Diceva di chiamarsi Aina ...
Lady Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Camille Silvy, 1862
Quando due anni più tardi il Commodore Fredrick E. Forbes di H.M.S., inviato da Sua Maestà la Regina Victoria per perseguire il commercio degli schiavi ed eliminare la schiavitù da quelle zone così tanto provate, atterrò a Dahoney, fu subito colpito dalla fanciulla e negoziò con il re affinchè le venisse consegnata:
Aina, acquerello by Octavius Oakley, RWS (1800 - 1867)
"Un dono del re dei neri alla regina dei bianchi" furono queste le parole con cui il re tiranno consegnò la piccola, sola, indifesa e spaventata tra le braccia del Capitano della fregata Bonetta ... " Rifiutare avrebbe significato il firmare la sua condanna a morte, la quale, probabilmente, sarebbe stata eseguita immediatamente. Subito dopo il mio arrivo ...
Della sua propria storia ella possedeva solo un'idea confusa. I suoi genitori erano stati decapitati; il destino del fratello e le sorelle ignora quale sia stato." scrisse il Capitano Forbes tra le pagine del suo diario ; Sarah fu il nome che questi scelse per lei, per la nuova vita che l'attendeva in Inghilterra, Forbes era il suo stesso cognome, che volle estendere alla fanciulla, quasi come se si sentisse autorizzato da una qualche sorta di paternità spirituale, e Bonetta era il nome della fregata su cui ella avrebbe viaggiato verso il suo nuovo mondo, dove l'attendeva quella civiltà e quell'amore che mai aveva conosciuto ( è tuttavia facile trovare documenti in cui i suoi cognomi hanno ordine inverso ).
Dopo un anno di navigazione durante il quale il Capitano Forbes concluse il proprio mandato, Sarah raggiunse con lui Londra: era il 9 novembre del 1851 quando la Regina Victoria ed il principe consorte Albert l'accolsero a Buckingham Palace e subito, entrambi, provarono quella tenerezza, che si fece immediatamente amore e bisogno di proteggere, la piccola, incantevole orfana dalla pelle scura e giurarono a sé stessi che da quel giorno di lei si sarebbero presi cura: rimasti entrambi impressionati dalle facoltà intellettive della piccola che divenne presto un'assidua frequentatrice del palazzo reale - già Forbes scriveva di lei sul suo diario: "Ella è un genio perfetto; ora parla bene l'inglese, e possiede un grande talento per la musica ... E' di gran lunga in anticipo rispetto a qualsiasi bambino bianco della sua età in quanto ad apprendimento, a forza d'animo ed affetto ... " - decisero di finanziare le spese necessarie per la sua istruzione e la regina nominò Sarah sua figlioccia.
Dopo poco meno di un anno dal suo arrivo a Londra la piccola fu affetta da una tosse insistente, che peraltro caratterizzava tutte le persone di colore che abitavano le città dell'isola britannica, forse dovuta al suo clima governato precipuamente dall'umidità, forse dovuta alle polveri di carbone che le prime industrie spargevano nell'aria, sta di fatto che Victoria pensò bene che per Sarah fosse più salutare un clima quale quello della Sierra Leone, dove venne quindi inviata e dove fu istruita al Female Institution, un istituto scolastico promosso e curato dalla Chiesa Missionaria a Freetown.
Ma Sarah avvertiva la mancanza della vicinanza e dell'affetto della regina che le aveva donato la sua nuova vita, alla quale chiese di essere ricondotta in patria già nel 1855; aveva quindi dodici anni quando fece ritorno in Inghilterra e venne affidata alle cure di Mr & Mrs Schon a Chatam, essendo nel frattempo venuto a mancare il Capitano Forbes.
Lady Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Camille Silvy, Brighton, 1862
Nel 1862 troviamo la diciannovenne Sarah, già adulta ed educata come una vera Lady al punto da essere stata inserita dalla regina nei ranghi più elevati della società londinese, tra gli invitati al matrimonio della principessa Louise e nell'agosto del medesimo anno ella stessa contrasse matrimonio, dapprincipio dimostrando una certa ostilità, poi cedendo al volere della regina, con James Pinson Labulo Davies, un facoltoso uomo d'affari Yoruba che viveva in Gran Bretagna ( Sarah aveva 19 anni, James ne aveva 34, quasi una generazione per la loro cultura li separava ed era probabilmente questo il motivo della sua iniziale contrarietà ).
