giovedì 24 aprile 2014

Shades of mauve, joys of Spring.

La primavera che è giunta ora fino a noi significa assai più che la nascita di ciò che è verde e germogliante; ora di nuovo la corrente di vita che scorre intorno all'Inghilterra si è sciolta dal suo gelo invernale, e nella nostra piccola isola tutti avvertiamo pulsare la marea contro le spiagge [ ...] E in questa stagione l'anima si riempie di desiderio e di speranza anche se il corpo ha da restare immobile. Le sere si fanno più lunghe ed una nuova luce sembra traboccare da Occidente sicchè ci si può immaginare che una luce d'altro genere, nuova e più bianca si distenda sopra le terre; e la senti che ti ferisce le palpebre mentre cammini o sei china sul tuo ricamo.

Virginia Woolf, Il Diario di Joan Martyn  ( titolo originale The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn )

Primavera, sinonimo di risveglio della Natura tutta, quando fare una passeggiata nei prati ed in giardino dona momenti che rinfrancano lo spirito e rallegrano l'anima, quando il dovere rimanere chiusi tra le pareti di casa rappresenta quasi una privazione perchè tutti i sensi sembrano volersi appagare di ogni istante che velocemente scorre e sopraggiunge a sovrapporsi alla lentezza del fluire del tempo nei seppur brevi giorni d'inverno.

Da che vivo immersa nella Natura mi scopro sempre più affascinata dalle gioie che dona nell'alternarsi delle stagioni e nel prendersi cura delle piante e tutte, proprio tutte rappresentano per me motivo di grande serenità e distensione dell'animo, ma devo ammettere che quelle che più mi appartengono sono quelle che fioriscono in primavera nelle sfumature che partendo dal bianco vanno al rosa, al viola, al blu.

Iris sibirica 'Dance Ballerina Dance'

E' come se al mio occhio le tonalità fredde lasciassero trasparire la vera essenza del fiore, espressività ed amorevolezza, quasi come se il colore, come un vetro, un corpo diafano, non esistesse, ma al suo posto vi fosse solamente una sfumatura, un velo ...

 Ceanothus 'Puget Blue'

Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve'

Lithodora ( sullo sfondo Lavandula Stoechas 'Butterfly' )

... i colori caldi colmano lo sguardo ed anche se non fossero di gradevole foggia corolle gialle o rosse appagherebbero comunque l'occhio per la vivacità ed il calore che cromaticamente effondono, quelle lilla, azzurro tenue, oppure colorate di blu cupo devono essere perfette nella loro forma, perchè la freddezza delle loro sfumature ne lascia trasparire anche la benchè minima imperfezione ....

Mi lascio affascinare dagli "azzurri appartamenti  / per le farfalle e me "  ( Emily Dickinson, 1338 ) del vecchio Glicine ( Wisteria floribunda ) che sovrasta la tettoia del forno, i cui fiori a grappolo, dai petali colorati di blu lavanda e di lieve turchino che diventa quasi azzurro polvere, avvolgono chi si trova a percorrere i prati vicini con il loro lieve ma penetrante profumo; simbolo di disponibilità ed amicizia, è conosciuto in estremo oriente fin dall'antichità da ben 2000 anni prima di giungere in Europa, si dice attraverso i semi portati quali rarità da Marco Polo.

Pensate che l'invasività del Glicine e la sua tendenza ad avvilupparsi e propagarsi con estremo vigore in epoca vittoriana era letta come metafora dell'amore ossessivo e passionale, che può generare forte dipendenza al punto da divenire quasi soffocante.

Mi lascio sopraffare dal dolce e cipriato profumo dei Lillà ( Syringa vulgaris ) da quella che Oscar Wide definiva "pesante fragranza" ( Lo studio era pieno dell'intenso odore delle rose e, quando il dolce vento d'estate serpeggiava fra gli alberi del giardino, per la porta aperta entrava la pesante fragranza dei Lillà o il profumo più sottile dei rovi in fiore. OSCAR WILDE, Il ritratto di Dorian Gray) .. il Lillà, da sempre per me cespuglio tra i più amati, con le sue infiorescenze, riunite in pannocchie piramidali dall'aspetto morbidamente cadente che virano dal bianco rosato, al turchino, al rosa, al lilla che, nelle sfumature più tenui, vengono tradizionalmente utilizzate come addobbi floreali quali simbolo di purezza; è tra i miei favoriti in questo periodo, spesso meta di momenti ambiti e sospirati di piccole soste, quando mi trovo in giardino, per attimi che mi trasportano lontano nel tempo ... 

