sabato 20 agosto 2016

Let's take the time to smell the roses ...

When Roses cease to bloom, Sir,
And Violets are done—
When Bumblebees in solemn flight
Have passed beyond the Sun—
The hand that paused to gather
Upon this Summer's day
Will idle lie—in Auburn—
Then take my flowers—pray ! 

Quando le rose smettono di fiorire, Signore,
e le violette sono passate- 
quando i calabroni in volo solenne
sono transitati al di là del sole-
la mano che indugiò per cogliere
in questo giorno estivo
giacerà oziosa-nell'ombra dorata- 
Accetta dunque questi miei fiori, ti prego !

Emily Dickinson, J32, c.1858

The Bee is not afraid of me.
I know the Butterfly.
The pretty people in the Woods
Receive me cordially—

The Brooks laugh louder when I come—
The Breezes madder play;
Wherefore mine eye thy silver mists,
Wherefore, Oh Summer's Day? 

Non mi teme l'Ape.
Conosco la farfalla.
I graziosi abitanti del Bosco
Mi ricevono amichevolmente-

Più forte ridono i ruscelli quando arrivo-
Più sbarazzine giocano le Brezze;
Perché il tuo argento annebbia il mio sguardo,
Perché, Oh Giorno d'Estate?

Emily Dickinson, J111, c.1859

A sepal, petal, and a thorn 
Upon a common summer's morn - 
A flask of Dew - A Bee or two - 
A Breeze - a caper in the trees - 
And I'm a Rose !

Un sepalo, un petalo, ed una spina
In un comune mattino d'estate-
Un fiasco di Rugiada-Un'Ape o due-
Una Brezza-un frullo tra gli alberi-
Ed io sono una Rosa !

Emily Dickinson, J19, c.1858

This Bauble was preferred of Bees-
By Butterflies admired
At Heavenly - Hopeless Distances-
Was justified of Bird-

Did Noon - enamel - in Herself
Was Summer to a Score
Who only knew of Universe-
It had created Her. 

Questo nonnulla fu amato dalle Api-
Da farfalle ammirato
Da una Celeste-Disperata Distanza
Ebbe l'approvazione degli Uccelli-

Ed abbellì-di Sè Stesso-il Meriggio
E fu l'Estate per una Ventina di Esseri
per i quali la sua esistenza 
era la sola prova che avessero di un Universo.

Emily Dickinson, J805, c.1863

Carissimi amici e lettori, spero che vi sia stata gradita questa passeggiata tra le alcune delle rose che l'estate ci ha donato, accompagnata dalla musicalità e dalla liricità dei versi dell'amata ed ammirata poetessa americana Emily Dickinson ... e che altrettanto gradito vi giunga questo mio abbraccio colmo di gratitudine !

A presto 💕

Dearest friends and readers of mine, I hope to have pleased you with this walk among some of the roses that this Summer has given us, accompanied by the musicality and lyricism of the verses of the beloved and admired American poet Emily Dickinson ... and that, as welcome as this, may reach you my warmest hug filled with gratitude !

See you soon 💕

132 commenti:

  1. Oh, my word.....just absolutely awesome pictures and poetry. I've never seen such beautiful roses. Seems I can almost smell them! Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous images. Please join us again next week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. @ Debbie
      your so beautiful words truly make my day, sweet friend, thanks most sincerely !

      Sending blessings on your Sunday and on your new week ahead, with heartfelt gratitude ♡❤♡

  2. Hello Dear Daniela, so wonderful to see this delightful post pop up. I'm glad you had a rose filled Summer and I must say your Roses are truly BEAUTIFUL!! Loved the words that accompanied the stunning images.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. @ Prunella
      and I'm sincerely overjoyed by welcoming you here, dearie, I'm so very glad to be back and to read your words of amusement and of appreciation, I've been missing you, sweet friend of mine !

      May your weekend too be filled with much joy •♥•♥•♥•

    2. Dear Dany thank you so much for the kind words on my blog. It's so nice to have you visit and I'm so happy it brings a smile to your face :)
      You are indeed a very busy lady and I love seeing and hearing about your gorgeous home and garden in Italy.
      Have a wonderful Weekend in your beautiful Paradise with BIG hugs from us xXx

    3. @ Prunella
      you're truly so very dear, sweet friend of mine !

      Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday ❀⊱╮

  3. So beautiful, sweet Dany! I am especially fond of yellow roses, but I've never met a rose I didn't like! Good to have you back in the blogosphere.

    1. @ Jean
      I thank you from the deep of my heart for your welcome, actually to be back is a joy for me too dearie !
      To be honest I also love every kind of rose, roses are the flowers I like most ... as you well know !

      With so much gratitude and gladness I'm sending my dearest love to you, enjoy your Sunday, sweetie ✿*✿

  4. Graditaaaa? E' dir poco, carissima Daniela.
    Che gioia riprendere a leggerti con questa...vera e propria travolgente esplosione di rose, profumatissima e delicata.
    Bentornata cara amica, mi sei mancata sai?
    Spero tu abbia riposato abbastanza e goduto di questa pausa di ferie corroboranti.
    Un abbraccione e buon proseguimento di Agosto

    1. @ Susanna
      a dire il vero questo mio periodo di assenza è stato dettato da motivi di forza maggiore, principalmente dal lavoro allo Short Lets che gestisco qui a Tenuta Geremia che durante il periodo estivo vede la piena stagione, dalla preparazione del discorso che ho tenuto alla conferenza tenutasi a madonna di Campiglio per l'Associazione culturale Elisabetta d'Austria Sissi di cui faccio orgogliosamente parte, oltre che da motivi di famiglia, restauri etc, ... tutto ben lontano dal riposo, ahimè, ma sono felicissima di essere tornata, ormai mancavo da troppo tempo ed avvertivo un ... senso di vuoto ... il blog e tutti voi che mi seguite siete parte della mia vita, inutile negarlo !

      Anche tu mi sei mancata molto, carissima, e con il cuore ti abbraccio forte come non mai per augurarti una splendida domenica d'estate, grazie per il calore e la gioia con cui hai accolto il mio rientro, sei davvero dolcissima ❥

  5. Hello, lovely poem and post. Beautiful variety of roses. So nice to see this post, I hope all is well. Have a happy weekend!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      I welcome you with such a big, strong hug, filled with much love and joy, thank you !!!

      May your weekend too be filled with the most beautiful things you could ever wish, dearie ✿⊱╮

  6. Amazing roses, Daniela! Surprisingly, my previous post has the same title)) I see here some cabbage roses too, my deep love! And lushly cascading roses are breathtaking!
    Thanks for sharing, and have a beautiful weekend!

    1. @ Zara
      what a strange combination, just thinhk that I took myself an interlude of more than a month and that I put together this post a month ago ... So we had the same idea, ignoring one another's !

      What is very important to me is that you've enjoyed this post of mine, sweet friend, to have pleased you with my photographs and to have entertained you with delight, that's what truly fills my heart, thank you !

      Hope you also are having a wonderful weekend,
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ♡ஐ♡

  7. So beautiful, I love the roses and am a great fan of Emily Dickinson's poems! Thank you for sharing all this beauty with us and wishing you a happy Sunday and a wonderful new week!

    1. @ Janneke
      I'm so grateful to you, dearie, for gracing my blog today both with your presence and with your so sincerely beautiful words, dictated by your so sensitive heart !

      *♥* Thinking of you with much love I'm sending all my best to you across the many miles *♥*

  8. querida Daniela:
    que post maravilhoso!!
    a gente quase sente o perfume das flores pelo ar..
    que belíssimas rosas..
    são do seu jardim?
    você tem posts que nos faz sonhar e ver a beleza da vida..
    bom fim de semana e um grande abraço..

    1. @ Kr.Eliane
      mui querida amiga, sim, esta é uma parte do meu jardim, eu estou tão feliz que eu gostava estas minhas fotografias!

