Quando pensiamo alla nobile casa d'Austria degli Asburgo, subitaneamente pensiamo agli imperatori e alla loro discendenza, ma molti, davvero molti erano i rami cadetti della famiglia che annoveravano altresì nomi importanti residenti in sontuosi palazzi siti in luoghi ameni.
Quest'oggi mi piace parlarvi della figura dell'Arciduca Karl Stephan e della sua residenza nell'odierna Croazia, sita sull'isola di Lussino - nello specifico nella località di Lussingrande - la Villa ed il Parco di Podjavori.
La Villa è divenuta, nel tempo, sede di diverse strutture termali - oggi è un sanatorio - e sono pochi gli antichi splendori, capaci di ricondurci indietro nel tempo, che oggi possiamo ancora ammirare, poche le immagini, inoltre, che si possono rintracciare sul web, ma ... noi ci riusciremo comunque, ve lo prometto !
Facente parte dell'Impero Austroungarico nel periodo più florido della sua storia, la costa croata, con le sue numerose, incantevoli baie ed isole, era una meta turistica tra le più ambite per gli aristocratici viennesi che la definivano Österreichische Riviera, ovvero Riviera Austriaca ( era infatti la sola parte dell'Impero lambita dalle acque del mare );
qui gli aristocratici venivano a svernare sotto il caldo sole dell'Adriatico ed amavano soprattutto l'isola di Lussino, date anche le sue condizioni climatiche, ottimali in ogni periodo dell'anno ( si calcola che la temperatura media annua sia di 14,5 ° C, in febbraio, che è il mese più freddo, essa non scende al di sotto dei 6,5 °C ed in luglio, il mese più caldo, non supera i 24,0 °C ) e fu così che essendo il suo porto principale divenuto troppo piccolo per accogliere un numero crescente di navi a vela, a Veli Lošinj - Lussingrande, le autorità locali lanciarono un'iniziativa per fornirla di un nuovo porto nella baia di Rovenska.
L'impero l'aveva inoltre fornita di una strada ferrata che facevano linea diretta nella tratta Vienna-Trieste, per poi costeggiare il litorale sul versante austriaco dell'Adriatico, toccando le più importanti località turistiche.
L'Arciduca Ferdinando Massimiliano d'Asburgo, fratello dell'imperatore e proprietario del Castello di Miramare di Trieste, Comandante della Marina Austro-ungarica, pose egli stesso la prima pietra per un grande frangiflutti nel 1856 accanto al quale fece costruire un cantiere navale che ebbe, però, ben poca fortuna: qui sono state costruite solo poche navi a vela tra il 1856 e il 1877, tra cui spicca la Esempio che è stato rovinata durante un ciclone abbattutosi nel porto di Pensacola, nella Baia del Messico, dopo aver navigato attraverso tutti i mari del mondo per ben diciannove anni: purtroppo, dopo l'apertura del Canale di Suez, le imbarcazioni a vela persero gradualmente importanza a vantaggio di quelle a vapore che cominciarono con il solcare le acque del Mediterraneo tra 1870 e 1880, facendo sì che i così detti velieri diventassero storia.
Era il maggio del 1885, il cantiere era ormai scomparso, ma una piccola imbarcazione a vela con chiglia a coltello chiamata Palamida ormeggiò nel porto di Lussingrande / Groß-Lötzing conducendo sull'isola un visitatore che avrebbe determinato l'ulteriore destino non solo di quella parte dell'isola, ma dell'isola intera: era il venticinquenne arciduca austriaco Karl Stephan, residente presso il Castello di Saysbusch (Żywiec), in Galizia, ivi recatosi in incognito, in cerca di un luogo ridente in cui far edificare una propria dimora ove svernare su quel mare che tanto amava; Grande Ammiraglio della Marina Austro-ungarica e candidato alla corona polacca, nato a Židlochovice, nella Moravia meridionale dall'Arciduca Karl Ferdinand d'Austria-Teschen e dalla moglie, l'Arciduchessa Elisabeth Franziska d'Asburgo-Lorena, di cui era cugino primo, Karl Stephan Eugen Viktor Felix Maria - questo era il suo nome per intero - appartenente al ramo cadetto degli Asburgo-Teschen, era in vista del matrimonio con l'Arciduchessa Maria Theresia d'Austria,
28 febbraio 1886, foto ufficiale del matrimonio di SAR l'Arciduca Karl Stephan e SAR l'Arciduchessa Maria Theresia d'Austria
L'arciduca aveva ricostruito la villa facendone un palazzo che nominò Villa Wartsee, ma essendo questo luogo troppo esposto alla bora e alle mareggiate, scelse un sito più consono e tranquillo in cui svernare con la famiglia ed avviò così il progetto per quella che sarebbe divenuta la Villa Podjavori, ai piedi del monte Jovanni, un castello immerso in un giardino circondato da terrazzamenti di rara bellezza che raggiunse la dimensione di un vero e proprio giardino botanico, e fu questo il luogo in cui egli amava svernare e trascorrere le vacanze, a partire da quelle pasquali per giungere a estive, con la famiglia;
Villa Podjavori era deliziosa, un unico lungo, bianco, edificio fatto di pietre irregolari, alto due piani, completamente arredato in un semplice stile cottage, con corridoi e scale di marmo grigio. Il suo più grande fascino era la gloriosa e splendida vista di cui si godeva dalle sue numerose finestre a battenti e dalle terrazze in fiore, che spaziavano dalle acque cristalline del mare Adriatico, con le sue miriadi di piccole isole, che lambiva le coste molto al di sotto alle Alpi innevate sulla terraferma dall'altra parte.
