sabato 5 agosto 2017

'L'Agave senza Spine': l'Imperatrice - Regina Elisabetta d'Austria - Ungheria a San Remo.

Questa Imperatrice e Regina non conosceva per la sua forza che un solo impero e un sol regno: la vita interiore. Nessuno ha fornito una più sicura testimonianza d'aver compresa la parola del Vinci: "Non si può avere una più grande signoria di quella di sé stesso".  
  Ivi ella regnava, e nessun'altro che lei. La sua patria non era che il luogo del suo desiderio. La rapidità era la sua ebrezza. Il cavallo che si slanciava e la vela che si gonfia le davano l'illusione delle ali. Le rugiade dei prati la conoscevano, e le sabbie salate, e le moltitudini marine, e i venti, e le piogge, e le aquile, e le vie invisibili, e i perigli affascinanti. Ella amava vedere il morso e la prua covrirsi di spuma, mentre il suo dolore si faceva forte come la terra o fervente come il mare.

Gabriele D'Annunzio da LA VIRTU' DEL FERRO

La scorgo là,
sul lungomare,
ombra sinuosa avvolta dalla luce infervorata
del sole che si bagna di mare
prima di salire in cielo
e decretare la nascita di un nuovo giorno.
Lei, creatura eterea,
Lei, creatura marina, gabbiano tra i gabbiani,
che del mare vive, che del mare si nutre
si pasce della melodia che suonano le onde
quando giungono a riva
seguendo un ritmo che non ha tempo,
si nutre del salmastro che emana dalla risacca e che rende rorida
l' 'aria mattutina,
quando le agavi che punteggiano il litorale
disegnano le loro prime ombre sugli scogli.
Lei, dall' 'abito scuro, nero,
colore anonimo, il più elegante, il più comune,
come un corpo diafano che si muove sul confine
che separa il mondo delle anime vive
da quello in cui vagano le ombre,
in cerca di ciò che sulla terra mai è esistito,
va errabonda bramosa di una mano che ponga fine
al palpitare del suo cuore, un cuore stanco,
un cuore affranto che solo la magnificenza del Creato,
per qualche istante,
riesce a strappare alla sua disperazione.
Ed in questo suo andare erratico,
le acque cristalline che lambiscono le coste ligustri
rappresentano istanti di pace con sé stessa,
di riconciliazione con la vita, con il destino che tanto diversa 
dalla sua Natura voleva forgiarla.
Lei, spirito libero, anima senza confini,
che come un'agave mediterranea, dopo aver dato il meglio di sé 
nel pieno del suo fulgore fiorifero,
lievemente si accascia e perisce, alla vita non chiede più nulla,
solo pace ... celeste come il mare, celeste come il cielo,
celeste come la fine di ogni cosa.


Finalmente, dopo avere atteso almeno un paio d'anni, riesco a scrivere questo post comunicandovi la pubblicazione del mio primo libro, ovviamente sull'imperatrice che più amo, ed altrettanto ovviamente sui suoi soggiorni in Riviera, quella ligure, nello specifico nella città dei fiori, Sanremo, che più volte il suo peregrinare la spinse a toccare. 

La coppia imperiale sulle alture di Cap Saint Martin, anno 1896.

E con i versi che avete sopra letto comincia la mia narrazione .. sì, questa volta vi presento un testo pubblicato da me, quasi ancora non ci credo e l'emozione è tanta da sopraffarmi, ma non tocca a me recensirlo ed esprimere giudizi di valore, ci mancherebbe ancora, è semplicemente un modo per farvelo conoscere e so che alcune tra voi possono trovare interessante l'argomento !

E' questo un piccolo saggio che, attingendo in parte alla letteratura, tedesca, inglese ed italiana, in parte alla cronaca locale del tempo, ripercorre gli ultimi passi della vita dell'Imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria che si trovò a soggiornare a Sanremo nell'inverno del 1896 e in quello del 1898, per l'ultima volta, da che il 10 di settembre di quel medesimo anno la lima, tanto affilata quanto iniqua, di Luigi Luccheni, l'anarchico di origini italiane, ferì mortalmente il suo povero cuore che cessò di battere nelle primissime ore di quel pomeriggio.

L'Imperatrice Elisabetta in un dipinto del pittore magiaro Gyula Benczur datato 1898.

Era Sua Maestà molto legata alla nostra Riviera, ai suoi paesaggi, al suo retroterra, spesso aspro, da conquistare in ripide salite, alla sua gente, ai suoi fiori e questo mio vuole essere un omaggio a questa Eterea Creatura che anche qui da noi ha lasciato le sue orme.

