giovedì 20 febbraio 2014

Snowdrops, beloved early signs of Spring.

Delicati come la neve che li ha custoditi e cullati fino a pochi 

giorni fa, i primi bucaneve salutano la fine dell'inverno

e preannunciano la venuta della nuova stagione, segnando 

la fine del torpore della natura pronta ormai per il risveglio 


Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Snowdrops (featuring Jane Morris), 1873

SOLITARIO Fiore, orlato di nevi di cui conservi il candore
Ma di gran lunga più resistente, ancora una volta ti vedo chinare
La fronte, come se temessi di offendere,
Come un ospite non invitato. Anche se giorno per giorno,
Le tempeste, andandosene dalle vette, tracciano la via 
Del sole che sorge, e sulle pianure scendono;
Ebbene tu sei il benvenuto, benvenuto come un amico
Il cui zelo supera altresì ciò che promette!

William Wordsworth, To a Snowdrop, 1888

Timidamente, con estrema umiltà e con aspetto dimesso, quasi riverente, accolti con letizia profonda da ogni cuore che attende i palpiti della primavera quali espressione della forza e della resistenza al gelo della vita, i bucaneve, appartenenti alla famiglia dei Galanthus ( dal greco gála che significa latte e ánthos che significa fiore ), sbocciano sul finire del mese di febbraio nei boschi e nei giardini del centro Europa, e quest'anno anche il giardino segreto di Tenuta Geremia ha visto per la prima volta schiudersi le corolle di questi candidi boccioli fatti salire fin qui l'anno scorso dal bosco che costeggia l'argine del fiume.  

Acclamati con toni romantici dai poeti inglesi nel loro significato di speranza e pazienza 

Cicely Mary Barker, Snowdrop's Fairy

nella terra di Gran Bretagna, dove sono celebrati quali festoso presagio di primavera, i bucaneve giungono a formare bianchissime coltri in zone in cui crescono spontanei o sono stati naturalizzati.

quasi come se ogni fiocco di neve disciolto, ricamando punto per punta una fitta trapunta, avesse lasciato il posto ad una corolla.

Numerosi sono i giardini che, tra Scozia, Irlanda ed Inghilterra, vengono appositamente aperti al pubblico nel mese di febbraio allo scopo di fare ammirare i primissimi fiori della stagione ai visitatori che attendono questo gioioso momento in cui al suggestivo fascino paesistico 

e alla solennità altisonante degli elementi architettonici

intrisa di particolari dalla ricercatezza tipicamente anglosassone

si aggiunge l'amenità delle prime romantiche e poetiche pennellate di colore tra gli alberi ancora spogli e dormienti ed il verde dell'erba o dell'edera che tappezza i prati sotto le imponenti, maestose conifere senza tempo.

Tenero Bucaneve, bianco e piccolissimo,
Vai a colei la cui bellezza giace
  Sul mio essere, come la luce 
 Tra le stelle a bordo dei cieli.

S'anche la luna non fosse in cielo,
   E tutto la notte buia fosse,
Tali gemme riescono persino a vincere
     L'impenetrabile velo fosco che copre terra e mare.

George Heath (1844 - 1869), da A Bunch of Snowdrops

Vi sto con queste foto rendendo partecipi del bellissimo gesto ricevuto da una cara amica, Cristina, la quale, alcuni giorni fa, si è concessa una vacanza tra gli incantati giardini d'Inghilterra per veder sbocciare i primi fiori dell'anno proprio là dove tanto sono trattati non solo con rispetto, persino con profonda devozione ...

E di Cristina in Christina, dall'infinita poesia delle fotografie della cara amica, a cui mi sento legata da profonda gratitudine, a quella espressa dalle soavi parole di Christina Rossetti (1830 - 1894) con cui desidero ringraziarla tanto caramente per l'immensa delicatezza che mi ha usato e per il suo buon cuore.

Chissà se la linfa è già in movimento,
Se gli uccelli invernali sognano di trovare una compagna,
Se i bucaneve intirizziti avvertono già il sole
E i crochi come fuochi si accendono ad uno ad uno:
Canta, pettirosso, canta;
Io ancora dubito con dolore dell'arrivo della Primavera.

