lunedì 20 marzo 2017

Cookies scented with violets, bringing Spring into your home !

 I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania some time of the night,
Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight:
And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin,
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in.


Conosco una riva in cui il timo selvatico vive rigoglioso,
Dove annuendo le primule e le viole crescono,
Coperte dal succulento caprifoglio che fa loro da baldacchino,
Con dolci rose moscate e la rosa canina:
Vi dorme Titania talvolta la notte,
Cullata da questi fiori con danze e gioia:
Ed ivi getta il serpente la sua pelle smaltata,
Come fosse erba selvatica abbastanza ampia per avvolgervi una fata.

William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream

Per me da sempre il profumo di viola è il profumo della primavera e qui a Tenuta Geremia di giorno in giorno, ormai, centinaia di nuovi capolini si sollevano dal manto dell'erba, fattosi precocemente di un bel verde brillante, e tra le foglie secche che fanno il tappeto invernale dei boschi, per guardare timidamente il sole e farsi scaldare dai suoi raggi, per profumare la rugiada della sera e del primo mattino di nuova vita.

Mi è sempre spiaciuto raccogliere questi delicatissimi fiori, ma il loro profumo me li rende talmente irresistibili 

e da anni preparo lo zucchero alle viole mammole, seguendo questa semplicissima ricetta che trovai molto tempo fa.



- 20 gr. di corolle di viole mammole appena raccolte 
- 120 gr. di zucchero semolato

Come si dovrebbe fare per ogni pianta spontanea, l'ideale è raccogliere i fiori o il mattino presto o all'imbrunire, anche se per me è preferibile il primo mattino perché la corolla conserva ancora del tutto intatto il suo profumo.
Poneteli nel frullatore insieme con lo zucchero triturando fino a che non avrete ottenuto un composto omogeneo e ben amalgamato; conservatelo per alcuni giorni in un piatto od in un barattolo aperto e mescolate di tanto in tanto di modo che lo zucchero possa perfettamente asciugare.
Lo potete usare per dolcificare ed aromatizzare tè e tisane e spolverandolo su pasticcini e torte darà un tocco primaverile anche quando la stagione sarà ormai trascorsa.
Non demoralizzatevi se dapprincipio le viole triturate sembrano perdere il loro profumo, lo riacquisteranno a mano a mano che asciugano.

Io lo uso soprattutto per preparare dei biscotti che profumano di bosco, per i quali costituisce l'ingrediente principale:



- 200 gr. di farina '00' 
- 100 gr. di burro 
- 50 gr. di zucchero alla violetta 
- 60 gr. di zucchero bianco 
- 1 uovo intero 
- 1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci 
- 1 pizzico di sale 

In una terrina piuttosto ampia mescolate la farina con lo zucchero, il lievito ed il sale. In un'altra tazza sbattete l’uovo, aggiungete il burro fuso e versare il composto così ottenuto nella terrina in cui avrete mischiato precedentemente la farina con gli altri ingredienti; impastate fino ad ottenere una palla, aggiustando di farina se necessario, e, come per ogni pasta frolla, lasciate riposare in frigo per almeno mezz’ora. Mettete quindi l'impasto sulla spianatoia e con lo stampino che più gradite ricavate dei biscotti alti 1,5 cm ca. e cuocete in forno a 180° per 10 -15 minuti.

Il risultato so che sarà un successo, non chiedetemi quanto tempo i biscotti così preparati si conservino, da noi durano pochi giorni !

Che la vostra settimana sia prodiga della gioia che meritate, 
ve lo auguro dal profondo del cuore

a presto 💕

- picture 1

 I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania some time of the night,
Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight:
And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin,
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in.

William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream

Since ever for me the scent of the purple violet is the scent of Spring and here at Tenuta Geremia from day to day, now, hundreds of new flower raises her little heads from the grass, now became bright green, and from the dry leaves that make the winter carpet of the woods, to timidly watch the sun and be heated by its rays, to scent the evening dew and the early morning of a new life.

