mercoledì 19 luglio 2017

The Brontës' children teeny tiny books available on-line.

That of ingeniousness is a characteristic that cannot be acquired, it is a gift of nature which you have to be born with, and, with the passing of time, it can only be cultivated and refined.
And the Brontë siblings, in greater or lesser measure, possessed it all and gave demonstartion of it since their earliest age.

In 1829-30 Charlotte Brontë was 13 and hers brother Branwell 12 years old; they both had fun creating fantastic worlds that called Angria and Glass Town Confederacy and adventurous stories set in these fantastic worlds which they gave life to for Branwell's soldiers, who were both protagonists and listeners, stories which are contained in lovely tiny books that lies in the palm of one's hand: they measure less than 1 inch for 2 (2.5 x 5 cm), are made with recycled paper, found in the house and carefully cropped and collected (for example, they may have used the margins of the pages of a newspaper) and drawn up in athe most accurate, far too little handwriting.

Both the dimensions and the characters with which they are written make of them works of a truly inestimable value, and if we think of their authors and the time we are talking about, their value grows further beyond measure.

Page after page you enter this fantastic world through reading poems, stories, songs, illustrations, maps, building plans, and dialogues written with old nibs on such small leaves that an adult's hand has difficulty to handle, especially with the care that requires their over 200 years age.

Twenty in all have been preserved, nine of them have been recently digitized from the Houghton Library at Harvard University and are available online free and in full version:

by Charlotte Brontë:

Blackwoods young mens magazine, August 1829;

The silver cup: a tale, October 1829;

Scenes on the great bridge, November 1829;

The adventures of Mon. Edouard de Crack, February 1830;

An interesting passage in the lives of some eminent personages of the present age, June 1830;

The poetaster: a drama in two volumes, July 1830;

by Patrick Branwell Brontë:

Magazine, January 1829;

Branwells Blackwoods magazine, June 1829;

Branwells Blackwoods magazine, July 1829.

Also Emily and Anne wrote miniature books similar to these, but their copies did not survive, alas! they didn't pass the test of the passing of time.
Imagine Charlotte Brontee, who, at the age which girls still play, while she carefully pierced her sheets of paper and tied them together, without causing any damage to them, with an embroidery thread reproducing a binding that an embroidery really resembles; Branwell used a firmer yarn and his binding, which allowed him to stack a sheet at a time after writing it, did not reveal the grace used by his sister, but this does not take off prestige to the little, great treasures of this artist who would have become a poet and a painter, though, destroyed by alcohol and opium addiction, he will go off at just 31 years (you can read the post that ~ My little old world ~ long ago devoted to this fascinating and contradictory character in history of Literature and Art of the XIXth century, for me still little known and appreciated at least as much as he would deserve, by clicking HERE).

I'm sure you're wondering, at this point, how these twenti 'juvenilia' could have been preserved ...

Well, Charlotte's husband, after her death, sold the small volumes to a collector who gave them in turn to the poet Amy Lowell, who presented them at the Houghton Library in 1925 just a year before her death.

The deterioration that  the time has physiologically impressed on the paper has made necessary a work of meticulous restoration and therefore this technological intervention so that they won't be lost and now, thanks to digitization, the time for them is as if it were stopped ... even if browsing them on a screen is never how to handle them, the emotion they give, believe me, is really great!

Thanks once again for following me up to here,
my dear friends, affectionate and occasional readers,
I heartily thank you and looking forward to meet you again, 
I'm greeting you warmly,

see you soon 💕


Quello della genialità è un tratto caratteriale che non può essere acquisito, è un dono con cui si nasce e che con il tempo può solamente essere coltivato ed affinato 
ed i fratelli Brontë , in maggiore od in minore misura, lo possedevano tutti e ne diedero dimostrazione fin dalla più tenera età.

immagine 1 

Nel 1829-30 Charlotte Brontë aveva 13 anni e suo fratello Branwell ne aveva 12; costoro si divertivano a creare mondi fantastici che chiamarono Angria e Glass Town Confederacy e proprio i racconti avventurosi ambientati in questi mondi fantastici creati per i soldatini di Branwell, i quali delle suddette storie erano sia protagonisti che uditori, sono contenuti in incantevoli libricini che stanno nel palmo di una mano: misurano meno di 1 pollice per 2 ( cm.2,5 X 5 ), sono fatti con carta riciclata, trovata in casa ed accuratamente ritagliata ( si poteva trattare, per esempio, dei margini delle pagine di un quotidiano ) e vergati in una più che accurata, piccolissima grafia.

