martedì 21 giugno 2016

HISTORY OF FASHION ~ 1870s Summer Fashions.

Oggi voglio trasportarvi nell'era tardo vittoriana e più precisamente ai primi anni settanta, quando gli abiti femminili raggiunsero l'apice dell'eleganza, per rileggere con voi i dettami della moda che al tempo veniva proposta per l'estate; 


per i testi citerò il Demorest Illustrated Monthly Magazine, del giugno 1873 ed il Godeys Lady's Magazine dell'agosto del 1871 mentre le stampe, come avrete modo di vedere, sono tutte parigine.

Concedetemi prima un breve cenno su William Jennings Demorest di New York City (1822-1895), uomo decisamente intraprendente e creativo, che divenne un grande editore americano di riviste di fama internazionale: egli, traendo spunto dai cartamodelli realizzati dalla sua seconda moglie, Ellen Demorest, nata Curtis, diede vita, insieme con lei, prima ad una rivista di moda, creando un impero di produzione e di commercio che raggiunsero il vecchio continente, poi lanciò altre quattro riviste e fondò una casa cosmetica; leader nella lotta per l'abolizione della schiavitù, brevettò, questa volta da solo, persino una macchina da cucire ed un velocipede.

Ma veniamo alla nostra rivista per leggere i consigli sulla moda dell'impellente estate !

Si è fatto un gran parlare di cambiamenti nella moda e della scomparsa totale del pouf, della tournure, della polonaise, e di altri elementi connotativi la moda di oggi. Ma tale baccano è finito, in quanto siffatti discorsi generalmente si concludono, vanno in fumo non essendo possibile apportare modifiche a ciò che è ormai divenuto uno stile popolare, a meno che non sia più pratico del basque bustle ( nella moda vittoriana, basque si riferisce ad un corpetto stretto aderente o ad una giacca che si estende oltre la linea di cintura sui fianchi N.d.A.);

 July fashion, 1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne

dell'overskirt, della polonaise, e del walking dress

Elemento di rilievo nella moda della scorsa primavera è stato senza dubbio la redingote, letteralmente, "grande cappotto", fatta in cashmere, in panno di cammello, in Serge, e sicillienne, con il collare ed i polsini in velluto rivoltati secondo la moda inglese, e rifinita con bottoni placcati in argento. Questo capo, anche se semplice, è molto suggestivo in quanto ad aspetto e non è affatto a buon mercato, essendo il tessuto necessario per confezionarla obbligatoriamente buono e genuino, ed i bottoni, unico ornamento, molto costosi. 

Le redingotes sono indossate, e molto ammirate, principalmente con gonne di seta nera e si dividono gli onori con abiti da passeggio in seta e lana nera, quest'ultima ricamata e rifinita con pizzo Yak nero. La redingote estiva è realizzata in lino, piqué, raso e cotone per asciugamani di provenienza turca, il tutto montato su velluto nero e rifinito con bottoni di velluto nero, ma tutto ciò è discutibile in quanto a lavaggio, eccezion fatta per quelle Ladies che avendo domestiche a servizio, possono permettersi di passare loro gli abiti affinché possano rammendarli o comunque possano prendersene cura.


E' raro che una così grande varietà di metodi di produzione siano ancora di moda come le plissettature, le ampie balze raccolte, le balze al ginocchio, le balze che coprono la gonna, e con tessuti rigidi, semplici nastri. C'è sempre qualcosa, però, che serve quale caratteristica distintiva di un elegante capo d'abbigliamento ed ora sembra essere il momento della fascia.


Una rassegna di sete sta tornando in voga in questa stagione, e invece di essere rifinite con balze di mussola bianca, illustri leaders della moda le ornano con balze di garza nera, o granatina, ricamate, od ornate con pizzi. Una tunica o grembiule di garza viene aggiunto alla parte superiore della gonna, e il corpetto è coperto con una veste di garza, mentre le maniche sono di seta e mostrano un semplice 'arruffarsi' di garza, e sono bordate da una pieghettatura in tulle bianco ai polsi. Drappeggi di seta sono ornamento della veste e della gonna. 

Per la sera nei luoghi termali o balneari, abiti in garza nera e abiti neri accurati sono in fase di preparazione, gonfi longitudinalmente sulla gonna, con lembi che acquistano ampiezza verso il fondo. Ampie fasce di sottile seta Armuré nera, ricamate in tinta sulle estremità, e decisamente sfrangiate sono indossate con questi toilettes, e sia il corpetto che le maniche sono rifiniti con pizzo bianco Valenciennes, creando il miglior effetto.


1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne


Uno stile molto elegante è quello Gabrielle altrimenti detto Princess ora molto di moda. La parte posteriore ha un basque bustle di nuovo taglio che cade sopra una gonna con tre poufs, mentre la parte anteriore è tagliato in uno stile semplice Gabrielle con il basque bustle sottolineato dalla rifinitura. Si adatta a tutti i tessuti eccetto quelli molto pesanti o molto sottili. Il taglio deve essere adeguato alla pesantezza del tessuto. Quello illustrato è adatto per abiti molto eleganti, ma uno stile più semplice sarà comunque di grande effetto.



1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne

E' inutile dire come è fatta, si tratta di una finitura che si sovrappone alla gonna con stili diversi a seconda dei gusti di chi le veste e delle abilità sartoriali di chi le crea. Un drappeggio di seta, sorretto da due fasce in seta, è una delle ultime idee, ma di solito l'ampia seta o velluto forma due drappi e finisce con tagli irregolari, che sono utilizzati nel modo più efficace possibile per aiutare a formare il drappeggio della tournure.