... Di più non voglio dirvi ... !

Per chi tra voi fosse interessato ad acquistarlo, procedete inviando una e-mail a:

Grazie a tutti,
dal profondo del cuore !

A presto 💕

'The Agave without thorns': Empress - Queen Elisabeth of Austria - Hungary at San Remo.

This Empress and Queen didn't know for her strength anything else than only one empire and one kingdom: her inner life. No one has provided a safer witness to having understood the Vinci's word: "You cannot have a greater lordship than that of yourself."
   There she reigned, and no one other than her. Her homeland was anything but the place of her wish. Quickness was her thrill. The horse sliding and the swinging sail gave her the illusion of the wings. The dew of the meadows knew her, and the salt sand, and the sea multitudes, and the winds, and the rains, and the eagles, and the invisible ways, and the fascinating perils. She loved to see the bit and the prow covering themselves with foam while her pain was becoming as strong as the earth or as fervent as the sea.

                                    Gabriele D'Annunzio from LA VIRTU' DEL FERRO

- picture 1 - cover

I make her out there,
On the seafront,
Curved shadow wrapped in the blazing light
Of the sun bathing by the sea
Before climbing to the sky
To decree the birth of a new day.
She, ethereal creature,
She, sea creature, seagull among the seagulls,
Who of the sea lives, who of the sea feeds herself
she feeds on her passion for the melody that the waves play
When they reach the shore
Following a rhythm that does not have time,
She feeds herself with the salt that emanates from the undertow 
And makes it rhodid
The morning air,
When the agaves dotting the coast
Draw their first shadows on the rocks.
She, with her dark dress ... black,
Anonymous color, the most elegant, the most common,
Like a diaphanous body that moves on the border
Which separates the world of living souls
From the one where shadows are wandering,
She's always on the roam looking for what has never existed on earth,
She goes longing for an hand which could put an end to
The palpitation of her heart, a tired heart,
A grieved heart that only the magnificence of the Created,
For a few moments,
Is able to rip her from her despair.
And in this wandering of hers,
The crystalline waters that laps the Ligust coasts
Represent moments of peace with herself,
Of reconciliation with Life, with a Fate
Which so different from her nature wanted to forge her.
She, free spirit, soul without borders,
That like a Mediterranean agave, after giving the best of itself
In the fulness of its flourishing blossom,
It lightly perishes anfd die, she doesn't ask Life anything else,
Only peace ...
celestial like the sea, 
celestial like the sky,
celestial like the end of all things.


Eventually, after waiting for at least a couple of years, I can write this post communicating you the publication of my first book, about the empress I love most, Elisabeth of Austria, of course, and of course, about her stais on our Ligurian Riviera, specifically in the City of Flowers, Sanremo, which she repeatedly happened to touch during her wandering.

- picture 2 - The imperial couple on the heights of Cap Saint Martin, year 1896.

And with the verses you have read above my narration begins .. Yes, this time I present a text I have published, I almost cannot believe it yet and the emotion is so much to overwhelm me, but it's not up to me to review it and to express any kind of judgments, oh, not really, it's just a way to let you know it and I know that some of you may find interesting this subject!

This is a booklet, a little essay that, drawing partly from XIXth century literature, German, English and Italian, partly from the local chronicle of that time, traces the last steps of Empress Elisabeth of Austria's life, this lovely character who was staying in Sanremo during the Winter of the years 1896 and 1898, this time for the last time since on September 10th of that same year the file, as much sharp as iniquitous, of Luigi Luccheni, an anarchist of Italian origin, mortally wounded her poor heart that ceased to beat in the early hours of that afternoon.

- picture 3 - The Empress Elisabeth in a painting by the Hungarian Gyula Benczur dated 1898.

Her Majesty was very much tied to our Riviera, to its landscapes, its often steep hinterland to conquer step by step, its people, its flowers and this wants to be a tribute both to our sea and to this Ethereal Creature who left her 'footprints' here too.
For those of you who are interested in reading it, please, let me know since I wrote it in Italian but I'm thinking about writing an e-book in English, if it's worth, of course !

With much gratitude,
from my heart to yours !

See you soon 💕

P.S.: Forgive me if I've been neglecting you, I was far too busy lately ... and still I am, honestly !


46 commenti:

  1. Such a worth while subject! Of course research and writing keeps you very busy, and i wish you much success. What you have presented here is beautiful.