Mi chiedo se l'ondata primaverile di quest'anno
Porterà un'altra Primavera tanto cara e perduta;
Se il cuore e lo spirito troveranno la loro Primavera,
Oppure, se il mondo solo sboccerà e canterà:
Canta, speranza, canta per me;
Note dolci, speranza mia, note delicate di ricordi.

La linfa sicuramente si appresterà prima o poi,
Anche l'uccello più tardivo canterà alla propria compagna;
Così la Primavera sorgerà di nuovo con il suo tepore e con le sue fioriture,
O in questo mondo, o nel mondo che verrà:
Canta, voce di Primavera,
Fino a che anch'io fiorirò, gioirò e canterò.

Christina Georgina Rossetti, The First Spring Day

... e chissà, chissà se Cristina, nelle sue passeggiate in questa natura ancora incorrotta, avrà scorto sbocciare proprio quei bucaneve, quegli stessi che osservava la poetessa inglese in pieno periodo vittoriano, quelle stesse corolle fatte di neve che le hanno ispirato versi così delicati ...

A presto amici miei cari 


Le fotografie di Cristina sono state scattate presso: 

Anglesey Abbey Gardens and Lode Mill ( Cambridgeshire)
Ashwood Nurseries, Kingswinford (West Midlands)
Benington Lordship Gardens (Hertfordshire)
Beth Chatto Gardens (Essex)

As delicate as the snow snow that has preserved and

lulled them till a few days ago, the first snowdrops 

greet the end of Winter and herald the coming of the 

new season, scoring the end of the  torpor of the 

nature now ready for the vernal awakening.

- picture 1 - Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Snowdrops (featuring Jane Morris), 1873

LONE Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they
But hardier far, once more I see thee bend
Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,
Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,
Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, waylay
The rising sun, and on the plains descend;
Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend
Whose zeal outruns his promise!

William Wordsworth, To a Snowdrop, 1888

- picture 2

Tentatively, with great humility and with a resigned look, almost reverent, welcomed with profound joy to every heart that beats waiting for the Spring as an expression of the strength and of the resistance of the frost of life, snowdrops, belonging to the family of Galanthus (from the greek 'gala' meaning milk, and 'anthos' which means flower) blooming at the end of February in the woods and gardens of Central Europe, and this year also the secret garden of Tenuta Geremia sees for the first time unfold the petals of the first snow-white buds taken last year from the forest along the riverbank.

Acclaimed with romantic tones by English poets in their meaning of hope and patience

- picture 3 - Cicely Mary Barker, Snowdrop's Fairy

in the land of Britain, where they're celebrated as festive harbinger of Spring, snowdrops come to form pure white blankets in areas where they grow wild or have been naturalized.

- picture 4

- picture 5

almost as if each dissolved snowflake, sewing point by point a thick quilt, had given the way to a corolla.

- picture 6

- picture 7

There are many gardens, including Scotland, Ireland and England, that are specially opened to the public in February in order to let the visitors admire the very first flowers of the season, for those who await this joyful moment when to the suggestive charm of the landscape

- picture 8

- picture 9

- picture 10

- picture 11

and the pompous solemnity of the architectural elements

- picture 12

- picture 13

- picture 14

drenched in with details of the typical Anglo-Saxon refinement

- picture 15

- picture 16

- picture 17

is added to that of the first romantic and poetic strokes of color among the trees still bare and the green of the grass or the ivy that makes carpets over the meadows below the towering, majestic timeless conifers

- picture 18

Tender snowdrops, wee and white,
 Go to her whose beauty lies
On my being, like the light
 Of the stars on brows of skies.

- picture 19

When the moon hath not a streak,
      And the night all gloom would be,
But for those still gems that break
      Through the mirk on land and sea.

George Heath (1844 - 1869), from A Bunch of Snowdrops

- picture 20

I'm with you by sharing these photos in my hands as the beautiful gesture received from a dear friend, Cristina, who, a few days ago, has taken a holiday among the enchanted gardens of England to see the first flowers of the year blooming right there where so much are not only treated with respect, even with deep devotion ...