1870's turnure


 1870s fashion plate: a polonaise in grenadine, v-neck open with chemisette, fringe & big bows on sides and skirt ruffle

Tygodnik Mód, 1874

Il Godey's Magazine dell'agosto 1871 identifica il termine polonaise con due capi separati, un corpetto e una overskirt:

abiti di un bel tessuto foulard, di seta naturale, e seta Serge, sono tagliati con semplici bande diagonali, maniche strette, e basque bustle o Polonaise; su questo un busto Polonaise in lino è indossato come fosse una protezione, strettamente abbottonato, e rifinito semplicemente con pieghettature laterali, la parte anteriore in stile Gabrielle, con tre o quattro profonde pieghe sul retro. Una Polonaise in lino in questo stile può essere indossata sopra una gonna di lino anche della medesima fantasia. [...] Overskirts o abiti in stile Polonaise o semplicemente le gonne Polonaise, devono essere molto lunghe e drappeggiate solo sui lati.

Abiti [...] in cretonne sono la novità della stagione: sono stati introdotti l'anno scorso alle stazioni termali francesi, e solo pochi sono stati importati qui in questa stagione. Sono destinati alla moda di campagna poiché sono fatti di chintz in fantasia e del cretonne utilizzato per il rivestimento dei mobili; i motivi sono di colore nero, marrone, verde, blu, giallo cuoio, con grandi fiori colorati brillanti e figure. Sono composti di una gonna arruffata e Polonaise, con aggiunta di grandi fiocchi di velluto nero. Questi abiti sicuramente ci portano indietro ai giorni delle nostre nonne, e, temiamo, incontreranno poco favore se non che per una stagione; ma se diverranno moda, ci sarà sempre chi seguirà questa tendenza. 

1870 - Polonaise e combinazione di Polonaise e Watteau overdress a destra


L'overskirt ha un ampio grembiule drappeggiato ed un'ampia piega Watteau è portata fino alle spalle e fissata alla cintura. Questa è rifinita tutt'attorno con plissettature e drappeggiata ai lati. E' nota come l'overdress "Watteau".



I nuovi mantelli della stagione sono un semplice rilancio di quelli di venti anni fa. 
Molti di essi sono fatti allo stesso modo da strisce alternate di seta in tinta unita marezzata e di pizzo, bordati con un sottile cordoncino o da passamaneria. Altri sono fatti di faille rigido, a collo alto o basso, con brevi alette squadrate, con o senza plissettatura sul retro che segna la vita. La rifinitura è costituita da frange, pizzi, o da una balza di seta.

Più avanti nella stagione verrà introdotto il pizzo come tessuto per le mantelline, che verrà fissato in vita dietro con fusciacche, e all'estremità con dei fiocchi in tinta [...]

Più semplici, e molto meno costosi sono la garza a righe, le sciarpe in granatina, che, essendo bianca e nera, può essere indossata con quasi tutti i tipi di toilette, o gli ampi mantelli di mussola bianca, rifiniti con pizzo, che spogliati del loro nastro di guarnizione possono, nelle mani di un'abile lavandaia, ri-apparire come nuovi.

Ma senza dubbio il pizzo, nelle mantelline portate su di una tunica o polonaise bianca o nera, rende al meglio. Queste possono essere usate inquasi tutte le occasioni, sia in casa, come finitura per una cena in semplice toilette in seta, come aggiunta ad un abito per l'opera o per un concerto. Non vi è limite agli impieghi che ne possono essere fatti, né alla figura che sono in grado di offrire.




Il nuovo parasole, od ombrello per il sole, è l'Union League Club. E' un parasole dal manico corto e sottile montato su di un'impugnatura dorata o in agata, con bacchette d'avorio, di argento placcato, o in conchiglia, ed è corredato di una catenella per legarlo alla chatelaine ( catena cui le donne tenevano appese le chiavi di casa ). Blu e prugna sono i colori che fanno tendenza. Questi costano da $ 7 a $ 10.
Ombrellini in seta veneziana intercambiabile, in morbido Serge spigato, in due tonalità, sono molto popolari. I loro prezzi vanno da $ 7,50 a $ 18,00.

Uno stile molto utile ed elegante è quello in seta nera foderata con un tessuto colorato, o di un tessuto colorato foderato di bianco. Questi sono grandi, hanno cupole profonde, e sono bordati con doppia frangia nei due colori. Prezzo $ 10. Per le visite e per recarsi in chiesa, sono utilizzati piccoli parasoli bianchi o di colore chiaro, ricoperti di pizzo, montati su bastoni finemente scolpiti in avorio giallo o in finto legno. Solamente i bastoni hanno un costo che va da $ 6 a $ 20. Il pizzo nero Llama costa da $ 3 in su mentre il vero Chantilly parte da 15 $. I costi di pizzo in filo vanno da $ 22 in su.

Vi ringrazio infinitamente per avermi seguita fino a qui e vi abbraccio calorosamente augurandovi una splendida estate, 

a presto 💕

Today I want to take you back to the late Victorian age, to be more exact to the 70's, when the women's gowns reached the pinnacle of their elegance to read together with you the dictates of fashion which at that time was proposed for the Summer; 

- picture 1 - 1873

as for texts I'm going to quote the Demorest Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1873 and the Godeys Lady's Magazine, August 1871 whereas the fashion plates, as you could see, are all Parisian.

But let me first do a brief mention of William Jennings Demorest from New York City (1822-1895), very enterprising and resourceful man, who became a great American publisher of internationally renowned magazines: inspired by the patterns made by his second wife, Ellen Demorest, neè Curtis, he gave life together with her, first at a fashion magazine, creating an empire of production and trade that reached the old continent, then launched four other magazines and founded a cosmetics company; leader in the fight for the abolition of slavery, patented, this time by himself, even a sewing machine and a velocipede.

