Ricordo che fu uno dei miei primissimi posts che pubblicai quello che dedicai a questo amore, un amore breve ma intenso, quello che legò il poeta John Keats alla sua 'cara ragazza' che lo ospitava, Fanny Brawne, al quale diedi il titolo
come già allora vi dissi, vi fu tra i due amanti una fitta corrispondenza, visto che tale legame non era accettato dalla madre di Fanny, poiché il poeta non sembrava poter garantire alla figlia un degno futuro, corrispondenza di cui oggi rimangono solamente le lettere che Keats indirizzò all'amata, nessuna lettera di Fanny è sopravvissuta.
Oggi, qui con voi, in nome dell'approssimarsi del giorno che il calendario vuole si celebri l'amore, mi piace leggere quella che secondo me e secondo la maggior parte dei critici, risulta essere la più bella delle lettere che egli indirizzò al privilegiato oggetto del suo amore, ed una delle più belle lettere d'amore in assoluto che la storia della letteratura ha per noi conservato:
13 ottobre 1819
Mia cara ragazza
In questo momento mi sono messo a copiare dei bei versi. Non riesco a proseguire con una certa soddisfazione. Ti devo dunque scrivere una riga o due per vedere se questo mi assiste nell'allontanarti dalla mia mente anche per un breve momento. Sulla mia anima non riesco a pensare a nient'altro. È passato il tempo in cui avevo il potere di ammonirti contro la poco promettente mattina della mia vita. Il mio amore mi ha reso egoista. Non posso esistere senza di te. Mi scordo di tutto salvo che di vederti ancora la mia vita sembra fermarsi lì non vedo oltre. Mi hai assorbito. In questo preciso momento ho la sensazione di essermi dissolto - sarei profondamente infelice senza la speranza di vederti presto. Sarei spaventato di dovermi allontanare da te. Mia dolce Fanny, cambierà mai il tuo cuore? Amore mio, cambierà? Non ho limiti ora al mio amore... Il tuo biglietto è arrivato proprio qui. Non posso essere felice lontano da te. È più ricco di una nave di perle. Non mi trattare male neanche per scherzo. Mi sono meravigliato che gli uomini possano morire martiri per la loro Religione - Ho avuto un brivido. Ora non rabbrividisco più. Potrei essere un martire per la mia religione - la mia religione è l'amore - potrei morire per questo. Potrei morire per te. Il mio credo è l'amore e tu sei il mio unico dogma. Mi hai incantato con un potere al quale non posso resistere; eppure potevo resistere fino a quando ti vidi; e perfino dopo averti visto ho tentato spesso "di ragionare contro le ragioni del mio amore". Non posso farlo più - il dolore sarebbe troppo grande. Il mio amore è egoista Non posso respirare senza di te.
Tuo per sempre
John Keats
Foto dei primissimi anni del secolo scorso che ci mostrano la casa bifamiliare e contigua che condividevano la famiglia Brawne e John Keats, accompagnato dall'amico Charles Brown
L'unica immagine che possediamo della giovane Fanny Brawne risalente al tempo della sua relazione amorosa con il poeta John Keats
Cambiando discorso, ma rimanendo sempre in tema di Amore, è con tanta gioia che vi comunico che sono stata nominata dalla carissima REBECCA per i seguenti Awards da lei stessa creati:
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Ho promesso di farli circolare nel web quanto più mi è possibile, perché c'è tanto bisogno di amore e fa tanto bene l'amicizia, perciò a mia volta nomino per il primo, in nome dell'amore che con i loro blogs diffondono:
CONNIE at Connie's Crafty Creations
EILEEN at Viewing nature with Eileen
JES at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth
JUNE at Inspired by...
JUNE at Laughing with Angels
KATHRYN at Heaven is Smiling Above
KELLY-ANNE at Beautiful Girlhood
LORI di Il filo del cuore ... Ricami
ROXY at Living from glory to glory
STEPHANIE at The Enchanting Rose
e per l'amicizia che fedelmente dimostrano:
ANDREA at My Everything Corner
ALESSANDRA di My Romantic Creations
ANTONELLA di La casetta dal portoncino rosso
FRANCA di Righe da Favola
KIA & ZENO at Italian Cozy Corner
JANET at Rosemary and Thyme
LINDA at Linda's Peaceful Place
LUCIA di Il calesse
SUSY di susycottage
SYLVIA at Cosiness
Se avete deciso di non ritirare l'Award perché il vostro blog è 'Award free', non temete di urtare la mia sensibilità, comprendo perfettamente e a me piace comunque che sappiate che per il mio cuore lo meritate pienamente !