Si racconta che il suo sia stato realmente un matrimonio indimenticabile: dopo mesi di preparativi esso venne celebrato nella Chiesa di St Nicholas' a Brighton ed ella era accompagnata da 16 damigelle e seguita da 10 carrozze in cui si distinguevano Ladies bianche con mariti africani e viceversa, Gentlemen bianchi con mogli africane.
Poco dopo il matrimonio la coppia si trasferì in Nigeria, dove James era stato nominato membro del Consiglio legislativo e dove nacquero i tre figli di Sarah, Victoria (1863), Arthur (1871), e Stella (1873); non è un caso che la prima bimba che ella diede alla luce recasse il nome della regina: ella espresse infatti a Sua Maestà il desiderio di averla come madrina anche della sua prima figlia ed Ella, onorata, acconsentì con piacere.
Frattanto la tosse di Sarah non solo non diede segno alcuno di miglioramento, ma continuò a peggiorare e fu così che su consiglio di Sua maestà ella venne condotta dal marito a Madeira, per l'esattezza presso Funchal, la capitale dell'isola portoghese in cui era viva la speranza di strapparla alla tubercolosi da cui si era scoperto ella era stata affetta, ma, dopo una breve sofferenza, la povera principessa, dopo aver sognato la felicità, si spense all'età di soli 37 anni.
Il 15 agosto del 1880, la regina Victoria annoterà tristemente nel suo diario :
"Ho appena visto la povera Victoria Davies, la mia figlioccia di colore, che ha appreso questa mattina della morte della sua cara mamma".
La Regina Victoria era molto affezionata alla sua seconda figlioccia, intelligente e talentuosa come la madre, che seguiva con amore al punto che, con orgoglio e fierezza, quando ella superò brillantemente i suoi esami di musica, proclamò un giorno di vacanza per gli insegnanti e gli alunni !
Spero che la storia di Sarah, anche se non a lieto fine, ahimè, abbia interessato voi quanto ha incuriosito, interessato ed affascinato me, ponendomi di fronte ad uno spaccato della società vittoriana londinese che mi è apparso nuovo, poiché supponevo che al tempo le persone di colore, anche in Inghilterra, non fossero trattate alla stregua delle altre autoctone e che ancora vigesse una qualche forma di intolleranza nei loro confronti, come in quegli anni stava accadendo in America e continuerà ad accadere ancora fino a che il presidente Abraham Lincoln non deciderà di fermare il corso di questa loro triste storia.
Prendo quindi congedo da voi, carissimi amici e lettori, non senza, però, avervi prima augurato ogni bene, con affetto e riconoscenza, dandovi appuntamento
a presto ♥
Walter Dean Myers, At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England, Scholastic Trade, New York, First Edition First Printing 1999.
She said her name was Aina ...
- picture 1 - Lady Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Camille Silvy, 1862
and for sure they knew that she was born in 1843 in what was then known as the 'Coast of the slaves', which was situated in the south eastern part of today's state of Nigeria ... it was a Egbado clan princess of the Yoruba people, made enslaved by King Gezo of Dahomey who, after attacking in a bloodbath her village in 1847, he killed both her parents and every sibling of hers.
When two years later the Commodore Fredrick E. Forbes HMS, sent by Her Majesty Queen Victoria to pursue the slave trade and to eliminate slavery from those areas, landed in Dahoney, he was immediately struck by the little girl and negotiated with the King:
- picture 2 - Aina when the Captain Forbes saw her for the first time, water colour by Octavius Oakley RWS (1800 - 1867)
"A gift from the King of the Blacks to the Queen of the Whites" these were the words with which the tyrant King handed the small, alone, helpless and frightened baby girl in the arms of the captain of the frigate Bonetta ... "To refuse would have meant signing her sentence to death, which probably would have taken place immediately.... Of her own story she had only a confused idea. Her parents had been beheaded; she ignored what the fate of her brother and sisters was." Captain Forbes wrote in the pages of his diary; Sarah was the name he chose for her, for the new life that awaited her in England, Forbes was his own surname, which he would extend to the girl, almost as if he felt entitled to some sort of spiritual fatherhood, and Bonetta was the name of the frigate on which she would travel to her new world, where that civilization and love which she still never knew were waiting for her ( it's easy to find documents in which her surnames have the reverse order).
After a year of navigation during which the Captain Forbes concluded his mandate, Sarah reached London with him: it was November 9th, 1851 when Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort Albert received her at Buckingham Palace and at once, both proved that tenderness, which immediately became love and wish to protect the small, charming, dark-skinned orphan and swore to themselves that from that day they'd take care of her: both of them were impressed by the intellectual faculties of the little girls who soon became an assiduous frequenter of the royal palace - already Forbes wrote about her in his diary: "She is a perfect genius who now speaks English well, and has a great talent for music ... and she's by far in advance of any white child of her age as for learning attitudes, fortitude and affection ... "- and decided to finance the costs necessary for her education and soon the Queen appointed Sarah her goddaughter.