And from Cristina to Christina, from the infinite poetry of the photographs of a dear friend, who I feel tied by a deep gratitude to, to that expressed by the gentle words of Christina Rossetti (date) with which I'd like to thank her so so much for her good heart and for the immense delicacy that she has made me.

I wonder if the sap is stirring yet,
If wintry birds are dreaming of a mate,
If frozen snowdrops feel as yet the sun
And crocus fires are kindling one by one:
Sing, robin, sing;
I still am sore in doubt concerning Spring.

I wonder if the springtide of this year
Will bring another Spring both lost and dear;
If heart and spirit will find out their Spring,
Or if the world alone will bud and sing:
Sing, hope, to me;
Sweet notes, my hope, soft notes for memory.

The sap will surely quicken soon or late,
The tardiest bird will twitter to a mate;
So Spring must dawn again with warmth and bloom,
Or in this world, or in the world to come:
Sing, voice of Spring,
Till I too blossom and rejoice and sing.

Christina Georgina Rossetti, The First Spring Day

- picture 21

And I wonder, I wonder if Cristina had seen, during her walks in this still so incorrupted nature, just those snowdrops blooming, the same that watched the English poet in full Victorian period, those same blooms made ​​of snow that have inspired such delicate verses ...

See you soon my dear friends 


Cristina's photographs were shot at: 

Anglesey Abbey Gardens and Lode Mill ( Cambridgeshire)
Ashwood Nurseries, Kingswinford (West Midlands)
Benington Lordship Gardens (Hertfordshire)
Beth Chatto Gardens (Essex)


This blog post was featured! I heartily thank you Terri, you're such a loving hostess ❤



50 commenti:

  1. Love snowdrops and your beautiful post, dear Dany !
    Gorgeous pictures and poems of these pretty flowers !
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment ... as always ... I'm flattered :-)
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      good morning my dear friend !!!
      This time the credit isn't all mine, it's to be shared with a friend, Cristina, who's the authoress of the wonderful shots from the fabulous gardens of England!
      ღ Thanking you so much for your lovely words ( believe me , what I'm writing on your comments is all well more than deserved !!! ) I wish you a weekend filled with serenity and joy ღ

  2. Some nice shots.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

    1. @ Andrew
      you're welcome in 'My little old world' !!
      That's what I also said to myself ( and to Cristina ): they're so beautiful that they're worthy to be shared with you all !
      Love to you, my new friend, have a lovely weekend ♡

  3. What a beautiful post this is, Dany.
    You give me hope for spring, dear friend.

    I wish you a wonderful week ahead. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      Winter hasn't finished yet here too, but certainly yours has been harder and is longer than ours !!
      Of course, this year also Spring is going to arrive my sweet friend !!
      Here we're having the first days of sun after a long period of cloudy and rainy weather, and we're already breathing Spring in the air, birds begin to sing and are going to prepare themselves to build their nest, but it's quite early for saying that it's already here, some frosty days, I'm afraid, are just around the corner before than March ends ( I hope to be wrong of course !) !!!
      Sending hugs, dear, for wishing you a new coming week filled with much serenity ❀ ♥

  4. I bucaneve salutano l'inverno... e oggi ho scoperto il tuo blog : un saluto inaspettato mi è giunto dal tuo "little old world" !
    Your blog is really charming!
    Buon pomeriggio,

    1. @ Franca
      benarrivata nel mio piccolo mondo !!
      Felicissima di averti con me e tra noi ti accolgo con tanta gioia ed un abbraccio di benvenuto e di ringraziamento per le belle parole.
      Ti lascio augurandoti una splendida serata e con un saluto speciale, quello che meritano i nuovi lettori ♡ ❤ ♡

  5. Dearest, Dany! I love snow drops - so fragile, so delicate - so strong! Loved all your wonderful images and words. Just what I needed to calm my "Monday stresses" - your world is one I wish I could stay in longer. Sweet blessings, my friend! xxoo