Se invece avete deciso di ritirarlo, ora tocca a voi, a questo punto nominare altri bloggers che meritano il premio che avete ricevuto.
E concludo augurando tanto amore a ciascuno di voi, che festeggiate S.Valentino oppure no, l'amore può essere inteso in tanti modi, assaporato e donato in tanti modi, grazie a Dio !
E con tanto amore vi abbraccio con il cuore colmo di gratitudine,
a presto ♥
Fonti bibliografiche:
Harry Buxton Forman, Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne: Written in the Year MDCCCXIX and MDCCCXX and Now Given From the Original Manuscripts; With Introduction and Notes (Classic Reprint), Forgotten Books, 2015;
Albert Elmer Hancock, John Keats: A Literary Biography, Leopold Classic Library, February 2016;
Elido Fazi, Bright Star. Vita breve di John Keats, Fazi Editore, 2010;
John Keats, The Complete Poems of John Keats, Kindle Edition;
John Keats, Leggiadra Stella. Lettere a Fanny Brawne, Archinto Editore, 2010.
I remember it was one of my very first posts which I published, the one which I dedicated to this love, a short but intense love, the one that bound the poet John Keats to his 'dear girl' who sheltered him, Fanny Brawne, post to which I gave the title
already then I said that there was a close correspondence between the two lovers, as this bond was not accepted by the mother of Fanny, for the poet didn't seem to be able to guarantee her daughter a worthy future, correspondence of which today remains only the letters written by Keats, no Fanny's letter survived.
Today, here with you, in the name of the approach of the day that the calendar wants us to celebrate love, I like to read what I think, according to most critics, is the most beautiful of the letters that he addressed to the privileged object of his love and on e of the most beautiful love letters in absolute that the history of literature has preserved for us:
October, 13th, 1819
My dearest Girl,
This moment I have set myself to copy some verses out fair. I cannot proceed with any degree of content. I must write you a line or two and see if that will assist in dismissing you from my Mind for ever so short a time. Upon my Soul I can think of nothing else – The time is passed when I had power to advise and warn you again[s]t the unpromising morning of my Life – My love has made me selfish. I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again – my Life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb’d me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving – I should be exquisitely miserable without the hope of soon seeing you. I should be afraid to separate myself far from you. My sweet Fanny, will your heart never change? My love, will it? I have no limit now to my love – You note came in just here – I cannot be happier away from you – ‘T is richer than an Argosy of Pearles. Do not threat me even in jest. I have been astonished that Men could die Martyrs for religion – I have shudder’d at it – I shudder no more – I could be martyr’d for my Religion – Love is my religion – I could die for that – I could die for you. My Creed is Love and you are its only tenet – You have ravish’d me away by a Power I cannot resist: and yet I could resist till I saw you; and even since I have seen you I have endeavoured often “to reason against the reasons of my Love.” I can do that no more – the pain would be too great – My Love is selfish – I cannot breathe without you.
Yours for ever
John Keats
- picture 2 and picture 3 - The semi-detached house in Hampstead occupied by the Brawne family and Keats and Charles Brown
- picture 4 - The only image we have of the young Fanny Brawne dating back to the time of her love affair with the poet John Keats
Changing the subject, but always keeping in theme of love, it is with great joy that I inform you that I was nominated by the dearest Rebecca Put - link to its homepage - for the following Awards:
- picture 5 - Share the love ! Blog Award
- picture 6 - Friendship Blog Award
I promised her to to make them circulate on the web, because there is so much need of love and friendship is so good to everybody, so, in my turn, I want to nominate for the first, in the name of the great love which with their blogs spread:
CONNIE at Connie's Crafty Creations
EILEEN at Viewing nature with Eileen
JES at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth
JUNE at Inspired by...