But let's get to our magazines to read tips on fashion about the impending Summer!

from Demorest Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June, 1873

THERE has been much talk of changes in fashion and of the total disappearance of the pouf, the tournure, the polonaise, and other distinctive parts of the modern costume. But it has ended, as such talk generally does end, in smoke. No changes being perceptible in the general features of what have grown to be popular styles, and none likely to take place, unless something is suggested more convenient and becoming than the basqueN.d.A. : in Victorian fashion, basque refers to a tight bodice or a jacket that extends beyond the waistline to reach the hips );

- picture 2 -  July fashion, 1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne

the overskirt, the polonaise, and the walking skirt. The prominent spring fact is undoubtedly the redingote—literally, “great coat,” which has been made in cashmere, camel's-hair cloth, serge, and sicillienne, with English turn-over collar, and cuffs of velvet, and mounted with oxydized silver buttons. These redingotes, though simple, are very striking in appearance and not at all cheap, the material being necessarily good and genuine, and the buttons, the only ornaments, very costly. They are worn principally with black silk skirts, and divide the honors with walking costumes of black silk, and black wool, the latter of which embroidered, and trimmed with black Yak lace, are greatly admired.

For summer wear the redingote is made in linen, piqué, satin and Turkish toweling, all mounted with black velvet, and trimmed with black velvet buttons, but this is objectionable on the score of washing, except to those ladies who can afford to pass their soiled clothes over to their maids to be ripped, or otherwise taken care of.

- picture 3 - 1872

It is seldom that so great a variety of methods in making are fashionable as now—side pleatings, gathered flounces, flounces to the knee, flounces covering the skirt, and, upon solid materials, plain bands. There is always something, however, which serves as the distinguishing feature of an elegant costume; just now it is the sash.

- picture 4 - 1874

Shot silks are coming into vogue again this season, and instead of being trimmed with white muslin flounces, distinguished leaders of fashion are ornamenting them with flounces of black gauze, or grenadine, embroidered, or trimmed with laces. A tunic or apron of the gauze is added to the upper part of the skirt, and the bodice is covered with a veste of the gauze, while the sleeves are of the silk, and only show a ruffling of the gauze, lined with a plaiting of white tulle at the wrists. Bows of the silk ornament the veste and skirt.

For evening wear at the watering places, black gauze and black net dresses are being prepared, puffed lengthwise upon the skirt, the bouillons widening toward the bottom. Wide sashes of thin black armure silk, embroidered in colors upon the ends, and deeply fringed are worn with these toilettes, and the bodice and sleeves are trimmed with white Valenciennes lace, with the best effect.


- picture 5 - 1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne

- picture 6 - 1875

A very dressy style of the favorite “Gabrielle,” or “Princess” dress which is now so fashionable. The back has a basque of a new cut, falling over a skirt with three puffs, and the front is cut in a plain Gabrielle style with the basque simulated by the trimming. It is adapted to all goods excepting those very heavy or very thin. The trimming must be selected to correspond with the goods. That illustrated is suitable for very dressy purposes; but a plainer style will be very effective.


- picture 7 - 1873

- picture 8 - 1875, France, L’Élégance Parisienne

It is useless to tell how it is arranged, except that it is disposed upon the side. The styles of arranging are as various as the tastes of the wearers and the qualifications of the modiste. A pocket or satchel of the silk, depending from two straps of silk, is one of the latest ideas, but ordinarily the broad silk or velvet sash forms two loops and irregular ends, which are used as effectively as possible to aid in forming the drapery of the tournure.

- picture 9 - 1870's tournure


- picture 10 - 1870s fashion plate: a polonaise in grenadine, v-neck open with chemisette, fringe & big bows on sides and skirt ruffle

- picture 11 - Tygodnik Mód, 1874

The Godey's Magazine for August 1871 identifies the term polonaise with two separate garments, a bodice and an overskirt:

Handsome suits of fine foulard, pongee, and silk serge, are simply trimmed with plain bias bands, closely fitting sleeves, and basque waist, or Polonaise; over this a linen Polonaise is worn as a protection, closely buttoned, and trimmed simply with side plaitings, and a Gabrielle front, with three or four deep box-plaits at the back. This style of linen Polonaise can be looped up and worn over a corresponding linen skirt also. [...] Overskirts to the dress, or the Polonaise skirt, must be very long and only looped up at the sides.

[...] Cretonne costumes are the novelty of the season: they were introduced last year at French watering places, and a few have been imported here this season. They are intended for country wear only, and are made of the chintz figured cretonnes used for upholstering furniture; the grounds are black, brown, green, blue, buff, with large brilliant colored flowers and figures. They are made with a ruffled skirt and Polonaise, caught up by large bows of black velvet. These costumes certainly carry us back to the days of our grandmothers, and will, we fear, meet with but little favor for a season; but if fashion decrees, there will always be some to follow her mandate.[15]

- picture 12 - 1870 - Polonaise and combination of Polonaise and Watteau overdress on the right


The overskirt has broad draped apron, and a Watteau plait is carried up in the back and fastened to the waist. This is trimmed around with a puff, and is looped high at the sides. It is known as the “Watteau” overdress.


- picture 13 - 1873

The newest mantles of the season are a simple revival of the scarf mantelets of twenty years ago. Many of them are made in the same way of alternate strips of plain or watered silk, and dotted lace, edged with a narrow gimp or passementerie. Others are made of solid faille, high or low necked, with short square tabs, and with or without a pleating at the back which holds then in at the waist. The trimming consists of fringe, lace, or a ruffle of the silk with a heading.

Later in the season lace mantelets will be introduced, fastened into the waist behind with sash bows, and ends of colored ribbon [...]

More simple, and much less expensive are the striped gauze, and grenadine scarfs, which in white, and black, can be worn with almost any toilette, or the white muslin tunics, and scarf mantles, trimmed with lace, which divested of their ribbon garniture may, in the hands of a skillful laundress, re-appear as good as new.

But undoubtedly in lace, the best investment is a white or black llama tunic or polonaise. These can be used upon almost any occasion. For in, or out of doors, as a finish to a rather plain silk dinner toilette, as an addition to an opera or concert dress. There is no end to the uses to which they can be put, nor to the service they are able to perform.


