mercoledì 7 settembre 2016


Herzog Max in Bayern and his Zither Band

Sappiamo tutti che la bellissima ed ammirata Sisi apparteneva, per tramite di padre, al ramo cadetto della casa regnante di Baviera, che mai ne avrebbe ereditato il trono - infatti il Duca Maximilian (1808-1888), figlio del Duca Pius August in Bayern e della Principessa Amalie Luise von Arenberg del ramo cadetto dei Wittelsbach è detto IN BAVIERA, non DI BAVIERA a sottolineare proprio cotale collateralità ... 
Dopo aver frequentato una scuola pubblica come qualsiasi altro cittadino di Monaco, egli si laureò in Storia e Scienza, e nel 1828 dovette sospendere i suoi studi in letteratura per sposare, contro la propria volontà, la Principessa Ludovika Wilhelmine, figlia del Re Maximilian I von Bayern: un matrimonio imposto dal nonno (e re) per sollevare, anche economicamente, le fortune della famiglia e riavvicinare la linea reale della dinastia ... 

Engagement Portrait of Empress Elisabeth's parents Princess Ludovika of Bavaria and Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria, by Joseph Stieler.

Va da sé che il denaro che la famiglia appena costituita poteva possedere era quello di una qualsiasi famiglia medio-alto borghese, completamente estranea agli agi di corte, ma il creativo e versatile duca, di cui già QUI vi parlai a proposito di quanto di gioioso trasmise alla sua prole, soprattutto alla futura imperatrice d'Austria ( alla quale comunicò il suo amore per l'arte, per la mitologia, la musica, per la natura e a cui spesso diceva che doveva muoversi come fosse una farfalla e non strisciando i piedi come fanno le dame ! ) riusciva spesso a trovare il modo per guadagnare proventi sufficienti per fare vivere dignitosamente la numerosa figliolanza che animava le ampie stanze del Castello di Possenhofen (acquistato nel 1838 ), in estate, e quelle del Herzog-Max-Palais nella Münchner Ludwigstraße, il palazzo di Monaco, durante la stagione dal clima più rigido. 

Per chi non lo conoscesse a fondo, il popolo di origine teutonica, che si tratti di abitanti dell'odierna Austria o della Germania, ha la musica nel sangue, come si suol dire, ovvero possiede un'innata inclinazione per la danza e per suonare qualsiasi strumento, ne è l'esempio più eclatante la 'dinastia' degli Strauss che fece danzare tutti gli europei, e non solo, che vissero durante il periodo romantico, ovvero l'era vittoriana ... ebbene, il duca Max, come era familiarmente chiamato e conosciuto, non sfuggiva a tale legge della natura ed era non solo un abilissimo suonatore di cetra e di pianoforte, ma compose anche alcune polke e valzer ( oggi trovate tutte le sue composizioni raccolte in: Die im Druck erschienenen Kompositionen von Herzog Maximilian in Bayern: Ländler, Walzer, Polka, Schottisch, Mazurka, Quadrillen und Märsche für Pianoforte, Zither, Gitarre oder Streichinstrumente, München: Musikverlag Emil Katzbichler, 1992 ).

 Max Joseph in Bayern mentre suona la cetra, sullo sfondo troneggia il castello di Possenhofen che si affaccia sulle acque del lago Starnberg

Si narra che talora indossasse i costumi tradizionali bavaresi - che gli garantivano di muoversi in incognito - e che si recasse a suonare la cetra nei ristoranti, accompagnato dalla sua piccola Elisabeth, che ballava al suono della musica per poi raccogliere denari tra i tavoli.

Dancing the Steirer, with zither music. Drawing by C.B.Binzer. 

'Das war das einzig Ehrlich Verdiente Geld' ('Fu quello l'unico denaro onestamente guadagnato' ), ebbe ad apostrofare anni dopo.

Beh, che ci crediate o no, il Duca Max fu uno dei promotori più importanti della musica popolare bavarese del XIX° secolo. Sotto la sua influenza la cetra cominciò ad essere utilizzata in ambienti di corte per divenire, infine, riconosciuta quale strumento musicale nazionale della Baviera e proprio grazie al suo interesse ricevette il soprannome di cetra-Maxl.