After less than a year since her arrival in London she was affected by a persistent cough, which also characterizes all the black people who lived in the British towns of the island, perhaps due to its climate primarily governed by moisture, perhaps due the coal dust that the first industries scattered in the air; the fact is that Victoria thought well that Sarah was healthier in a climate such as that of Sierra Leone, where she was then sent, and where she was educated at the Female Institution, promoted and managed by the Missionary Church in Freetown.
But Sarah noticed the lack of the closeness and of the affection of the Queen who had given her a new life, and so she asked Her to be brought back at home already in 1855; she had then twelve years old when she returned to England and was put in the care of Mr & Mrs Schon in Chatam, having Captain Forbes in the meantime passed away.
- picture 3 - Lady Sarah Forbes Bonetta by Camille Silvy, Brighton, 1862
In 1862 we find the nineteen years old Sarah, already an adult and educated as a true Lady to the point that she was positioned by the Queen in the highest ranks of the the Londoner society, among the guests at the wedding of Princess Louise and in August of the same year she herself was married , demonstrating some hostility at first, then yielding to the will of the Queen, with James Pinson Labulo Davies, a wealthy Yoruba businessman who lived in Britain (Sarah was 19, James 34, almost a generation separated them in their culture and this was probably the reason for her initial opposition)
- picture 4
- picture 5
It is said that her was truly an unforgettable wedding: after months of preparation it was celebrated in the Church of St Nicholas' in Brighton and she was accompanied by 16 bridesmaids and followed by 10 carriages in which were distinguished white Ladies with African husbands and vice versa, white Gentlemen with African wives.
- picture 6
Shortly after the marriage the couple moved to Nigeria, where James was nominated member of the Legislative Council and where their three children Victoria (1863), Arthur (1871) and Stella (1873) were born; it isn't a coincidence that the first child that Sarah gave birth to was named Victoria: she expressed to Her Majesty the desire to have Her as godmother of her first daughter too, and She, honored, consented with pleasure.
Meanwhile Sarah's cough didn't give any sign of improvement, but continued to worsen and so it was that on the advice of Her Majesty she was lead by her husband to Madeira, to be exact at Funchal, the capital of the Portuguese island, where it was alive the hope of tearing her from tuberculosis from which it was discovered she was suffering, but, after a short suffering, the poor princess, after dreaming of happiness, died at the age of just 37 years.
- picture 7
On 15 August 1880, Queen Victoria will write sadly in Her diary:
" Saw poor Victoria Davies, my black godchild, who learnt this morning of the death of her dear mother".
Queen Victoria was very fond with her second goddaughter, as intelligent and talented as her mother, who She followed with love to the point that, with pride, when she successfully passed her music exams, proclaimed a day of holiday for teachers and pupils !
I hope that the story of Sarah, though not happy ending, alas, has affected you as much as it intrigued, interested and fascinated me, placing myself in front of a view of London's Victorian society that appeared new to me, because I assumed that at that time people of color, even in England, were not treated in the same way as whites and still there was some form of intolerance towards them, as in those years was happening in America, and will continue to happen until President Abraham Lincoln won't decide to stop the course of this sad story of theirs.
So I take my leave of you, dearest friends and readers of mine, not without, however, having first wished all my best, with affection and gratitude, and giving you appointment at
very soon ♥
Walter Dean Myers, At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England, Scholastic Trade, New York, First Edition First Printing 1999.
Walter Dean Myers, At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England, Scholastic Trade, New York, First Edition First Printing 1999.
Daniela, Lady Sarah was a beautiful and graceful young woman. The old photos are outstanding..Happy Wednesday..Judy
RispondiElimina@ Judy
Eliminasweet friend of mine,I'm so glad to read your words of enjoyement, I wish you too a wonderful day, today !
With much gratitude I'm sending you love and hugs ಌ❀ಌ
Bellissima storia...brava
Elimina@ Lety Candy
Eliminasei la benvenuta qui e ti accolgo con un dolce abbraccio, sono davvero lieta che questa 'favola' a lieto fine ti sia piaciuta !
E che la tua giornata ti sorrida di gioia,
mia nuova amica ❥
Dear Daniela,
RispondiEliminathat was a very interesting lesson in history (one of my favourite subjects at school). Soon I´ll write a post about lovely Queen Luise of Prussia. She died at the age of only 34 and was one of the most beloved Queen´s in Germany. Maybe then you come for a visit?
