviando, dolcissima ⊰•❤•⊱

  30. Una carellata magnifica di abiti, fantasie che passano da lievi a più intense. E per me che tra le passioni, ho quella di cucire anche abiti, mi chiedo quanto tempo, pazienza, precisione da parte delle sarte nel creare queste meraviglie, inserendo con chissà quale timore di sbagliare, pizzi e nastri. Se penso a certe sfilate di "grovigli senza eleganza", che si vedono in tv, e che vengono chiamati pure "di stile ed eleganza"...... oserei dire che sono un insulto alla vera sartoria. Grazie sempre a te, che ci regali delle vere e proprie chicche. Un abbraccio grande cara Daniela. Paola

    1. @ Paola
      allora anche questo ci accomuna, mia cara, la passione per la sartoria, con cui io porto avanti una tradizione di famiglia, visto che la mia povera nonna, da cui ho imparato, era una ricercata pantalonaia in una famosa sartoria di Genova che lavorava per i signori della 'città alta'... comprendi, vero, come per me le giornate dovrebbero durare il doppio !
      Con te concordo che la moda di oggi, per carità, nulla ha a che spartire con i manufatti di quell'epoca, la passione con cui abili dita potevano far scorrere fili preziosi con i loro umili aghi su tessuti ricercati ed unici, perché anche se potevano talora essere prodotti industriali, l'industria era ancora tutta manifatturiera, perciò azionata dalle mani dell'uomo ...
      Mi sembra di parlare di un passato talmente remoto, quando invece si tratta di poco più di un secolo e mezzo fa ... !

      Grazie meravigliosa amica mia, grazie per le tue parole di elogio, sei sempre così tanto generosa con me ... forse troppo ... ma ti adoro !
      Che la tua settimana scorra lieta, dolcezza, colma di sorrisi e di pensieri sereni ❥

  31. Quanti commenti ! Un post così lascia senza fiato !
    Abiti affascinanti , stoffe,ricami,pizzi,fiocchi ... la firma autografa: tutto questo è Storia.
    Lieta serata ,

    1. @ Franca
      adorabile amica dal cuore grande, sì, questa è storia, come hai scritto tu, con la 'esse' maiuscola, Storia da guardare, Storia per cui gioire, con lo sguardo e con l'animo, per noi che ci rallegriamo per tutto ciò che hai elencato ... grazie, grazie di cuore per i tuoi bei sentimenti, per la tua amabilità e la tua nobiltà, che mi rendono orgogliosa di averti quale amica !

      Ti abbraccio con tutto l'affetto e l'ammirazione che ho per te ❀≼♥≽❀

  32. My goodness, such loveliness all in one post! Oh how dreamy to see one of these dresses, let alone to wear it! Can you imagine wearing a dress like that? My goodness... oh to dream! Thank you for sharing the history behind the dresses too and where the white dress tradition originated from. Such a lovely spot here you have to visit... it is wonderful!

    Have a blessed day!!!

    1. @ SpicingUpIdaho
      your enthusiasm is mine, your enjoyment is mine, but much more bigger, I'm so pleased by these beautiful words of yours, my friend, you truly make me feel what serendipity is, bless you !

      Have a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      ღஐღ sending dear hugs to you ღஐღ

  33. Wonderful post to fall into a dream! Stunning gowns indeed! It's a real pleasure to read your interesting post. By curiosity Queen Vitoria had the same age of Queen Amélia a portuguese Queen. They met when they were 9 years old and stayed friends forever. Throughout life they exchanged letters.
    Hope you have a fabulous day!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    1. @ Ana
      It's my pleasure, welcome at ∼ My little old world ∽ and welcome among its followers too, this is a little corner on the web where dreams about the Past may come true !

      Thanks most sincerely for your beautiful words and for the so interesting information I didn't know, I love to learn always new things about History, which I'm really fond of !

      May your afternoon be filled with joy, thank you again ✿*✿

  34. Dear Friend, this is the most charming post. I love the gorgeous gowns and often wonder how special it would be to have lived then and worn gowns like that. The beauty here is amazing and your posts are always filled with wonderful information that teaches us and spikes our interest. Thank you for sharing and for these lovely photos.
    Also thank you for always being so kind and stopping by with such dear and kind comments. Your encouragement just lifts my spirits and I am blessed with your visits,
    Blessings to you my friend. xo

    1. @ Celestina
      It's I who feel to be so much grateful to you, you're such a wonderful woman, and I'm so pleased to have you as a friend, my dearest, your wonderful words bring such joy to my heart, sweet friend, just your visit is a honour to me !

      Have a blessed remainder of your week, filled with joy and smiles ಌ❀ಌ

  35. Dear Daniela,

    The Gowns of Queen Victoria are gorgeous and love all the detail in each one.
    Thank you for sharing the lovely post. My daughters name is Victoria
    Also appreciate your kind visit to my blog and the note you left - appreciate that very much.
    Sending love and hugs and hope you are enjoying the week

    1. @ Carolyn,
      my lovely, new friend, I'm so very glad to read that you've enjoyed this post of mine, it's such a precious gift to me !

      Hope your week is filled with love,
      ♡❤♡ sending much love to you too ♡❤♡

  36. These gowns are amazing, Dany. The fabrics, the embroidery, are so lovely, and even the waists look human, usually they are so tiny. I enjoyed this post.

    1. @ Amalia
      what a gladness to have you here, your visit really blesses my heart !
      Having you no more amongst my followers I was afraid to have lost you, and I didn't even want to think of it, you're a friend so very dear to me !

      With so much gratitude I wish you all the best for the remainder of your week, my darling ⊰♥⊱

  37. This was so interesting, Dani. I think the dresses are beautiful, even though she might not have been considered fashionable. The workmanship and materials are amazing. I think the princess today is very fashionable, more so than a lot of hollywoods, but I think I prefer a classic feminine appearance but not for exercising or hiking though! xoxo Su

    1. @ Su
      sweetest friend of mine, it's such a joy to me to understand that this post of mine has entertained you with pleasure, my lovely !
      As for the princess ... well, I'm still linked to Diana's simple and inner elegance ... not so very commom, in fact !

      May your week be blessed with much gladness !
      I thank you with all my heart,
      both for your visit and your lovely words,
      sending sweet hugs to you ❀≼♡≽❀

  38. Amazing dresses!I can't imagine they were very comfortable though.
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie,
      you're right, my darling, but the comfort was probably the last quality that was required to a dress made for a queen, the most important thing was that it was able and put to light her brightness and her importance as first woman of the people, indeed, as the Queen of the People, in this case !

      Have a most wonderful day, my adored, sweetest friend ✿⊱╮