Il giardino era ideale, e si estendeva in lungo e in largo sui versanti selvagge e frastagliate del Monte Jovanni. Era pieno di sorprese, con i suoi sentieri ripidi e tortuosi e scalini ricoperti di muschio, scavati tra le grandi, ritte rocce, alcune dei quali sono state ricoperte dalla meravigliosa vegetazione in crescita, oppure lasciate lì in attesa di un progetto, semplicemente rocce grigie indomite, alte molti piedi, torreggianti contro un cielo azzurro.
A destra e a sinistra si veniva catturati dallo splendido colore dato dalle masse di rose ad albero, dagli aranci e dai limoni, dai gruppi di camelie scarlatte poste tra alte palme ondeggianti, ed ulivi dalla bassa, folta vegetazione.
Lucertole marroni saltato e e ballavano sulle rocce grigie; serpentelli scivolavano e si contorcevano sotto il sole; e l'aria calda e profumata, in questo superbo scenario di bellezza e di pace, sembrava vibrare con il mormorio inebriante di miriadi di insetti appartenenti al soleggiato Sud.
Durante il soggiorno della famiglia imperiale sull'isola, ogni cerimonia veniva evitata e ognuno sembrava 'dimenticare' per un po' quel sistema di riservatezza che rendeva noiosa la vita di Corte.1
La famiglia dell'Arciduca Karl Stephan e dell'Arciduchessa Maria Theresia nel 1896
Molto spesso la Famiglia Imperiale trascorreva la Pasqua a Lussino, ed era accolta come un benvenuto nel rilassamento di gioia dopo la monotonia della Quaresima e le solennità del Venerdì Santo di cui eravamo appena stati partecipi.
La Domenica di Pasqua era dedicata a grandi festeggiamenti, le regole erano messe da parte, ed i Principi e le Principesse erano praticamente liberi di fare ciò che più piaceva loro.
C'era sempre un pranzo molto elaborato, a cui don Antonio e altri sacerdoti erano invitati, oltre ad altri amici occasionali delle Loro Altezze Imperiali che alloggiavano alle loro ville o in Hotels sull'isola.
Ad esso faceva sempre seguito la caccia alle uova, nel parco di Podjavori, un'usanza pasquale che è tutt'oggi osservata in molti altri paesi europei. Belle e grandi uova, contenenti regali preziosi, e le caramelle più prelibate, a ciascuno dei quali veniva attaccato un nome, erano nascoste in una parte dei vasti terreni, destinata alla caccia.
Ognuno indossava abiti di gala; il tempo era generalmente perfetto e la scena è sempre stata di grande gioiosità e divertimento per grandi e piccini.
Un altro costume che colpiva poiché molto caratteristico, era il porre all'interno di ogni appartamento un piatto contenente una dozzina di uova sode, dipinte in vari colori vivaci, e un altro piatto su cui si potevano trovare vari tipi di carne fredda. Ovviamente nessuno ha mai avvertito il bisogno di questo strano cibo, questi regali curiosi venivano immediatamente inviati al piano di sotto perché fossero donati ai poveri.
Il Lunedì di Pasqua si teneva la piccola regata di Lussino, che era considerata da tutti un grande vento alla stregua delle corse di Kiel, o importante come la Regata di Cowes. 2
Estasiato dalla magnificenza della vegetazione mediterranea che lussureggiava intorno a Lussingrande, Egli avviò e sostenne inoltre l'istituzione e la creazione di sentieri e passeggiate spesso percorse dall'aristocrazia austriaca che soggiornava sull'isola o vi si recava in gita.
Il castello fu venduto nel 1893 con l'intenzione di costruire una nuova villa nella parte più alta del parco, ma questo progetto non venne mai realizzato.
L'arciduca affacciato ad una delle finestre della sua residenza con i genitori e due delle sue sorelle.
L'Austria perderà questa parte importante dell'impero con la Grande Guerra, dopo la quale la maggior parte del turismo guarderà piuttosto alla Riviera dei Fiori e alla Costa Azzurra, ricche di altri luoghi incantevoli che circondano la nostra penisola che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo, anche se si tratterà, comunque, di luoghi stranieri.
Nella speranza di avervi, anche questa volta, fatto vivere un piccolo sogno ad occhi aperti, prendo congedo da voi, carissimi ed amati amici e lettori, augurandovi ogni bene per questa nuova settimana,
a presto ♥
Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books;
1 - Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books, pag. 209;
2 - op.cit., pag. 219.
When we think of the noble house of Habsburg's, suddenly we think about the Emperors and their descendants, but many, very many were the offshoots of the family that also included important names residing in sumptuous castles and villas located in pleasant places.