narra un'antichissima leggenda che il popolo delle Fate amasse stare tra i fiori di Lillà e che dove credevano fosse annidato il male, solessero piantarne un cespuglio affinchè il luogo venisse dai suoi fiori purificato ... chissà se quando non c'è nessuno ad osservarle vengono a sedere qui ...!

Upon a Lilac Sea
To toss incessantly
His Plush Alarm
Who fleeing from the Spring
The Spring avenging fling
To Dooms of Balm -

Su di un mare di Lillà
Scuotere senza tregua il suo allarme vellutato
Che via fuggendo dalla Primavera
La Primavera spinge per vendetta
A condanne di balsami -

Emily Dickinson, 1337

Sì, questi giorni sono un tripudio di colori e fragranze che sembrano volerci far nascere a nuova vita, effluvi, tinte e sfumature che, quasi a compimento di un disegno di perfetta armonia, rispecchiano in terra le sfumature delle volte celesti

“Fiori che spumeggiavano sui muri, rosa, bianchi come un velo, una nuvola leggera che, lanciata in aria sia rimasta impigliata tra i pioppi e le cupole azzurre”.

Vita Sackville West, Passaggio a Teheran

Tamarix gallica

Non meno affascinanti o meno perfetti di quelli botanici dai nomi più noti sono i fiori che crescono in questi giorni spontanei nei prati e nei boschi che disegnano sprazzi di azzurro rubati al turchino del cielo o ai tramonti di una primavera ancora giovane e insicura 

Geranium sylvaticum

Veronica chamaedrys ( Veronica dei prati )

Deutzia 'Magicien'

... dopotutto ogni fiore, che possieda un nome altisonante o no, ogni fiore che guarda il cielo pur nella sua profonda umiltà, dona gioia ad ogni sguardo che lo coglie e si presenta come sublime esempio di modesta fierezza e dignità ed in cuor mio credo davvero, citando ancora una volta le lievi parole di Emily Dickinson, giardiniera prima ancora che poetessa, che quella di 'essere un fiore sia profonda responsabilità' !

Orchis mascula

Bloom — is Result — to meet a Flower
And casually glance
Would scarcely cause one to suspect
The minor Circumstance

Assisting in the Bright Affair
So intricately done
Then offered as a Butterfly
To the Meridian —

To pack the Bud — oppose the Worm —
Obtain its right of Dew —
Adjust the Heat — elude the Wind —
Escape the prowling Bee

Great Nature not to disappoint
Awaiting Her that Day —
To be a Flower, is profound
Responsibility —

 Vinca minor

Fiorire - è il Fine - chi incontra un Fiore
Con uno sguardo distratto
Stenterà a sospettare
Le minime Circostanze

Coinvolte in quel Luminoso Fenomeno
Costruito in modo così intricato
Poi offerto come una Farfalla
Al Mezzogiorno -

Colmare il Bocciolo - combattere il Verme -
Ottenere quanta Rugiada gli spetta -
Regolare il Calore - eludere il Vento - 
Sfuggire all'Ape ladruncola

Non deludere la Natura Grande
Che l'attende Proprio quel Giorno -
Essere un Fiore, è profonda

Emily Dickinson, 1058

Saluto con affetto tutti i cari amici ed i lettori nuovi e vecchi con la gioia profonda nel cuore che solamente ogni primavera riesce ogni anno a donarci, e vi ringrazio tutti per avermi fatto compagnia in questi istanti rubati alla Natura.

