sabato 23 dicembre 2023

Capturing Christmas with Anton Pieck

Today I'm introducing you to a far famous painter from the Netherlands, much better known as a children books illustrator: Anton Pieck.
Anton Franciscus Pieck was born on 19 April 1895 in Den Helder a small village located in the far north of what today is Holland and lived to the grand old age of 92. He was the son of Henri Christiaan Pieck and Petronella Neijfs, and twin brother of the painter and illustrator Henri Christiaan Pieck. He was a painter, artist and graphic artist and spent most of his life teaching children how to draw. His works are noted for their nostalgic and fairy tale-like character and are widely popular, appearing regularly on cards and calendars. I love the attention he payid to details in every picture of his and the muted colours and dark interiors which give each scene a very Dickensian atmosphere. 
Here you have a little slideshow collecting those I thought to be his most beautiful images which captured the Christmas Spirit. Alas, most of them have no title, given they’re drawn from the books he illustrated.
However I’m sure you’ll appreciate his so sweet way to depict what he saw walking along the streets, crowded with peple running busy straight and left and inside houses he dwelled, just during the very days before Christmas.

With sincere gratitude for taking the time for visiting 
~My little old world~ 
I'm wishing to every Friend and Reader a 
Merry Christmas with lots of Love! 
I hope You receive one Blessing after another this coming year.
See you soon 



This blog-post was featured by Laurie at the last
Sunday Sunshine Blog-Hop of the year 2023!
I'm feeling so happy for your appreciation, dear friend, thank you!

16 commenti:

  1. This is such a wonderful post! The artwork is adorable and I am sure you spent a great deal of time on this research. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    1. Bernideen,
      Tis I who thank you, Dearest Friend, I'm so happy to welcome you here today and wish you a most wonderful Christmas ever!
      Due to my work of writing books sometimes I have to neglect my Blog, but I suffer, believe me!
      With sincere thankfulness for this so beautiful visit of yours,
      I'm sending you my dearest hug, have a Joy-filled Christmastide ✻ღ*✷*ღ✻

  2. Oh ! Dany ! These pictures are so utterly delightful ! I love his sense of humour and made me chuckle . Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you ❄️🎄❄️ x

    1. Daisy Debs,
      I heartily thank you for the lovely words of appreciation you've written... and for being here today, of course!
      May the true Spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path and wishing you much happiness, warmth, and love for the Coming Year, Dearie ☆:*♥♡♥*:☆

  3. These are beautiful and fascinating images.

    I pray you have a blessed and beautiful Christmas!

    1. messymimi,
      Merry Christmas to you, your loved ones, all your readers and followers, dearest friend of mine.
      Sending blessings of Joy across the many miles!
      Have a magical Holiday Season ✥*⊰♥⊱*✥

  4. He did a beautiful job illustrating those scenes for sure, great details and I like the ones with splashes of color with the muted backgrounds.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!!

    1. Conniecrafter,
      Sweet friend, I'm so glad to welcome you here today!
      In the hope you had a Winder-filled Christmas,
      I'm wishing you a joyful Holiday Season,
      thank you once again for this so pleasing visit of yours ಌ•❤•ಌ

  5. These are wonderful examples of Anton Pieck's work. I remember my mother using his prints to make shadow boxes. Each and every one tells a story. I've always thought it would be a fun assignment to give writing students one of his pictures and have them write a story about it. But I knew little of his background. You're right -- these are terrific representations of Christmas. I hope yours was very happy -- and that your new year is the same.

    1. Jeanie,
      Yours would be truly a wonderful idea, each of them is so detailed that in the mind of a child I suppose it suggests so many things to write! To me too they recall me my childhood, given I had postcards, calendars and even books of fairy tales with his paintings.
      Far sure you had a Wonder-filled Christmastide together with your unique and so so beautiful family,
      I'm sending blessings on your New Year which is going to begin ஜ♥♡♥ஜ

  6. Thank you for sharing this information and the pictures from this very talented artist.

    Featuring your post so more can have a chance to learn about him. Look for it at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop.


    1. Laurie,
      As I wrote on your blog, I realized that you decided to feature this post of mine just a few minutes ago!
      It's really a far beautiful surprise to me which enlighten this last day of the year, sweet friend of mine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
      Sending many blessings on the New Year to you all ❥

  7. Dany, che meraviglia questi dipinti , rappresentano davvero il mondo Dickensiano: ambientazioni,personaggi e atmosfera che arrivano al cuore di chi ama Dickens
    Ti auguro con tutto il mio cuore un anno sereno e tante,tante cose belle!
    Complimenti per l'apprezzamento ricevuto! ogni tuo post lo meriterebbe!!!
    Un abbraccio colmo d'affetto

  8. Carissima Daniela, desidero innanzitutto farti i miei più affettuosi auguri di buon Anno Nuovo, a te e alle persone che ami.
    Finalmente ho un po' di tempo per gustarmi queste favolose illustrazioni, osservandole con tutta la calma e la tranquillità perché possa apprezzare appieno la bellezza dei dettagli. Ogni particolare merita attenzione e sono una più bella dell'altra!
    Davvero mirabili, una stupenda sequenza di illustrazioni.
    Grazie per avermi fatto trascorrere una piacevole pausa, dopo una giornata intensa e concitata, che mi ha visto congedarmi dall'ultimo ospite di questo periodo di feste natalizie.
    Ancora auguri, cara amica, a presto

  9. What a beautiful post about this amazing creative artist, and his peeks into life around him at that time period. Thank you for highlighting his work and sharing some of his artistry that we can still enjoy today! Many Happy New Year blessings to you dear friend!

  10. Charming pictures! I really like the style. Best wishes for the new year!