Sia le dimensioni che i caratteri con cui sono scritti ne fanno opere di un valore davvero inestimabile, se poi si pensa a coloro ne furono gli autori e all'epoca di cui stiamo parlando, il loro valore cresce ulteriormente a dismisura.

Pagina dopo pagina si entra in questo mondo fantastico attraverso la lettura di poesie, storie, canzoni, illustrazioni, mappe, piani di costruzione e dialoghi vergati con antichi pennini su fogli talmente piccoli che le mani di un adulto fanno fatica a maneggiare, soprattutto con la cura che richiede la loro età che data più di 200 anni. 

Venti in tutto se ne sono conservati, nove ne sono starti recentemente digitalizzati dalla Houghton Library alla Harvard University e sono disponibili on-line gratuitamente in versione integrale:

di Charlotte Brontë:

Blackwoods young mens magazine, August 1829;

The silver cup: a tale, October 1829;

Scenes on the great bridge, November 1829;

The adventures of Mon. Edouard de Crack, February 1830;

An interesting passage in the lives of some eminent personages of the present age, June 1830;

The poetaster: a drama in two volumes, July 1830;

- immagine 2

- immagine 3

di Patrick Branwell Brontë:

Magazine, January 1829;

Branwells Blackwoods magazine, June 1829;

Branwells Blackwoods magazine, July 1829.

- immagine 4

Anche Emily ed Anne scrissero libri in miniatura simili a questi, ma le loro copie, ahimè, non ci sono pervenute, non hanno superato la prova del trascorrere del tempo.

Immaginate Charlotte Brontee che, all'età in cui ancora le fanciulle giocano, si preoccupava di forare con cura foglio per foglio i suoi libricini e di legarli infine insieme, senza arrecare loro danno alcuno, con un filo da ricamo riproducendo una rilegatura in brossura che ad un ricamo, davvero, somiglia; Branwell utilizzò un filo in lino più robusto e la sua rilegatura, che gli permetteva di accatastare un foglio alla volta dopo averlo scritto, non rivela la grazia che usò sua sorella, ma ciò non toglie prestigio ai piccoli, grandi tesori di questo artista in nuce che sarebbe diventato poeta e pittore, anche se, distrutto dalla dipendenza dall'alcool e dall'oppio, si spegnerà a soli 31 anni ( potete leggere il post che ~My little old world~ tempo fa dedicò a questo affascinante e contradditorio personaggio della storia della letteratura e dell'arte del XIX secolo per me ancora poco conosciuto ed apprezzato come meriterebbe cliccando QUI ).

immagine 5

Vi chiederete a questo punto come questi venti 'juvenilia' abbiano potuto conservarsi ...

Ebbene, il marito di Charlotte, dopo la sua morte, vendette i piccoli volumi ad un collezionista che li diede a sua volta alla poetessa Amy Lowell, la quale ne fece dono alla Biblioteca Houghton nel 1925. proprio un anno prima della sua morte.

Il deterioramento che il tempo fisiologicamente ha impresso sul materiale cartaceo ha reso necessaria un'opera di minuzioso restauro e quindi questo intervento tecnologico affinché anch'essi non andassero perduti ed ora, grazie alla digitalizzazione, il tempo, per loro, è come se si fosse fermato ... anche se sfogliarli su di uno schermo non è mai come maneggiarli, l'emozione che donano, credetemi, è davvero grande !

Grazie anche questa volta per avermi seguita fino a qui, 
miei adorati amici, lettori affezionati ed occasionali, 
vi ringrazio di cuore e vi aspetto ... ancora ...

a presto 💕



64 commenti:

  1. Amazing little treasures. I am glad they have been preserved and are available to read online. Thank you for sharing Daniela. Have a wonderful Wednesday :)

    1. @ Prunella Pepperpot
      I heartily thank you for gracing my blog this morning, your precious presence means so much to me, Dearest One !

      I'm sincerely overjoyed by reading your words of gladness for such an excellent initiative and result, I thank you for your appreciation !