- picture 1
Today I like to tell you about the figure of the Archduke Karl Stephan and his residence in today's Croatia, located on the island of Lošinj - specifically in the village of Veli - the Villa and the Park of Podjavori.
The Villa has become, over time, seat of several spa facilities - today it is a sanatorium - and very few are the amenities of the old world, able to lead us back in time, that today we can still admire, a few pictures, too, can be found on the web, but we ... well manage, I promise !
As part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the most prosperous period of its history, the Croatian coast, with its numerous, beautiful bays and islands, was one of the most sought-after touristic destination for Viennese aristocrats who called it Österreichische Riviera, or Austrian Riviera ( it was in fact the only part of the Empire lapped by the waters of the sea);
- picture 2
- picture 3
- picture 4
- picture 5
Aristocrats came here to spend their Winter under the warm sunshine of the Adriatic Sea and especially loved the island of Lošinj, also given its climatic conditions, optimum all year round (it is estimated that the annual average temperature is 14.5°C, in February, which is the coldest month, it doesn't fall below 6.5°C and in July, the hottest month, it doesn't go up more than 24.0°C), and so it was that being its main port became too small to accommodate an increasing number of sailing ships, in Veli Lošinj, the local authorities launched an initiative for to build a new port in Rovenska Bay.
The Empire had also provided this zone with a railway, which was direct in the rote Vienna-Trieste, and came down along the Adriatic coast on the Austrian side, touching the most important touristic areas.
- picture 6
Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg, brother of the Emperor and owner of Miramare Castle in Trieste, Commander of the Austro-Hungarian Navy, posed himself the cornerstone for a large breakwater in 1856 next to which he made buildt a shipyard that had, however, very little luck: here a few ships, sailing between 1856 and 1877, has been built, among which stands out the Esempio, that was ruined during a cyclone that hit the port of Pensacola, in the Bay of Mexico after sailing through all the seas of the world for nineteen years: unfortunately, after the opening of the Suez Canal, the sailboats gradually lost importance in favor of the steamboats that began with sailing the waters of the Mediterranean between 1870 and 1880, making so that the so-called sailing ships became history.
It was May of 1885, the yard was already gone, but a cutter, a small sailing ship with a knife keel called Palamida moored in the port of Veli Lošinj / Groß-Lötzing conducting on the island a visitor who would determine the further destiny not only of this part of the island, but of the whole island: he was the twenty-five Austrian Archduke Karl Stephan, at that time resident at the Saysbusch Castle (Żywiec), Galicia, who went there incognito, in search of a pleasant place in which to build his own home where to spend the Winter on the sea that he loved so much; Grand Admiral of the Austro-Hungarian Navy and candidate for the Polish crown, born in Židlochovice, in South Moravia from Archduke Karl Ferdinand of Austria-Teschen and his wife, Archduchess Elisabeth Franziska of Habsburg-Lorraine, of which he was first cousin, Karl Stephan Eugen Viktor Maria Felix - this was his full name - belonging to the cadet branch of the Habsburg-Teschen, was in sight of his marriage with the Archduchess Maria Theresia of Austria,
- picture 7
daughter of Archduke Karl Salvator of Tuscany and Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies: he fell in love with Veli Lošinj at first sight and when, on a slope above the bay, bought the house of the captain Sopranić, it began for Veli Lošinj " the age of tourism ".
The Archduke had rebuilt the villa making a building named Villa Wartsee, but being this place too exposed to the bora wind and to the storm surges, he chose a more appropriate and peaceful site where to spend the Winter with his family and so started the project for what would become the Villa Podjavori at the foot of Mount Jovanni, a castle surrounded by a garden, of rare beauty with its terraces, that reached the size of a veritable botanical garden, and this was the place where he loved to spend not only the Winter but especially the holidays, from Easter to Summer;
- picture 8
Podjavori itself was delightful, just a long, white, rambling stone building, two storeys high, furnished throughout in simple bungalow style, with corridors and stairs of grey marble. Its greatest charm was the glorius and superb views from its many casement windows, and flower-bedecked terraces, accross the crystal blue waters of the Adriatic far down below, with its myriads of tiny isles, and the snow-clad Alps on the mainland beyond.
The garden was ideal, stretching far and wide on the wild and rugged slopes of Monte Jovanni. It was full of surprises, with its steep and winding pathways and moss-grown steps, hewn out between great upstanding rocks, some of which were covered in marvellous growth, or else left projecting there, many feet high, just wild grey rocks towering up against an azure sky.
To the right and left one caught glimpses of gorgeous colouring from masses of rose-trees, groups of orange and lemon-tree, and scarlet camellias in between tall waving palms, and the low-spreading olive branches.
Dancing brown lizards jumped and skipped over the grey rocks; snackes glided and wriggled in the sun; and the warm and scented air, over this superb scene of beauty and peace, seemed to vibrate with the intoxicating murmur of myriads of insects life of the sunny South.
Cerimony was more or less waived during the stay of the Imperial Family on the island, and every one seemed to drop for a while the tedious restraint of Court life. 1
- picture 9
EASTER was very often spent by the Imperial Family in Lussin, and it come as a welcome in joyous relaxation after the monotony of Lent, and the solemnities of Good Friday in which we had just partaken.