      Eu estou perto de ti com o coração e com a mente, que o fim de semana também está feliz por ti, mui obrigada ღ❀ღ

  9. Ciao cara, che bello rileggerti.
    Sono appena tornata dalle vacanze, un bel periodo di relax se non fisico almeno mentale.
    Ti abbraccio

    1. @ Manu
      ... e quanto, quanto è bello riaverti qui, mia dolce amica !
      Sono felicissima di leggere che tu ti sia ritemprata, io ... tutt'altro, ma ho dovuto concedermi un periodo d'interludio dalla Blogosfera perché, proprio di conseguenza ai troppi impegni, non sarei assolutamente riuscita né a pubblicare nulla né tanto meno a seguire voi ... ma ora rieccomi, non ancora a pieno ritmo, ma ci sono, evviva !

      Spero che tu stia godendo di una serena e tranquilla domenica estiva, carissima, me lo auguro di vero cuore e con ciò contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con tanta, tanta gioia ⊰✽*✽⊱

  10. Absolutely gorgeous photos, dear Daniela, and I am delighted to see your post, dear friend. I have missed you! Warm hugs and much love to you. :)

    1. @ Linda
      I also have been missing you so so much, dearest friend of mine, it's so very nice to be here again !

      So glad to have pleased and amused you with this post of mine - you mean so much to me - I'm sending you all my dearest love and blessings of joy on the remainder of your weekend ♥♡♥

  11. Just beautiful... The poetry and roses filled my soul.. Thank you Happy Saturday morning with love Janice

    1. @ Janice
      ... and your so beautiful words fill my afternoon with the deepest joy ever, dearest friend, you're truly adorable, I wholeheartedly thank you !

      May the remainder of your Sunday bring much gladness to you,
      with so much gratitude ∗⊱༺♡❀♡༻⊰∗

  12. Ciao cara Daniela,
    davvero una bellissima carrellata di immagini che dilettano gli occhi.
    Così come l'eleganza raffinata della poesia di questa straordinaria autrice che insegue la bellezza con note di armonia.
    Grazie cara amica!
    Ti saluto e ti auguro una dolce sera!
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      che incanto ritrovare qui tutta la dolcezza e la delicatezza del tuo animo dopo tutto questo tempo, te ne sono immensamente, immensamente grata, carissima !

      Che la tua domenica scorra lieta, sorridendoti di letizia e di gaiezza, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore, con tanta riconoscenza e sincero affetto ⊰♥⊱

  13. Cara Dany...che onore essere la prima...per la prima volta ad ammirare il risultato del tuo lavoro...dopo tanto tempo apro il computer e vedo le mie amatissime rose..che dolci parole e come mi è famigliare stare qui!
    grazie un bacio.

    1. @ Anto
      non immagini quanto mi colmino il cuore di gioia le tue parole, dolcissima, come ho potuto farne a meno durante la mia assenza ?!?
      Leggere che qui ti senti a casa mi riconforta l'animo, mia cara, grazie per il dono che mi hai fatto !

      Ti invio il più dolce abbraccio che tu mai possa immaginare, te lo invio con il cuore traboccante di esultanza e di gratitudine ❥

  14. Amazing beauty Dear Dany 💕 Your roses and poems left me speechless. You are so lucky to have all this near you. Thank you so much for sharing at OBW. I send you my sincere greetings wishing you a lovely day.

    1. @ riitta
      I'm so pleased by welcoming you here, dearest, precious friend of mine, I've been missing you such a lot and I'm so glad to see that you've joined the OBW group, I was going to, but I'm so overwhelmed with works of every kind, at home, gardens, woods and at the Short Lets, alas !

      May the remainder of your weekend bring much joy to you,
      thinking of you with much love and gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  15. Liebe Daniela,
    bei dir reist man in eine romantische Zeit der Blüten und der Poesie. Wunderbare Klänge unterstreichen die herrlichen Rosenträume.
    Ich danke dir, für diese schönen Minuten, der Besinnlichkeit und der Harmonie.
    Ganz liebe Grüße,

    1. @ Manuela
      meine liebe Freundin, deine Worte zu meinen Herz sprechen, Ich danke dir !

      Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntagabend, während ich dir Umarmungen und mehr Umarmungen sende ✿⊱╮

  16. Risposte
    1. @ Carol
      I thank you most sincerely, you're so heartily welcome !

      Enjoy your day, today, and your new week ahead ❀≼♥≽❀

  17. Oh, my, what lovely flowers! I love to see the old time roses.

    1. @ bettyl-NZ
      I'm so glad to have pleased you with my photographs, I also am fond of ancient roses, that's why we decided to fill our rose garden with them and to plant them ... everywhere !

      Enjoy your new week, sending dear hugs to you,
      with thankfulness ♡❤♡

  18. The flowers there are so gorgeous. Thank you for linking in with "Through My Lens"!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. @ Mersad
      thanks most sincerely, dear friend of mine, you're such a keen and so capable photographer, your words mean o much to me !

      Hope you're enjoiyng your week, I'm sending dear hugs to you, with utmost gratitude ❥

  19. So many magical roses. This post is like scrolling through a beautiful set of postcards.

    1. @ Gemma
      sweetest friend, your so very beautiful words sincerely make my day, I'm so grateful to you, you put a smile on my face !

      Hope you're having the best of weeks, I'm sending heartfelt hugs across the many miles ಌ❀ಌ

  20. You have created a delightful beautiful post with exquisite photos and words... so much so I will stop a while longer to smell and admire natures amazing work.
    When ever I see roses I think of my Grandmother who had an amazing rose garden. They were her pride and joy!
    I'm even contemplating adding more roses to my garden... thank you for the inspiration and beautiful start to the day ♡

    1. @ Neesie
      oh, how I'd had loved to have a stroll in your Grandmother's rose garden, I'm sure that it was such a charming, scented place, dearie, it is I who have to thank you for gracing my blog today both with your so lovely words and with your delightsome presence here, adding so much sweetness and delicacy to this page of mine !

      May the remainder of your week holds much joy, sending my dearest love to you, with sincere thankfulness ⊰✽*✽⊱

  21. Daniela....what a beautiful post :0) mari

    1. @ mari
      you're heartily welcome, thanks most sincerely for your appreciation, my friend !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week,
      I'm sending blessings on yor days to come •♥•♥•♥•

  22. Stunning photos and so very serene! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!

    1. @ Ros
      I'm always delighted by welcoming you here, sweetest friend of mine, your words fill my heart with joy !

      May your day be blessed with true gladness,
      sending my dearest and warmest hugs to you ♡ஐ♡

  23. How lovely to find a new post from you! The photographs of the roses are lovely - I imagine that I can smell them! This year I have planted a New Dawn and I can't wait for it to climb over the garage. It is still small but a prolific bloomer.

    1. @ Pondside
      my heart is full to overflowing, dearie, having you here is such a deep joy to me !
      You've chosen a beautiful and generous rose, you'll see, it will grow up fast and healthy, with so many flowers to smell.

      Sending hugs and ever much love to you ❀≼♥≽❀

  24. Such marvelous and breathtaking sights. I love flowers and these are some of the best. Thank you for making my day.

    1. @ LV
      it is I who have to thank you, sweetest friend, and I do with my heart filled with so much gladness, You've made my day, dearie, believe me !

      Have a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      sending blessings of joy to you ~✥~

  25. la rosa è davvero la regina incontrastata di ogni giardino...
    daniela tu con il tuo stile e la tua delicatezza le nobiliti infinitamente...
    ti auguro una piacevole serata:)

    1. @ daniela
      sei sempre così dolce, ti ringrazio infinitamente per le bellissime parole che colmano il mio cuore di letizia, averti qui è sempre una gioia profonda per me !

      Ti auguro una giornata prodiga di serenità, ringraziandoti ancora ಌ•❤•ಌ

  26. So good to have you back to posting once again, and what a beautiful post to come back with, those flowers are just lovely, I can almost imagine there lovely scents floating through the wind. Such pretty poems to go with them too. I especially love the bush that is growing up around the dead tree, that is so cool.
    May you have many more lovely days to enjoy these beautiful flowers!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      my heart is filled to overflowing, having you here is such a deep joy to me !
      I also love 'ramblers', they're roses climbing so very high, loving ruins and old trees, which they almost seem to give new life to, to be precise this is a bush of Malvern Hills, growing to 3.6m (12ft), one of the few ramblers repeating their flowering.