      In the hope you too had a lovely Wednesday,
      I'm sending blessings on your coming days ಌ•❤•ಌ

  2. Fascinating! What children can do when they put their minds to it amazes me.

    1. @ messymimi
      ... and especially such gifted children, I'm sincerely glad you loved it, sweetest friend of mine !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      sending hugs and love to you ✿⊱╮

  3. How fantastic these miniature books are. I cannot imagine writing so small. Wonderful that they have been preserved. Thank you for sharing this post, Dany; as always such a joy to learn something which I did not know. Have the most wonderful day, lovely lady.

    1. @ Kim
      actually when I read this news I thought that I had to write a post about it, it's really something that amazed me at once !

      Thanking you so, so much for always blessing my heart with your graciousness, Dearie,
      I'm wishing you a joy-filled day ♡ஐ♡

  4. Hello, they are little treasures. It is wonderful these miniature books have been preserved and that they are online. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      you said it, dearest friend of mine, they're really little treasures, it's something prodigious that they survived for so many years !

      With utmost gratitude,
      I'm sending blessing on your day,
      may it be filled with joy and wonder ❥

  5. These books are wonderful tiny treasures, dear Daniela! I think it is fantastic that they have been preserved, and that they are shared with everyone. I hope you are having a fantastic week, dear friend.

    1. @ Linda
      your beautiful comment is such a lovely way to start my day with, Dear, Dearest Friend, I heartily thank you for your words of appreciation and for being always so supportive !

      Hoping you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending all my love on your days to come,
      with the deepest gratitude ever ღ❀ღ

  6. Oh, my dear, sweet, and wonderful Dany! How I have missed you and your marvelous posts. What a joy to pop in for a visit today for your words and images brought a smile to my face.

    How are you, dear one? I trust you are having a lovely summer! You are never far from my thoughts. Love and hugs to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      I've been missing you so much, cherished friend, and this visit of your blesses both my heart and my day, I thank you wholeheartedly !

      So very glad to have you here again,
      I'm sending hugs, love and smiles on your day, today,
      and on the remainder of your week,
      may it be as Beauty-ful as you,
      Precious, Lovely Lady *•♥♥•*

  7. I didn't know about these. How amazing that they will be forever kept so many generations can enjoy a slice of history.

    Have a fabulous day, Dany. ♥♥♥

    1. @ Sandee
      it's truly wonderful, isn't it, Dearie ?

      Thanking you most sincerely for your appreciation,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your day,
      may it be filled with so many little things which to be glad for ♡❤♡

  8. How amazing that these have been preserved! Thank you for the links, these will be fun to read! I hope your own book is coming along well, my dearest! Blessings on you week ahead!

    1. @ June
      it's always such a delight to welcome you here, Dearest One, blessed be !

      As for my book we are at the very last steps, since I've finished my work of writing, I'm waiting for the the typography's press and then I'll have to correct the draft before the final print work ... but they're very busy lately, so the times are becoming longer than I thought, alas !

      Thanking you so much for your interest and for feeling affectionately involved,
      I'm sending all my love to you
      always thinking of you with sincere gratitude,
      you're truly an Angel on Earth ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  9. Ma sono semplicemente fantastici, cara Daniela!
    Posso confessarti che ne facevo di simili, al liceo, quando avevamo certi temutissimi compiti in classe di greco e latino? Mai "beccata" ma peccato li abbia buttati. Piccoli capolavori in miniatura, scritti con la penna stilografica...da brava amanuense per bisogno! Hi,hi,hi...
    Un abbraccio Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      anche tu allora eri un'artista in nuce come loro, mia cara, peccato davvero non li abbia più, non hai pensato a conservarli solo che per ricordare certe birichinate che solamente a quell'età si possono fare :) !

      Ti abbraccio forte forte per ringraziarti con il cuore,
      è sempre una gioia, grande davvero, per me, averti qui,
      mia dolcissima amica ✻ღღ✻

  10. The tiny books are wonderful. I learned about them first on YouTube and thought it so clever.
    Thank you for making the links for us.
    You find the most interesting things.
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie
      your words of appreciation are such a blessing to my heart, I sincerely thank you Dearie !

      In the hope you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs, love and smiles on your coming days ❥

  11. Dearest Dani, how absolutely precious! You find the most amazing snippets of history. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. @ Mimi
      I'm sincerely overjoyed by reading that you loved it, Dearie, your words mean so much to me !!!