A presto 

Fonti bibliografiche:

 EMILY DICKINSON - TUTTE LE POESIE, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano, 1997

Tutti i racconti di Virginia Woolf, a cura di Susanna Dick, La Tartaruga edizioni, Milano, 1988, Il Diario di Joan Martyn, pag. 52 )

Vita Sackville West, Passaggio a Teheran, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2003

- picture 1

The spring that has come down to us till now means much more than the birth of what is green and budding; now again the stream of life flowing around England has melted from his winter frost, and in our little island we all feel the pulsing tide against the beaches [...] And in this season the soul is filled with desire and hope, even if the body has to remain immobile. The evenings are getting longer and a new light seems to overflow from the West so that you can imagine that a light of another kind, new and whiter, goes lying down on the lands; and you feel that it hurts your eylids as you walk or sit bending on your embroidery.

Virginia Woolf, Il Diario di Joan Martyn - titolo originale The Journal of Mistress Joan Martyn

- picture 2

Spring, synonymous with the awakening of Nature all, when taking a walk in the meadows and in the garden gives moments that encourage the spirit and cheer the soul, when to remain closed between the walls of the house is almost a deprivation because all the senses seem to want to satisfy of every moment that quickly passes and comes to overlap the slow flow of time of the even short days of winter. 

Since I live immersed in Nature I find myself increasingly fascinated by the joys that gives the alternation of the seasons and in taking care of the plants and all, just all represent for me a source of great serenity and relaxation of the mind, but I must admit that among all , those which belong to me are those blooming in Spring in shades that starting from white go to pink, to purple, to blue.

- picture 3 - Iris sibirica 'Dance Ballerina Dance'

It is as if to my eye the cool shades let reflect the true essence of the flower, expressivness and loveliness, almost as if the color, such as a glass, a diaphanous body, didn't exist, but in its place there was only a nuance, a veil ...

- picture 4 - Ceanothus 'Puget Blue'

- picture 5 - Erysimum 'Bowles's Mauve'

- picture 6 - Lithodora ( sullo sfondo Lavandula Stoechas 'Butterfly' )

Warm colors fill the glance and even if they weren't pleasing in their shape, yellow or red corollas would satisfy however the eye because of the liveliness and warmth that chromatically they effuse, those lilac, pale blue, or dark blue must be perfect in their shape, because the coldness of their shades reveals even the slightest imperfection .... 

I let myself be enchanted by the "blue flats / for butterflies and me" ( Emily Dickinson,1338 ) of the old Wisteria (Wisteria floribunda) above the roof of the oven, whose cluster flowers, with petals coloured of blue lavender and light blue that almost reaches the powder blue, embrace those who come to walk the nearby meadows with their gentle but penetrating aroma; a symbol of disposability and friendship, it is known in the Far East since ancient times even 2000 years before coming to Europe, it's said by seeds brought by Marco Polo as rarity.

- picture 7

You have to know that the invasiveness of Wisteria and its tendency to wrap itself and to spread with extreme force, during the Victorian times was viewed as a metaphor for obsessive and passionate love, which can generate strong dependence to the point of becoming almost suffocating.

- picture 8

- picture 9

- picture 10

I let myself be overwhelmed by the sweet and 'powdery' scent of the Lilacs (Syringa vulgaris), from what Oscar Wide called " heavy fragrance " ( The studio was filled with the intense smell of roses, and when the sweet summer wind snaked through the trees of the garden, through the open door entered the heavy scent of the Lilac, or the more subtle scent of blackberry bushes in bloom. OSCAR WILDE , The Picture of Dorian Gray ) .. the Lilacs, since ever I've considered it among the most beloved bush, with its inflorescences, grouped in pyramidal panicles looking falling softly, which go from pinkish white to blue, to pink, lilac , that in thepaler shades are traditionally used as floral decorations as a symbol of purity; it's among my favorites in this period of the year, often the destination of longed times of small breaks when I'm in the garden, for precious moments taking me back in time ...

- picture 11

An old legend has that the ancient people of the Fairies loved being among the flowers of Lilac and where they believed it was nestled the evil, they used to plant a bush of it for the site would have been purified by its flowers ... I wonder if when there is no one to observe them they come and sit here ... !

- picture 12

Upon a Lilac Sea
To toss incessantly
His Plush Alarm
Who fleeing from the Spring
The Spring avenging fling

To Dooms of Balm -

Emily Dickinson, 1337

- picture 13

- picture 14

Yes, these days are a riot of colors and fragrances that seem to want to give us birth to a new life, scents, colors and shades, almost to completion of a plan of perfect harmony, reflect on the earth the tones of the heavenly spaces 

"Flowers frothing on the walls, pink, white as a veil, a light cloud that is tossed in the air entangled amongst the aspen and blue domes." 