      Hope the remainder of your week holds much joy, I'm sending dear hugs to you, dearie ༺♡❀♡༻

  27. Hello Daniela, I was so happy to see your comment today. I have missed you. I know life just takes over and that is perfectly fine. So happy you are back me sweet friend.

    Your post sure made me smile today. I love flowers and your photos and the poetry is delightful. The pale pink roses are stunning. We all need to be reminded that we need to slow down and "breathe."

    Wishing you a wonderful week dear Dany.

    1. @ Jeanne
      I welcome you with such a warm, heartfelt hug, dearest, precious friend of mine, your words of understanding make me feel so serene, thanks most sincerely !
      And of course, to read that you've enjoyed this post of mine means so much to me !

      I hope your day is filled with so many little things which to feel joy for, I'm sending you all my love, with the most sincere gratitude ❥

  28. You definitely filled our world with so much beauty today.

    1. @ LV
      you're too generous with me, dearest friend, I'm feeling speechless, I have no words with which thank you for the beautiful words you wrote in your comment !

      Thanks most sincerely, I hug you with much, sincere love ღ❀ღ

  29. It is always a delight to look at your fantastic roses dear Dany. I could admire them from morning till night :) Thank you so much for linking with my FW. Have a sunny week, sending you my dearest greetings.

    1. @ riitta
      how absolutely delightful of you to come back to post another comment expressing all your appreciation, you're truly unique, dearie !

      May the remainder of your week be filled with much gladness ♥♡♥

  30. Well, there you are, sweet friend!
    I have so missed seeing you here.
    I hope you've had a wonderful summer. I am guessing by the look of these gorgeous roses, that it was a very, very good summer.
    Thank you so much for all the beauty here today.
    I wish you a wonderful week ahead!
    Sending you hugs. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      yes, finally here I am !
      I also have been missing you so, so much, sweetie, and to read your beautiful words today blesses my heart ... really !

      I'm thinking of you with love and heartfelt thankfulness, in the hope that your Summer too is flowing lovingly •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•

  31. Hello, Dear Daniella, it is so nice to have you back and sharing the sublime beauty of your summer with us. Such lovely poetry and delicate roses - we treasure every day of this wonderful season before we lose the roses once again. I hope you are able to finally relax for a while and smell the roses, my friend. Hugs to you xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      hello dearie, darling friend of mine, to read and to answer to this comment of yours fills my heart with such a true gladness I cannot express by words, believe me, I'm so sincerely grateful to you !

      *ஜ* Wishing you the best of weeks
      I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you *ஜ*

  32. Risposte
    1. @ amo sin blogg
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you !

      Wishing you all my best for the remainder of your week ✿⊱╮

  33. @ simply bev
    I'm so grateful for your words, sweet friend !

    ✿ Enjoy the remainder of your week ✿

  34. I do hope that you and your nearest are allright?!!♥♥♥

    1. @ riitta
      you're so very darling !
      Fortunately we do live in Northern Italy, quite far from the zone hit by the earthquake, that doesn't mean that we all aren't so very sad for the tragedy which has interested once more the central part of our peninsula ... I'm so very grieved for all those people, died or still under the rubble of their homes - if they do survive they've got anything at all - whole ancient countries razed to the ground ... I'm truly shocked by the scenes I've watched on TV.

      Thank you with all my heart for your interest and love,
      *♥* they mean so much to me *♥*

    2. I'm so relieved to hear that you are safe. Even my husband has been worrying - for he loves to listen to your Mozart... My thoughts are with all the victims and their nearest.

    3. @ riitta
      you're really a true friend, dearie, I thank you both for your thought ❥

      This is becoming a tragedy of increasing proportions, alas, I'm sincerely feeling so sad for all the victims ...

  35. Beautiful soothing and peaceful post. I am leaving your lovely music up while I visit the other Art of Homemaking links. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. @ Grantham Lynn
      how absolutely delightful to read your so beautiful words, I'm very thankful to you, dear friend, you put a smile on my face even if today my thoughts are with the victims of the terrible earthquake which hit the centre of our peninsula ... poor people !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week,
      I'm wishing you all my best for your days to come ✿⊱╮

  36. I have been traveling a great deal and I have missed the quiet beauty of your posts. This one is so lovely, so alive, I can practically smell the fragrance of the roses.