- picture 14 - 1874

- picture 15 - 1875

THE new parasol, or sun-brella, is the “Union League Club.” It has a short, thick handle, mounted in gilt, agate, knobs and crosses of ivory, oxidized silver, or shell, and is furnished with a chain to attach it to the chatelaine. Blue and plum are the leading colors. These cost from $7 to $10.

Umbrellas in changeable Venetian silk, a soft twilled serge, in two shades, are very popular. Prices range from $7.50 to $18.00.

A very useful dressy style of parasol is in black silk lined with a color, or a color lined with white. These are large, have deep canopies, and are bordered with double fringe in the two colors. Price $10. For visiting and church, small parasols are used, these are white, or a light color, covered with lace, and are mounted on finely-carved sticks of yellow ivory, or fancy wood. These sticks alone cost from $6 to $20. Black Llama lace covers cost from $3 upwards. Some real Chantilly are shown as low as $15. Thread lace costs from $22 upward.

Thanks most sincerely for having followed me up to here, I embrace you warmly while wishing you a wonderful Summer,

see you soon 💕


88 commenti:

  1. che eleganza quei tempi e che femminilità....
    mi hai fatto sognare anche questa volta...
    ti auguro un buongiorno cara daniela

    1. @ daniela
      le tue parole illuminano di gioia la mia giornata, dolce amica mia, te ne sono immensamente grata !

      Ti abbraccio con il cuore ಌ•❤•ಌ

  2. Dany, sono veramente vestiti stupendi.
    Ho sempre sognato di poterne provare uno!
    Grazie per questo bel post!
    Ti abbraccio

    1. @ Manu
      carissima, hai tutta la mia comprensione, credimi !
      Pensa che quando mi sposai ( allora non avevo ancora la possibilità di navigare sul web e di 'riscoprire' questi figurini d'epoca ) mi feci confezionare dalla sarta di famiglia un abito molto simile a quello che vedi nella stampa di copertina, sulla destra ... questo stile è come se lo avessi nella mia mente da sempre ... era in taffetà di seta tinta crema, il regalo di nozze della mia cara nonna, che davvero non badò a spese ... per abiti del genere è necessaria una grande quantità di tessuto ... poi volle che il davanti della gonna, centralmente rispetto ai poufs laterali, fosse rivestito di pizzo Valencienne, per cui puoi immaginare come i costi lievitarono ... ma fu una gioia per lei, era una promessa che mi aveva fatto tempo addietro ed un'immensa soddisfazione e la realizzazione di un sogno per me vestirlo nel giorno più bello della mia vita !

      Che il prosieguo della tua settimana sia prodigo di gioia per te, dolce amica mia, perdona la digressione affettiva a cui mi sono lasciata andare, guidata ancora una volta dall'amore che ho per quest'epoca *♥*❀*♥*

  3. Can you imagine, wearing all that material!?! :-))))

    But the parasol. Now I do love that idea. And wish more ladies used one now. Because I have never wanted to tan. (And my face is still, very wrinkle free... -smile-)

    Every day, when we put on the clothes, which we think comfortable and neat, we should remember these poor ladies! Who did not have such Freedom! :-)

    Gentle hugs,

    1. @ Tessa
      surely, there's no comparison between our nowadays ordinary way of dressing and the fashion women followed during the Victorian age, they were suited with such garments, so rich in fabric and in refinement, and when they went out, they did it for a walk, walking slowly while chatting, not always in a hurry as we usually do, alas !

      Of course, we couldn't change, the way of living our life itself is so very different ... I think I'd preferred to have remained at those rythms ...

      Hope you're enjoying your day, dearest friend, I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you, thank you for your usual kindness and loveliness ✿⊱╮

  4. querida Daniela:
    um post belíssimo !!
    quantos vestidos maravilhosos..
    a gente pára para sonhar não é mesmo?
    um grande abraço
    grazie !!

    1. @ Eliane
      GRAZIE A TE !
      Muito obrigada, querida amiga, que alegria ter você aqui !

      Boa semana, um abraço forte forte ⊰✽♡*♡✽⊱

  5. Hello Dany, what a lovely post. All the dresses are beautiful and I am sure they were all a hit and popular back in their time. I could not imagine having to wear one now. Thanks for sharing, great post and photos. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day and week ahead!

    1. @ eileeninmd
      good morning darling friend and thank you for visiting me today !
      To wear such dresses today it would be something like a punishment to us, but I have to admit that in a special occasion, for a few hours, I'd love to ... even today !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with joy, sending you my dearest love across the many miles ❥

  6. Dearest Daniela, now this, to me, is fashion at its best! I don't like many of the new fashions today, I find that they are quite tight and distasteful. Thank you so much for this lovely array of vintage fashion!

    1. @ Linda
      as for elegance, I cannot help but do agree with you, sweetie !
      Our 'fashion' today is first of all practical, but the term elegance is another thing ...

      Always so very grateful for gracing my blog with your delicate soul, I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come, may they be filled with much love ❀≼♥≽❀

  7. Wouldn't it be interesting to have the occasion to wear such beautiful dresses.


    1. @ Karen
      you cannot imagine how much I'd love to organize a meeting amongst friends all dressed in late Victorian style .. I wonder if one day I'll manage to realize such a dream !

      Wishing you joyous days to come, I thank you most sincerely, dear friend, you're always so heartily welcome ♡❤♡

  8. {{sigh}} What sweet loveliness, my friend. Oh, if only I could travel back in time for there I would stay :) These dresses make my heart swoon. Though I will say that these lovely ladies must have been quite warm in all that clothing. I could not imagine wearing a dress like that when it's 95 degrees F {{smiles}}

    Thank you for another enchanting post, sweet friend. How you bless my heart! Much love to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      ... and how you bless mine, dearie, both with your delightful presence here and with your so lovely words of amusement ... I also think that wearing such heavy dresses was a reason of tiredness ... and of sweat ... even if seasons had different temperatures, Winter were colder and Summers less hot, probably that was one of the reasons why they changed toilettes several times a day ...