JUNE at Laughing with Angels
KATHRYN at Heaven is Smiling Above
KELLY-ANNE at Beautiful Girlhood
LORI di Il filo del cuore ... Ricami
ROXY at Living from glory to glory
STEPHANIE at The Enchanting Rose
and for the friendship that they faithfully shows:
ANDREA at My Everything Corner
ALESSANDRA di My Romantic Creations
ANTONELLA di La casetta dal portoncino rosso
FRANCA di Righe da Favola
KIA & ZENO at Italian Cozy Corner
JANET at Rosemary and Thyme
LINDA at Linda's Peaceful Place
LUCIA di Il calesse
SUSY di susycottage
SYLVIA at Cosiness
But if you have decided to accept it, now it's up to you, at this point, to nominate other bloggers deserving the Awards you've just received.
I conclude by wishing so much love to each of you, if you celebrate Valentine's Day or not; love can be understood in many ways, savored and given in many ways, thanks to God!
And with so much love I embrace with my heart full of gratitude,
see you soon ♥
Bibliographic Sources:
Harry Buxton Forman, Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne: Written in the Year MDCCCXIX and MDCCCXX and Now Given From the Original Manuscripts; With Introduction and Notes (Classic Reprint), Forgotten Books, 2015;
Albert Elmer Hancock, John Keats: A Literary Biography, Leopold Classic Library, February 2016;
Elido Fazi, Bright Star. Vita breve di John Keats, Fazi Editore, 2010;
John Keats, The Complete Poems of John Keats, Kindle Edition;
John Keats, Leggiadra Stella. Lettere a Fanny Brawne, Archinto Editore, 2010.
Wow, that's quite a love letter! I think a guy like that would kinda scare me. Too much pressure. :-) But it is beautiful and a beautiful post, Dany. xo
RispondiElimina@ Judy
Eliminaactually this wasn't the first love letter he wrote her, their love was already grown up and mature ...but I see, you do prefer a little less passion :) !!!
It's a pity, in my opinion, that every letter of hers has gone destroyed ...
Thanks most sincerely, my sweetest friend !
Have a day blessed with joy and a most wonderful end of your week,
༺❀༻ sending so much love and sweet hugs to you ༺❀༻
Heart breaking story that I did not know.
RispondiEliminaCongratulations on your awards!
xoxo Su
@ Su
Eliminamy dearest, you're right, this was truly a heartbreaking story, full of passion and pain, because just when Fanny's mother was going to accept this union, John got ill and will die of tubercolosis here in Rome - where his grave is - far away from his love ...
With so much gratitude, I wish you all my best for today and for the days to come,
have a love-filled end of your week, sweetie
sending dear hugs to you across the many miles ஐღஐ
My creed is love and you its only tenent... Strong and passionate expression indeed. A lovely post!
RispondiEliminaYou so deserve these Blog Awards because with every post you spread love and friendship to us your readers. Congratulations!
Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day dear Dany ♥
@ riitta
Eliminaso precious friend of mine, you're too generous with me, I love you so much !
Thank you for your lovely words filling my heart with joy, dearest one,
may your weekend be blessed with love and have a wonderful Valentine's Day you too, my loving, admired friend,
sending so dear hugs to you ❥
Dear Dany, Thank you so much for the kind and generous award! You are too sweet (and to be among such lovely blogs!)... Sadly, I suppose I fall under the "Award Free" category now... Time is fleeting at this moment my friend... Thank you so much for understanding and for sharing this romantic post with us! :) You are a kindred spirit.
RispondiElimina@ JES
Eliminayour last words truly touch and bless my heart ... Tnak you for the gift you've presented me with them !
Don't worry, of course I do understand ... when I began with my loved blog I was suddenly awarded, and even hadn't the time to think if be 'AWARD FREE' or not ... and still unsure, and knowing that blog friend yet not so very well, I was afraid to be indelicate with her, so I accepted ... but, be sure, I do understand your position, actually I do understand both positions, don't worry and be certain of being understood ... In my mind the Award is yours, you certainly deserve it !