- picture 2

I always felt sorry to gather these delicate flowers, but their scent makes them so irresistible to me

- picture 3

- picture 4

and for years I do prepare a sugar violets, following this simple recipe that I found long ago.


- picture 5 on the left  


- 20 gr. (0,71 oz.) of freshly picked violets corollas
- 120 gr. (4,23 oz.) of sugar

As we should do for every wild plant, the ideal is to pick the flowers either early in the morning or at dusk, although for me it is preferable in the early morning because the corolla still retains entirely intact its fragrance.
Place them in a blender along with the sugar and mince until you obtain a homogeneous and well mixed clear violet mixture; put it in a dish or in an open jar for some days and mix occasionally with a teaspoon so that the sugar can perfectly dry.
You can use it to sweeten and flavor teas and dusting your pastries and cakes you'll will give them a Spring touch even when the season will be passed away.
Don't  become demoralized if at first the crushed violets seem to lose their scent, they'll gradually regain it drying.

I use it mainly to prepare the cookies smelling of woods at Spring, for which it is the main ingredient:


- picture 6 on the left - 


- 2 cups of plain flour
- 3/8 cup of melted butter
- 2 1/2 tablesp. of violet sugar
- 3 tablesp. of sugar
- 1 teasp. of baking soda
- a pinch of salt

In a fairly large bowl mix the flour with the sugar, the baking powder and the salt. In another bowl beat the egg, add the melted butter and pour the mixture obtained in the bowl in which you have previously mixed the flour with the other ingredients; knead until you have a ball, adjusting of flour, if necessary, and, as with any plain pastry, let stand in your refrigerator for at least half an hour. Then put the dough on a work surface and with the stencil that you like most obtain cookies of almost 1.5 cm tall and bake them at 180° for 10 -15 minutes.

I know that the result will be a success, do not ask me how long the cookies so prepared may be preserved, here at home they last just a few days !

Wishing you a lovely week, 
take care, 

see you soon 💕

113 commenti:

  1. Risposte
    1. @ Margaret Adamson
      thanks most sincerely for gracing my blog today, sweet friend !

      Yes, Violets are so lovely and have such a delightfully sweet flavour !

      *♥* Wishing you a most pleasant week *♥*

  2. Interesting post and biscuit recipe.

    1. @ Jim
      thanks most sincerely both for visiting and commenting, you're so heartily welcome, my friend !

      So glad you've enjoyed this article of mine,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡ஐ♡

  3. I have no doubt, lovely Dany, those delicious-looking violet scented cookies have no time to be "preserved". They would disappear in a manner of hours, I would think. Sweet, sweet photos....especially the photo of the little girl figurine, with the violets gathered in her apron. There is nothing quite like the sweet, sweet fragrance of violets!

    1. @ Kim
      darling friend of mine, your words of amusement and appreciation filled my heart with such a deep joy, they mean so, so much to me, and you're such a treasure !!!

      Wishing you a most wonderful remainder of your week,
      I'm thinking of you with much love and thankfulness ❥

  4. How wonderfully romantic the notion of sugar violets is, full of old fashioned charm of the very best kind.
    Happy Mosaic Monday, Dear Daniela.

    1. @ Maggie
      the words which you define the sugar with violets with - you feel it 'full of old fashioned charm of the very best kind' - have truly won my heart, these are the topics I want to deal with, and when I read that you feel just what I've felt when I was writing my article, to read that a dear friend of mine is just thinking the same in her mind and feeling the same in her soul, well, it fills my heart to overflowing, thank you !

      You've made me such a precious gift, Dearest One,
      I'm so grateful to you !

      May your day be blessed with gladness,
      and your days to come be filled with so many little things which to be glad for ✿⊱╮


    1. @ LV
      always so generous with me, adorable friend of mine blessed be !

      Very grateful for your always beautiful, beautiful words putting a smile to my heart,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you,
      while wishing you the best of weeks ♡❤♡

  6. "Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight:" Perfect.