Il padre della sposa, Max in Baviera, strimpella il suo strumento preferito, la cetra, con la coppia imperiale sul lago di Starnberg, sullo fondo Possenhofen.

Durante una visita al castello di Possenhofen, il cugino Ludwig II re di Baviera scorse alcuni spartiti sul pianoforte di Maximilian Joseph siglati dal compositore Richard Wagner, da egli stesso supportato economicamente a partire dal 1863, e probabilmente all'ammirazione che entrambi nutrirono per il musicista nativo di Lipsia si deve l'amore che la stessa Sisi provava per le di lui opere.
Ma non solamente al nome di Wagner quello del Duca Maximilian è legato: Franz Strauss, padre del probabilmente più celebre Richard, fece parte, in qualità di chitarrista, del gruppo musicale capeggiato dal 'nostro' duca !

Leggiamo insieme questo estratto da una delle sue biografie, scritta da Willi Schuh, dal titolo Richard Strauss: A Chronicle of the Early Years 1864-1898

[...] Franz aveva quindici anni, nel 1837, quando suo zio gli trovò un posto come chitarrista al servizio del Duca Max a Monaco di Baviera. Altri membri dell'orchestra del duca comprendevano il talento della cetra Johann Petzmayer e due zii di Franz, Joseph Michael Walter e Johann Georg Walter. Il duca stesso suonava la cetra nella sua orchestra. In questa compagnia di musicisti Franz fu incoraggiato dallo zio Joseph a continuare a migliorare la sua formazione pratica e teorica. [...] Fu durante gli anni che Franz trascorse al servizio del Duca Max che riconobbe che il corno era lo strumento per cui si sentiva più portato e per cui avrebbe potuto diventare un 'virtuoso'.

E chissà che, almeno in parte, la costernazione che colse l'Arciduchessa Sofia, madre del futuro Imperatore Francesco Giuseppe, quando il figlio le confessò di voler sposare non già la promessa Nenè, ma la sorella Sisi, non fosse dovuta alla popolarità, o, meglio, alla popolanità - passatemi il termine - di questo nobile che stava sì, divenendo suo parente acquisito, ma con una figlia, futura imperatrice d'Austria, che più di ogni altra gli somigliava ... le si stava parando davanti un gran lavoro da fare per 'addomesticare' una fanciulla che le appariva tanto poco 'signorile' e degna del titolo che stava per acquisire ..., ma la signorilità, l'eleganza e la nobiltà d'animo non le si acquisiscono, sono un dono che la Natura riserva a pochi e quello che sappiamo essere uno spirito libero, indomito per definizione, non lo si 'ammansisce', ... se non lo si comprende, però, e non lo si accetta gli si possono tarpare le ali reprimendo e mortificando, infine, ogni suo slancio vitale, ... questo sì ... ed, ahimè, fu proprio così che accadde, povera amata, ammirata imperatrice !

Sempre più grata per la dedizione e l'affetto con cui seguite ~ My little old world ~
auguro ogni bene a ciascuno di voi, carissimi lettori ed amici,

a presto  💕

- picture 1 - Herzog Max in Bayern and his Zither Band

We all know that the beautiful and admired Sisi belonged, by her father, to the junior branch of the ruling family of Bavaria, of which would have never inherited the throne - in fact the Duke Maximilian (1808-1888), son of the Duke Pius August in Bayern and Princess Amalie Luise von Arenberg of the cadet branch of the Wittelsbach were told IN BAYERN, not VON BAYERN, to emphasize the collateral branch of the family they belonged to ...
After attending a public school like any other citizen of Monaco, he graduated in History and Science, and in 1828 he had to suspend his studies in the literature to marry, against his will, Princess Ludovika Wilhelmine, daughter of King Maximilian I von Bayern: a marriage imposed by his grandfather (and king) to raise, even economically, the fortunes of the family and reconnect the royal line of the dynasty ...