May your weekend be blessed with joy and love
sending so dear hugs with all my heart and so much gratitude ✿⊱╮
Hello, congrats on your blog award. You have a lovely blog and beautiful post. Such as this beautiful love letter from Keats. The home is pretty too. Thank you so much for the blog award, you are so kind. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!
RispondiElimina@ eileen
EliminaI'm glad if you're glad to have received this Award, my darling friend !
With so much thankfulness for your words, I wish you too a most beautiful end of your week, sending love to you ♡❤♡
Daniela cara..che dire! sono come il figliol prodigo..sto lontana e quando torno trovo sempre un'accoglienza cosi calda e avvolgente..
RispondiEliminaTi voglio bene!!
@ A
EliminaChe cara che sei !!!
Sono così tanto felice di averti donato questa gioia, grazie di cuore !
Che il tuo fine settimana sia colmo di amore, amica mia dolcissima, ti voglio bene anche io ಌ❀ಌ
I loved this little post about John and Fanny, and that letter! Wow! My favourite line is, "The time is passed when I had power to advise and warn you against the unpromising morning of my life."
RispondiEliminaThank-you so much for the "Friendship Award". Also, it is very kind and understanding of you to be so open about how it is received. I truly do appreciate that. I would be nominating you right back!
Enjoy a lovely weekend Dany.
@ Andrea
Eliminato be honest I love so many lines of this letter, I think that receiving it could take my breath away, truly !
Well, two identic Awards probably are too many, what do you say :) ?!?
But I do appreciate so much your thought, your gesture and your words, you're such a wonderful lady !
Have a weekend full of love and joy, my dearest one,
I'm so happy to have presented you such gift !
Sending sweet hugs across the many miles @ Andrea
to be honest I love so many lines of this letter, I think that receiving it could take my breath away, truly !
Well, two identic Awards probably are too many, what do you say :) ?!?
But I do appreciate so much your thought, your gesture and your words, you're such a wonderful lady !
Have a weekend full of love and joy, my dearest one,
I'm so happy to have presented you such gift !
⊰✽⊱ Sending sweet hugs across the many miles ⊰✽⊱
RispondiEliminaAll those lovers who wrote such beautiful words... Those who were kept apart by family and etc.... Did their love become even more ardent, because of the obstacles which tried to keep them apart?
Just wondering... :-)
Gentle hugs,
@ Tessa
Eliminamy darling, I think that a love coming up against many difficulties and obstacles grows in passion, I say that for sure ... and Fanny and John, after his illness where separated also by the distance, since he came to Rome following his doctors's advices who suggested him a climate more suited to his diseased lungs ... well, I think that during that period their passion became much more ardent even if he was more and more aware of how short his life would have been ...
I wish you a most beautiful weekend to you, my sweetest, precious friend,
sending so much heartfelt love ♥♡♥
I feel so honored that you feel that my blog spreads love my dear Dany. I thank you for this! I feel the same about yours. You lift us up by the beautiful music you share while bringing to life the beautiful things in our world past. I loved reading about this wonderful love Keats had in his heart for Fanny. Thank you for sharing his letter to Fanny, it shows how in love he was with her.
RispondiEliminaI always love it here...and find it hard to leave. Thank you for this sweet respite in my days.
sending warm hugs to you my sweet friend...
@ June
Eliminathank you for gracing my blog with your presence here and your so beautiful words, my sweetest friend, you truly brighten my evening !
I'm so overjoyed to read that you've appreciated this Award, you deserve it so much !
May your weekend be blessed with so much love and joy,
wonderful friend of mine,
with my heart filled with true gladness and sincere gratitude, I wish you all my best for the days to come ༺♡❀♡༻
Una lettera bellissima,un concentrato d'amore.
RispondiEliminaColui che ama, ama. Ama e nient'altro.
Grazie splendida amica per il graditissimo premio e del bellissimo pensiero che hai avuto per me, mi hai fatto dono di un grande segno di amicizia.
Sono molto felice!
Ti abbraccio con tanto affetto e stima,la tua amica Luci@
@ Luci@
Eliminati sono immensamente grata e per aver apprezzato questo mio post e per aver gradito l'assegnazione dell'Award, la tua felicità e la mia, credimi !