    Thank you for sharing, Daniela. Must try your recipe soon.

    1. @ Marcia
      you're so heartily welcome, it is I who thank you both for visiting and for your words of enjoyment !

      Sending wishes for a peaceful and beauty-filled remainder of your week ⊰✽*✽⊱

  7. Lovely post, Dani. The biscuits are too pretty to eat! Happy Monday!

    1. @ Snap
      trusting that your Monday was filled with gladness,
      I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you, sweetest friend,
      with herarfelt, deep gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  8. Tesoro, che bel modo di iniziare la primavera.
    Ti abbraccio

    1. @ Manu
      che immenso piacere leggere le tue parole, ti ringrazio dal profondo del cuore, mia dolce !

      Contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con tanta, tanta gioia, gratitudine ed ammirazione e che la tua primavera ti sorrida di serenità ༺♡❀♡༻

  9. I didn't know you could do cookies with flowers. Well not until today. Thanks for the recipe.

    Have a fabulous, spring filled day. ☺

    1. @ Sandee
      little cookies with flowers have such a delicate flavour, of course, not every flower is fit to be used, the most used, given they're so very scented and preserve a quite rich relish after baking, are violets and roses.

      So you've never tried the preserve of rose petals, I suppose, it's really superb !

      Wishing you too a most lovely day of Spring, my wondrous lady,
      enjoy it with gladness ... thank you ... always ♥∗✿*✿∗♥

  10. Your lavender biscuits sound delicious! Perfect for tea! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

    1. @ Ruth
      it's my pleasure, dear friend, believe me !

      Yes, they're truly perfect for a cup of hot tea sweetened with the sugar made with violets, you cannot imagine the scent which surrounds you in those moments, you feel as to be sat on the grass, or in a middle of a wood, on an immense carpet made of humble violets, blessed Spring !

      Trusting you're having a great week so far,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your coming days,
      thanks most sincerely for commenting,
      I'm so, so glad you enjoyed this post of mine ❀≼♥≽❀

  11. Everything is so beautiful and heartwarming, my cherished friend. And the biscuits look delicious! I love a good cup of tea and I bet they would be fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing, Daniela, and I wish you a wonderful week! Hugs and love to you. :)

    1. @ Linda
      I'm always so delighted to welcome you here, dear, darling friend, thank you for brighten my evening with the sweetness of your heart !

      Thinking of you with much love,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ❥

  12. Che post romantico! La tua tenuta Geremia è un luogo di estrema bellezza. Il tuo dolce animo e le tue mani fatate hanno realizzato dei biscotti buonissimi. Che dire dello zucchero alla viola? Straordinario
    Bacioni Alessandra

    1. @ Alessandra
      dolcissima amica mia, le tue parole mi lasciano senza fiato ... sono troppo belle per me, ... GRAZIE !!!

      Ti invio un abbraccio dal profondo del cuore,
      che ti raggiunga presto in questa serata di primavera appena cominciata,
      che ti scaldi l'animo con la gratitudine di cui è forte *⊰♥⊱*

  13. Leggendo il tuo post mi sono calata in una profumatissima e dolcissima favola odierna .
    Grazie , carissima Dany
    Con affetto ,

    1. @ Franca
      ma grazie a te, con tutto il cuore ti ringrazio, mia cara, carissima amica, tutte queste parole di elogio mi emozionano e mi confondono ... davvero !

      Che la tua serata sia lieta come non mai e che questa primavera sia prodiga di serenità per te e per chi ti vive accanto, mia dolce ✿⊱╮

  14. My first time to your beautiful blog, your cookies look so delicious and delicate. Hope you are having a lovely first day of Spring.

    1. @ ROW
      and I welcome you with a big, big you, filled with so much gratitude !