Vita Sackville West, Passanger in Tehran

- picture 15 - Tamarix gallica 

No less fascinating or less perfect than those with the best-known botanical names are the flowers growing wild in these days in the meadows and woods that create flashes of blue stolen from the sky or from the sunsets of a spring still young and insecure

- picture 16 - Geranium sylvaticum

- picture 17 - Veronica chamaedrys 

- picture 18 - Deutzia 'Magicien'

... After all every flower, owning a fancy name or not, every flower that looks at the sky despite its profound humility, gives joy to every look that captures it and introduces itself as a sublime example of modest pride and dignity and in my heart I truly believe, citing once again the mild words of Emily Dickinson, gardener before than poet, that 'to be a flower is a great responsibility' !

- picture 19 - Orchis mascula

Bloom — is Result — to meet a Flower
And casually glance
Would scarcely cause one to suspect
The minor Circumstance

Assisting in the Bright Affair
So intricately done
Then offered as a Butterfly
To the Meridian —

To pack the Bud — oppose the Worm —
Obtain its right of Dew —
Adjust the Heat — elude the Wind —
Escape the prowling Bee

Great Nature not to disappoint
Awaiting Her that Day —
To be a Flower, is profound
Responsibility —

- picture 20 - Vinca minor

I affectionately greet all my dear friends and readers new and old with the deep joy in my heart that only Spring can every year give us, and I thank you all for making me company during these moments stolen from Nature. 

See you soon 

Bibliographic sources:

 EMILY DICKINSON - TUTTE LE POESIE, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., Milano, 1997

Tutti i racconti di Virginia Woolf, a cura di Susanna Dick, La Tartaruga edizioni, Milano, 1988, Il Diario di Joan Martyn, pag. 52 )

Vita Sackville West, Passaggio a Teheran, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2003

60 commenti:

  1. Carissima Dany, sono senza parole......
    Se tutte queste meraviglie dai colori magnifici risiedono
    nel tuo giardino, complimenti dev'essere un paradiso,
    di colori e profumi. Immagino come devi sentirti orgogliosa
    e felice, t'immagino a passeggiare tra questi fiori e bearti di tanta meraviglia.
    Benedetta primavera, quindi!!
    Un abbraccio cara, ora vado in campagna e chissà che non ritrova
    anch'io un pò di quella magia che tu già possiedi.
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      il nostro giardino è molto vecchio, popolato di piante ad alcune delle quali diviene persino difficile dare un'età e credo che la sua magia, come la chiami tu, derivi proprio da questo .. tutto ciò che appartiene ad epoche trascorse si carica di fascino, quello stesso che tu avverti vivo ed amabilmente ricerchi con passione negli oggetti antichi.
      Ti auguro una giornata magica, la primavera sparge incantesimi ovunque e sono certa che te ne renderà partecipe, ti abbraccio con affetto dolce amica mia ♡ Huggles ♡

  2. Magnifico post, Daniela , che rasserena , come può farlo solo la Natura in fiore.
    Il mio giardino fa parte della mia vita e la allieta. In primavera ogni angolo è un regno dove il colore è tenera rinascita.
    "Il segreto per ottenere migliori risultati con la coltivazione delle piante,a parte la conoscenza scientifica, è l'amore.Mentre conducevo degli esperimenti per creare dei cactus senza spine,parlavo spesso alle piante..- Non avete nulla da temere-dicevo loro- Non avete bisogno delle vostre spine per difendervi. Vi proteggerò io.-
    Pian piano , la pianta del deserto comparve in una varietà senza spine."
    Luther Burbank , botanico
    Può essere Festa , mettere una rosa del giardino in una lattina riciclata di una bibita, con la scritta "Love" !
    Un saluto affettuoso,

