venerdì 30 dicembre 2022

The Holiday Season Atmosphere in Blume-Siebert's paintings

Weihnachten- Nach dem Schenken, 1888

Ludwig Blume-Siebert was a famous German illustrator and painter of intimate family scenes in which children and pets were often present.
Born in Arolsen - today Bad Arolsen - a small town in northern Hesse, on 23 September 1853, he was noticed, still a youth, by the painter Wilhelm von Kaulbach who recognized his talent to the point of wanting him, at the age of 17, as a pupil at the Nuremberg School of Applied Arts, run by his son-in-law. Blume-Siebert perfected himself at the Düsseldorf Academy of Art and then at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, where he learned to paint the idyllic and folkloric scenes of country life that brought him success, appearing above all in the illustrated magazine Die Gartenlaube at the end of the XIXth century.
All those that I want to show you here are taken from it, I want to make you aware of the joy that, in their simplicity, they manage to convey.

And with these lovely images I wish to all My Little Old World's 
far dear friends and loyal readers 
a Serene New Year filled with joy, satisfied hopes, 
dreams come true, health and Love.
With all my heart 

Die Weihnachtsurlaub (1894)

Die Weihnachtspostkutsche (1893)

Kalte Hände, (?)

Bitte! Bitte! (1889)

Unerwartete Bescherung (1887)

Der Weihnachtsmarkt (?)

Verfrühte Weihnachtsüberraschung (?)

Weihnachten im Forsthaus (1891)

Ein Herzensgeschenk (1888) 

Ludwig Blume-Siebert fu un celebre illustratore e pittore tedesco di scene d’intimità famigliare in cui spesso erano presenti bambini e animali da compagnia.
Nato ad Arolsen - oggi Bad Arolsen - un piccolo centro dell’Assia settentrionale, il 23 settembre 1853, fu notato, ancora giovinetto, dal pittore Wilhelm von Kaulbach che ne riconobbe il talento al punto da volerlo a frequentare, all’età di 17 anni, la Scuola di Arti Applicate di Norimberga, gestita da suo genero. Blume-Siebert si perfezionò all’Accademia d’Arte di Düsseldorf e quindi all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Monaco, dove imparò a dipingere le scene di vita di campagna idilliache e folkloristiche che gli diedero il successo, apparendo soprattutto sulla rivista illustrata Die Gartenlaube, sul finire del secolo XIX°.
Da essa sono tratte tutte quelle che desidero mostrarvi oggi, per rendervi edotti della gioia che, nella loro semplicità, riescono a trasmettere.

E con queste graziose immagini auguro 
a tutti i carissimi amici ed affezionati lettori di My Little Old World 
un Sereno Anno Nuovo 
prodigo di gioia, di speranze appagate, di sogni realizzati, di salute, di Amore.
Con tutto il cuore 


10 commenti:

  1. Oh, I love that print of the two dogs and the tree! I adore old prints (although these are paintings), and find them now and again in thrift stores. My oldest so far is 1862.

    1. Lisa,
      Once painting was truly a noble art and painters, probably also because photographs weren't so widespead as today, or even weren't known at all, gave to the subjects they painted, such intense expressions, they truly talked to the watcher, they conveyed emotions, and still talk to us nowadays, indeed, to our heart.
      Thank you for appreciating all this, sweet friend!
      Wishing you a wonder-filled new year ☆:*♥*♥*:☆

  2. Such beautiful work. A time gone by. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

    1. Sandee,
      Dearest One, smiles are so precious today, we find ourselves to smile less and less, that's why I'm far glad to have put a smile on your face with Ludwig Blume-Siebert's paintings, thank you!
      Wishing you a most lovely new year once again ஜ♥♡♥ஜ

  3. These are sweet and full of joy! Happy new year!

    1. Linda,
      Yes, they are, indeed!
      Happy new year to you too and thank you for your words of appreciation about these painting so little known.
      Sending hugs across the miles •♥•╰☆╮•♥•

  4. So much love and simple happiness in all of your pretty antique pictures ! Happy New Year to you and all your lovely readers 💐x Debbie x

    1. Debbie,
      I so love having you here leaving your delightful comments, thank you!
      And to read your words of praise for such artworks make me feel even happier, thank you for this too!
      I pray your New Year is a blessed one,
      with heartfelt gratitude ❥

  5. Oh Dany, these paintings speak to me. Each and every one tells a story. It would be a fun creative writing exercise to make up a story about every single painting. Thanks for the introduction to Ludwig Blume-Siebert.

    1. Jeanie,
      Sweet Lady, your sensitivity of artist and painter come off watching these images portraying such a simple way of life, maybe naive to our eyes today, but true.
      I decided to publish this post for two reasons: the first is that this German painter isn't much known, indeed, probably not known at all to much of us, and the second is beacuse his paintings spoke to me too, the first time I saw them and still speak to me today when I find myself watching them... in silence...
      Sending my dearest love to you ∗✿≫♥≪✿∗