      Thanking you for your beautiful words,
      I'm sending hugs to you, wherever you are, sweet friend,
      I'm coming and visit you soon ♡❤♡

  15. Che l sapore e profumo che ha questo tuo post!Ti immagino la mattina presto mentre raccogli le violette e poi con grazia prepari lo zucchero ed i biscotti!Grazie della condivisione, non conoscevo lo zucchero così profumato!Baci,Rosetta

    1. @ Rosetta
      romantica amica mia, che scena deliziosa hai descritto, sembra davvero un sogno ... od una fiaba d'altri tempi, grazie per immaginarmi così !

      Ti abbraccio forte forte augurandoti una splendida primavera,
      con il cuore colmo di riconoscenza •♥•*༺❀༻*•♥•

  16. Dany cara, ieri pomeriggio ero sdraiata sull'erba sotto un sole timido a scaldarmi le ossa ed osservavo le violette piccine dal profumo intenso: ahh che momento magico!!! Grazie per questa tua ricetta che proverò domani. Un abbraccio e a presto🤗💓😘

    1. @ WOODY
      il solo profumo delle violette ricolma il cuore di contentezza, è così anche per te, vero, mia cara ?!?
      Pensa che io profumo persino la biancheria con una soluzione che non macchia e che è all'aroma di viola, adoro questo profumo che, tra parentesi, gli antichi romani sostenevano avesse proprietà benefiche, ossia che contrastasse addirittura l'emicrania ... a me dona tanta serenità, questo lo so per certo, quanto all'emicrania non mi sono mai trovata a sperimentare le proprietà lenitive di questo profumo che sa di altri tempi !

      Grazie come sempre per la tua preziosa presenza, mia adorabile amica,
      ti mando un grande bacio ⊰✽*✽⊱

  17. OH Dany, everything about this post makes me smile. The little figurine with her apron full of real violets -- and just the thought of making violet sugar .... and those cookies. My daughter has them in her yard (in the State of Oregon) but they bloom there in February -- they may be gone already. But I will tell her about this for next year. (We don't have these flowers here in Florida; it is too hot.)

    1. @ Sallie
      Oregon has temperatures much more similar to ours, in Florida you've the Summer all year long, I wonder how it could be to live there, enjoying always mild temperatures !

      With heartfelt gratitude,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you, Sweetie,
      may your day be blessed with the deepest joy ever ❥

  18. I love this Danny. I enjoy baking so this is a post that I can certainly relate to.

    The cookies with the violet flowers look so pretty and I know they have to taste wonderful. Perfect for afternoon tea.

    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe.



    1. @ Janet
      thank you for bringing your inner joy and the sunshine here today, cherished friend !

      Yes, you're right, these biscuits are truly so enjoyable with a cup of hot tea, especially in the afternoon !

      And let me finally say that it is I who thank you, for the lovely, adorable lady and friend you are, blessed be ಌ❀ಌ

  19. It is so special that I would read this post tonight, earlier today when walking out to check the mail along our driveway I saw one lone violet and I gently touched it with my fingers and thought how amazing that it was able to grow there, so pretty purple with it's yellow center.... I have not heard of crushing them with sugar and using them in food before, that is an interesting idea. I love how I always learn something new while visiting your blog :)
    Have a most wonderful week ahead!!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      I'm always far delighted to welcome you here, Dearest One !
      I wonder if that little violet in bloom talked to your soul about me ... !

      Sending much love, hugs and blessings of joy to you,
      may your Spring be as special a never before ✿⊱╮

  20. Violets are such romantic flowers. The sugar and cookies flavoured with violets would be delightful! I don't know if violets grow here - I rarely see them.
    Have a wonderful week.

    1. @ Lorrie
      thanks most sincerely for visiting, loving friend, and for enjoying this post of mine, you filled my heart and made my day !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      and may your Spring be as Beautiful as you ♥♡♥

  21. These are so delightful, my dear Dany! Such sweet photos of the violets in the figurine apron and the cookies look so pretty! Thank you for sharing the recipe - maybe I will try these if I can find enough violets to pick. Love the poem - a favorite. Happy Spring and many blessings to you! Hugs xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      the number of flowers changes according to their dimensions, here they grow quite big violets and to reach 20 gr. they were enough almost 100 flowers, they're very very light, anyway, that's sure !