A wonderful time for you, Barbara xx
@ Barbara
Eliminaof course I'm coming and visit you, be sure, I know and love the only daughter of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor, and I'm so overjoyed to read that you also love History, I've always loved it so much to the point to decide to study it at the University and to teach it together with philosophy !
I must confess you that I have a post about this wonderful lady already scheduled, but I'm going to change the date of its publication, because I don't want it to appear so near to yours, it would truly of bad taste !!!
⊰♥⊱ May your day be filled with joy ⊰♥⊱
Thank you for sharing this interesting history. It does sound familiar to me. Was there perhaps a movie on Sarah Forbes Bonetta? Perhaps I am mistaking her for the Hawaiian women Queen Victorian adopted with a similar story? Or I am confusing it all?? Thank you for any clarification you can give Dany!
RispondiElimina@ JES
Eliminaprecious friend of mine, I'm so overjoyed to have you here, as usual, and for your question too !
None has still thought of making a film about this amazing little orphan, became such a lovely Lady, but I think this story is fit for a great film !
Probably you watched the film about Victoria - Vicky Kaʻiulani, Crown Princess of the Hawaiian Kingdom - Sandwiches Islands at that time -, named after Queen Victoria, but never adopted by Her Majesty; its title is 'Princess Ka'iulani' and it hasn't arrived in Italy, yet ... since 2009, so, as you could easily understand, I haven't watched it, alas, but I read some enthralling reviews about it a few years ago.
I hope to have pleased your curiosity, darling, and pray, ask me anything you want, I do love to give explanations to you, as much as my knowledge allows me, of course, you show me your interest in this way, and you tell me you've enjoyed what you read !
With much thankfulness I wish you all my best for the days to come, sending blessings of joy to you ✿⊱╮
Yes, I do believe you are right! Thank you!
Elimina@ JES
Eliminait's my pleasure, my beloved friend,
much love to you ღ
Hello Dany!
RispondiEliminaThis was a very interesting historical story and one I never knew before. How sad that Sarah was taken form her family and her parents killed during the cruel age of slavery, but how fortunate for her that Queen Victoria became her Godmother and educated and cared for her.The photos are wonderful. Do you know what became of her daughter, Victoria as she grew up after her mother's death? Did she stay in England?
@ Pat
Eliminamarvellous friend, it's such a blessing to have you here, thank you for visiting and for your questions, as well !
Victoria was so very frequently at the Royal Palace in London and lived in strict contact with the Queen, especially after her mother's death, until she married in 1890 John K. Randle, a doctor from Nigeria who was involved in politics too, so I think that since then she followed her husband, visiting anyway her Godmother when she could.
A curiosity: as Godmother, Queen Victoria, since her christening, had bestowed her an allowance of ₤40 for life and for her marriage, She donated her the material for her wedding gown.
So honoured and pleased by your interest, sweetest friend of mine, I wish you a most wonderful remainder of your week, in the hope that now your eyes are going well, now !
With so much thankfulness, I'm sending dear, so dear love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ
Hello, what an amazing history lesson. She was lovely, very sad she died so young.
RispondiEliminaBlessings, Roxy
@ Roxy
Eliminayour smile brightens my evening and blesses my heart, wonderful friend of mine, I wholeheartedly thank you both for visiting and for your beautiful words !
May the remainder of your week be filled with the deepest Joy ever, thinking of you with love and gratitude ❥
Sarah's fate is like a fairy tale. Those were cruel times and tuberculosis a cruel disease.
RispondiEliminaMy best wishes and thanks to you Dany <3
@ riitta
Eliminayes, something like a short, sad fairy tale, poor darling !
While giving for sure the badness of tuberculosis disease, I'm led to think that people of colour had also less defenses than us against the illnesses of the civilized world, so as it happened for Indians when Europeans went to the New World and brought so many illness they didn't even know.
Thank you, dearest friend of mine, your comments are always so graceful and intelligent, sending dear hugs for thanking you so sincerely ♡ஐ♡
Ciao Daniela, storia triste e bella nello stesso tempo! All'inizio il tuo post mi ha ricordato un film che ho visto di recente dal titolo La ragazza del dipinto. Pensavo si trattasse della stessa persona invece sono differenti. Nel film la storia di Dido Elisabeth Belle nel tuo post questa figlioccia della regina che francamente non conoscevo. Sono vite belle e toccanti che segnano gli albori di un percorso storico di cui conosciamo tutta la complessità e le ingiustizie attraverso i libri. Davanti alle vicende biografiche come questa e quella di Dido e magari di tante altre, non possiamo che trarre lezioni di storia e di vita.
