sabato 27 febbraio 2016

~ To travel with the Empress ~

"Archduchess Sophia cared for nobody, or nothing, as long as she continued to reign supreme; and she hated, at first sight, the beautiful and saint-like Elizabeth.
The whole Court, from the first, followed the example of Archduchess Sophia, and seized every opportunity to vex, humiliate and wound the girl-wife." 1 

(All'Arciduchessa Sofia non importava di nulla e di nessuno, finché continuò a regnare sovrana; e odiò, a prima vista, la bella Elisabetta dall'apparenza angelicata.
Tutta la Corte, fin dal principio, seguì l'esempio dell'Arciduchessa Sofia, e non perse occasione per affliggere, umiliare e ferire la moglie-adolescente.) 1 

Spinta dall'atmosfera tetra, greve, irrespirabile della Corte cui l'adorato consorte non cercava di porre rimedio in modo alcuno - Egli a Corte era cresciuto, dalla madre il suo agire era sempre stato soggiogato, architettato e diretto ed era innanzitutto l'Imperatore, il cui dovere principale era di natura politica e burocratica, gli affetti erano da lui considerati di secondaria importanza - ed amareggiata dalle sue prime relazioni extraconiugali, l'imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria cercherà di trascorrere a Vienna il minore tempo possibile e di affiancare ai viaggi di rappresentanza, compiuti insieme con l'Imperatore, viaggi di piacere, o forse sarebbe più appropriato dire di necessità, visto che il loro scopo precipuo era di natura evasiva e liberatoria, non di certo maniacale, come spesso veniva sibilato: ella viaggiava per non pensare alle delusioni che la vita continuava a serbarle.

L'imperatrice non era né pazza neppure sempre malinconica o triste; era una donna che non è mai stata udita pronunciare o vista fare qualcosa di poco gentile; ma possedeva un grande orrore per le falsità e le anguste convenzioni praticate da tutti coloro che la circondavano.
Era generosa e di buon cuore ad un tale livello, e spesso mostrava un aspetto allegro ed ilare del proprio carattere ai pochissimi che amava e di cui si fidava. E soprattutto aveva una grande anima artistica, che ambiva ad una vita bella, circondata sempre da cose piacevoli da vedere.

Sentendosi quasi un incomodo per l'aristocrazia che la circondava e non potendo neppure manifestare il proprio amore materno, essendole stati i figli Rudolph e Gisela 'sequestrati' dalla suocera che ne seguiva passo passo l'educazione e che su di essi vegliava affinché crescessero come lei ambiva, Sisi cominciò a viaggiare prima della nascita di Marie Valerie (1868), per l'esattezza era il 1860 quando varcò i confini dell'Impero per recarsi a Madeira sullo yacht Osborne prestatole dalle regina Victoria; 

L'imperatrice immortalata durante la sua vacanza, probabilmente ad una festa.

con il trascorrere del tempo le sue assenze dalla Hofburg divennero sempre più frequenti, intense e lunghe, soprattutto dopo il matrimonio dell'amata Marie Valerie (1890), la figlia che aveva cercato di crescere strappandola agli atavici rituali di Corte - data la malattia e poi la morte dell'ormai anziana Arciduchessa Sophia - spesso compagna di viaggio, e la tragica dipartita del Principe Ereditario (1889) che segnerà indelebilmente non solo la sua vita, ma renderà più flebile anche il suo stato di salute, minandola anche nel fisico.

Ma non intendo qui oggi farvi un elenco dei luoghi da Sua Maestà Imperiale visitati, quanto piuttosto osservare insieme con voi quali erano i mezzi di trasporto sui quali Ella si spostava.