      Hope you're having a lovely week I wish you a days to come as beautiful as you, dearie ✿*✿

  9. Imagine the time and expense in making one of those creations now! They were gorgeous though and it would be nice to dress up like that once in a while.
    Have a lovely week Daniela :)

    1. @ Prunella
      I welcome you with so much joy, dearie !!!
      I think that such creations are priceless, today, and I wonder how difficult it would be to find a seamstress able to create such artworks !
      It all belongs to that age, that's why I feel so charmed by these gowns !

      May your week too be as beautiful as never before,
      sending my dearest love to you •♥•♥•♥•

  10. This was a fun post Dany. The dresses look so pretty, elaborate and elegant . But I am happy that I don't have to use them :) Poor ladies - they must hafe felt terribly hot with all that fabric. And I wonder if they could sit on theit tournures at all :) In addition all the day dresses are with long sleeves, sleevless dresses must have been considered undecent during the day time...

    These dresses are really beautiful - but it's great the fashion today is more pravtical and allows us women to live and move!

    Thank you my dear Dany for this fun post. I wish you sunshine and a happy week!

    1. @ riitta
      your amusement means joy to me, such a deep joy, and a great satisfaction, I put so much passion and time in this post of mine !
      Of course, we couldn't come back ... neither as for fashion !

      Wishing you a delightful remainder of your week,
      I'm thinking of you with love and thankfulness ღ❀ღ

  11. What a lovely post about this summer fashion, Dany !
    So elegant ... love those Magazines illustrations too, so stylish !
    Hope you're having a wonderful week, sweet friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      I'm so very glad to read your enjoyment, precious friend, you put a sweet smile on my face, thank you, I truly needed it !

      Hope your week too is beautiful and sunny,
      may your days to come be filled with so much joy ♡ஐ♡

  12. Che eleganza ! abiti certamente molto impegnativi , in quanto a modelli elaborati , metri e metri di stoffa e abbellimenti ricercati,
    ma penso che indossare un abito così potesse davvero essere gioia pura per le nobildonne che desideravano valorizzarsi , senza alcun fine di ostentare la propria classe .
    Un pensiero per la tua cara nonna : il suo regalo di nozze è una favola sartoriale di amore , ricordi e gratitudine .
    Con affetto,
    P.S. Scusa del ritardo nel rispondere al tuo commento su Porto Venere !

    1. @ Franca
      mia cara, non pensare al ritardo, io ho talmente tanti commenti arretrati, qui sul mio blog e vostri, sparsi per tutto il mondo, che se ci penso rabbrividisco, quasi mi vergogno, ma non riesco,... alcuni giorni mi sembra di recuperare, poi se sono impegnata in altro, come spesso accade, sono costretta a rimandare ... e rimandare !

      Piuttosto, sono felicissima che questo argomento abbia incontrato il tuo gusto e stimoli la tua fantasia ...e quanto alla mia nonna, credimi, la soddisfazione più grande è sicuramente stata la sua, era fiera della mia gioia, ... come sempre del resto, quando accadeva, ed accadeva sovente, che dietro quella gioia ci fosse lei ... ora è uno degli Angeli che mi proteggono e mi guidano da Lassù ...

      Ti abbraccio forte, dolcissima amica, grazie per la delicatezza del tuo animo, così tanto preziosa e rara ♥∗✿≫✽≪✿∗♥

  13. These dresses are just beyond beautiful, Dany. I wish we still wore such dresses. I am sure it was a lot of work to make them, but I sure would love to do it.

    1. @ Lisa
      my heart is filled with joy to overflowing, your appreciation for this topic is such a wonderful present to me, thank you dear, darling friend !

      Hope you're having a beautiful week, I'm sending blessings across the many miles, and hugs, so gentle and so many ಌ•❤•ಌ

  14. Cara Dany, che bei post!! Stamattina mi sono presa il tempo hehhe
    Certo che portare tutta quella stoffa era una bella impresa! Quando mi sono sposata il mio sogno era proprio un vestito così, ma una volta indossato il primo mi resi subito conto che non era per me: strano ma vero! Per quanto il mio sogno svanì in un attimo, scelsi poi un vestito cadente .... Beh si vede che sono un tipo troppo sportivo per farmi rinchiudere... ma bisogna anche saperlo portare.
    Ti auguro una settimana estiva finalmente! Un abbraccio Eoody

    1. @ Woody
      carissima, io non ho resistito e quel tuo stesso sogno, proprio per il giorno del mio matrimonio, l'ho realizzato (e, come ho scritto poco fa qui sopra a Franca, ho contemporaneamente realizzato il sogno della mia cara nonna ! ) ... la cosa strana è che mi sentivo a mio agio come non mai e tutti notavano che lo vestivo come se per me fosse ... usuale !
      Certo, sono abiti che vanno portati solo che per determinate cerimonie ai giorni nostri, non possiamo di certo vestirli per andare al lavoro o a fare shopping ..., ma quanto li amo !

      Che anche la tua settimana sia prodiga di gioia e di serenità, te lo auguro di vero cuore ❀≼♥≽❀

  15. I'm an admirer of Victorian fashion, it is so very beautiful. Sometimes I should like that we could wear these romantic dresses nowadays, but so sad it's not comfortable at all. Well, we also can dream about it.....
    Thank you for your lovely post Dany, I enjoyed this so much together with the wonderful music.
    I wish you a sunny Wednesday, for a change we have sun too.

    1. @ Janneke
      your words of appreciation make my heart swoon, dearest friend of mine, I'm so grateful to you, they mean so much to me !

      Sending you hugs and ever much love,
      thank you for your precious friendship ❥

  16. I always love your posts informing us of the fashion of bygone eras. In looking at these beautiful dresses, I wonder how the ladies ever moved, sat, how they stayed cooled etc etc. Though exquisite with flounces, trimmings, corsetry, petticoats, silks, voluminous puffs, I cannot imagine wearing these fashions every other day. With those tight, tight bodices I think the smelling salts would not have been far away. Though of course each and every dress is a work of art.