Easter Sunday was given over to great rejoicings, rules were put on one side, and the Princes and Princesses were practically free to do what they pleased.
There was always a very elaborate lunch, to which Don Antonio and other priests were invited, besides any chance friends of Their Imperial Highnesses who were staying at their villas or at the Hotels on the island.
Then followed always the egg hunt, in the grounds of Podjavori, an Easter custom, which is still observed in several other European countries. Beautiful and enormous eggs, containing costly gifts, and the choicest bonbons, to each of which a name was attached, were hidden in the portion of the extensive grounds, given over to the hunt.
Every one donned gala attire; the day was usually perfect weather, and the scene was always one of gayety and amusement of young and old.
Another custom which struck one as being very quaint, was the placing in every one's apartement of a plate containing a dozen hard-boiled eggs, painted over in various bright colours, and another plate on which was found various kinds of cold meat. As it was obvious no one ever felt the need of this strange food, these curious gifts were immediately sent down to be given to the poor.
On Easter Monday Lussin's little regatta took place, which was looked upon by all as if it were as great an event as the races ad Kiel, or as important as the Cowes Regatta. 2
Mesmerized by the magnificence of the Mediterranean vegetation lushing around Veli Lošinj, he started and also supported the project and the creation of paths and walks often crossed by the Austrian aristocracy who used to stay on the island or went there on a trip.
The castle was sold in 1893 with the intention of building a new villa in the highest part of the park, but this project was never realized.
- picture 10
Austria will lose this important part of the Empire with the Great War, after which most of the tourist will look rather to the Riviera dei Fiori and the French Riviera full of other beautiful places surrounding also our peninsula and bordering the Mediterranean, although they will be, however, foreign places.
Hoping to have, once again, make you live a little daydream, I take leave of you, dear and beloved friends and readers of mine, wishing you all the best for this new week,
see you soon ♥
Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, reprint on September 2015, Forgotten Books Editions;
1 - Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, reprint on September 2015, Forgotten Books Editions, page 209;
2 - op.cit., page 219.
Dearest Daniela, your blog is just such a breath of fresh air! It is like strolling through another era, going back in time...simpler times. Thank you so much!
RispondiElimina@ Linda
Eliminawhat a big, deep joy to have you here, wondrous friend of mine ... and your so beautiful words really fill my heart, blessed be !
Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you much serenity for your days to come, darling,
sending love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ
My dear, kind, and lovely Dany, I always daydream when I am here. I dream of beautiful days gone by... I imagine what it might have been like to live during such an elegant time in society, a time when ladies were regal and feminine, and men were complete gentleman. Ah, to be able to jump into my dreams and actually LIVE in this glorious time - what a joy that would be :)
RispondiEliminaThank you for another delightful post, precious friend. May you have a beautiful week. Much love to you!
@ Stephanie
Eliminain the words you wrote in your comment you've given expression, in a sort of summary, to the thoughts that pushed me to gife life to ~ My little old world ~, almost three years ago ... to read them is such a blessing to me, you're truly a twin soul !!!
May your week also be filled with peacefulness, Holy Easter is approaching,
sending blessing and love to you ღ❀ღ
The old photos are fascinating, full of atmosphere: the ladies at the seaside boulevard with their parasols and long gowns... I enjoyed also reading the Easter traditions. I have some big hollow eggs to be filled with candy for children :)
RispondiEliminaI wish you a sunny and happy Easter dear Dany <3
@ riitta
EliminaI'm always so delighted to welcome you here, my Lovely Lady !
So the tradition of 'egg hunt' belongs to extreme Northern Europe too, how many things I can learn from your comments !
Have a wonderful week, my darling friend, and a Happy Easter, as well,
sending dear, gentle hugs to you ♥♡♥
Interessante questo post! Il castello Miramare di Trieste è stupendo così come la città.
RispondiEliminaCi sono stata questo inverno, un incanto.
Buon lunedì
@ Manu
Eliminasì, un incanto davvero, da ogni dove echeggiano ancora le ombre delle tradizioni e del passato asburgico, peraltro ancora abbastanza recente ... visitai questi luoghi due anni fa, in una bellissima assolata domenica di fine settembre che sembrò farci riassaporare l'estate che si era già conclusa.
Se può interessarti questo è il post che al Castello di Miramare proprio in quell'occasione dedicai: clicca QUI se hai piacere di leggerlo.
Con un abbraccio colmo di gratitudine ti auguro una settimana all'insegna della serenità più profonda ✿⊱╮
Lovely post and most informative. I didn't know about the Austrian Riviera. Have a wonderful day!
RispondiElimina@ Cathy
EliminaI'm always so glad to read your enjoyement, sweetest one, I'm so very grateful to you for this !
Sending blessings of peace on your new week,
⊰♥⊱ with love and dear hugs ⊰♥⊱
Darling Dany, YOUR POSTS are always filled with class and enchanting worlds to imagine! The glories of Europe and kings, queens, high teas, politeness and etiquette: GLORIOUS TIMES!