Che la tua giornata si concluda serenamente, mia cara, e che il tuo weekend sia illuminato dalla più profonda gioia e dal più sincero amore, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ಌ•❤•ಌ
Cara Ciao, storie che bello!
RispondiEliminaIo li amo e anche imparare dalle storie del passato che tanto mi ispirano! Grazie vostri così bella vista! Un grande abbraccio! Rosa M.
@ Rosa M.
Eliminaed io abbraccio te, mia cara, con tanto affetto ed ammirazione, sei di una grazia e di una tenerezza unica, credimi, le tue visite e le tue parole fanno bene al cuore !
Ti auguro un romantico weekend, dolcissima amica mia,
grazie ... sempre ❥
Che lettera! un inno all'Amore .
RispondiEliminaGrazie di aver pensato anche a me ; purtroppo il programma del mio sito non mi consente di inserire il simpatico Friendship Award: come mi dispiace!
San Valentino , significa anche sincera amicizia .
Romantico fine settimana ... e quale luogo migliore della vostra Tenuta ?!
@ Franca
Eliminal'hai detto, anche io lo considero tale ... Keats, da poeta romantico quale era, scriveva lettere che sembrano veri Inni!
Quanto all'Award spiace anche a me, carissima, se ci tenevi ad inserirlo ... il premio è tuo comunque, più che meritato !
Con un abbraccio forte di gratitudine, ti auguro una lieta serata ed un risveglio su di un weekend colmo di gioia ed amore, con tutto il cuore ❀≼♥≽❀
"I cannot breathe without you." If he'd skipped all the beautiful words that went before, these alone would make her heart sing!
RispondiElimina@ Jean
Eliminaactually I also think so, this phrase is so wonderful and so meaningful that makes one's heart fly so high !
May your weekend be filled with so much love,
my sweetest friend,
✿⋰⋱✿ sending dear hugs to you ✿⋰⋱✿
What a beautiful letter!
RispondiEliminaI also love that phrase "I cannot breathe without you".
So lovely.
Sending you hugs and love
@ annie
EliminaI'm so very glad to read that you too have enjoyed this wonderful love letter, my darling !
With a lot of gratitude for your good sentiments, I wish you much love for this end of the week, sending so dear hugs to you,
with all my heart ஐღஐ
Grazie dolcissima amica romantica per avere pensato a me. Appena possibile condivido nel blog. La lettera d'amore scritta da Keats è straordinaria. Nel leggerla mi sono commossa. Ti auguro un super romantico S. Valentino!
@ Alessandra
Eliminagrazie a te, mia cara, per aver gradito l'Award, la tua gioia è la mia !
Non avere fretta di condividerlo, ti prego, non deve essere un problema, ma un piacere ... Sì, anche io trovo che la lettera di Keats esprima l'Amore al suo massimo livello, tra tante infatti, scritte da lui e da altri, molti, autori, ho scelto proprio questa perché mi sembrava quella che meglio rappresentasse la forza e la potenza dell'Amore vero !
Grazie romantica amica mia per le tue bellissime parole di apprezzamento, con tanta gioia ti auguro uno splendido sabato ed un San Valentino colmo di amore e di dolcezza,
*♥* ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore *♥*
Tu che con il tuo blog diffondi amore in parole ed immagini meriti sinceramente questi premi!
RispondiEliminaBuon San Valentino <3
Tuo Ross
@ Ross
Eliminagrazie di cuore tesoro mio, buon San Valentino anche a te ed auguri per oggi ;) !!!
Ti abbraccio fortissimo ∞⊰♡⊱∞
What a wonderful way to celebrate Valentines Day, Dany. A great love story and a truly great poet.
@ Amalia
Eliminayour words of appreciation truly bless my heart, darling friends !
I wish you the Happiest of your Valentine's Day, sweetie,
sending so much love to you,
༺❀༻ with deep thankfulness ༺❀༻
Hi Sweet friend, Congrats on your blog award. You truly deserve it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful love letter. I am taken by the words, I can not breathe without you. Truly two hearts as one!
RispondiEliminaWishing you a Happy Valentine's Day. Blessings and Hugs!!
@ Celestina
Eliminathanks most sincerely for your beautiful words, you're so dear to me, my precious friend !
The phrase which most won your heart is that which captured most of you... actually me too !!!