La maggior parte dei propri viaggi Sisi li compì soprattutto a bordo di una carrozza che poteva agganciarsi all'estremità posteriore dei treni, composta di due vagoni,

© Technisches Museum Wien, Foto: Peter Sedlaczek

una sorta di vettura al cui interno era stato ricostruito un ambiente nobile, una sorta di lussuosa residenza circolante.
A partire dal 1872, infatti, furono realizzati numerosi progetti per la costruzione di una carrozza termica a lei destinata che doveva comprendere due stanze su ruote, ovvero un vagone-letto ed un vagone-salotto; il progetto che venne approvato e divenne realtà, recava la firma della rinomata carrozzeria F. Ringhoffer di Praga, datava 1873 e cominciò a circolare l'anno successivo.

Fotografia d'epoca che ci mostra il Salonwagen all'epoca del suo primo viaggio

L'Hofsalonwagen, la carrozza imperiale, la cui lunghezza superava i 9,5 metri per vagone, constava di un Salonwagen,

ovvero di un vagone-salotto che era arredato in maniera confortevole con uno scrittoio ed una poltrona imbottita per dormire attigua alla toilette; nel vagone era anche stata posta un ulteriore poltrona per la dama di compagnia e tutto il vagone veniva riscaldato grazie a dei caminetti posti sotto il carrello, alimentati dall'esterno con piccoli blocchi di carbone da legna, e di uno Schlafwagen 

ossia di un vagone-letto, dotato di un lussuoso giaciglio, di un tavolino, di uno specchio, di una poltrona, di una zona toilette, con tanto di acqua corrente, e di un piccolo spazio per la dama di compagnia.

Nel 1895 entrambi i vagoni vennero dotati di luce elettrica (grazie alla ditta Hardy di Vienna), di riscaldamento a vapore, di condotti per il freno continuo automatico e di un freno pneumatico per collegare i sistemi di frenatura di entrambi, così come di un segnale elettrico per la comunicazione interna.

Va da sé che dopo la morte improvvisa dell'imperatrice Elisabetta, nel 1898, la carrozza imperiale venne messa fuori servizio e destinata al museo ferroviario austriaco; dal 2004 si puo' ammirare una copia del vagone-salotto nel Sisi Museum, al palazzo della Hofburg.

Risale a quegli stessi anni la costruzione dello kaiserliche Yacht Miramar - Yacht imperiale Miramar, anzi proprio 1872 data questa fotografia che ne ritrae le fasi finali presso i cantieri navali del porto Pola.

Utilizzato sia per viaggi privati dei membri della famiglia al potere, così come in occasioni ufficiali quale yacht di stato, il Miramar venne utilizzato per 40 anni durante i quali fu più volte ristrutturato per renderlo più all'avanguardia sia da un punto di vista tecnico sia in quanto ai comfort di cui di volta in colta veniva dotato, per giungere fino all'elettrificazione operata nel 1882.

Le eleganti scale di accesso al ponte superiore

Sarà durante gli anni 80-90 che Sisi preferirà la via del mare con il quale il dialogo interiore si farà sempre più intenso ed appagante; 

"Sopra di te, come i tuoi uccelli marini, 
io circolo senza riposo.
Per me la terra non possiede più un angolo
 dove costruire un nido duraturo .. "

~ Imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria

spesso attraccato in prossimità del porticciolo del Castello di Miramare a Trieste, l'imperatrice se ne servirà per compiere le proprie 'crociere' all'interno delle acque del Mediterraneo, soprattutto per scendere l'Adriatico e raggiungere le coste del Peloponneso, da lei amate al punto da far edificare, nel 1890, presso Corfù, l'Achilleion, la sontuosa villa imperiale ( annoverava più di cento stanze) da lei interamente progettata e realizzata da un architetto italiano, interamente ispirata allo stile dei templi greci, immersa in giardini profumati da inebrianti piante mediterranee ed esotiche che divenne il vero, ultimo paradiso in terra di Elisabetta, la quale qui trovava quella pace e quella chetezza che il suo animo non riusciva più a trovare altrove o per costeggiare la Riviera dei Fiori, partendo dalla Costa Azzurra per giungere fino ai promontori liguri e raggiungere i centri dai nomi più rinomati tra l'aristocrazia, da Cap Saint Martin a Cap d'Antibes, a Sanremo, a Genova e saranno proprio quelle di Sanremo le ultime acque che il Miramar con lei a bordo solcherà nell'inverno del 1898.