RispondiEliminaI wish you a happy spring season beautiful lady, and thank you so much for coming by to visit me! Many hugs to you! Anita
@ Anita
Eliminait's my pleasure, adorable friend of mine, to come and visit you it's like breathing fresh scented air, it's a relief for my soul, I cannot help but come and visit your wonderful blog as soon as I can when I see a new post of yours on my dasboard !
I must add that your words of appreciation bless my heart with such a gladness, precious friend of mine, you mean so much to me !
May this last week of Lent be serene to you,
sending love and blessings across the many miles for wishing you a Happy Holy Easter ❥
How interesting dear Dany....I can imagine the children loved their Easter egg hunt. They really knew how to make the day exciting for the little ones!
RispondiEliminaHave a beautiful and glorious day my friend....BIG hugs!! to you....
@ Shirley
EliminaMarvellos, Esteemed Lady, I'm so overjoyed to read your amusement and interest amongst the lines you wrote in your comment, I wholeheartedly thank you !
Hoping to meet you again before than Easter,
I wish you a most serene last week of Lent ever,
sending love and peace to you ಌ❀ಌ
My dear Daniela, I'm touched by your beautiful old photos and the story about the Habsburg family and other aristocrats enjoying their time on the Rivieras of France, Italy and Austria. When I see these beauties I'm always dreaming away how life would be when we should wear such beautiful dresses.
RispondiEliminaWish you a wonderful and happy week!
@ Janneke
Eliminamy darling, loving friend, I often find myself thinking about your recent loss and the pain you're suffering, you need such a strength of character to go on, sweetie, that's why your visits here are most welcome to me !
So overjoyed to gift you a little of serenity, and hoping that your week is off to a great start,
I wish you much love for your days to come,
sending you so dear hugs across the pond ⊰✽♡✽⊱
Dearest Dany, this is a fascinating story! All pictures are absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing another interesting post.
RispondiEliminaHave a nice week and a Happy Easter!
Hugs and love from Portugal,
Ana Love Craft
@ Ana
Eliminayou always bring here a wave of joy, my sweet friend, I'm so very thankful to you for this !
May your new week be blessed,
and may your Easter too be Peaceful and Happy, dearie,
ஐ thinking of you with love ஐ
Bellissime immagini che ci portano nel passato!Bellissima la foto di famiglia!Un caro abbraccio e buona settimana Santa!Baci,Rosetta
RispondiElimina@ Rosetta
Eliminache gioia averti qui, mia cara,...sempre !
Che la tua settimana di preparazione alla Santa Pasqua sia serena anche per te, dolce amica mia, grazie, sinceramente, per le parole di apprezzamento che illuminano la mia giornata,
ti abbraccio con tanto affetto e tanta ammirazione ∗✿≫♥≪✿∗
The family portrait seemed as if they were happy together ... (People didn't smile much in pictures ever back then, whether common folk or royalty), but they seem close and loving. Easter in a sunny place sounds like a treat for Emperors or anyone else! (I'm sure if I had been alive and living there back then, I would have been one of the poor who received the unneeded platter of eggs.)
RispondiElimina@ Sallie
Eliminamy darling, maybe you would have been one of the aristocrats enjoying the beauty of that amazing place ...
Enjoy your day, today, lovely friend,
and have beautiful days to come
sending blessings of joy to you ♡❤♡
PS ...I am so sorry you've had trouble leaving comments on my blog. I have written to ask TypePad (my blog host) why you and a couple of others are having such problems, and so far I have not received an answer.)
RispondiElimina@ Sallie
Eliminadon't worry, darling, probably, if i wasn't the only one having troubles posting my comment, it really depends from TypePad, you've done the right thing writing to its team, but for sure you must be patient .... they never answer very soon !
ღ Much love ღ
Liebe Dany,
RispondiEliminadu hast uns mal wieder in eine andere Zeit entführt, eine Zeit die uns heute so trügerisch schön erscheint wenn wir sie durch unsere romantisch ´verklärte Brille betrachten. Wir reden immer von der "guten" alten Zeit weil vielleicht immer das, was wir nicht haben können schöner zu sein scheint, als das, was wir haben. Ja, ich möchte auch daran glauben, das es früher schöner, feiner, eleganter, privilegierter war. Wir wissen alle das dies nur in unseren Träumen existiert, aber wir Menschen brauchen diese Träume, sie helfen uns zu leben. Danke für die schöne Illusion die du uns bereitest.
Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Osterfest. Alles Liebe, Barbara
@ Barbara
Eliminageliebte Freundin, thank you for your so wonderful, wonderful words ... you're right, we all need to daydream, sometimes, for dreams help us living better our nowasdays life ... I just hope to be able and do it amongs the lines of these pages of mine, with the topics I do deal with !
Hope you're having a blessed week,
I'm sending much love to you,
wishing you and your dear ones a Happy Easter ahead ༺♡❀♡༻
My Dearest Daniela,
RispondiEliminaHow beautiful these days of long ago must have been in lovely gowns with handsome men, enjoying summer breezes by the shore. Easter egg hunts on the lawns sound divine for children and guests. Wouldn't it be wonderful to go back in time.....Thank you for sharing these charming days in history with us.