    1. @ Jeanie
      dear, darest friend, actually I've been absent for more than a month and a half, so I think you haven't lost anything, indeed, I'm sure that your travels have enriched your heart and your spirit so much !

      The thing is that I had to allow myself a period of 'interlude' due firstable to work reasons - the Short Lets I manage here at Tenuta Geremia, the speech about the Empress of Austria I had to prepare and to perform at the conference which was held last Saturday at Madonna di Campiglio, in our Dolomiti, some works of restoration here and the family to join and follow ... actually I couldn't be everywhere !

      So overjoyed to welcome you here again, I'm sending my dearest love to you, with utmost thankfulness ♡❤♡

  37. My kind and dear Dany, words cannot exress how happy I am to have you back in the blogging community. Oh, how I greatly missed you and your lovely posts. You, my dear, are an inspiration.

    I so enjoyed my walk through your roses - what delicate petals and sweet beauty. I can almost smell their sweet scent....

    Thinking of you, dear one. I am VERY HAPPY to learn you are okay though my heart breaks for the precious people in your country. Much love to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      I do understand what you mean, sweetie, I also am feeling such a joy I cannot give voice to, to be here with you again means to have recovered such a precious treasure, believe me !

      Honestly the tragedy which has affected my Country makes me shiver, I'm praying for those who have been so unfortunate to lose all they had ... their home, their family ... if not even their own life ... I wonder how can they survive with such a deep pain ... Hope in the Lord's blessings for them all !

      Sending my dearest love to you, while wishing you lovely days to come •♥•♥•♥•

  38. Hi Dani... hope you and yours are keeping safe... just watching the news about the earthquake in Italy is making me so sick with grieve for your people... My heart and prayers goes to the beautiful Italy and its people today... blessings to you, my dear lovely Dani...



  39. Oh my dear Dani, I'm so happy to see you here today... was just watching the news about the terrible earthquake that has affected your beautiful Italy and its lovely people and felt so sad... I cried when they showed that precious girl, Julia being saved out of the rubble... how sad our little world most feel so do such a thing... please be safe my friend... my prayers for Italy today...


    1. @ CIELO
      don't worry about me, dearie, yes, I'm safe, for I live quite far from the area hit by this terrible tragedy, I live in Northern Italy, and I'm leaving hours of grief, praying for those people who have lost everything in their lives, if they're still alive they have to start everything again ... from nothing ... having just a heap of dust ... May the Lord give them the strenght they need ...

      I'm so grateful to you for your sincere concern showing your love, thank you, you're truly a sensible, sweet-hearted Lady, darling ❀≼♥≽❀

  40. Beautiful. Just so beautiful it makes my heart so happy.
    I am happy you are back.
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie
      and I'm so very, very happy to have you here again, dearie, you mean so much to me and I've been missing you a lot !

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your Sunday and on your new week ahead, with my heart filled with joy ༺✿*✿*✿༻

  41. Daniela, it's so good to have you back! We miss your beautiful images and music when you aren't here.

    I hope you've had a wonderful although very busy summer.


    1. @ Stacey
      with your presence here and your words you truly bless my afternoon, sweetie, I wholeheartedly thank you !

      Hope you're having a beautiful Sunday, I'm sending my dearest love on your new week to come ⊰✽*✽⊱

  42. Carissima Daniela, che foto belle!! Una più dell'altra.... Immergersi fa bene all'anima e ogni volta che passo da te ho sempre una sensazione strana.... resterei li .... Ma i mille impegni uff sempre di corsa. Un abbraccio cara e grazie! Woody

    1. @ WOODY
      grazie a te carissima, sono così tanto felice di riaverti qui, dolce amica mia, le tue parole sono musica per il mio cuore !

      Contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con immenso affetto e gratitudine sincera, che la tua serata scorra lieta e che la nuova settimana sia prodiga di letizia per te ❥

  43. I am glad to read in the comments that you are safe from the terrible destruction. I have been saddened by the news...Italy holds a special place in my heart. The roses are lovely my friend. We planted several rose bushes in the Spring and I am enjoying the pretty blooms. Sweet hugs, Diane

    1. @ Diane
      we all in our Country are mourning the poor victims of this terrible tragedy, and what to say about the destruction which only earthquakes bring ... so many historic places of ours are razed to the ground !

      I'm so glad to read that you also are enjoying your roses in bloom, they bring so much joy to our heart, don't they, sweet friend of mine ?!?

      Thanking you so much for your visit today and for your words, I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you ♥♡♥

  44. Belíssimas fotos, adorei as flores.
    Tenha um ótimo fim de semana.

    1. @ Anajà
      eu te agradeço com todo o meu coração, você é bem-vindo aqui !

      Tenha um excelente final de semana, abraços carinhosos ღ❀ღ

  45. Love these beautiful words and photos! Your blog is a beauty ♥

    1. @ Summer
      you're so heartily welcome, thank you !

      Hope you're enjoying your Sunday with joy and love •♥•♥•♥•

  46. Pretty pink smiles all around. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post. HPS and enjoy your weekend and your new week too.

    1. @ Annesphamily
      it is I who have to thank you, dear friend, and I do it with my heart full of deep and sincere joy !

      ✿⋰ Hope you're having the best of weekends ⋱✿

  47. Dang, welcome to Mosaic Monday and thank you so much for sharing these stunning roses. I don't think I've ever seen so many beautiful specimens or colours together in one place before, not even in any of the botanical gardens I've ever visited around the globe.
    Happy MM!

    1. @ Maggie
      my heart is overflowing with joy, you're so generous with me, your beautiful words are such a precious gift to me !!!

      So very glad to have pleased you and sincerely honoured by linking this post of mine with your 'Mosaic Monday', I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you ❀≼♥≽❀

  48. That was a beautiful walk through your garden. What amazing roses! Emily is one of my favorites so the poetry was lovely, too. A perfect complement to your post.

    1. @ Vee
      you're so heartily welcome, my new friend, your words make my day !

      Wishing you all my best for the remainder of your week ♡❤♡

  49. Stunning post .. beautiful images with Emily Dickinson's words. Happy Monday!

    1. @ Snap
      happy day to you and thank you so much for visiting today, I welcome you with a big hug !

      Sending you love and blessings ❥

  50. Your lovely blossoms truly delight my soul! I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. @ Decor to Adore
      ... and your so beautiful words fill my heart with the deepest joy ever, thank you for your so wonderful Gift !

      Wishing you too the best of weeks,
      I'm thinking of you with dear love •♥•♥•♥•

  51. Gorgeous roses, I can imagine the fragrance they emit.

    1. @ Judith
      I know you as a keen and capable gardener, with so much experience and talent, that's why your words are so very precious to me, indeed, they bless my heart with gladness, thank you, dearest friend !

      May the remainder of your week bring you so much joy ⊰✽*✽⊱

  52. I cannot pass by a rose bush without trying to smell the flower. This was a beautiful post and made me wish that it came with scent as well as pictures and lovely music!!
    It is good to hear that you are safe. What a tragedy for your country.

    1. @ Pondside
      I have to admit that I also do the same facing a rose bush :) !
      Thank you for your so beautiful words about my roses ... and about my health, dearest friend of mine, your concern and understanding for what hit our Italy fill my heart !

      Wishing you much love for your days to come, and thank you again for your delicious recipe ♡ஐ♡

  53. Risposte
    1. @ Jan
      how absolutely delightful of you, it is I who have to be grateful to you !

      Enjoy your day, today, and may your days to come be filled with so many little things which to be glad for ✿⊱╮

  54. Risposte
    1. @ Deb
      how beautiful your comment is, I heartily thank you !
      I'm coming and visit you immediately !

      Sending dear hugs ❀≼♥≽❀

  55. Absolutely lovely! (stopping by from Wordless Wednesday)

    1. @ Wendy
      you're so welcome, I'm very grateful to you !