      Wishing you a most blessed remainder of your week,
      I'm sending hugs and love across the many miles •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•

  12. Hello Daniela

    And what an absolute pleasure it is to visit your blog and read about the good and beautiful things in life intead of the bad that seems to surround us.

    Even better, your choice of music is divine. When I logged in here today it was Mozart - my favourite composer and a true genius.

    Bye for now.

    1. @ Phil Slade
      you're so heartily welcome !

      Actually, when I wanted to give life to a blog, I thought about one which could be able and entertain for a while, not to alienate you, but just to make you feel a little relieved, telling you stories belonging to our past ... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your so beautiful words, I sincerely appreciate them, new friend of mine !

      Wishing you all my best,
      I'm sending blessings on your way ♥¸¸.•¨¯`• ♥

  13. What cool artifacts! They were an awesome family....thanks for sharing over at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen
      you know, Dearie, it's my pleasure and delight, so as it is to welcome you here and to read your so beautiful words, thank you !

      Wishing you a most beautiful Saturday and Sunday ahead,
      I'm sending all my love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  14. Fabulous idea! I love these tiny books!

    1. @ Mia
      I so love to have you amongst my followers, you're so heartily welcome, new friend of mine, and to follow you in turn means such a joy to me, thank you !

      Wishing you a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ⊰✽*✽⊱

  15. wow!! this is amazing..

    Please visit:

    1. @ krishna
      I welcome you with such a big hug, thank you for your so beautiful words !

      Trusting you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm wishing you all my best,
      so very glad to follow you after visiting your lovely Blog ༺❀༻

  16. Risposte
    1. @ Regine Karpel
      I wish you the same, Dearie !

      ⊰♥⊱ Sending blessings on your way ⊰♥⊱

  17. I can't even imagine a book so small! Thanks for linking to Blue Monday.

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      it is I who want to thank you, you're such a lovely hostess, dearest friend of mine !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡❤♡

  18. so very interesting, Happy Blue Monday

    much love...

    1. @ Gillena Cox
      you're always so heartily welcome, Sweetie, thank you for taking the time to stop by and to comment, you never fail to bless my day !

      Sending much love to you too,
      with utmost gratitude ❥

  19. Daniela dear, you are such a sweetheart.. thank you for following me... I'm also following you.. XOXO

    1. @ krishna
      I thank you wholeheartedly, I feel overjoyed, graceful friend of mine !

      Sending hugs and love to you ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  20. Wow those books are small, I'd struggle to read them especially now as I wear glasses

    1. @ Bill Nicholls
      they're books written in a very little handwriting, quite hard to read for us all, be sure, my friend, indeed, they're hard to read as much as they're precious for us today !

      Wishing you all my best for the remainder of your week,
      thanking you wholeheartedly for the time you've dedicated
      to ~ My little old world ~ ಌ•❤•ಌ

  21. Dear Dany:
    What a wonderful and educational posting about the works of Bronte and just to see the tiny design is so thrilling! I miss seeing you at my party and hope sometime to see you do another tea time posting! Have a lovely day!

    1. @ Bernideen
      Lovely Lady, I'm so overjoyed after reading your words of appreciation, thank you, dearest friend !
      You know, I also am missing your tea parties so much, and I'd love to compose a post about this topic I so love ... You've just recalled to my mind an old post of mine which I haven't shared yet, I'm writing down a note ... so see you next week, Dearie, next Tuesday I'll be there !

      Sending hugs, love and blessings to you,
      with so much thankfulness ♡ஐ♡

  22. Oh my goodness this is just amazing, I am in awe of their talent not only in writing and small as it is but to put them into little books. I can just see them putting the delicate stitches in to keep it all together. So wonderful that people decided to preserve them for the future and that we can keep them with digitizing them now. I have not been getting your updates of your blog in my feed, and that has happened with a couple of others I follow too, I need to go back and see what else I may have missed..hope you are having a good week!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      it sounds like a kind of magic, doesn't it, it's almost incredible to me to have and enjoy such wonders today !

      As for the updates of my blog, don't worry, Dearie, I also happened several times, maybe because I'm following too many blogs, actually I wonder the real reason why ...

      Hope you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending all my love to you,
      always thinking of you with sincere gratitude ♥♡♥

  23. Dany ~ these little Bronte books are so charming and delightful ~ wonderful post and thanks for your sweet comments on my blog ~ Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

    1. @ carol l mckenna
      you're such a bright light, sweetest friend of mine, and it's always a delight to welcome you here, thank you for gracing my blog today !