    1. @ Kim
      you're right, there were some women wearing such tight corset that I wonder how could they breathe !
      I'm very grateful to you for your so beautiful words, your interest and appreciation mean so much to me !

      Have a lovely remainder of your week, sweetie,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ~ ♥♡♥

  17. leggendo tra i commenti ti ho immaginata con il tuo romantico vestito da sposa della nonna...che bello, immagino la gioia tua e sua insieme!!!!! come sempre vengo da te e sogno...un abbraccio immenso Lory

    1. @ Lory
      la tua dolcezza non ha limiti .. e mi commuove ... grazie, sei davvero unicamente deliziosa, mia cara !

      *♥* Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore *♥*

  18. Che abiti eleganti e riccamente rifiniti, cara Dany.
    Direi ottimi spunti per la stagione che finalmente pare palesarsi anche qui ;) No, scherzi a parte sono davvero stupendi.
    Grazie per il defilè che ci hai donato, impreziosito, come sempre, da tanti dettagli importanti e ricercati che solo tu riesci a raccontare.
    Un abbraccio, a presto Susanna

    1. @ Susanna
      sono sempre così tanto felice ed appagata dal leggere le tue parole di approvazione ... certo è solo un piccolo sogno quello che vi ho donato, ma se vi fa gioire, io gioisco con voi !

      Un bacione grande grande a te e che la tua estate scorra in letizia e serenità, grazie per esserci,... sempre ༺♡❀♡༻

  19. Oh, Dany, these dresses are like a fantasy - all ruffles and pleats and lace and poufs! I do think every little girl wishes she could have one, but as we grow older we are grateful for the freedom to wear what we choose. It seems they were worn for 'special occasions', which is a good thing, as they seem rather cumbersome, but as a lover of fabric, I would be in heaven with it all gathered around me! I especially love the beautiful turquoise and white dress with the lovely roses in plate # 6! I would wear it everywhere...... :) All of the dresses are lovely and the colors are so soft. Thank you for sharing these, such a delight! Wishing you a lovely week, sweet friend. xx Karen

    1. @ Karen
      my darling, wonderful friend, my heart is filled with such a inner gladness after reading your so beautiful comment of enjoyment for what you've just seen and read, blessed be !

      Hope you're having a great week so far,
      I'm sending much love on your days to come,
      with utmost gratitude ✿⊱╮

  20. Thank you, Dany, for sharing these beautiful fashions. Even though I'm glad we don't have to drag those trains and bustles around in the hot weather, they certainly were beautiful. I have always loved the Godey fashions and have a couple of prints on my wall..Happy Wednesday..Judy

    1. @ Judy
      so you too are fond of this topic, I seem to watch your prints on your wall in your so wonderful home !

      So very thankful both for your visit and for your words, I'm wishing you all my best for the remainder of your week, dear friend of mine, sending hugs and more hugs to you •♥•♥•♥•

  21. I love these beautiful fashions and though I do love (and live in) my blue jeans I do long for an event that would warrant wearing such elegant gowns! Such finery! Very interesting post Dany! Have a lovely week!

    1. @ Linda
      I'm always so delighted to welcome you here, dearest one !
      The thing is that we're waiting for the same occasion for having this chance ツ... what a dream !!!

      May your week too be blessed with joy,
      I'm sending love, hugs and so much thankfulness ⊰✽*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*✽⊱

  22. Sono molti belli!Se si pensa a quanta stoffa e quanto lavoro!Sicuramente se vivevo in quell'epoca sarebbe stato normale portarli ma se penso a quanto io soffro il caldo... non so!Grazie per farci sempre sognare,un abbraccio dolce Daniela!Rosetta

    1. @ Rosetta
      quanto a soffrire il caldo ti comprendo appieno, anche io lo soffro molto, ma pensando che allora le stagioni estive erano notoriamente molto meno calde di quelle che conosciamo noi e che sicuramente le Ladies del tempo erano comunque abituate, avremmo vestito sicuramente con piacere quegli abiti che oggi ci fanno solamente sognare, come lo fa una bella favola !

      Contraccambio con tanta, tanta dolcezza il tuo graditissimo abbraccio, carissima, adorabile amica, grazie ... sempre ♡❤♡

  23. There are so many moments in time that I wish I lived in this era and could wear these gracious, feminine and beautiful dresses. Now that it is Summer time here in Texas I wear dresses often, they are so much cooler. However, I am sure these styles would not be! They are so lovley though.
    I so enjoyed your visit to me this week and I thank you so much for your sweet and kind friendship-thank you!

    1. @ Jemma
      it is I who want to thank you for your loveliness and for the delicacy of your heart both of which make of you one of the most special and precious friends I have here in 'blog land', I'm so grateful to you for this, dearie !

      So happy after reading your comment filled with words of delight and amusement I'm sending my dearest love to you, in the hope that you're having a beautiful week, not too hot ... ಌ❀ಌ

  24. Dear Dany:
    So many beautiful dresses to choose from - do we get to pick one? Ha! I can't even imagine the laundry process. Of course these were worn by the wealthy who didn't do their laundry - right! This is a beautiful posting and as I sit here in my bathrobe I shall consider what to wear today! Thanks for sharing and linking.

    1. @ Bernideen
      my Lovely Lady, actually I wouldn't know where to begin from, as for choosing one of them !
      I so love this period of Victorian fashion, the elegance and the femininity connoting these gowns are unique, I think, and your words of amusement have truly lifted my heart and filled it with joy, thank you, sweetie !

      May your day be blessed with joy, thinking of you with love and gratitude, sweetest friend of mine ❥

  25. Such beautiful dresses! I love looking at them but I'm sure glad I don't have to wear them. :)

    Happy Thoughts of Home, Dany. :)

    1. @ Stacey
      wonderful friend, thank you for gracing my blog today !