RispondiEliminaCiao, alla prossima!:)
@ Valeria
Eliminamia cara, mi suggerisci un argomento che da tempo mi piacerebbe trattare qui, conosco la toccante storia di Dido anche se ammetto che non ho visto il film e che mi piacerebbe vederlo, davvero !
Ringraziandoti per la graditissima visita, è sempre una grande gioia accoglierti qui, ti auguro una piacevole serata ed un lieto prosieguo di settimana,
con tutto il cuore *♥*
Dany I had no idea! I have never heard this amazing story and am so glad you posted about it.
RispondiElimina@ Lisa
Eliminayour enjoyment and pleasure is my gladness, you feed my enthusiasm and my passion, believe me !
Sending blessings of joy ஐღஐ
Another unique page of history. Which I would never have heard of, without you telling it to me.
RispondiEliminaGentle hugs,
@ Tessa
Eliminayou're of a unique kindness and delicacy, my darling, your words are always so proper and gentle, your sweetness brightens my evening with joy !
Have a remainder of your week blessed with the deepest gladness ever, dearie, sending love to you,
with so much thankfulness ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥
I too was very surprised to see a black women in such finery at that time in history. It gave me such great pleasure to hear that Queen Victoria was so taken by her and tried so hard to have her in places that would be best for her health. It is so sad to hear that she died at such a young age. How hard that must have been to be stripped from your parents and siblings at such a young age and to go somewhere totally new to you. How wonderful there were caring people to take her in and treat her like their own family, so good to hear after all the bad things you hear about that time in history. Thanks for sharing another very interesting post!
RispondiElimina@ Connie
Eliminathank you for your words of praise, yor enjoyement and your interest mean so much to me, sweetest friend !
Sending blessings on your day, today, and much love on your days to come, beloved friend of mine, with so much gratitude ∗༺♡❀♡༻∗
You always bring us the most interesting stories, Dany. It is a case of life being stranger than fiction.
@ Amalia
Eliminawhat a sweetness you always bring here, dearie, I'm so thankful to you for this !
May the remainder be filled with joy,
sending love and hugs to you ❥
Interesting part of history!
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing it with us. You do a great job at teaching us so much.
Many hugs
@ annie
Eliminamy lovely friend, you're always far generous with me!
What I love most is that you enjoy my writing, that's the most beautiful and priceless gift to me !
Sending blessings of joy on your day, sweetie ♡❤♡
Anch'io come Valeria all'inizio della lettura del tuo
RispondiEliminapost, pensavo parlassi di Dido che ho conosciuto vedendo
il film. Questa bellissima storia ma molto triste, fa veramente
onore alla Regina Vittoria, specialmente dato il periodo!
Ti abbraccio mia cara, è stato bello parlare con te l'altro
giorno, ma soprattutto sentire la tua fantastica risata....
Love Susy ♥
@ Susy
Eliminatesoro caro, hai davvero un cuore d'oro !
Grazie per tutte le bellissime parole che hai scritto nel tuo commento ed hai ragione, questo è stato un atto che ha davvero reso onore alla Regina Victoria, che certamente lo fece spinta da istinto materno, non di certo per esibizionismo, non era davvero il tipo, ed è anche per questo che la ammiriamo così tanto, per la sua spontaneità !
Sentirti e ridere con te è stato davvero meraviglioso, lo ammetto, e mi ha fatto un gran bene, dovresti farmi ridere più spesso !
Ti abbraccio con il cuore augurandoti una giornata colma di serenità, un bacione a MrCottage ಌ❀ಌ
Thank you for this fascinating story, the old pictures are of an outstanding beauty. It was an unknown story to me, but the way you share it with us is wonderful!
RispondiElimina@ Janneke
Eliminadearest, sweetest friend of mine, what a blessing to have you here during this so hard moment of your life ... it touches me in the deep !
Thank you with all my heart, sending much love to you and, promise, take care ... with the most sincere love *✥*♡*✥*
Ti ringrazio per la meravigliosa, romantica storia di questa dolce principessa. Non sapevo nulla e mai avrei pensato, che in epoca vittoriana, le persone di colore fossero trattate con tanto rispetto considerando che in questi anni, altrove, dilagava la schiavitù.
@ Alessandra
Eliminacarissima, come io stessa ho scritto nelle conclusioni di questo mio post, questa storia rappresenta un aspetto della cultura vittoriana quasi del tutto misconosciuto, ma così tanto degno di nota, secondo me, sapevo l'avresti apprezzata !