      May your day be filled with love and smiles,
      sending blessings to both of you ✿⊱╮

  24. Oh Dani, that would be something wonderful to hold one of these books...but the digitized version is great since it preserves the amazing literary history and (not least) makes it available to ordinary people like me. I loved this story and dreaming about those talented children .... most of whom lived up to their start!

    1. @ Sallie
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, your enthusiasm means such a deep joy to me, Dearest One !

      Wishing you a lovely remainder of your week,
      may it be as Beauty-ful as you ❥

  25. cara dany
    wow, opere di inestimabile valore... quanto bellezza c'è ancora tutta da scoprire e da imparare nella storia della letteratura straniera..
    ti abbraccio forte e ti auguro una buona serata

    1. @ daniela
      l'hai detto, mia cara, si tratta di piccoli tesori che sono stati gelosamente custoditi per giungere fino a noi, non è incredibile ?!?

      Contraccambio il tuo forte abbraccio con tutto il cuore,
      che possa accompagnarti per tutta la giornata,
      mia dolce ಌ❀ಌ

  26. Dear Dany, I looked at each one of these and tried to read through them as best I could. Truly a treasure beyond words. Thank you so very much for sharing these here. They are truly, truly beautiful.
    I hope you are having a wonderful week, sweet friend.
    Sending you hugs from across the ocean.

    1. @ Lisa
      your words bless both my heart and my day, I have no words which to thank you with, precious friend of mine, blessed be !

      Your hugs reached me and I felt them,
      I hope you will feel mine, Sweetest One,
      thank you once again •♥•♥•♥•

  27. Remarkable! They are so small! Thanks for sharing.

    1. @ Linda
      it is I who thank you, darling friend, I'm sincerely glad you loved this post of mine !

      Wishing you a joy-filled day,
      with sincere gratitude ~✻ღღ✻

  28. What darling little treasures! I can't imagine being able to write so small and neatly as the Brontes did in these miniature books. How fortunate they have been preserved for this era to see!

    1. @ Pat
      darling friend of mine, forgive my delay with these words of mine, but I had to take a break for at least a month, and still I'm not back, yet, I'm just putting some order amongst my posts which I neglected so much before than leaving the web at all because of too much work, August was truly far too busy to me !
      I hope to be back with new posts very, very soon !

      So very pleased by your enthusiasm,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you, Sweetie
      In the hope you and yours are doing well, of course ಌ•❤•ಌ

  29. I do know a bit about the Brontes but once again you share wonderful things I never knew and find so very interesting. What enchanting books! I can't even imagine being able to hold one of these treasures in my hand! Thank you, my friend!

    1. @ Jeanie
      it is I who thank you, I thank you with all my heart, Dearie your words make me feel floating on air !

      Wishing you all my best for the remainder of this week,
      I'm sending blessings on your way,
      with utmost gratitude,
      in the hope to come back very soon ✿⊱╮

  30. Wow, awesome blog layout! Нow long have yoս beren blogging fоr?
    yоu mɑke blogging ⅼook easy. The оverall looқ of yoᥙr web
    site іs great, aѕ wepl as the content!

    1. @ Anonimo
      forgive my belated answer, but I found this comment of yours into the spam folder a few days ago!
      I heartily thank you for your so beautiful words of praise ... actually I gave life to ~ My little old world ~ almost five years ago, and I love this little corner of mine more and more!

      Wishing you all my best,
      with utmost gratitude,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ❥

  31. Risposte
    1. laurensparks
      I'm so, so glad you enjoyed this article of mine!

      With sincere thankfulness,
      I'm wishing you a most wonderful day, today,
      and weekend ahead ༺❀༻

  32. Visiting and commenting on this post again, Dany. I am admiring these sweet little treasure books for a second time. It is so nice that they are able to be viewed in entirety on academic links.
    They remind me of the little letters made by artist and author Tasha Tudor for her children that she called "Sparrow's Post."
    Thanks for the memories
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Pat
      Darling friend of mine, you remind me something I've never thought about, but your words are very precious, as usual, I'd love to tell about "Mr. Augustus Sparrow" and its work of postmaster too!
      Thank you for your beautiful visit and for your idea, as well!

      Hope you're enjoying a lovely week so far,
      I'm sending blessings on your weekend to come ღ✿*✿ღ