    Writers are my heroes.

    1. @ messymimi
      you truly touch my heart and move me, my eyes are shiny with tears, lovely friend of mine, thank you for your understanding too !!!

      Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and new week ahead,
      I'm sending all my love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  2. I love all the images here, Daniela, another amazing post! And I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I love your blog background! Much love and hugs to you, dear friend.

    1. @ Linda
      I have no words to thank you for being so supportive, you're such a precious friend to me, Dearie !

      Sending love, hugs and smiles on your day,
      may it be as Beauty-ful as you ✿⊱╮

  3. History is a lovely thing to explore and your writing about it is always a delight. I wish you much success.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥♥♥

    1. @ Sandee
      you're such an adorable friend and your so beautiful words are a so wonderful way which to start my day with, I'm sincerely grateful to you Dearie !

      Sending blessings of joy on your day, today,
      and on your days to come,
      with sincere gratitude ❥

  4. Risposte
    1. @ krishna
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you from the bottom of my heart,
      sweetest friend !

      Sending my dearest love to you ༺♡❀♡༻

  5. Oh Dany, Congratulations on finishing your writings, I know how you have been working on them for some time now. Such a pretty cover to it also! I can only imagine how excited you are about it all. You have such a lovely way with words. So happy for you!
    Wishing you a lovely week ahead!!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      good morning Lovely Lady and happy day to you !

      With your so beautiful words you've truly touched my heart, I'm so grateful to you, dearest friend, thank you for being so supportive, adorable and cherished to me !

      In the hope you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs, love and blessings to you *•♥♥•*

  6. Risposte
    1. @ Regine Karpel
      I heartily thank you, sweetest friend of mine !

      May your day be blessed with gladness ⊰✽*♡*✽⊱

  7. Risposte
    1. @ Kathe W.
      I have no words which to thank you with, Dearie !

      With utmost gratitude
      I'm sending all my love to you ♥∗✿∗♥

  8. Congratulations on the publication of your book! If it is as delightful as your posts, it must be wonderful!

    1. @ Linda
      you're so heartily welcome, your words bless my heart with the deepest joy ever, thank you, Dearest One !

      Wishing you a most lovely day today, and weekend ahead,
      I'm sending hugs, love and blessings on your way ♡❤♡

  9. Tantissime congratulazioni, cara Daniela, per questo meraviglioso traguardo.
    Dev'essere molto bello il libro che hai scritto, se finora abbiamo potuto appurare l'amore che hai messo nel parlarci dell'imperatrice...immagino il tuo impegno ed il grande lavoro dietro al tuo scritto.
    Un grande abbraccio Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      carissima, ti ringrazio infinitamente dal profondo del cuore !
      Sì, con questo libro ho realizzato un sogno che cullavo da qualche anno ... o forse più !

      Augurandoti un sereno weekend ti ringrazio ancora e ti invio un abbraccio forte forte ಌ❀ಌ

  10. This is so very exciting, Dany! And what a beautiful book it is! Congratulations, my dearest, what a wonderful accomplishment!

    1. @ June
      cherished friend of mine, I'm so overjoyed after reading your words, both of joy and of appreciation, thank you for being so adorable !

      Wishing you a lovely end of your week,
      I'm sending hugs, love, smiles and blessing across the many miles,
      with the deepest gratitude ever ♥♡♥

  11. Oh, Dear Dany, CONGRATULATIONS!! This is SO truly well-deserved, and I am absolutely thrilled for you.
    Have a beautiful week, sweet friend.
    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.

    1. @ Lisa Gordon
      you're so good to me, darling, precious friend of mine, I have no words which to thank you with !

      Sending my dearest love to you,
      with utmost gratitude *•♥♥•*

  12. Olá Daniela:
    congratulações !!
    Parabéns pela conclusão e publicação de seu livro !!
    imagino quanto está feliz por realizar esta obra...
    grande abraço querida e muitas felicidades..

    1. @ Kr.Eliane
      mui querida amiga, obrigado por seu entusiasmo e seus desejos!

      Muito obrigada pela visita tão carinhosa
      bom fin de semana e tudo de bom ❀≼♥≽❀

  13. Dany, congratulations on the publication of your book on your favorite empress Elisabeth of Austria. Exciting news. Thank you for sharing a little from the book.

    1. @ Snap
      it is I who thank you, dearest friend, your so beautiful words fill my heart and make my day !