- picture 2 - Engagement Portrait of Empress Elisabeth's parents Princess Ludovika of Bavaria and Duke Maximilian Joseph in Bavaria, by Joseph Stieler.

It goes without saying that the money that the newly formed family could afford was that of any upper-middle class family, far from any kind of well-being of the court, but the creative and versatile Duke, whom I already mentioned you HERE for what as joyful he transmitted to his offspring, especially to the future empress of Austria (to which he communicated his love for art, for mythology, for music and nature and to which he often said she had to move like a butterfly and not shuffled as all the ladies do !) could often find a way to earn sufficient income to allow to live in dignity the numerous offspring that animated the large rooms of the Castle of Possenhofen (purchased in 1838), in Summer, and those of the Herzog-Max-Palais in Munich Ludwigstraße, the Monaco Palace, during the season by the harsh climate.

For those unfamiliar with itin the deep, people of Teutonic origin,  both inhabiting of today's Austria and Germany, has music in the blood, as they say, that is a natural inclination for dance and for playing any instrument, the most striking example of it is the 'dynasty' of Strauss which made dance all Europeans, and not only, who lived during the romantic period, or the Victorian era, if you prefer ... well, the Duke Max, as it was familiarly called and known, didn't escape this law of nature and he not only was a skilled player of zither and piano, but also composed some polkas and waltzes (you may find all of his compositions collected in Die im Druck erschienenen Kompositionen von Herzog Maximilian in Bayern: Ländler, Walzer, Polka, Schottisch, Mazurka, Quadrillen und Märsche für Pianoforte, Zither, Gitarre oder Streichinstrumente, München: Musikverlag Emil Katzbichler, 1992 ).

- picture 3 - Max Joseph in Bayern while plays the zither, on the background stands the Possenhofen castle overlooking the waters of Lake Starnberg.

It is said that sometimes, wearing the traditional Bavarian costumes that guaranteed him to move in incognito, he went to play the zither in restaurants, accompanied by his little Elisabeth, who danced to the sound of the music and then collected money among the tables.

- picture 4 - Dancing the Steirer, with zither music. Drawing by C.B.Binzer. 

'Das war das einzig Ehrlich Verdiente Geld' ('That was the only money honestly earned'), he had to say years later.

Well, believe it or not, Duke Max was one of the most important promoters of Bavarian folk music during the XIXth century. Under his influence the zither began to be used in court circles to become, finally, recognized as the national musical instrument of Bavaria and thanks to his interest he received the nickname of zither-Maxl.

- picture 5 - The bride's father, Max of Bavaria, strumming his favorite instrument, the zither, with the imperial couple at Lake Starnberg, the bottom Possenhofen.

During a visit to the Castle of Possenhofen, his cousin King Ludwig II of Bavaria saw some music sheets on Maximilian Joseph's piano signed by the composer Richard Wagner, whom he himself supported financially in 1863, and probably to that admiration them both nurtured for the musician native of Leipzig was due the love the same Sisi felt for his works.
But not only the name of Wagner is linked to that of Duke Maximilian: Franz Strauss, father of the probably most famous Richard, was part, as guitarist, of the band led by 'our' Duke!

Let's read together this excerpt from one of his biographies, written by Willi Schuh, entitled Richard Strauss: A Chronicle of the Early Years 1864-1898

[...] Franz was fifteen, in 1837, when his uncle found him a post as guitarist in the service of Duke Max in Munich. Other members of the duke's orchestra included the zither virtuoso Johann Petzmayer and two of Franz's uncles, Joseph Michael Walter and Johann Georg Walter. The duke himself also played zither in his own orchestra. In this company of musicians Franz was encouraged by his uncle Joseph to continue to improve his practical and theoretical education. [...] It was during the years Franz spent in the service of Duke Max that he recognized that the horn was the instrument which meant most to him and on which he could become a virtuoso.