L'imperatrice schermata dal suo parasole sul ponte del Miramar durante uno dei suoi numerosi viaggi a bordo.

( spesso gli ultimi viaggi in località marittime le saranno consigliati dai medici che ritenevano giovevole per Sua Maestà la respirazione del salmastro per i problemi polmonari e cardiaci che precocemente, e a fasi alterne, fiaccheranno la salute dell'imperatrice, così come il recarsi nelle località termali austriache quali Bad Kissingen e quelle situate tra le Alpi Svizzere, ahimè ! ).

E veniamo infine alle carrozze, di cui difficilmente, se non in rare occasioni, l'imperatrice si serviva, essendo un'abile camminatrice ed un'eccezionale amazzone: quella che vedete nell'illustrazione qui sotto 

Landaulette prodotta da Carl Marius Jr., in Vienna nel 1885 ) era utilizzata dall'Augusta Signora per muoversi indisturbata tra le strade di Vienna e solo in un'occasione servì alla coppia imperiale per raggiungere Budapest ( come illustrato nella fotografia che fa da copertina al post ).
Talvolta Ella portava con sé durante i suoi viaggi questa vettura comoda e confortevole solamente se doveva muoversi all'interno di qualche città.

Concludo con due immagini che dedico in modo particolare agli/alle amanti dell'imperatrice: la prima rappresenta la sua toilette da viaggio

 e la seconda il suo kit personale per scrivere e cucire.

"Le destinazioni sono auspicabili solo perché un viaggio vi sta nel mezzo. Se fossi giunta in un luogo e avessi saputo che non avrei mai più viaggiato nuovamente, anche un soggiorno in paradiso si sarebbe trasformato in un inferno per me. "

~ Imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria

Vecchio girocollo che reca un ciondolo con all'interno un'immagine dell'imperatrice.

Con tutto il mio affetto e la più sincera, profonda gratitudine prendo congedo da Voi, carissimi amici e lettori che mi seguite sempre con entusiasmo ed ammirazione, augurandovi tutto il meglio che possiate desiderare.

A presto 


Hellmut Andics, Die Frauen der Habsburger, WILHELM HEYNE VERLAG, München

Angela Micaella Battani, L'IMPERATRICE SISSI - "LA FIGLIA SEGRETA", Anatomia di una vitaEdizioni Medicea, Firenze, 2012;

Marie Louise, Countess Larisch von Wallersee-Wittelsbach with Paul Maerker Branden and Elsa Brander, HER MAJESTY Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, The Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court, DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY Inc. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK, 1934;

Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998;


Maria Valeria d'Asburgo, La prediletta - Il diario della figlia di Sissi, a cura di Martha e Horst Schad, traduzione di Flavia Floradini, MGS PRESS, 2001;

Conte Egon Cesar Corti, L'imperatrice ElisabettaMondadori, Milano, 1937;

Brigitte Hamann, Elisabeth. Kaiserin wieder Willen, Amalthea Verlag, Wien, München, 1982;

Brigitte Hamann, (a cura di)ELISABETH Bilder einer KaiserinAmalthea Verlag, 1998;

Maria Matray - Answald Kruger, L'attentato, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 1998;

Marguerite Cornell Owen, THE MARTYRDOM OF AN EMPRESS WITH PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS [ 1898]HARPERS & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK AND LONDON, collected by Benno Loewy, bequeathed to Cornell University - The Cornell University Library Digital Collection;

Xavier Paoli, THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM - Personal Reminescences of the Kings and Queens of Europe, EDITORA GRIFFO (edizione originale Parigi, 1934);

Gabriele Praschl - Bichler, L'Imperatrice Elisabetta, Longanesi & C., Milano, 1997;

Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books;

Irma Sztáray, Elisabeth gli ultimi anni, L'imperatrice raccontata dalla sua Dama d'onore, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 2010;

Countess Zanardi Landi, THE SECRET OF AN EMPRESS, Fredonia Books, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004, reprinted from the 1915 edition. 