Wishing you a lovely and happy Easter, my friend.
Hugs and blessings xo Karen
@ Karen
Eliminaas you well know, wonderful friend of mine, I also feel quite nostalgic about ancient times, for so many reasons, but as it happens for old traditions which we try to keep alive, I think that talking, reading, writing about past times, somewhow, we may give them life again !
Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you blessed days to come and I'm sending much love for wishing you and your dear ones a Happiest Easter ever ❥
This is fascinating, Dany! I can only imagine that fabulous Easter Egg hunt!
RispondiEliminaI don't know much about this period in history but on my pile of books to read this year is one called Danubia, which is about the Hapsburgs, I think. A friend passed it on and says it is fascinating. I'm very interested in the history of the World Wars and the things that led to them. Certainly the Austria-Hungarian empire was a big factor in the first.
Your research is wonderful as are the terrific images you use for illustration.
@ Jeanie
Eliminathank you so much, charming friend of mine, for your interest and your enjoyment, you know, 'Danubia' by Simon Winder is in my wish list on my Amazon account, I'd love to read it very soon, but I have already so many books to read at home, that I want, and I have, to give them the priority !
With so much thankfulness I wish you a blessed week and a Happy Easter ahead, darling, to you and your family ✿⊱╮
Awesome post! I love the story about the Hapsburgs, so interesting and the photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
RispondiElimina@ Kelly
Eliminathank you for visiting and appreciating this post of mine, my new friend, you're so welcome !!!
*♥* Hope you're having a beautiful week *♥*
Mi sono soffermata a guardare la foto di matrimonio. Neanche un cenno di sorriso da parte della sposa. Come in quella successiva, dove si vede tutta la famiglia. Chissà cosa celava nel suo cuore....Rapita dal tuo racconto dei loro soggiorni di vacanza tra Italia, Austria, di come trascorrevano la Pasqua, con la "caccia" alle uova. Una bellissima immersione in un passato cara Daniela, un dolcissimo momento per ricaricarmi. Grazie infinite a te ♥. Paola
RispondiElimina@ Paola
Eliminale tue visite illuminano sempre le mie giornate mia cara !
Avrai notato che è quasi una consuetudine quella di notare volti non sorridenti nelle fotografie risalenti all'epoca vittoriana, dettata molto spesso da sorrisi poco accattivanti: era facile allora avere denti non sani e perciò non belli da esibire, molto spesso erano scuri già in giovane età, soprattutto per gli austriaci ed i tedeschi le cui diete erano principalmente costituite da dolciumi ... la stessa imperatrice Elisabetta appena giunta a Vienna per le celebrazioni del suo matrimonio con l'imperatore, era stata ripresa dall'Arciduchessa Sofia la quale si era raccomandata di non sorridere, perché i suoi denti, a suo dire, erano davvero molto brutti !
E poi forse vi era anche in sottofondo la cultura romantica che preferiva ritrarre volti nostalgici e/o trasognati ...
Ti sono grata, mia preziosa amica, anche per avermi dato l'opportunità di approfondire questo argomento !
Che la tua Settimana Santa scorra serena e ... spero di incontrati ancora prima della Santa Pasqua per gli auguri ... felice giornata a te, dolcissima ஐღஐ
Magnifico post , come una favola . Non sono mai stata in Croazia,non ne conosco la costa , tanto meno immaginavo che avesse alle spalle tanto romanticismo.
RispondiEliminaLieta serata,
@ Franca
Eliminabuongiorno mia cara e, felicissima come sempre di averti qui, ti dico che la Croazia serba delle bellezze, sia naturali, che artistiche, che storiche, di alto valore, basti pensare che fu a suo tempo colonizzata dapprincipio dall'Impero Romano di cui esistono tutt'oggi resti archeologici di prestigio: a Pola, per esempio, vi è un magnifico anfiteatro, ovvero un'arena, simile alla nostra di Verona, ma delle'epoca del nostro Colosseo ... forse un po' meglio conservata ... ahimè !
Con il cuore colmo di gioia ti abbraccio con affetto e gratitudine, ti auguro di trascorrere una lieta Settimana Santa, dolce amica, gli auguri per la S.Pasqua ce li faremo più avanti ... intanto il tuo pacchetto ancora deve arrivare ... evviva le Poste Italiane ;) ⊰✽*♡*✽⊱
Hello, Dani. Wonderful post and very interesting as your's always are. I love hearing about the Easter egg hunt and seeing the family photograph. Thank you for your kind comments to me and welcome Spring to you..Happy Tuesday..xxo Judy
RispondiElimina@ Judy
EliminaI'm so honoured by your words of participation, they fill my heart and make my day, darling, sweetest friend of mine !
Hope you're having a wonderful day, today,
I'm sending blessings of joy and peace on your Easter ahead,
with much love ಌ•❤•ಌ
Magnificent historical post and love the vintage photos!
RispondiEliminaHappy Easter to you ~ ^_^
@ Carol
EliminaHappy Easter to you and your dear ones too, my dear friend, thank you for enjoying this post of mine, I'm so very glad for it !