And I wonder if, at least in part, the consternation which seized Archduchess Sophia, mother of the future Emperor Franz Joseph, when his son confessed to want to marry not the already promised Nené, but her younger sister Sisi, wasn't due to the popularity, or rather, to the ordinary person this noble looked at her eyes, who was going, yes, to become her relative in-law, but with a daughter, the future empress of Austria, who more than anyone else was like him ... she was surely thinking of a great amount of work to do to 'tame' a young girl who appeared so little 'elegant' and worthy of the title she was going to acquire ... but the elegance, the gentleness and the and the nobility of heart cannot be taught, they are gifts that nature reserve to a very few people and what we do know to be a free spirit, undaunted by definition, cannot be 'tamed', ... if you do not understand him, though, and you cannot accept him, you might clip his wings repressing and mortifying, eventually, every vital impulse of his, ... yes ... and, alas, it was just the way it happened, poor loved, admired empress !

- picture 6

Increasingly appreciating and loving the dedication and the affection with which you follow  ~ My little old world ~, I'm wishing all my best to each of you, dear readers and friends,

see you soon 💕



48 commenti:

  1. ciao Daniela, bellissimi i tuoi post, come sempre!
    un abbraccio simona

    1. @ simona
      che grande piacere ritrovarti, grazie di cuore !!!

      Contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con tanta gioia, che ti accompagni per tutto il prosieguo di questa settimana, carissima •♥•♥•♥•

  2. Cara Daniela, che piacere tornare a leggere le tue narrazioni di storia, costume e non solo!
    "Doveva muoversi come una farfalla, non strusciare i piedi come...." eccezionale!
    Un abbraccio, a presto

    1. @ Susanna
      dolcissima amica mia, da queste parole ci è facile comprendere perché chiunque vedesse camminare l'imperatrice dicesse che sembrava quasi accarezzare il terreno con i piedi, tale era la grazia con cui si muoveva ... così era stata educata insieme con le sue sorelle da un padre credo molto divertente, ma che cercava di trasmettere ai figli dignità e regalità, anche se si dice fosse poco presente in famiglia ... se ci pensiamo l'incedere è uno dei primi elementi con cui ci si presenta agli altri, non è del tutto secondario, anzi !

      Ti invio un forte, fortissimo abbraccio colmo di gioia, di pace e di serenità, trascorri una settimana lieta mia cara ✿*✿

  3. Hello there Dear Dany. What a nice little read I've had here this morning. That would truly be a jam to be in, being betrothed to one and wishing to be with the sister. I had never heard of the zither before your article. I always learn something new here. Have a wonderful week.

    1. @ Andrea
      precious friend of mine, thank you for gracing my Blog today with your presence here, your words bless my heart with such a deep, inner joy !

      May the remainder of your week hold much gladness,
      sending hugs and ever much love to you ♡❤♡

  4. Dear Daniela, I always enjoy your posts! It is so nice to take a journey back in time with your lovely photos and information! Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. @ Linda
      it is I who have to thank you, and I do it with my heart overflowing with gladness, you mean so much to me, dearie !

      Hope you're having a great week so far I'm thanking you most sincerely,
      blessed be ❥

  5. Dany, che bello che è leggere i tuoi post sempre ricchi di storia e di particolari ai più sconosciuti.
    Ti abbraccio

    1. @ Manu
      carissima, le tue parole sono fonte di grande, immensa gioia per me, te ne sono sinceramente grata !

      Che il tuo pomeriggio scorra lieto e che la tua serata abbia in serbo tanta serenità per te, te lo auguro di vero cuore, grazie ancora ⊰♥⊱

  6. são histórias que nos levam ao passado e nos fazem sonhar !!
    que lindo post !!
    estamos com muito frio por aqui ainda, hoje com geada.
    mas logo vem a primavera e o calor logo chega por aqui ...
    imagino passar o Natal com frio , muito charmoso, não é mesmo?
    o papai noel aqui passa um bocado de calor., com aquelas roupas vermelhas do polo norte !!!
    grande abraço !!!

    1. @ Kr.Eliane
      como é bom já a pensar ao Natal, com toda a alegria que traz sempre em nossos corações !