Ti auguro un sereno weekend stringendomi a te in un calorosissimo, dolce abbraccio, colmo di affetto e di gratitudine,
grazie ... sempre ✿⊱╮
Una storia che ha un inizio ed un finale triste, purtroppo. Mi hai riportato alla mente la storia di S. Bakhita, che tra l'altro ha vissuto proprio vicino a dove vivo io. Questa meravigliosa creatura ha, seppur per pochi anni, vissuto una sorta di favola, strappandola da un destino crudele. Non sapevo nulla di lei e ti ringrazio per aver ulteriormente arricchito il mio bagaglio di conoscenza. Sei un'enciclopedia vivente Daniela. Buon fine settimana carissima. Paola
RispondiElimina@ Paola
Eliminacarissima, dolcissima amica mia, un'enciclopedia vivente ... mi vedi così ... sei davvero troppo generosa con me !
Sono lieta che ti sia stata gradevole la lettura di questo post che per affinità ti ha riportata a Santa Giuseppina Bakita che ammetto di non conoscere così bene tanto da ignorare che avesse vissuto in Veneto, mi piacerebbe documentarmi sulla sua vita.
Ringraziandoti per il buon cuore, come sempre, ti auguro una bellissima serata, un sereno riposo ed un risveglio illuminato dal sole della gioia, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ಌ•❤•ಌ
What a beautiful woman, and such an interesting story, Dany.
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing, sweet friend, and I wish you a beautiful weekend. xo.
@ Lisa
Eliminasweetest friend, you're right, she was also a beautiful woman and became such a lovely Lady, I'm so very glad you've enjoyed this post of mine too !
Sending blessings of joy on your weekend, dearie,
thinking of you with love and thankfulness ❀≼♥≽❀
A me questa storia mi ha fatto venire i brividi e mi ha emozionato!Peccato che si sia spenta troppo presto!!Un bacione a te!rosetta
RispondiElimina@ Rosetta
Eliminadolce amica dal cuore tenero, è realmente una storia emozionante e mi stupisce che nessuno abbia mai pensato a farne un film ... la sua biografia inoltre è stata pubblicata relativamente di recente (1999), ma io la considero in tutta onestà una storia esemplare, che va ricordata e che ci permette di conoscere più da vicino l'amata Regina del Popolo !
Un bacione anche a te, carissima,
che la vita ti sorrida, sempre,
te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ♡ஐ♡
Hello dany, I enjoyed the story of Sarah. It is sad that she died so early. I think both Sarha and he daughter were bless being the Goddaugher of Queen Victoria. Thanks for sharing this post. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
RispondiElimina@ eileen
Eliminathey were truly blessed, but Sarah, as you could see, wasn't much fortunate, even if she was able, in her short life, to know the joy of the love of a mother and was blessed by maternity; Victoria was much fortunate than her mother, having been followed by Queen Victoria for her whole life.
Sending much love to you for wishing you a most lovely weekend ever, sweetest friend of mine, may the remainder of your Saturday and your Sunday be blessed with joy and wonder ✿≫✿≪✿
Hello my sweet friend Dandy,
RispondiEliminaThank you for always sharing such interesting posts. And thank you my friend for stopping by for a visit. It is always nice to hear from you. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
@ Ana
EliminaI'm always so delighted by your visits and by your words, dearie !
May your weekend be blessed with much love,
thanks most sincerely ღ❀ღ
Hi Dany, what an incredible story. Sarah had to do a lot of living in a short time. Makes you wonder what her life might have been if she was healthy and lived longer then 37 years old. Her happiness was short. Thanks for another interesting story. Your photos are amazing.
RispondiEliminaBlessings to you dear one and many thanks for always stopping by and your kind comments. You are a constant encourager and friend.
Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo
@ Celestina
Eliminawonderful friend of mine, your words always make my day and fill my heart with gladness, I'm so very grateful to you for this, blessed be !
Sending much love on the end of your week, sweetie,
with boundless gratitude ♥♡♥
Dearest Daniela,
RispondiEliminaAlways so great to come over and see what you have to share. I really loved reading the story of Sarah and the history behind her and family.
Thanks for the kind visit to my blog and wishing you a happy weekend dear friend.
Much love and hugs
@ Carolyn
Eliminamarvellous friend, your words sounds like a sweet music to me, I'm so very thankful to you for this precious gift !
Much love and hugs to you too, sweetie,
may your weekend be blessed with the deepest joy ever ✿⊱╮
Oh si carissima amica, se ho trovato questo tuo post coinvolgente e molto interessante!