    1. @ Franca
      ero certa che il tuo animo gentile custodisse anche una grande passione per il giardinaggio !
      Sai, spesso anche io mi trovo a dialogare con le mie piante, in un linguaggio che non sempre usa le parole, come accade per gli animali che non sono di casa e che vivono liberi in Natura, un linguaggio fatto di gesti, di attenzioni e sono più che sicura che come loro mi comprendano, comprendano il mio amore ... perchè anche loro, pur appartenendo al mondo vegetale, possiedono vita e probabilmente quella che noi chiamiamo anima ...
      Un tenero abbraccio per ringraziarti mia cara ed augurarti una dolce serata, spero che la tua giornata di festa sia stata lieta e ti auguro che il resto del fine settimana ti doni gioia e serenità ❥

  3. Oh my goodness, Dany, everything here is SO beautiful.
    Surely my favorite spring color, and these flowers are simply magical.
    Spring is slow to begin here, but we are getting there.
    I hope you are enjoying a wonderful spring.

    Have a beautiful weekend, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      I do really believe that your Winter is leaving you quite slowly, it has been quite heavy, long and so much cold this year !
      I'm looking forward to see the photograps of your Spring coming, that, I'm sure, is just around the corner and is going to arrive sooner than you imagine !
      ❖ Sending a big hug, my dear Lisa, for wishing with love a wonderful, joyful weekend ❖

  4. Such a lovely post with lovely spring flowers, Dany !
    I love all those sweet scented flowers like Lilacs and Wisteria, we have
    a large Wisteria in front of our home, at the moment in full bloom ...
    Enjoy Spring and have a nice weekend, dear friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      Spring with its flowers gives every day a kind of magic for everyone, I wonder how lovely during these days your land is ... Enjoy your Wisteria, it makes a true cloud of scent and 'mild' colours, it's so fascinating !
      Sending love I wish you too a beautiful weekend of Spring, of colours and perfums, my sweet friend ❤

  5. Happy Spring, Dany! Your words and images fill my heart this morning - what a happy day! Be blessed, my friend!

    1. @ June,
      just in this moment I'm back from a wonderful visit to you, among your lovely words and pictures posted with your heart, and I discover that in the meanwhile you've come here !
      It's a sort of telepathy, isn't it ?!?
      I thank you for the joy you always bring here and embrace you with much love, my dear friend, have a blessed day ♡♥♡

  6. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. ♥

    So glad you linked this with Thoughts of Home on Thursday. The music is so soothing.

    1. @ Stacey
      dear friend of mine, your words of enthusiasm truly makes my day, I wholeheartedly thank you !

      May your weekend be blessed with love and gladness, sweetie, I AM SO GRATEFUL TO YOU for hosting me and for enjoying what I share, that's the biggest joy to me, believe me!
      Thinking of you with dear love and so much sweetness ಌ❀ಌ

  7. All the gorgeous blossoms have brightened up my morning. Thanks. Have a good day.

    1. @ Margaret
      I'm so grateful to you, your words fill my heart with the deepest joy, my new friend !

      May your week be filled with love,
      sending hugs to you ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  8. How wonderful it is to visit here! The post leaves me speechless. It is incredibly beautiful!

    1. @ Cathy
      I'm so honoured to welcome you at ~ My little old world ~ !

      So very thankful for your words, warming my heart with love,
      I wish you a most wonderful week ever ♡ஐ♡

  9. Hello Dany, lovely spring blooms. What a gorgeous post, so many lovely colors, flowers and images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. @ eileen
      marvellous friend of mine, I'm always so pleased to welcome you and to read your so beautiful words of appreciation !

      Sending blessings on your new week
      ∗⊱༺♡❀♡༻⊰∗ with much love and gratitude ∗⊱༺♡❀♡༻⊰∗

  10. A beautiful delicate delightful post Dany,
    It's perfectly timed as I pine for spring to arrive. Each day I it remember to come and visit.
    Thank you for all the details in English. I'm going to go back and revisit your beautiful images so that I can enjoy them once again.
    Thank you for sharing and I wish you a wonderful week ahead.

    1. @ Neesie
      I'm far glad to have you here, sweetest friend of mine, I thank you with all my heart for your presence gracing my blog, and for your words blessing my soul !

      May your week too be so very beautiful
      sending heartfelt love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  11. Beautiful flowers of spring, Daniela! I especially love the photo of the flowers and twisty tree branches. Spectacular photo. Have a wonderful afternoon and evening. xo

    1. @ Judy
      Marvellous Lady, this is our secular Syringa, at the moment she's still 'sleeping' but every year I wait with such an enthusiasm her blooming, which amazes me more and more and makes me feel so overjoyed ... very old plants are all wonderful, aren't they, especially when they're in full bloom !