      Trusting you're having the best of weeks,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you,
      with sincere thankfulness ♥∗✿∗♥

  22. Lovely photos dear Dany! I love the little girl with the purple petals of scented violet in her lap ❤︎ Wishing you a sunny week & sending you a lot of hugs - riitta

    1. @ riitta
      thank you for gracing my blog today, both with your so precious presence here and with your always so lovely words of appreciation filling my heart with such a deep gladness !!!

      I wonder how your first days in Northern Europe of Spring are and hope you're already enjoyig this wonderful sun ♡ஐ♡

  23. I could try one of these right now :-)

    1. @ Amalia
      you're such a cheerful, delightsome friend, thank you !

      *♥* May your days to come be filled wityh joy *♥*

  24. Oh how lovely! Thank you for posting. I really do want to try violet sugar when they arrive here (in May, perhaps)

    Miriam in Estonia

    1. @ Miriam
      is this you ? Really ?
      You cannot even imagine the joy you give me with this visit of yours, sweet friend !

      So in Estonia Spring arrives almost two months later ... I suppose you're still living days of late Winter now ... I gave a glimpse at you e-mail of reply, yesterday, but I'm reading it later with much more care, I have the tracking number of your parcel and I'm going to send it to you, so you may follow your box during its travel toward you, I hope you'd like what it contains ツ !

      •♥•♥•♥• Wishing you a joyous day •♥•♥•♥•

  25. un post che profuma di primavera!!!! adoro le violette e vedo la tua grazia nel coglierle e conservarle per le tue ricette, sei davvero una persona speciale.La tua grazia ti rende unica e sono felice di conoscerti sebbene solo virtualmente. Un abbraccio immenso e buon proseguimento di settimana Lory

    1. @ Lory
      sei talmente gentile mia cara, ti abbraccio con il cuore augurandoti una settimana deliziosa, tanto quanto lo sei tu ❥

  26. Wow - cookies with violets - now that really sounds lovely! As always, a lovely posting Dany! Thanks for sharing.

    1. @ Bernideen
      I'm sincerely honored by your words of appreciation, you make my heart sing, darling friend !

      Hope you're enjoing the best of weeks,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles,
      with utmost gratitude ♡❤♡

  27. @ Felicia
    I welcome you with a warm hug, thanks most sincerely for stopping by !

    Sending you all my best,
    ღ with heartfelt thankfulness ღ

  28. Oh carissima Dany se siamo in sintonia: anche io ho parlato di violette e pensavo di provare a cristallizzarle facendole candite ma anche lo zucchero aromatizzato così mi ispira molto!
    Un abbraccio e buona Primavera

    1. @ Susanna
      dolcissima, ricordo di essere venuta a trovarti e di aver letto del tuo amore per le violette, ma che avessi intenzione anche tu di lavorare con le loro corolle e con lo zucchero è davvero entusiasmante !

      Se decidi di candirle e riesci con successo fammelo sapere, io le acquistai in una famosa antica confetteria artigianale di Genova (QUI ti rimando al post in cui ne trattai, se hai piacere di leggerlo) e mi descrissero il processo per tramite del quale le ricavano e ti assicuro che è un lavoro da veri maestri, ci vuole tempo, pazienza ed abilità, ma, ripeto, se riesci, mi farebbe davvero piacere provarci ツ !!!

      Un abbraccio dal profondo del cuore a te,
      e che il sole della gioia non smetta mai di splendere per il tuo animo gentile ✿⊱╮

  29. How wonderful these cookies must taste and smell, Dany! The climate where I live is too dry for violets to grow well. I grow lavender in my garden and dry those flowers to use as a flavor addition for cake and cookies which also makes them smell as taste good.

    Happy Spring dear friend!