    1. @ June
      friends as you are have built my world, with your love, your words, and I also feel so good here !
      Thank you my sweet June because with your words you give me a deep joy every time you come and visit me, you're so dear to me, you bring true love and light wherever you go !
      ❖ Have a blessed new week, my dearest friend ❖

  6. Che bello questo post Daniela, delicato e profumato di primavera, magico ed evocativo. E' come entrare in un giardino incantato venire a trovarti :)

    1. @ Laura
      bellissime le tue parole, colme di poesia e di dolcezza, dette da te così importanti ...
      Le tue visite sono sempre per me una grandissima gioia, mi scaldano il cuore cara amica mia, mi allietano profondamente !
      Ti abbraccio con tanto affetto ❦

      .. ah, dimenticavo di dirti che il profumo di primavera che senti qui probabilmente è quello che ci ha portato Cristina dai giardini d'Inghilterra con le sue meravigliose foto :) !!
      A presto mia cara ✿⊱╮

  7. Snowdrops are such beautiful and delicate flowers. I don't see them here, as we have so many wild rabbits, squirrels and deer that would dig them up and eat them, as they eat other such flowers like daffodils and tulips.

    1. @ Pat
      that's a pity that your lovely landscape isn't enriched by these wonders of the end of Winter, but it's true, all the animals living in the wild adore the first flowers that mark the end of the cold season because they are anxiously waiting for them all the cold period long for during it are deprived of fresh food, alas !
      But it's also true that they must somehow survive, and to be honest, all it belongs to them even before than to us :)
      A warm hug to you my deareset friend ❥

  8. beautiful scenery and signs of spring!

    1. @ Tania
      thank you with all my heart, you're so very welcome !!!

      ಌ❀ಌ Have a wonderful week ಌ❀ಌ

  9. Stunning photographs! What a beautiful place! And such a lovely tribute to the little snowdrop and all it heralds!

    1. @ Marie
      most of them come from English gardens and are a gift from my lovely friend Cristina !
      Thanks most sincerely for your words of appreciation about this post of mine, they fill my heart with such a true joy !

      I wish you a lovely reminder of your week, my friend,
      with so much gratitude ༺♥♡♥༻

  10. I love Snowdrops, they are one of those flowers that always makes me smile


    1. @ Molly
      it's true, they're so simple, humble, and come when we least expect them, maybe it's just this the reason why !

      I wish you a most beautiful end of your week ahead,
      with deep and sincere thankfulness ஐღஐ

  11. Dear Dany, you come up with such delightful, dreamy posts! A perfect read for my afternoon cup of tea. Thank you for sharing the beauty of the snowdrop in all arts; painting, poetry and photography!

    1. what a blessing to me reading that I've delighted such a precious moment in your day, my darling, marvelous friend !
      I'm so thankful to you and so honoured by your words sounding like sweet music to my heart, blessed be !

      May your day be filled with so much joy,
      sending you heartfelt love and big hugs ಌ•❤•ಌ

  12. Fantastic spring photos dear Dany! I have never see such snowdrop meadows - maybe our climate is too cold. Scilla meadows we have, it comforts a bit.

    Wishing you great weekend.

    1. @ riitta
      yes, probably you're right, they need quite a bit of cold but maybe yours is too much for them!
      Anyway, also scilla are so beautiful, enjoy such lovely, delicate flowers, Dearie!

      May your weekend too be blessed with gladness ❥

  13. Gorgeous photos. There is a theme I'm noticing today...awaiting Spring. I look forward to it too. Happy weekend to you.

    1. @ Joyful
      I'm so, so glad to welcome you here today, darling friend, thank you both for taking the time for visiting and commenting!

      Enjoy the end of your week you too,
      sending blessings across the miles ✿⊱╮

  14. I enjoyed seeing each of your pictures that foretells of spring's approaching. It will be here before we know it, so I am enjoying every moment of winter, tucked inside where it is warm and cozy.

    1. @ Dianna
      I heartily welcome you, new friend of mine!
      Reading your so kind words I do understand that you too are so fond of Winter, I also love its atmosphere, its short days and the coziness of hour nests!