      ❖ Hope you're enjoying your day with gladness and love ❖

    2. @ Wendy
      I've just joined your Wordless Wednesday too, and I did it with joy, thank you sweet friend !

      Sending hugs across the miles ♡ஐ♡

  56. Dany, what beautiful, beautiful flowers you've photographed! I love pink roses and other pink blossoms! The poetry is a perfect fit with your images. Your blog has such a lovely vintage charm. It's so nice to meet you this morning and I invite you to join my WW linky party. In case you do not know, your Google follow isn't working. Have a fototastic day!

    Affinity photo-edit play Cumberland Falls Kentucky

    1. @ Cathy
      I sincerely thank you, the roses we are growing in our estate are such a treasure to me, they bless my heart each year more and more and I'm so glad to read that you're so pleased by my photographs !

      As for the gadget I checked it and it's working, probably you haven't a Google + account, that's the only chance you have to add to my followers ( things have changed less than a month ago, until then you coul join with every profile you wanted, now things are different and more difficult, I wonder why ! ).

      Wishing you a most wonderful end of your week ahead •♥•♥•♥•

    2. @ Cathy
      I'v just linked-up this post of mine with your Wordless Wednesday too ツ !

  57. Che post meraviglioso Dany ... il nostro paradiso ...
    Un bacio
    Tuo Ross

    1. @ Ross
      sì, il nostro paradiso ...
      Un bacio grande a te, a più tardi tesoro ♡❤♡

  58. What a lovely post this is, filled with the soft colours and textures of summer roses and accompanied by beautiful music.
    I see that you are from northern Italy - please accept my heartfelt sympathy and prayers for the people of your country who have suffered and lost so much in the recent earthquakes.

    1. @ Lorrie
      you're truly a sweet-hearted Lady, I heartily thank you for your thought for the tragedy which affected my Country lately and for the people who have lost so much in their lives !

      I thank you for the lovely words of appreciation for this post of mine, as well, dear friend, you fill my heart with joy, thank you for this too !

      Hope you're having a nice day, today,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come ❥

  59. Beautiful photos, beautiful music, beautiful blog.
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. @ NC Sue
      I welcome you with a sincere hug, your words mean so much to me sweet friend !

      Much Love ಌ•❤•ಌ

  60. What gorgeous flowers, poem and photos! Are they ranunculas? One of my favorite flowers!Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Charm, friend! Hope to see you there again tomorrow morning! xoKathleen

    1. @ Kathleen
      I'm always in high spirits when I welcome you here, dearest friend of mine, thank you for visiting !

      They're all roses, ancient and English roses, growing in Tenuta Geremia, the estate where we live ...

      Wishing you a joyous day, today, I'm sending my dearest love for wishing you a most beautiful weekend ever too *♥*

  61. Hello, Dany! I enjoyed this lovely post and the gorgeous roses. Great captures of the bee, bunny and the duck. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      you're always so sweet, dearest friend, it is I who have to thank you for your loveliness !

      Wishing you too a beautiful day and a lovely end of your week, sending hugs and ever much love to you ✿⊱╮

  62. Dear Dany, this was just stunning! Thank you for sharing a part of your "beautiful little old world"... I felt like I was walking through a different era... Thank you for the much needed repose.

    1. @ JES
      how absolutely delightful to have you here after so much time, you bless my heart both with your gracious presence here and with your so beautiful, beautiful words, thank you, precious friend of mine !

      Hope your week is off to great start I'm sending my dearest hugs across the many miles, thinking of you with so much love ♡ஐ♡

  63. Your roses are absolutely gorgeous. Such beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing at You’re The Star,

    1. @ Bev
      it is I who want to thank you for your kindness and gentleness, your words of appreciation bless my day, I'm sincerely grateful to you for this, sweet friend of mine !

      In the hope you're enjoing the best of weeks,
      I'm sending blessings on your coming days ❥

  64. Amazing beauty dear Daniela. Thank you for linking at Friday Bliss. Warm weekend greetings.

    1. riitta K
      I'm sincerely grateful to you for gracing my Blog today, Dear Friend, yours is such a precious presence to me!
      Wishing you too a wonderful Fall weekend ༺❀༻