    1. @ Pat
      they smell and taste so gently, I really love them, it's a pity that they don't live in your climate, but if it's suitable for lavender it's not suitable for violets, for sure !

      May your Spring shine with joy and many blessings, dearest friend,
      you always put me in such good spirits when you come and visit me ಌ•❤•ಌ

  30. Hello Dany,
    You have a lovely blog and I am following you now too. Your biscotti looks wonderful sprinkled with the sweet violets. Thank you for your visit and it's nice to "meet" you.


    1. @ Sandi
      I'm sincerely honoured to be followed by you, you've such a good taste in everything about home decorations, photography, gardening ... well, you truly fill my heart with gladness !

      Wishing you a most pleasant remainder of your day,
      sending hugs and love to you ༺♡❀♡༻

  31. Such a beautiful musical post! I am in love with this.
    Happy ODW!

    1. @ Indirani
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you for your nice words !

      ❖ Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week ❖

  32. sono sempre un po' restia su queste cose, ma la tua presentazione è ottima!
    Buona giornata, Luisa

    1. @ Luisa
      ti ringrazio di cuore per la fiducia che mi accordi mia cara !

      E che la tua giornata prosegua prodiga di letizia e di serenità,
      ti abbraccio forte ღ❀ღ

  33. Violets are beautiful and your cookies look perfect!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday :)x

    1. @ Prunella Pepperpot
      wishing you too a most lovely day, today,
      and wonderful days to come,
      may your Spring be joy and peace-filled,
      this is my wish for you !

      With sincere gratitude,
      adorable friend of mine •♥•*✽*•♥•

  34. I'm not surprised you have no idea of the shelf life of your violet cookies, they wouldn't last a tea-time at our place, I can smell them from here!
    Wren x

    1. @ Wren
      you always put a smile on my heart, thank you for blessing my day ith your visist, dear, dearest friend !

      Sending blessings on your Springtime,
      with heartfelt thankfulness ❥

  35. Oh Dany, the photos are exquisite and I have copied down the recipe to try. (Now I need to find the violets but if I can't will try with regular sugar!). I love this type of cookie but I think would even more so with the pretty violets! Indeed, what a a wonderful way to welcome spring!

    1. @ Jeanie
      I'm always far delighted to welcome you here, you always bring the sunshine to ~ My little old world ~ !

      If you cannot find violets in bloom for making the sugar with them, just try and look for candied violets in a confectionery and then mince them ( in this case I would suggest you to consider the whole weight of sugar, given candied violets are less parfumed than the sugar you can prepare at home with the corollas).

      So pleased to have proposed a recipe which you're so interested in,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you, precious friend of mine,
      ♥♡♥ you're such a treasure to me ♥♡♥

  36. I love your sweet photos whith nice violets.

    1. @ Jedidjia
      I heartily thank you, sweet friend, blessed be !

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week ஜ*✿*ஜ

  37. I've never made violet sugar before! We get lovely spring violets here, and I will have to give your recipe a try! I love your darling lady holding her skirt out to hold the violets, she is delightful! Have a blessed and lovely spring day :) Hugs to you dear friend!

    1. @ SpicingUpIdaho
      I'm sure that with your climate your violets aren't less scented than ours, that's why I'm thinking that if you try to prepare the sugar you'll realize such a perfumed preparation which can be used also to dust your cakes with, better if minced a little more like icing sugar, in this case ... if you want you may add a vanilla bean in your jar and you'll obtain vanilla icing sugar scented with violets !

      My cherished Marilyn, you're such a blessing to me and to so many others, I know, your heart is too sweet and big for not to love you, and truth is that every time you come and visit me here you make my day, thank you !

      May the remainder of your weekend be as BEAUTIFUL as you, Dearest One ಌ•❤•ಌ


    1. @ Alicia
      saluditos y gracias a ti, mi nueva amiga por sus amables palabras,
      Te mando un gran abrazo desde el corazón ❀≼♥≽❀

  39. Violets remind me of spring. Beautiful poems, thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. @ Evolve With Mary
      it is I who thank you for your so nice words, you're so heartily welcome !