      Sending much love to you, my adorable friend ღ✿ღ

  12. A delightful collection of beautiful flowers Dany.

    1. @ Judith
      I'm always delighted to welcome you here, sweetest friend of mine, your words make my day !

      Have a wonderful remainder of your week,
      sending dear hugs to you
      ༺❀༻ with heartfelt thankfulness ༺❀༻

  13. Love the twisted tree, that is years and years of growth


    1. @ Molly
      you're so right, Tenuta Geremia's wisteria has much more than a century of life, I love her, her blooming is such Gift to me, year after year !

      Have a lovely week ⊰✽♡✽⊱

  14. Dear Dany:
    You have so many lovely photos of flowers here and it makes us long for springtime. What a lovely posting and so poetic. I hope you have a lovely week. Thanks for sharing.

    1. @ Bernideen
      it's my pleasure, my lovely Lady, both to welcome you here, which is always such a joy to me, and to share it at your lovely link-up party !

      With so much gratitude for your words, so very very Beautiful, filling my heart with a deep gladness, I wish you too a most wonderful week ever, thinking of you with much sweetness and love ❥

  15. Dany, I love the photographs of the Wisteria and the Lilacs. . .so beautiful! And the excerpt of Virginia Woolfe's is perfect to go with the feeling of these. Happy Spring! It will be a good one, I feel.

    1. @ Cynthia
      Happy Spring to you too, my sweetest friend, thank you for your so lovely words, filling my heart with such a joy !

      May the remainder of your week be filled with gladness and serenity, sending love to you ✿⊱╮

  16. Such a glorious post, sweetest Dany. The flowers are enchanting with their soft beauty and elegant color. I can almost smell their sweetness... :)

    Spring is coming and I am anticipating the arrival of lilacs, tulips, daffodils, and cherry blossoms.

    Always a delight to have you at Roses of Inspiration. Much love to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      a delight is to me to welcome you here, my Beautiful soul !
      I cannot thank you enough for the love you always share and bring here with you, you always put a smile on my face, blessed be !

      Have a joyous remainder of your week, sweetie, I wish it to you with much, so much gratitude ღ❀ღ

  17. Gorgeous pictures, gets me very excited for spring to come. We are seeing a bit of the leaves peeking out and I can't wait to see all the pretty flowers... we are planting wild flowers this year and I look forward to many different flowers popping up. May the following weeks be filled with many blooming flowers!

    1. @ Connie
      I wish you to see your flowers popping up very soon, the magic of Spring is such a blessing for our heart !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with so much love,
      sending hugs, sweet smiles and delicate thoughts to you, beloved friend ಌ•❤•ಌ

  18. So happy to re visit this lovely breath of spring, my dearest! The wisteria & lilac simply take my breath! Thank you for sharing this again. Blessings on your week, dear one.

    1. @ June
      you are as a ray of sun in my days, my dearest friend, as precious as Spring !

      Hope the remainder of your week is filled with so many little things which to feel much joy for, dearie,
      sending love to you across the Ocean ♡ஐ♡

  19. Beautiful, Dany. Such gorgeous photographs. I did not know that was the symbolism of wisteria. Good to know one sees it mentioned in a classic. Most of these flowers do not grow in the desert, so they are wonderful to see. xoxo Su

    1. @ Su
      wonderful friend, I'm so pleased to read that in these photographs of mine you can see flowers which are unusual in the marvellous piece of the planet where you're dwelling with your dears, I wonder how lovely your flowers are to me !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with joy and love,
      with much, so much gratitude ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  20. Your pictures are just beautiful Dany! Are they taken on the property of which you live? If so, what a wonderful land of creation!!!

    1. @ JES
      it's always such a blessing to welcome you here !
      Yes, all these photographs are taken in our gardens, we do live in a quite large estate of 2.5 hectares ... I live immersed in the Nature, amongst lawns, woods and gardens ... it's hard to care so much land, but, believe me, it's worth living in such a place, we were blessed to find so many years ago !
      When we arrived it wasn't exactly so as it is now, for so many years nobody took care of anything and we had to pay so much patience and sweat, but I feel so fortunate, I think, and believe, it was a Gift from God.
      I hope one day to welcome you here in our countryside ( now we also have a Short Lets )!