      Nowadays, with such hot temperatures, I think that we would suffer almost a chastisement wearing these garments, if I do have to admit that I love them so, so much !

      Hugs and ever much love to you, dearie, sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week ✿*✿

  26. Pretty to look at, but don't touch. They are exquisite in a way, but how lucky we are to be able to wear what we wear.

    1. @ JMO
      you're so heartily welcome !
      So many things have changed since then, really so many, but elegance is elegance, don't you also think so ?

      Enjoy your week with gladness, thank you ⊰♥⊱

  27. Dany
    You have really taken a lot of time and research to show us these beautiful fashions of years gone by.
    I think it would be so hard to enjoy a summer day or evening with all that clothing on.
    I wonder if there is any such clothing to found today in good enough condition to see how it was made

    Thanks Janice

    1. @ Janice
      I'm so very delighted to welcome you here today, sweetest friend of mine, to read your words of passion for an Age the love for which we share is so beautiful and special to me !
      I think that the only ones survived are kept inside famous museums, and are those who belonged to queens and empresses, the fabrics they were made of needed such cares, and in the Victorian Age it wasn't easy to defend dresses from the moths ...

      Hope you're having a great week so far I'm sending my dearest love to you,
      with sincere thankfulness ಌ•❤•ಌ

  28. My goodness! I am glad I don't have to fuss so much with my clothing. The outfits are interesting to see, though.

    1. @ Linda
      thank you so much for visiting and for your honest words, dearie, I do appreciate them sincerely and I think that nowadays we all could cry thinking of having to wear such dresses to go out to work !

      Wishing you a joyous remainder of your week ༺♡❀♡༻

  29. Woman's dresses of this era are so elaborate and heavy looking, Dany I can't imagine how hot they were to wear in the summer, and how awkward it was to manage a bustle harness. I'm sure seamstresses were kept very busy making them during this era. I'm glad for the fashions of this day ;)

    I hope you are having a wonderful summer and that you are enjoying your lovely garden my dear friend!

    Hugs, Pat

    1. @ Pat
      marvelous, dearest friend of mine, I'm so grateful to have you here this morning !
      I also think that Late Victorian Age's seamstresses were real artists, they put so much talent and so many hours making such dresses ... I wonder how could they manage with so much fabric in their hands !

      May your weekend ahead be as joyous as ever, sweetie, sending much love, hugs and my most sincere thankfulness for this so beautiful friendship linking us across of the ocean ❀≼♥≽❀

  30. I have always loved that style of dress, but I often wonder if they had back problems from not being able to sit fully back in a chair with all that fluff on their backside. Such beautiful detail they went to in those dresses, can't imagine how much they weighed, and how hot they could be, I wonder if they ever wrote about them passing out wearing them. Interesting to read how they described it all.
    Hope you have an enjoyable weekend!

    1. @ Conniecrafter
      you heartily made me laugh after reading that you wonder if some Ladies happened to pass away because of their heavy dress !

      Happy weekend to you too, dear, precious friend, it's always such a delight to welcome you here ❥

  31. Quante ore di lavoro per poter creare tali meraviglie, finiture, drappeggi incantevoli. Certo allora coloro che confezionavano questi capi erano davvero grandi, anzi, grandissime sarte! Per non parlare dei tessuti, preziosi, raffinati, che chissà quali mani sapienti avevano creato, disegnato. E come sempre, ti ringrazio per avermi fatto dono anche di questo aspetto di quell'epoca, veramente molto affascinate. Un grande abbraccio a te! Paola

    1. @ Paola
      carissima amica mia, sono io ad esserti grata perché porti qui sempre così tanta dolcezza !

      Ti abbraccio con tanto affetto e tanta riconoscenza, e che il tuo weekend d'estate sia sereno come non mai ✿⊱╮

  32. Che abiti stupendi! Un sogno...
    Complimenti, sarà un piacere seguirti.
    A presto!

    1. @ Seddy
      il piacere è davvero mio ad averti qui ... leggere le tue parole è una grande gioia per me, grazie, passo presto a trovarti !

      Nel frattempo lascia che ti auguri una bellissima giornata d'estate, grazie ancora per il sorriso che mi hai donato ⊰✽*✽⊱

  33. Such beautiful gowns but I am so thankful that we don't have to wear quite so much today. :) Thank you so very much for sharing this wonderful post as Thoughts of Home on Thursday.
    I will be sending you the answers to your questions very soon. I have not been well recently. Thank you for your patience.

    1. @ Laura
      adorable friend, I'm so grateful to have pleased you with this last post of mine, this fashion is truly charming, isn't it, but I read sadly that you weren't fine during the last days, I'm sincerely sorry, sweetie, just take care, think about your health - even if I hope that in the meantime you're getting better - don't think about my email, promise !

      Sending blessings on your new week,
      with heartfelt thankfulness •♥•♥•♥•

  34. Dear Daniela,

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful post - I always dreamed of wearing a pretty gown like this. All the pleats, ruffles and frills are so gorgeous. Must have been wonderful times wearing something so elaborate.
    Happy weekend dear friend
    Sending love and hugs

    1. @ Carolyn
      when I see such plates I wonder how beautiful streets were, filled with beautiful carriages and women walking slowly on the sidewalk in such charming toilettes ... Thank you for appreciating and enjoying this topic, I'm so grateful to you, dearie !

      Hope your week is off to a good start I'm sending dear hugs to you, thank you again and again ღ❀ღ

  35. this is a most beautiful blog. I enjoyed visiting so much.

    1. @ Kerry
      you're so very welcome, you truly make my day !