      May the remainder of your weekend be blessed with joy *•♥♥•*

  40. Dany dear, such lovely photos of violets! And those delightful cookies would be perfect with my violet teapot and snack sets.

    1. @ Jean
      I'm sincerely honored by your words of appreciation, you're such a keen cooking expert of a so high level, I'd love to see your goodies decorated with violets, I wonder how lovely they are, since these flowers, after roses, are my favorites amongst all !

      Sending hugs and ever much love to you, Lovely lady,
      thinking of you with heartfelt thankfulness and esteem ✿*✿

  41. How exquisitely delightful! I am so glad you stopped by that I might return the visit. Blessings, Kathy

    1. @ Kathy
      I'm sincerely honored to welcome you here, new friend of mine, your so nice words bless my day !

      I thank you from the bottom of my heart ༺♡❀♡༻

  42. I can just imagine how amazing your house must smell!

    1. @ Mary
      actually I cannot say whether it's bigger the gladness while preparing and cooking them or while enjoying them with our tea !!!

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend
      with heartfelt gratitude,
      thanks most sincerely for stopping by ❥

  43. The violets are lovely. The cookies look like they would be a delicious afternoon treat.

    1. @ Harvest Moon by Hand
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart both for visiting and for leaving your so lovely comment !

      Sending blessings on the end of your week
      with sincere gratitude ♡❤♡

  44. Dany Ciao! Grazie per la visita il mio blog! e le tue parole. La verità è che ho così abbandonata, ma cerco di lasciare sempre qualcosa di ispirare così come prendere il tuo blog che è sempre così piacevole visita! Amo questa voce utima circa la fusione di fiori e biscotti! Abbracci! Rose

    1. @ Rose
      che immenso piacere riaverti qui, adorabile amica mia, quanto mi sei mancata, la tua dolcezza arricchisce ed impreziosisce ~ My little old world ~!

      Che il tuo weekend proceda con serenità ed armonia,
      te lo auguro di vero cuore,
      ringraziandoti ancora,
      ma mai abbastanza per quanto sento per te e quanto meriti,
      mia dolce ♥*♡*♥

  45. dany cara,
    come fai a deliziarmi sempre così tanto? ... già leggendo le note di shakespeare mi sono emozionata...poi concordo con te che le viole inneggiano la primavera..non ho mai provato i biscotti ma grazie per la ricetta la conserverò gelosamente...
    buon fine settimana a te..

    1. @ daniela
      le tue parole mi danno una tale gioia, nemmeno immagini quanto il mio cuore esulti, mia cara !

      Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore contraccambiando con tanta gaiezza il tuo augurio per il weekend, che sia sereno ed appagante come non mai ⊰✽*✽⊱

  46. Sweet Dany, what a sweet little lady, flowers, and cookies! Yum! Have a lovely Pink Saturday (and Friday and Sunday!)

    1. @ Gina
      lovable friend of mine, blessed be !!!

      Sending blessings of joy on your day, today,
      and on your Sunday,
      may your weekend be filled with many little things which to be glad and fulfilled for,
      *♥* with sincere thankfulness, Sweetest One *♥*

  47. Hello Dany, the lovely scent of fresh flowers is heavenly. Your cookies sound delicious too. I love the pretty violets and images. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Have a happy day and weekend!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      I heartily thank you for gracing my blog today, your so nice words put a smile on my heart !

      Wishing you a beautiful rest of your weekend, Dearie,
      may it be filled with joy and wonder ❥

  48. Lovely! Thanks for the recipe!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Chippy White Cottage Blessings,

    1. @ Rebecca
      it is I who want to thank you, I'm so overjoyed to be your first follower !

      Sending blessings of joy to you too,
      sweet friend ✿⊱╮

  49. Thanks so much for sharing.... I love purple violets and those cookies look delicious.

    1. @ Debbie Huffaker
      how absolutely delightful of you to come and meet me here, sweetest friend, it's my pleasure !