      I'm so grateful to you for popping by ~ My little old world ~, Lovely Lady,
      blessed be ༺♡❀♡༻

  14. Congratulations! This is wonderful news and I am so happy for you.
    I wish for you much success with your book!
    Many hugs are sent your way.

    1. @ annie
      I'm so grateful to you for your heartfelt affection and your good wishes, Dearie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart !

      Sending blessings on your weekend,
      thanking you once again ❥

  15. Congratulations on your book, Dany, about Elizabeth of Austria! How wonderful and exciting! I am so happy for you! Summer has been a very bust time for me --we had friends from New York visiting and spent a lot of time with our grandchildren. I hope to catch up with your blog very soon.

    Hugs and Best wishes

    1. @ Pat
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you're truly so, so dear to me, sweet friend !

      As for the time you spend with your family and especially with your grandchildren, that's the most beautiful thing you can do in this world, just don't have any kind of regret for anything else, Dearie !

      Sending blessings on your day,
      with utmost gratitude ✿⊱╮

  16. Dani, Congratulations on being published! What an accomplishment that is. The Empress Elisabeth makes a fascinating and romantic subject!

    1. @ Sallie
      sweetest friend, I felt so honored to be able and walk together with Her, along the promenade of Sanremo, or to sit side by side with Her at a table looking at the sea during her stays thanks to quotes drawn from ancient books and documents, believe me !

      Thanking you wholeheratedly -
      your words of praise and enthusiasm touch my heart in the deep -
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ♡❤♡

  17. Oh Dany, I am so very excited for you! Congratulations! A published author and one who has written on one of her favorite subjects! I know and remember you sharing some of Elisabeth's story with us in the past. I'm so excited that now many will hear it!

    1. @ Jeanie
      you always bring such a bright light here, thank you for warming my heart with your inner joy and deep love, Dearie !

      In the hope you had a wonderful August and September too,
      I'm sending blessings on what remains of this months I love so, so much,
      while telling you that I'm finally going to come back ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  18. Kudos and congratulations! How exciting! I'm sure the book is grand as are your blog posts! Good luck with it, I know it will be well-received. And thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm:)
    xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen
      Your words of congratulation mean such a deep joy to me, sweet friend, I have no words to fully express it !!!

      Wishing you a most lovely day, today,
      I'm sending blessings on your weekend ahead,
      with utmost, sincere gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  19. Hi Daniela, Congrats on the publication of your book. I wish for you the best success. Thank you for always sharing amazing posts that teach, inform and bring joy. Have a great week and again congratulations on your great success!! Hugs and Blessings. xo

    1. @ Celestina Marie
      I'm so grateful to you for your always so delightful visit and for your good wishes, blessing my heart with love, Dearest, Precious Friend of mine !
      You mean so much to me and your beautiful words always put me in such high spirits, God bless !

      Praying the end of your week is a blessed one,
      I'm sending hugs & love to you ♡ஐ♡

  20. What a beautiful post, Daniela. I wish you the best with your book. Kisses, my friend.

    1. @ Mia
      Beloved friend, I'm sincerely grateful to you for your so beautiful words !

      Sending hugs, love and smiles across the Ocean,
      thank you once again ❥

  21. Congrats Dany! Publishing your own book, that is amazing! You are such a talented and sweet lady! I love what you share and I apologize for not commenting sooner. Somehow I missed your post while visiting links. I think I accidently got on the wrong line. :)

    1. @ Jann
      it is I who have to apologize for this delete of mine, I had such a busy August and tried not to leave the web, but, alas, I had to neglect so many things, and first of all my family ... I thought it not to be right, that's why I'm absent since the end of the last month, trying to recover something in my life ... and little by little I'm coming back, I hope very soon !

      Wishing you a most belssed end of your week,
      thanking you wholeheartedly for your good wishes, Sweetie ♥♡♥

  22. Dear Daniela,

    Congratulations on the publication of your first book and how very exciting for you. Wishing you all the very best with the book and I know it will be well received, as all your blog posts are so interesting.
    Sending hugs and wishing you a happy weekend

    1. @ Carolyn
      you're so very dear to me, Lovely Lady, thank you for your so beautiful words and good wishes blessing my evening with gladness !

      Thinking of you with much love and gratitude,
      I'm wishing you a most joyous day, today,
      and happy days to come ღ❀ღ

  23. A dreamy post! Thanks for linking to Blue Monday!

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      I just love your comments, you seems to make my days a bit brighter, sweet friend, thank you !

      May your day be blessed with Joy and Wonder •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•