      ༺❀༻ Much love to you, with gratitude and admiration ༺❀༻

    2. What a blessing and gift indeed! Your gardens and woods are mesmerizing! We live on 9 hectares but it is all prairie (though of course I appreciate the beauty on our homestead also). However, your land is a treat to my eyes with its romantic variety of flora and fauna! It is very dreamy like your lovely blog!

    3. @ JES
      my darling friend, I really feel speechless after reading your words ... you mean so much to me ... I feel so touched !

      With such a lot of thankfulness I wish you a most lovely evening to come,
      sending you blessings and love ❀≼♥≽❀

  21. Beautiful post filled with the gorgeousness of the kiss of Spring. I love the suffocating spread of Wisteria and the sweet, fragrant Lilac is one of the sweetest scents in early Spring. Truly the burgeoning flush of flowers in Spring is truly intoxicating. Once again, Dany, thank you for a lovely post.

    1. @ Kim
      ... and once again, marvellous friend of mine, I'm so very grateful to have you here and to read your beautiful words, you mean so much to me !
      With its magic Spring surrounds us and bless us with colours, scents and wonder, every year, that's a miracle which happens again year after year !

      Have a wonderful day, today, my sweetest one, and may the days to come be even more wonderful to you,
      with love ஐღஐ

  22. Gorgeous flowers - well photographed.
    So glad you dropped by at

    1. @ NC Sue
      your words of keen photographer are so precious to me, thank you, I do really appreciate your sincere comment !

      Sending hugs to you ❥

  23. Nature certainly has blessed you with a land of beauty. Always a pleasure seeing all the wonderful sights of your world. You visitants and comments mean the world to this senior.

    1. @ LV
      seniors are people which, alas, are poor in their inner world ... you've a wonderful, rich world inside you, good sentiments and much, so much joy for little things, this doesn't allow the time to leave its signs ... I do know so many ladies much more younger than you but so very old in their soul ... those are REAL SENIOR ツ !

      Enjoy your new week, my lovely girl, sending blessings of joy to you, with so much thankfulness ಌ•❤•ಌ

  24. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers with SYC.

    1. @ Art and Sand
      it's my pleasure, my adorable friend !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week, I'm sending blessings on your days to come, may they be filled with much love ✿⊱╮

  25. Just fabulous, gorgeous & amazing my dear Daniela ♥ I'm overwhelmed of the beauty of your photos and blooms. This whole experience with the music is just so wonderful.

    I'm truly happy that you share these older posts so that I too have the opportunity to admire them.

    Have a wonderful week in the middle of your lovely garden, hugs -riitta!

    1. @ riitta
      how absolutely delightful of you, precious friend of mine, your words make my day !

      Enjoy you too a beautiful end of your week, amongst your gorgeous, wonderful flowers, dearie, sending hugs and more hugs to you ❀≼♥≽❀

  26. Risposte
    1. @ Crimson Kettle
      your words fill my heart with such a deep gladness, thanks most sincerely !

      May your weekend be as joyous as ever ♡ஐ♡

  27. Dear Daniela, thank you for linking this beautiful post to MM this week. Our wisteria is now blooming but I fear that the wind and rain will blow the flowers away before we are able to fully enjoy it.

    1. @ Maggie
      I'm so sorry for your wisteria, its blooming is always so charming, but it's so sensitive to the wind, I do know it, alas !

      In the hope you're enjoying the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ❥

  28. Enjoyed your shades of Mauve. Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

    1. @ Gillena Cox
      it's always such a delight to welcome you here,
      darling friend, thank you for your so kind words !

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your week,
      ⊰♥⊱ with sincere gratitude ⊰♥⊱

  29. I can almost smell those beautiful lilacs! Thank you for this gift. We do not have these flowers in Florida.

    1. @ Sallie
      it is I who want to thank you, darling friend, to have you here with your so kind words is always such a delightful gift to me !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      with the deepest gratitude ever ✿⊱╮