May your Valentine's Day too be blessed with all the Love and the Joy you deserve, my darling friend,
sending so sweet and big hugs to you ⊰♡❤♡⊱
Wow, he certainly had a way with words didn't he... I wish I could express myself in words better, I am blessed to have a husband that expresses himself well with the written word also and such a special blessing that is, to be able to go back and read it at anytime.
RispondiEliminaWishing you much love this valentines day, may you be wrapped in it all year too!
Thanks so much for nominating me for that award that is just so very sweet of you, I am very touched!! I sent your card out on last Wednesday, I hope it makes it to you in one piece :)
@ Connie
EliminaI wish you too a most wonderful Valentine's Day, filled with so much love, my dearest, blessed friend !
I'm so overjoyed to read that you've appreciated this post of mine, and to know that the card you've so kindly sent me is on the way, well, makes me feel even happier, surely the next week I'm receiving it ... generally it takes about 10 days to arrive from the States ...
So glad that you've enjoyed the nomination for the Blog Award 'Share the Love !', I'm sending so many hugs to you, and, listen, you don't have to think to express yourself in a better way, my darling, you express so much love in so many ways, you've sweet thoughts and smiles for everybody ... even without a word you are able to say so many things, you talk to the heart of us all !
Blessed be ✿⊱╮
Eeeehhh (leggi: sospirone) mi viene spontaneo pensare, carissima Dany, che ricevere una lettera simile dall'amato, bè non ha prezzo.
RispondiEliminaUn abbraccio e buona domenica
@ Susanna
Elimina... eh sì, lo penso anche io, mia dolce amica !!!
Con tutto il cuore contraccambio il tuo abbraccio per augurarti una domenica colma di amore e di gioia,
mi sei molto, molto cara ❥
Such a surprise to read here this romantic and beautiful love letter of John Keats.
RispondiEliminaI wish you a very Happy Valentine's day!
@ Janneke
EliminaI'm so very glad to surprise pleasantly you, ... actually that's my joy !
I wish you too the Happier Valentine's Day ever, my darling friend,
sending you much dear love and sweet hugs ❀≼♥≽❀
My dear Dany, share such a beautiful love letter is a perfect way to celebrate love! Love poetically expressed by so precious words is so touching. Thanks for the delight of this moment sweet friend. Congrats on your blog award.
RispondiEliminaHope your Valentine Day be full of love!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
@ Ana
EliminaI'm so overjoyed to read your enthusiasm for this Keat's love letter by your words, my romantic friend !
Thank you for your congrats and for your good wishes for Valentine's Day, I hope that you too are having a wonderful day filled with true love.
Have a most beautiful new week ahead, my dearest friend,
with so much gratitude I'm sending big, tender hugs to you ✥*⊰♥⊱*✥
A beautiful post Dany and congratulations on the awards.
RispondiElimina@ Judith
EliminaI'm so, so very happy to have you here, my beautiful lady, and to read your wonderful words makes my afternoon sweeter and brighten my evening, I wholeheartedly thank you !
Have a Valentine's Day blessed with love, my dearest one,
and may the start of your week be joyful and serene,
with all my heart ಌ•❤•ಌ
Che lettera meravigliosa, chi non brama,
RispondiEliminaalmeno una volta nella vita, di sentirsi dire
frasi così romantiche?
Concordo con il poeta: L'Amore è egoista ".
Grazie di cuore per la sorpresa, per aver pensato
anche a me!
Buon San Valentino tesoro a te e al tuo amato cavaliere
Vi abbraccio tutti e due con tanto affetto
Love Susy ♥
@ Susy
Eliminaecco il mio tesoro tutto vittoriano !
Sono così felice di leggere che ti sia stata gradevole la lettura della lettera d'amore di Keats, per me la più bella che abbia mai scritto, e che ti sia giunta gradita la sorpresa, un Award meritatissimo, credimi ;) !