RispondiEliminaChe bella figura quella della sfortunata Sarah, morta così giovane.
Bellissime le foto che la mostrano davvero regale ed aristocratica nelle sue pose, molto elegante.
Ti abbraccio cara Dany e ti auguro un sereno fine settimana ma qui...ahimè di nuovo uggioso e piovoso. Nulla di buono, insomma!
@ Susanna
Eliminamia cara, grazie per aver gradito ed apprezzato la storia di questa dolcissima Lady della Londra Vittoriana, io la trovo talmente tenera !
Ringraziandoti immensamente, come sempre, anzi, sempre più, ti auguro una domenica serena illuminata dal sole della gioia, se non da quello che splende in cielo e che l'inizio della tua settimana sia all'insegna della serenità, te lo auguro sinceramente, preziosa amica mia ∗⊱༺♡❀♡༻⊰∗
RispondiEliminaWhat an amazing story about an amazing woman! I was not familiar with her prior to reading this post. I have to agree that her story would make a fine movie.....and now I am still here just listening to your wonderful music, lol. ENYA just came on! :)
Enjoy the weekend and week ahead! Lovely visiting you!
@ Linda
Eliminamy Lovely Lady, it's always such a delight to welcome you here, I wholeheartedly thank you !
I also wish you all my best for the end of your week, dearie,
with much gratitude I'm sending love and hugs to you ❥
Thank you for sharing this biography of a beautiful young lady. I cannot imagine the terror and deep sadness of her early childhood- losing everyone she loved.
RispondiElimina@ Terri
EliminaI do agree with you, she was a princess in a large family and after a terrifying, tremendous episode, she remained fortunately alive, but alone ... and became slave ... I think that thanks to Queen Victoria she felt to be born again !
Enjoy the end of your week, sweet friend,
sending love to you,
ஐ with sincere thankfulness ஐ
Fascinating account of this dear lady's life! I am thrilled to read of the Queen's treatment of Sarah but what a sorrowful end to her life.
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for sharing!
@ Christine
Eliminathank you for visiting and for enjoying this post of mine, I'm truly blessed by your words, you mean so much to me ... yes, Sarah's life was far too short, but probably if she hadn't followed Commodore Forbes, she would have lived so little ...
With love and gratitude I wish you a most lovely weekend ever, sending dear hugs across the pond ༺❀༻
@ Nives
RispondiEliminasono davvero onorata, carissima amica, e dalle tue parole e dalla condivisione su Facebook, questo mi dice che davvero questa storia, non a lieto fine, purtroppo, ma molto ricca di significati e di sentimenti, ti ha colpita e ne hai gradito la lettura !
Ti ringrazio sinceramente, è una grande gioia quella che mi doni e che questa stessa gioia accompagni te nel tuo fine settimana,
te lo auguro di vero cuore *♥*
That's a very interesting story I must say and what an experience that must have been for her. A really touching tale, many thanks for sharing and warm greetings!
RispondiElimina@ BLOGORATTI
EliminaI'm so delighted to welcome you at ~ My little old world ~ it's such a joy to me, and I'm so touched d by your words of interest and enjoyment
Have a lovely remainder of your weekend, and a beautiful start of your new week ahead, with sincere thankfulness ⊰♥⊱
Thank you for the fascinating story! The pictures are beautiful!
RispondiElimina@ Linda
EliminaI'm always so overjoyed when new friends come and meet me here, they always put a smile on my face, so thank you and welcome at ~ My little old world ~, my new friend !
So grateful for your beautiful words I wish you all my best for the week to come, fondly ಌ❀ಌ
Ho letto questo tuo post con molto interesse ed ho potuto conoscere un altro aspetto della sensibilità della Regina Vittoria : la sua capacità di apprezzare la diversità di Sarah , rispettarla e valorizzarla come persona(cosa non da poco per quei tempi,penso).
RispondiEliminaFelice domenica, Dany
@ Franca
Eliminacarissima, che gioia rappresenta per me leggere le tue parole ... sempre !
Nella speranza che anche la tua domenica sia stata caratterizzata da serenità, ti auguro una piacevole serata ed una nuova settimana all'insegna della letizia, con tutto il cuore ♡❤♡
Thanks for sharing a piece of history I never knew. - Margy
RispondiElimina@ Margy
EliminaI feel I have to be grateful to you, my sweet friend, thank you !