      Mui obrigada por toda sua amabilidade, querida amiga ! Beijos ༺❀༻

  7. Carissima, bello come sempre passare da qui. Un abbraccio forte e alla prossima🤗🤗😘

    1. @ WOODY
      per me è sempre una gioia immensa accoglierti, carissima, grazie di cuore per aver trovato il tempo di farmi visita !

      Ti auguro un sereno riposo ed un risveglio più dolce che mai ಌ•❤•ಌ

  8. Ciao cara Daniela! Che bello leggere di colui che fu il padre della tanto amata Sisi. Non conoscevo questo romantico aspetto legato alla musica. Come sempre mi hai reso noto particolari sconosciuti con tanta grazia

    1. @ Alessandra
      da quanto non leggo le tue dolcissime parole, mi sei mancata carissima ... e molto, davvero !

      Sempre felicissima di trovarti entusiasta di ciò che pubblico ti ringrazio e ti abbraccio forte forte, come non mai, buona notte romantica amica mia ♡ஐ♡

  9. Dany, this is another beautiful post! I'm going to forward it to my husband as he is such a music lover and enjoys unusual instruments.

    1. @ Jean
      I'm honored by your words, dearest one, I sincerely hope that your husband will find this post of mine interesting ... my husband too is a music lover, indeed, he's a passionate amateur musician, and I have to admit that he's very talented ツ !

      Wishing you all my best for your day, today, and for your days to come, sweet friend, may the remainder of your week be filled with joy, sending dear hugs across the many miles ღ❀ღ

  10. As always, you find the most interesting things to write about and of course I always learn something new! Thank you!

    On another note, the comment box just happened to be next to the picture of the little girl in the corner with the collie dog beside her. I have a copy of that as well -- I bought it at a flea market, I think, years ago, because it reminded me of me. At that age I had long curly blondish hair and a collie named Major who was my protector. My parents rarely had to discipline me -- send me to the corner or spank. But the one time my mom tried it, the dog got between her hand and my backside and she stopped right away. He probably would have done nothing -- he was very gentle. But he was making his displeasure known. He was my best buddy for more than 12 years. Seeing this again reminds me and I smile.

    1. @ Jeanie
      you have to know that I'm an only daughter and I remember that when I was a little girl I often told my parents that I loved having a brother, who has never arrived, alas, but one day they decided to bring home a collie, actually I loved him more than myself ... I was just six years old and I was the happiest baby-girl in the world, believe me, my life was changed since that day !

      But probably the fate had already decided that I had to grow up alone ... when he was just aged 3 months his veterinary made him a vaccine against distemper, when he was already affected by this illness, but in the process of incubation, not evident yet ... the thing is that in a few days he got so ill for he contracted a 'fulminant' form of distemper ... he wasn't able to recognize me anymore, indeed, none of us, he stopped eatingand he was dangerous for us all, he seemed hydrophobic ... and my parents decided to make him kill for there was no hope to save him, he suffered di epilessia, per me era impressionante vederlo ... he suffered from epilepsy, for me it was far impressive to see him ... I will never take away from my mind such images, so as I won't forget the love he presented me in those days we spent together ... he also became my protector, they're dogs with a unique intelligence !

      Thank you for your sweet and delicate heart, my lovely, adorable friend, I cherish you so much !

      Thinking of you with lots of love ... now you know that this image, like all the others making the frame of this page, have a very special meaning to me ♥∗≫✿≪∗♥

  11. the graphics are just lovely thanks for sharing have a great weekend

    1. @ robin lorraine williamson
      you're heartily welcome, thanks most sincerely for your words of appreciation !

      May the end of your week be as beautiful as never before ❥

  12. Hmmmm, what a confusing situation for them to be in, Dany.
    As alway, I so enjoy coming here to read what you've written. It takes me away to another time and place, always.

    Thank you, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      yes, that was a quite strange and unusual situation, but just like in every fairy tale love always wins ... even if what began as a fairy tale had a so sad course and even a tragic end, alas !!!

      I'm thanking you, as usual, for being always so adorable and loving, your visits always put a smile on my face and bless my heart with joy, dearest, darling friend of mine !