Grazie di cuore per gli auguri dolcezza, spero che anche voi stiate trascorrendo una gradevole giornata insieme, in nome dell'Amore che vi unisce ... il mio 'cavaliere' spesso mi chiede quando tornerete a trovarci, brama di potervi riavere qui ... io non mi pronuncio, sai quanto desideri riabbracciarti, ma fino alla bella stagione mi astengo dal proporvelo, qui fa ancora freddino, soprattutto la notte, e se non c'è il sole di giorno le temperature non si alzano di molto .. resta il fatto che sono ansiosa anche io di potervi ospitare presto ... perché non fate come le rondini, che arrivano ogni anno a primavera ;) ?!?
Vi abbraccio entrambi fortissimo augurandovi una romantica serata, e con tutto, tutto il cuore mando un bacio speciale a te, carissima, adorabile amica mia ❥
Beautiful post and artwork!
RispondiElimina@ Beth
Eliminayou're so very welcome, thanks most sincerely !
*♥* I wish you a lovely Sunday *♥*
Grazie di cuore mia cara amica per aver pensato a me, accetto con immenso piacere la tua nomination che condividerò quanto prima.
RispondiEliminaAdoro le lettere d'amore e questa che hai condiviso è davvero toccante!!!Ne ho una bellissima raccolta di scrittori famosi, ma ti dirò che conservo gelosamente tutti i biglietti che mi ha scritto il mio amore fin dal nostro fidanzamento che risale a tanti tanti anni fa...e non ti nascondo che ancora ce li scambiamo....evviva l'amore!!!!! sempre!!!! ti abbraccio forte e ti ringrazio ancora Lory
@ Lory
Eliminasono davvero così felice che l'Award ti sia giunto gradito, la tua gioia è la mia credimi, carissima !
Sì, tra tante lettere, che gli epistolari di autori più o meno famosi raccolgono, ho pensato di condividere questa per celebrare l'Amore perché è quella che più di ogni altra mi emoziona ogni qualvolta la leggo !
Evviva l'amore, certo, sempre !
Anche io conservo in una scatola le lettere ed i biglietti d'amore che l'allora mio fidanzato mi scriveva durante i giorni della settimana, quando era difficile incontrarsi e ci si sentiva solamente la sera al telefono ( allora non esisteva ancora la telefonia mobile, non esistevano gli sms, ma ne sono ben contenta, non avrei potuto conservare nulla !!!) oppure in occasioni speciali ... oggi ne ricevo un po' meno, ma son talmente tanti i modi in cui l'amore può manifestarsi, soprattutto vivendo insieme la vita di ogni giorno !
Ti sono così tanto grata per la gioia che mi hai donato, mia dolcissima amica, che la tua settimana sia colma di serenità, te lo auguro di vero cuore !
Ti abbraccio caramente ༺♥♡♥༻
DEAREST DANY! Good evening! Keats is pure tradition for any poet or poetry lover. What a gorgeous post to open up on this special day! It is with great pleasure that I see your post and your comment on my blog. I had a very difficult time reactivating my comments page. It wouldn't work but after a few tries this morning, I got at least this new post to work. Connecting with you and others is truly a Valentine's Day blessing! I hope you are well! Teaching still? So am I. It takes a lot of my time and therefore, I had to change my blog routine, but all things work out.
RispondiEliminaWishing you a fantastic new week ahead of you! BISOUS!
@ Anita
Eliminawhat a blessing to begin my week with you gracing my blog with your presence and your so beautiful words, I'm so overjoyed that you've decided to reactivate your comments, I've been missing the communication with you such a lot !
I read your posts, shared them on Google +, but it wasn't the same thing ... furthermore your wonderful images and your poetic words truly move and stimulate sentiments and feelings which is hard not to write, believe me !
May your week be blessed with so much JOY, my precious, marvelous lady, I hug you so dearly with my heart filled with such a gladness, darling friend of mine!
ஐ Blessed be ஐ
Truly a perfect Valentine's Day post, Dany.
RispondiEliminaI hope you had a beautiful day, sweet friend. xo.
@ Lisa
Eliminasweetest, loving friend of mine, I'm so very glad you've enjoyd this reading !