May your weekend conclude itself with joy, and the new week ahead be filled with much love, sincerely ✿≫*≪✿
Che storia arricchente! Non sapevo nemmeno io tutti questi particolari... Difficile immaginare una donna di colore in mezzo agli londinesi tanto a "naso in su"
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio e sono felid di esser passata da te perché si impara sempre qualcosa di nuovo
Eliminala tua grazia e la tua gentilezza sono sempre un dono così prezioso per me, ti ringrazio di cuore, ed è per questo che sono io ad essere felice di averti qui, mia cara !
Che il prosieguo della tua settimana sia prodigo di gioia per te,
te lo auguro sinceramente ஐღஐ
Amazing, fascinating story of Sarah. I knew that cough was TB as soon as you mentioned it. It took the lives of so many talented people like Chopin and others. xoox Su
RispondiEliminaTBC has deprived us of so many delightful an precious people and talents in so many sectors of art, to Keats, to Watteau, to Shelley, and so many others, alas, during the XIXth and the first half of the XXth centuries !
EliminaFortunately the progress in medicine allowed us to defeat it, thanks to Koch who discovered the vaccine more tha a hundred years ago (1884) !
I'm always so pleased and delighted to have you here, dearie,
sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week,
with much love ⊰✽*✽⊱
Fascinating story! Thanks for sharing :)
@ Mila
EliminaI welcome you with a sweet, big hug, and thank you so much for your lovely words !
Have a wonderful day, today,
sincerely ♥♡♥
Dearest Dany....My goodness..You introduce us to such interesting people. I appreciate all the time you take to share these historical stories with us. You are a blessing to so many. Have a beautiful day my friend. Hugs and more Hugs...Shirley
RispondiElimina@ Shirley
Eliminaprecious, so precious friend of mine, I'm so overjoyed to welcome you here and to read your words of appreciation, blessing my heart with such a deep joy !
May the remainder of your week be filled with so many little things which to be glad for, dearie
I wish it to you with so much gratitude, love and esteem ༺❀༻
Even though she died at a young age, it's apparent that Lady Sarah lived life to the fullest. Isn't it wonderful that Forbes saved her from a fate that surely wouldn't have been as charming as they life she did live, even if she had lived longer. Have you ever seen the movie Amistad, Dany? We watched it this past week (again) and it is a fascinating look at a true story about "53 illegally purchased African slaves being transported from Cuba aboard the Spanish-built schooner Amistad [who] staged a successful mutiny. They were later intercepted by an American brig off the coast of Long Island and thrown in jail. While President Martin Van Buren was among those who favored extraditing the Africans to Cuba, they were eventually allowed a trial, and a federal district court judge ruled they were not liable for their actions. Former president John Quincy Adams argued on behalf of the slaves when the appeal was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, which eventually determined the Africans to be free men." ~ excerpt from History.com. xo
RispondiElimina@ Nancy
EliminaI'm always so delighted to welcome you here, my Wonderful Lady, to read your words of enjoyment, your suggestions and your quotes, feeding my passion so much, I'm so grateful to you for this !
I wish you all my best for your days to come, dearest one,
sending love, much love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ
Thanks for sharing another interesting story, Dany !
RispondiEliminaReading your lovely posts I always learn something new ...
Wishing you a wonderful week, sweet friend !
@ Sylvia
EliminaI feel so overjoyed to read your comments always putting a smile on my face, my adorable friend, thanks most sincerely for this !
May the remainder of your week be filled with much joy,
sweetie, thinking of you with love ✿⊱╮
Dany, this is something I knew nothing about and I'm just amazed by the story. True, not the happiest of endings, yet a fascinating look at a well-known figure and her little known back private life. I can't imagine what Lady Sarah's life would have been like had the circumstances been different but I have a feeling it would have been quite grim. Thanks for sharing it -- excellent research and photos!
RispondiElimina@ Jeanie
Eliminayour words of praise left me speechless ... but I love reading your enjoyment behind the lines you wrote ... I'm so thankful to you for this, my sweetest, loving friend !
Have a wonderful day, today, and more wonderful days to come, sweetie, sending you dear, so dear hugs ❥
My heart fell when I read she left the world so young. She was very pretty. I'am glad that a young black woman had something good back in time as I know many did not. My heart hurts, I can't ever imagine what they went through and I'm very glad we don't libe in that world and they have freedom. Lovely story I truly enjoyed it. With love Janice
RispondiElimina@ Janice
EliminaI love your words !
What lovely sentiment is hiding behind the lines you wrote, you're truly a Beautiful Lady, thank you dearie for appreciating this story, and for doing it with such a love !
With much, so much gratitude,
I wish you a most wonderful week ahead, darling friend,
sending love and hugs to you ஐღஐ