      Wishing you a joyous end of your week,
      I'm sending dear love across the pond ♡❤♡

  13. It is wonderful to again be able to visit your beautiful world dear Dany! How I love my visits here! I always love how you immerse us in the lives of those you feature here and by the time I am done reading I can feel a little of what it must have been for them. I loved your last post about Laura Ingalls Gunn, and the Ingalls. I loved those books when young and also my children. I hope they are passing down their love for them to their own children.
    Thank you for your beautiful blog dear friend. It is a respite to me whenever I visit.
    much love from here...

    1. @ June
      you're such a blessing to my heart and my soul, precious friend of mine, your visits make my day and fill it with such a gladness, I cherish you so, so much !

      Hope your week is off to a good start, I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you, with so much gratitude, my good-and-sweet-hearted Lady ༺♡♥❀♥♡༻

  14. Ecco che è tornata la mia Professoressa di storia preferita....
    Ciao mia carissima, spero che la tua conferenza del 6 agosto sia
    andata bene. Avrei tanto voluto esserci ma purtroppo Renzo lavorava.
    I fatti che mi hai esposto quella mattina a colazione (che bei momenti....) m'intrigavano molto!
    Ti abbraccio mia cara e ti auguro una bellissima domenica.
    Salutami tutti!!
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      dolcissima, adorabile amica dal cuore d'oro, quanto mi sarebbe piaciuto avervi tra gli altri presenti a Madonna di Campiglio quel pomeriggio d'agosto, ma è certo che gli impegni di lavoro vengono sempre prima di ogni altra cosa !

      Anche io mi trovo spesso a ripensare alle ore trascorse in spensieratezza con voi durante il weekend che abbiamo vissuto allegramente qui a Tenuta Geremia alla fine del mese di luglio, per me sono stati un dono davvero speciale per cui vi sarò per sempre grata, la vostra amicizia e la vostra compagnia mi sono talmente preziosi !

      Un abbraccio da parte di tutti noi, ci sentiamo presto tesoro,
      grazie ancora per tutto •♥•♥•♥•

  15. I first heard zither music in the movie The Third Man in which Anton Karas played the theme music on a zither. Just lovely.
    I have learned some new things today. Thank you dear Dany!
    Hugs to you.

    1. @ annie
      I thank you for the cheerfulness you always bring here with your inner joy, you're such a lovely Lady, dearie, I cherish you so much !

      Sending blessings on your Sunday and your new week ahead ❥

  16. Dear Dany,
    It's nice to have you back! You have certainly been busy and missed! I stopped by tonight to read your post and listen to the music. The Enya piece is so relaxing and peaceful! This post was a very interesting read. I love scrolling through the photos! I do think I would have loved living in that time period. I can picture myself dancing around to the music of the zither, LOL! Glad to have you back in our world Dany! Good night and thank you for sharing! xo

    1. @ Linda
      you're so adorable, my loving friend, thank you for your so beautiful words, having you here is always such a joy to me, you mean so much to my heart !

      Thinking of you with much, so much love, I'm sending my warmest hugs ever, with utmost gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  17. Oh che delizia rivedere e leggere i tuoi post Daniela! E'come farsi coccolare, immergendosi nel racconto di tempi passati, apprendendo notizie e curiosità sconosciute, proprio come in questo post. Grazie per queste tue gocce di sapere e conoscenza di cui ci fai sempre dono. Un bacione. Paola

    1. @ Paola
      ma grazie a te dolcissima, le tue parole sono una tale consolazione per il mio cuore affranto, ferito da un grave, dolorosissimo lutto che ha colpito la mia famiglia in questi giorni ...