Love and hugs to you ♡♥♡
It sounds like such a wonderful resort and I would love to see these stately castles and winter palaces! Your photos and history of this family is fascinating!
RispondiEliminaThank you Dear Daniela and i wish you a joyous Easter!
@ Christine
EliminaI'm so overjoyed by your wonderful words, adorable friend of mine, I thank you most sincerely, happy for having entertained you pleasantly !
May your Easter too be blessed with Joy and Peace, darling,
sending love and gentle hugs to you with so much gratitude ღ❀ღ
We have a friend from Croatia and intend to visit in the future. This was quite interesting and I love that portrait in the window. Unique! Have a lovely week Dani and Happy Easter to you!
RispondiElimina@ Andrea
EliminaI always welcome you with such a great, deep joy, darling friend of mine !
You're so fortunate to have a friend in Croatia, so you've the chance to visit this wonderful land, known, first of all, for its wonderful see, but there's still much nostalgia for Italians and for the Habsburg Empire ( at that time people spoke Italian ).
Sending blessings of Peace on your Easter ahead, precious friend,
I hope Spring arrives very soon in your wonderful corner of paradise too ✿⊱╮
it looks to be a very pretty port and what a view the castle must have on the side of the mountain. A lot of their Lent and Easter traditions sound like what we still do to this day, although I don't think our eggs are filled with the same things. It was interesting the food the eggs and meat were given to the poor because they didn't want to eat it, glad they didn't just throw it away.
RispondiElimina@ Connie
Eliminatheirs were wooden hollow eggs, much bigger than those we have today made of chocolate, and could contain so many goodies inside ... I'd have loved to participate to that egg hunt, won't you ?
You have to know that Habsburgs would never have throw away anything, believe me, they have always thought about the poors for a deep sense of charity dictated by their Faith.
So very glad to have made you spend a few time here with me in an enjoyable way, I wish you a most wonderful and Happy Easter ever, pecious, blessed friend of mine !
Much love ❥
Hello Dany
RispondiEliminaI found this post fascinating! I never knew Croatia had such a glorious sea coast, and that the lives of the Habsburgs was so interesting. My grandfather was Austrian, but I do not know from which country he lived pre WW1 before he immigrated to America.
Have a very beautiful and joyful Easter, my friend. Buona Pasqua!
@ Pat
Eliminayour beautiful words bless my heart !
I also have ancient Austrian roots, for my great grandmother came in Italy as a little girl with her family when Northern Italy, and more exactly Lombardo-Veneto, belonged to Austrian-Ungarian Empire... we've just found another thing we have in common, wondrous friend of mine !
Grazie per gli Auguri !!!
Sending blessings of Joy on yours and your family's Easter too, sweetie,
⊰♥⊱ always thinking of you with esteem and sincere love ⊰♥⊱
I feel so privileged to be transported to another era Daniela, thank you for letting me escape reality for a few minutes and go back in time. I adore old black and white photos... I think they're priceless. Your posts are also so interesting and informative.
RispondiEliminaI wish you a peaceful, happy Easter
@ Neesie
Eliminathe privilege is mine, my darling friend ... to have you here with your sweetness and your wonderful words expressing delight, well, I'm so, so very grateful to you for this !
Happy Easter to you too, dearie,
may it be blessed with Joy and Peace for you and your dear ones ಌ•❤•ಌ
Cara Daniela, sono passata per un saluto, per augurarti un buon inizio di primavera ed una serena Santa Pasqua! Un abbraccio e a presto!
RispondiElimina@ Minù
Eliminacarissima, grazie per avermi pensata con il tuo immancabile affetto!
Contraccambio di vero cuore gli Auguri per una Felice Santa Pasqua, ti aspetto dolce amica mia ♡ஐ♡
To be a guest in that beautiful castle! Daydreaming indeed Dany! Thank you for sharing with us all these wonderful bits of history~
RispondiElimina@ JES
Eliminait's my pleasure, you know, wonderful friend, I hope you enjoyed the egg hunt too !
Always so very pleased to have you here, I wish you a serene end of Lent and a Happy Easter ahead, to you and your family ❀⊱╮
RispondiEliminaYour posts never fail to transport me in time and place! I can count on you for my weekly dose of unrequited romance! So Beautiful! And what a lovely story.
@ Lisa
EliminaI'm so blessed by your your words, my dearest friend, I embrace you with love and thankfulness !
Hope you're having a beautiful week, sweetie,
I'm wishing you nicer days to come and a Joyous Easter ahead *♥*
e passo da te e sogno ..hai il dono, nei tuoi racconti, di far rivivere quelle atmosfere e ti ringrazio!!!! Bellissima trieste ci sono passata la scorsa estate, si sente molto l'influenza asburgica!!!!! ti abbraccio con affetto e ti auguro una Pasqua serena circondata dall'amore dei tuoi cari Lory
RispondiElimina@ Lory
Eliminagrazie a te, carissima, è davvero un complimento meraviglioso quello che mi rivolgi, fatto di parole che vanno dritte al cuore !