Hope you also had a wonderful Valentine's Day,
I wish you a most beautiful week ahead,
sending so much heartfelt love and big, big hugs across the Ocean,
with all my heart ♡❤♡
Does anyone write letters like this any more? I don't think so. It's truly one of the most romantic I have ever read. When I was 18 my future husband (now my late husband) wrote love letters to me which at the time I recall were quite romantic, but nothing like this. Perfect for this love weekend, Dany. Hugs, Nancy
RispondiElimina@ Nancy
EliminaI'm so happy to read by your words that this letter has pleased you so much !
Actually, as I wrote in a comment above, I also received lots of love letter from who would have become my beloved husband, but... let's be honest, we married two romantic men, not two poets, didn't we {{SMILES}} ?!?
And ... Keats was unique ... they'll take so many years before than another poet, of such sensibility, will be able and write such masterpieces !
Sending so much love to you, my dearest, lovable friend,
I dearly hug you while wishing a most beautiful day, today !
Wholeheartedly ❥
Ciao cara Daniela, S. Valentino e l'amore in genere, dovrebbe essere assunto come un farmaco per quanto ci circonda. Per trovarlo, colmo e dipinto come tu ci doni con i tuoi post, basta passare a trovarti e viverlo. GRAZIE per i tuoi sempre cari ed affettuosi commenti che ricambio. Buonissima settimana. Un abbraccio. NI
RispondiElimina@ NI
Eliminaadorabile, graziosa amica dai sentimenti e dal cuore buono, ti ringrazio così tanto caramente, le tue parole mi rinfrancano in questa fredda sera d'inverno, sei molto, troppo generosa con me, mia cara !
Contraccambio il tuo abbraccio con tutto il cuore, mia cara, sei una persona davvero speciale, e che la tua settimana sia gioiosa e serena come non mai !
A presto ✿⊱╮
My dear, sweet friend, you are most deserving of these awards thus bestowed! Thank you for thinking of me with such admiration and grace. I am so thankful and blessed by your thoughts. And what a perfect post for the day we celebrate Love! My dear, Dany, may your week be blessed with sunshine and kissed by the angels!
RispondiElimina@ June
Eliminadearest friend of mine, your words always make my day and bless my heart with so much Joy !
I couldn't help but thinking about you, when the topic is Love, Love which you share in so many ways ... blessed be !
I also wish you a most beautiful new week, filled with so much gladness and wonder, sending sweet hugs and much love to you, with all my heart ... what a Gift you're to me ༺❀༻
Dearest Daniela...I am so touched by your kindness in gracing me with such a lovely, thoughtful award...thank you so much, I would dearly love to pass it on to several of my precious friends in the world of blogging... I loved this post and all the pictures you shared... And what a gorgeous letter - what an honoured lady Fanny was to receive such a treasure! I saw the film Bright Star, and whilst I didn't like it too much and cried through it, this story is deep and touching...I am glad you shared it for Valentine's! I love celebrating this occasion...with ever so much love and thanks! So grateful for you, dear Daniela! Hugs, Kelly-Anne
RispondiElimina@ Kelly-Anne
Eliminahow blessed I feel by this visit of yours ... you cannot immagine, and I cannot find the world to express adequately the great joy I'm feeling !
Your words are such a beautiful music for my soul and ... belive me, you can share this Award with all the blogging friends you want, you have no limits, of course !
I HAD to reciprocate the kindness of your soul, my sweetest friend, and accepting it you give me this chance, even if I always feel to be at fault ...
I also am so very thankful for this friendship of ours, so many miles separate us, but we are so near one another !
Always thinking of you with so much warmth and dear love ... while waiting for the postman to come {{smiles}} ♥♡♥
Hope you too had a wonderful Valentine's Day, Dany !
RispondiEliminaCongrats on the awards ... and thanks so much for the friendship award, coming from my dear friend it means a lot to me !
@ Sylvia
Eliminamy sweetest friend, you cannot immagine how glad I am that you've accepted the Friendship Award, it also means a lot to me, my dearest one ... actually, as for the Awards, I'm much more happier to share them then to receive them, believe me !
I wholeheartedly thank you, dearie,
sending so much love for wishing you a lovely weekend ahead ಌ•❤•ಌ
wonderful post
RispondiEliminaRehobotic Organic,
EliminaI thank you from the deep of my heart!
In the hope you had a lovely Christmas,
I'm sending blessings on your coming New Year ✻ღ*✷*ღ✻