      Ti abbraccio con tutto l'amore e la stima che ho per te, mia cara, carissima amica dall'animo gentile, grazie ancora ♡ஐ♡

  18. I so feel for all those people in the past and I am sure even in now times that are made to marry those that they don't love, I just can't imagine living like that. I hadn't heard of that instrument myself, How neat that he was able to get out and play his music that he so liked and bring joy to others, another interesting post of a place I don't know much about, thanks for sharing.
    Wishing you a fabulous week to come!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      for us today it's so sad thinking of sharing a whole life with a person we don't love, I know, actually I think it to be impossible, I do agree wit you, dearie, but once, especially amongst wealthy people it was ordinary, indeed, much more than usual ... marriages were meant to create a family, to give birth to children, as many as possible, furthermore ... love was another thing, probably, and maybe just this kind of marriages led people amongst ... other arms, marriages were just formal things, often dictated by reasons of money or royal blood.

      As for Max Joseph, I think that to play the Zither was one of the things he liked most, and to have promoted this instrument to the point to make it become a national symbol, well, I think it honoured him such a lot !

      Thank you dear, darling Connie, to have you here is always such a blessing to me !
      Hope your Sunday is off to a good start
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ✿⊱╮

  19. Hello Dani,

    Another beautiful and well written story. You are such a wonderful story teller my friend.

    Women lived under such different rules those days. I can't imagine the number of women that were forced to marry without love. How sad.

    Thank you for the history lesson.

    Hugs from across the pond.


    1. @ Janet
      wonderful friend of mine, your so beautiful words leave me speechless, thank you, it's my passion for history in general driving me, it seems to take my hand and write instead of me !

      Hope you're having a lovely weekend, I'm sending blessings of joy to you, forgive my delay with my answers ... I'm mourning a dear cousin of mine who has left us a few days ago ... so suddenly ... he was a brother to me ... and time has stopped for a while ... for days I didn't even on my beloved lap-top ... it would be hard to come back to everyday's life without him ⊰♥⊱

  20. Daniela, Your are the dearest romantic and your stories always reflect who you are. Thank you for your dear comments on my posts. I too love music and this story is very enlightening.
    Thank you for joining Blue Monday.
    Have a lovely week my sweet friend.
    Hugs to you today.

    1. @ Jeanne
      your words are too beautiful to me, you're so very generous, sweetest, beautiful friend of mine, you truly honour me !

      With utmost gratitude I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ღ❀ღ

  21. Daniela, what a lovely post.

    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Art and Sand
      you know that it's my pleasure, darling, it is I who have to thank you !

      Hope you're enjoying your weekend with gladness,
      *ஐ* I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you *ஐ*

  22. mia dolce Daniela è sempre un piacere immenso leggere i tuoi post e imparare a conoscere meglio questi personaggi. E poi amo tutto ciò che riguarda Sissi l'imperatrice bellissima ma sfortunata.Un abbraccio forte forte e buon proseguimento di serata Lory

    1. @ Lory
      contraccambio con tanto amore il tuo forte abbraccio ringraziandoti immensamente, mia dolce, dolcissima amica, averti qui è sempre una grandissima gioia !

      Che la tua domenica trascorra serena come non mai e che la nuova settimana sia prodiga di letizia e serenità ♥♡♥

  23. Fascinating post with some beautiful images and information! Love the world you always draw me into to! :-) What a great break you had, filled with some joyful experiences...and some lovely learning times!

    1. @ Marie
      I'm so very grateful to you for your words, you mean so much to me, dearest friend !
      Yes, this Summer I was very busy but it was all so fulfilling, it blessed my heart, even if I have to admit that I'm still tired !

      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your Sunday and for your new week ahead, may it be filled with so much love and wonder, thank you again •♥•♥•♥•

  24. This is all so fascinating, Dany. I admire the operas of Richard Wagner (not so much the man), and it is always interesting to hear about the "ties" that one famous person has to another and others. Yes, Music is so very important to anyone of Germanic blood. My Grandfather was German, and was quite musical. I feel this is where the influence came from that my sister, brother and I all love music and play instruments. I must save the link you share regarding Richard Strauss. Thank you for always having such interesting things to share.

    1. @ Cynthia
      I do understand what you mean when you say that you've have music in the blood, I have Austrian roots, so you do believe me if I write that I've learned to sing and to begun to play the piano just after I learned to speak, music is such an important part of my days and of my life !

      Hope you're having a so beautiful weekend,
      I'm thinking of you with love ❥