      Wishing you the best of weekends,
      I'm sending blessings across the many miles ❀≼♥≽❀

  50. How marvelous, Dany! To sit at tea with you and partake of this delicacy would be a dream come true! I'm so thankful God is blessing you with these lovelies, since you love them so! Have a blessed weekend, dear one!

    1. @ June
      and I'm so so grateful to God Who has allowed me to have you side by side with me, I feel so fortunate and blessed by your precious presence, dear, darling friend, thank you for being so special !!!

      Sending blessings on the end of your week to you too, Sweetest One,
      may they reach you despite the many miles ♡❤♡

  51. Dany, your violet-scented cookies are enchanting. Violets truly do usher in spring. I love to see them tucked under shrubs. Once I had a row of Forsythia that they loved to hide under. Oh, what bliss to see their purple loveliness beside the yellow forsythia in early spring! I absolutely adore your figurine, the lady with her skirt outstretched. Very charming! Hugs, Nancy

    1. @ Nancy
      lovely friend of mine, for me violets are something like a symbol of Spring here, given when they're in bloom, it really means that Winter has definitely ended, and I think they truly love the soil under the Forsythia shrub, since it's very easy to find purple 'stains' under their yellow, majestic shrubs ... violets like a rather acidic soil, probably the roots of the Forsythia sour the soil as much as to promote their sowing, that's what I think.

      With heatfelt gratitude for visiting and for commenting with such an enthusiasm,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you,
      ⊰♥⊱ Sweetest One ⊰♥⊱

  52. These look lovely! I would love to try them.

    1. @ Anne Inthekitchen
      you're so heartily welcome, yes, just give them a try !

      I'm so sorry not to be able to find your blog for thanking you there too, alas !

      Wishing you a joyous remainder of your week ⊰✽*✽⊱

  53. Dear Dany, I think I came to comment on this several days ago and then my computer crashed and boom! I lost my reply and never got back to it. But I did copy down your recipe and thank you! Even if I can't find the violets to make the sugar, the cookies look quite wonderful and your photos are -- as always -- lovely!

    1. @ Jeanie
      I'm so sorry for your pc, but I'm glad to have you back now !
      Anyway, you did in time to publish your comment before it crashed, I found it here above, I remembered my reply, where I suggested you to use candied violets if you cannot find fresh violets in bloom.

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your day, today,
      and on your days to come, Dearie
      with sincere thankfulness,
      you're always so graceful and delightful ♡ஐ♡

  54. Oh yes sweet Dany, I love Violets! Soon I will have plenty of them blooming so daintily in my garden. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      it's my pleasure, it is I who wish to thank you, you're such a lovely hostess and an adorable friend, thank you for your words of amusement !

      Wishing you a beautiful rest of your week,
      with heartfelt gratitude ❥

  55. I love violets! So pretty! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    1. @ The Charm of Home
      it's my pleasure and delight, sweetest friend of mine, thanks most sincerely for taking the time for stopping by, you're a so adorable lady !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with joy and wonder ✿*✿

  56. These look amazing Daniela. I've used lavender in biscuits before, but never violets. I have to try this! I'm so glad you shared this recipe at Create, Bake, Grow and Gather this week.

    1. @ Kerryanne
      how absolutely delightful of you to come and visit me here, you're such a lovable hostess and your words of enthusiasm truly make my day, dear friend, they mean so, so much to me !

      Wishing you the best of weeks,
      I'm sending blesings across the many miles,
      thank you again ಌ•❤•ಌ

  57. How luscious! I love Violets and have them trailing down the rock walls in our back garden. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      what a blessing to have you here this evening, you put a smile on my face both with your so precious presence here and with your always beautiful words !

      To share is my pleasure and delight, truth is that sometimes I do arrive too late in order to the difference of hour, alas !

      Wishing much joy for your day, today,
      I'm sending hugs & love to you,
      Dear, Dearest Friend *•♥♥•*