      I'm coming and visit you very soon, meanwhile, let me wish you a beautiful day, today, thanks most sincerely ~ ♥♡♥

  36. I love the looks of the old fashioned clothing but I would not want to wear it. All those under garments and stays. Too much.
    I am grateful to have lighter clothing now.
    I enjoyed this as always.
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie
      to my great delight I welcome you here this morning, dearie, and I have to say that your words of amusement make my day, thank you !

      Hope your week is off to a good start I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come, so very grateful for this wonderful friendship of ours ❥

  37. What a delight to read this post dear Dany! I have always thought how wonderful it would be if I could go back in time for just a visit and see what it would be like to wear some of these beautiful clothes that the Victorians wore. They were so elegant in adornment! So feminine and pretty! We have lost so much grace in today's world, but I love to imagine that I can still keep it in my own life a little!
    Beautiful, beautiful post my sweet friend! It's always such a joy for me when I visit you.
    sending warm hugs...

    1. @ June
      wonderful friend of mine, I'm so very grateful to you for gracing my blog, you always bring the sunshine here and fill my heart with such a gladness you cannot even imagine, dearie, and I'm, so grateful, moreover, to read in your beautiful words that I've pleased you and made you dream for a while ... what a precious gift this is to me !

      May you have the best of weeks, sweetie, sending my dearest love to you, blessed be ಌ❀ಌ

  38. I love history and historical is so beautiful and frilly. I can't imagine wearing all the undergarments and staying cool.

    1. @ Donna
      I'm sincerely very glad to read your words of enjoyment and of appreciation ... and to be honest I think it wasn't possible for women to stay cool with all what they had to wear, you're right, dearie !

      Wishing you a joyous remainder of your week, I heartily thank you for visiting, your so sensitive and poetic soul delights and honors me •♥•*Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*•♥•

  39. How very pretty! Love all those costumes....Christine

    1. @ Christine
      how delightful of you to come and visit, I so love to have you here, sweetie and I'm so very happy for your amusement and appreciation, you truly make my day !

      Hope you're having a lovely day
      I'm sending blessings and dear hugs to you ✿∗♥∗✿

  40. I love the beautiful dresses to pieces! However, I could do without the metal-undergarments... Thank you for sharing with us dearie!

    1. @ JES
      it is I who want to thank you, precious friend of mine, and I do it with all my heart !

      I heartily thank you for gracing my blog today, moreover, your presence here adds so much Beauty to this page of mine, sweetie !

      Wishing you so lovely days to come and a joy-filled month of July ahead, sending blessings to you across the many miles ♡❤♡

  41. Hello Daniela,

    I love these gorgeous gowns. Such elegance, style and fantasy. Those days were for proper manners and very elegant fashions. I would give anything for a chance to see such loveliness with my own eyes.

    The seamstress in those days had to be extremely talented. Incredible attention to detail

    Thank you for sharing Dany. Beautiful post.



    1. @ Janet
      my Lovely Lady, I also would have been a fly on a wall in those so charming days, just to watch what happened during ladies's ordinary days, ... in silence !

      I'm always, more and more, so very grateful to you, you're such a blessing to me, dearie !

      May the remainder of your week bring much joy to you, sending you my dearest love across the miles ༺❀༻

  42. Dearest Daniela, what a sweet and charming post from you today! I adore fashion and the history of fashion, and you have taken me on a very whimsical stroll down that lovely path! Thankyou so much for sharing this post at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Love, Mimi xxx

    1. @ Mimì
      I'm so, wholeheartedly, thankful to you for your amusement, it means a deep, inner joy to me, dearest friend of mine, thank you !

      Wishing you a most beautiful day, today, and a wonderful month of July ahead, sending hugs and more hugs to you ⊰✽♡✽⊱

  43. Ciao,cara amica romantica. Dopo la mia pausa riapro il blog e mi ritrovo a sognare con i tuoi post. Che abiti favolosi, dei veri capolavori di sartoria. I parasoli sono i miei preferiti. Come vorrei averne almeno uno...certo non ci potrei girare per le vie di lo userei come elemento decorativo per casa mia!

    1. @ Alessandra
      dolcissima, romantica amica mia, io sono ancora in pausa ... forzata, ma sto cominciando a riprendere le fila del discorso e, poco per volta, sto rispondendo, anche se con vergognoso ritardo, ai vostri commenti, sempre così straripanti di entusiasmo ... quello vero, quello che fa bene al cuore !

      Anche io adoro i parasoli ed ho sempre in mente l'aver perso, anni or sono, l'occasione di acquistarne uno, tutto in pizzo, era realmente favoloso ... appeso in un vano d'atmosfera, come dici tu, avrebbe fatto la sua figura ... chissà che prima o poi tale occasione non capiti anche a te ... mi raccomando, se così dovesse accadere - e te lo auguro di cuore - coglila al volo se potrai, perché sennò ti rimarrà sempre in mente, te lo posso assicurare!

      Ti abbraccio con tutto il cuore augurandoti una meravigliosa settimana d'estate, spero non troppo afosa, grazie, come sempre, le tue parole significano molto per me ed alimentano così tanto le mie passioni ❥

  44. Ah Daniela, con questo post mi hai fatto un po' sognare, quanta eleganza e femminilita'. Rientro da una passeggiata dove ho incontrato ragazze giovanissime con short inguinali, e non sono al mare.
    Che dire? Penso che noi donne abbiamo perso molto.
    un caro saluto estivo.
    Anna Maria

    1. @ Anna Maria
      credo che sottolineare le forme del corpo femminile, enfatizzando gli aspetti più graziosi senza mostrarli del tutto - talvolta persino con poco buongusto - sia qualcosa che la moda dei nostri giorni si sia del tutto lasciata alle spalle, dimentica di cosa davvero la femminilità significhi !

      Sì, sono d'accordo con te carissima amica, abbiamo da allora guadagnato molto, innanzitutto quanto ad emancipazione, ma abbiamo davvero perso così tanto da quel punto di vista !

      Che la tua settimana possa portarti gioia e serenità, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore con un forte, sincero abbraccio ✿⊱╮