      With utmost gratitude
      I'm sending blessings on your weekend ♡❤♡

  15. Liebe Daniela!
    Welch ein faszinierender, romantischer Blog!!!
    Leider kann ich kein Englisch!!! Es wäre so schon, wenn Du das Übersetzungsprogramm von Google auf Deinem Blog installieren würdest.
    Ich wünsche Dir alles Liebe


    1. @ Heidi
      aber Ich kann ziemlich Deutsch, so hast du mein Antwort hier!
      Ich danke dir für deinen Besuch und Freundlichkeit, du bist herzlich wilkommen!
      Ich habe das Übersetzungsprogramm nicht installiert weil Ich Google Übersetzungen nicht traue, nicht immer sie korrekt sind, vorallem wenn sie von English gemacht werden.

      Grüßen und Küßen ⊰✽*♥*✽⊱

  16. Oh what a treat it was to visit your lovely blog today! I LOVED the pictures! I crawled into them! And I LOVED all the different poems you shared!

    Such a delightful post!


    1. @ Karen Del Tatto
      I'm so glad to read that you loved it, sweet friend!

      Thanking you from the bottom of my heart,
      I'm sending you hugs and more hugs,
      you're such a good-and-sweet-hearted lady ♥♡♥

  17. Dany, I love Snowdrops and can't wait for spring! They are especially gorgeous in bunches!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      it's my pleasure and delight to share my posts at your so lovely and inspiring party, Dearie, it is I who thank you!

      With sincere gratitude,
      I'm sending you my dearest love ❀≼♥≽❀

  18. Delightful photos and words. I must get out and look for them in the local countryside.

    1. @ Fun60
      I'm hoping you'll find them waiting for your glances!

      Thanking you most sincerely for taking the time for visiting,
      I'm sending my warmest hug to you •♥•♥•♥•

  19. Gorgeous pictures and poems, dear Daniela! I love snowdrops. This year, they already bloomed here in January.
    Have a wonderful February! Hugs! ♥

    1. @ Edit
      Dearast Friend of mine, may your February too be blessed with joy, it's always a true honour and delight to have you here!

      Wishing you a beautiful end of your week ✿*✿

  20. Beautiful photos...not just the snowdrops, but so many lovely places. Here in southeastern Alberta, Canada, we have snow but no pretty little flowers, not yet, but I can dream.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. @ Kay
      I welcome you with a very big hug and thank you wholeheartedly for your so beautiful and kind words!

      Sending you all my best,
      wherever you are, my friend ♡ஐ♡

  21. I WISH we had seen snowdrops by now here in the Midwest but alas, not yet! We have actual snow, snow and more snow. Your lovely post helped me to forget for a moment that we still have 6 more weeks of winter! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen
      and as for a kind of magic, as soon as the snow begins to melt, you'll see snowdrops popping up almost everywhere, snow lulles them all the Winter long!

      Enjoy your weekend, Dearest friend,
      sending all my love to you ♥∗✿∗♥

  22. Oh my, dear Dany, the places your share here with us are divine. Those beautiful old buildings and the gorgeous gardens, the floor filled with so many sweet little snowdrops! Thank you for sharing this with us sweetie, so good to bring it back to daylight again with sharing it at Simply Neutrals! Big hugs xx

    1. @ Wen Sylvestre
      these places are truly amazing, you're right, Sweetie!

      Thanking you from the bottom of my heart or gracing my blog today,
      I'm sending you my dearest and warmest hug ❥

  23. Beautiful pictures! I would love to see those buildings in person.
    :) gwingal

    1. @ Nikki G
      thank you for this visit of yours, new friend of mine, I heartily thank you for your words of appreciation!

      Sending you my very best ♡❤♡

  24. Thank you daniela for your beautiful story of snowdrops. Beautifully presented, and lovely photos too.

    1. @ Lace Age Girl
      Dearest One, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, to have you following ~ My little old world ~ truly honour me!

      Trusting your week is off to a good start,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ❀≼♥≽❀

  25. snowdrops are pretty and seem to say spring is coming

    1. Carol @Comfort Spring Station,
      You're right, sweet friend of mine!
      With utmost gratitude,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ಌ•❤•ಌ