Trieste è meravigliosa, verissimo, sembra che gli Asburgo l'abbiano appena lasciata, hai ragione ... ma sai che a settembre si tiene in piazza un ballo asburgico ... tutti sono vestiti in costume, carrozze solcano le vie attorno alla piazza, credo sia piazza Verdi e che si tratti del primo weekend d'autunno ... un sogno !!!
Ti mando un grande bacio ed un abbraccio per contraccambiare sentitamente i tuoi graditissimi auguri, mia carissima, preziosa amica, che la tua S.Pasqua sia più Serena e Gioiosa che mai ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥
A very pretty post...
RispondiElimina@ bj
Eliminathank you, my friend, you're so very welcome !
Have a blessed day ⊰✽♡✽⊱
Ciao Daniela, grazie sempre per queste perle che ci doni. Leggerti è un piacere infuso alla conoscenza. Ti lascio un augurio di buone ed imminenti festività. Un abbraccio. Buona Pasqua. NI
RispondiElimina@ NI
Eliminala tua raffinatezza dona un tocco così speciale al mio blog, te ne sono così tanto, tanto grata, mia carissima, splendida amica !
Auguro anche a te, di vero cuore, una S.Pasqua colma di Gioia e di Serenità e contraccambio il tuo abbraccio, con affetto ed ammirazione ஐღஐ
Thank you so much for sharing this with us all at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We are so glad you are here!
RispondiEliminaYou always share the most beautiful posts.
Your words honour me and leave me speechless, my friend, you're so generous with me !
EliminaHope you're having a blessed week,
I wish you serene days to come,
with so much thankfulness ❀≼♥≽❀
Hi, Daniela! I'm so glad to have found your blog! You share lots of interesting information and wonderful photographies about the old times in what i've got much interest recently!
RispondiEliminaThank you, and have a joyous Easter celebration!
@ Zara
EliminaI'm so pleased by your words of gladness and interest, your joy is mine, how welcome you are !!!
With so much gratitude I wish you a wonderful day, today and a Happy Easter, as well, I'm coming and visit you soon ༺♡❀♡༻
Interessante davvero questa tua ricerca cara Dany, la parte conclusiva relativa alle usanze pasquali della famiglia mi rammenta che è giunto il momento di fare tanti auguri di una serena Pasqua a te ed a tutti i tuoi cari.
RispondiEliminaCon affetto
@ Susanna
Eliminamia cara, dolcissima amica, è sempre con sincero affetto e gratitudine che ti accolgo qui a ~ My little old world ~, leggere le tue parole è una grande gioia ed una grande, grandissima soddisfazione per me !
Che le celebrazioni pasquali siano foriere di tanta Serenità e Pace anche per te e per i tuoi cari,
te lo auguro di vero cuore ♡❤♡
Wow, what an Easter Treat to find your blog, I love the history and your photos, it is fascinating to see how the Croatian coastline is happily again a destination of choice. Having Mozart playing whilst I read was just perfect!
RispondiEliminaHappy Easter.
Wren x
@ Wren
Eliminawhat a blessing to read such words of enjoyment, enthusiasm and appreciation, you're always heartily welcome, my friend !
May your Easter too be filled with Peace and Joy,
with sincere thankfulness ✿⊱╮
Another completely interesting post. I will have to begin to follow, as I would like to read more. I knew nothing about this old resort and its denizens. Happy Easter!
RispondiElimina@ Pondside
EliminaI'm s overjoyed to have you amongst my beloved followers, I hope not to disappoint you, my new, lovely friend !
*♥* Happy Easter to you too *♥*
Dany I adored this post so much! I enjoy learning about royal families.
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for sharing this lovely post at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Wishing you and yours a glorious Easter.
@ Laura
Eliminawe've just discovered another thing we have in common, wonderful friend of mine, I love to read, and to talk, or better, to write, about royal families, especially dating back to the periods I love most, that are the Victorian and the Edwardian Ages, even if sometimes I'm not sorry to make a jump even farther in time, to discover something curious and interesting !
Thank you so much for your good wishes, my darling, precious friend, enjoy you too your Easter celebrations,
sending blessing of Peace to you ಌ❀ಌ
Yet again, I have taken a moment or two, to escape into your lovely world of yesteryear. A moment or two to dream what it would be like to be one of those aristocratic ladies in their pretty dresses enjoying the Rivieras. Those Easter egg hunts do sound like a lot of fun. I can only imagine how delightful they were filled with all those treasures.
RispondiElimina@ Kim
Eliminawondrous, precious friend, you're one of the loveliest gifts that ~ My little old world ~ has presented me during these few years of blogging ... I'm so very grateful to you for your friendship, my sweetest lady, blessed be !
I'm always so delighted to welcome you here, for you, with your so beautiful words, always put a smile on my face, darling !
Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you wonderful days to come, dearie,
♥∗✿≫ sending you blessings of joy ≪✿∗♥
Dearest Dany. As a lover of art and history, it's always a special moment in my week to visit you. Your images are always sublime. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Hope to see you again on Friday! Love, Mimi xxx
RispondiElimina@ Mimi
Eliminayour so beautiful words truly honour me and fill my heart with such a gladness you cannot even imagine, my adorable, precious friend !
May your weekend be blessed with love and joy,
thinking of you dearly ♡ஐ♡