1 - Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books, pag. 17;

2 - op. cit., pag. 38.

Archduchess Sophia cared for nobody, or nothing, as long as she continued to reign supreme; and she hated, at first sight, the beautiful and saint-like Elizabeth.

The whole Court, from the first, followed the example of Archduchess Sophia, and seized every opportunity to vex, humiliate and wound the girl-wife.1

- picture 1

Pushed by  the gloomy, heavy, stifling atmospere surrounding the Court to which the adored husband did not try to remedy in any way - He had grown up in Court, by his mother his actions had always been subjugated, masterminded and directed and first of all He was the emperor , whose main duty was of political and bureaucratic nature, afections were considered by Him of secondary importance - and embittered by His first extramarital affairs, Empress Elisabeth of Austria will try to spend in Vienna the least time possible and to put beside the representation trips, She had to do together with the Emperor, leisure travel, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say trips of necessity, since their primary purpose was of evasive and of liberating nature, certainly not manical, as was often suggested, She was travelling for not to think of the disappointments that life continued to keep Her.

The Empress was neither mad nor even always melancholy or sad. She was a  woman who was never heard to say or do an unkind thing; but she possessed a great horror of the shams and narrow conventions practicised by all around her.
She was generous and warm-hearted to a degree, and often showed a merry, laughing side to the very few whom she loved and trusted. And above all she had a great artistic soul, which yearned for a beautiful life, surrounded always by things beautiful. 2

Feeling almost an inconvenience for the aristocracy surrounding Her and unable even to give expression to Her maternal love, given that her children Rudolph and Gisela were 'seized' by Her mother-in-law who wanted to follow step by step their education and who watched over them to grow them exactly as she wanted, Sisi began to travel before the birth of Marie Valerie (1868), to be exact it was 1860 when She crossed over the Empire's borders to travel to Madeira on the yacht Osborne lent Her by Queen Victoria;

- picture 2

- picture 3 - The Empress immortalized during Her holiday, probably at a party.

with the flowing of the time, Her absences from the Hofburg became more frequent, intense and long, especially after the marriage of Her beloved Marie Valerie (1890), the daughter who She tried to grow by 'snatching' her away from the atavistic rituals of the Court -  given the illness and then the death of the old Archduchess Sophia - often Her travelling companion, and the tragic demise of the Crown Prince (1889) that will indelibly mark not only Her life, but it will make more feeble also Her state of health, even in Her body.

But today I don't mean to give you a list of the places Her Imperial Majesty visited, but rather to observe along with you what were the means of transport on which she moved.

Sisi made most of her travels especially on board of  a carriage which could be engaged to  the rear end of the train,

- picture 4 and  picture 5 - © Technisches Museum Wien, Foto: Peter Sedlaczek

a kind of car inside which a noble environment was built, it was something like a luxurious circulating residence.
Starting from 1872, in fact, several projects were made for the construction of a thermal carriage to Her intended, which had to include two rooms on wheels, that is, a sleeping-wagon and a living room-wagon; the project which was approved and became reality, bore the signature of the renowned carriages' builders F. Ringhoffer from Prague, dated 1873 and began to circulate the following year.

- picture 6 - Vintage photography showing us the Salonwagen at the time of its first trip.

The Hofsalonwagen or the imperial carriage, whose length was over 9.5 meters per wagon, consisted of a Salonwagen,

- picture 7

- picture 8

or a living room-wagon which was comfortably furnished with a desk and an easy chair to sleep adjacent to the toilet; in the car was also been placed a further chair for the lady in waiting and  the whole car was heated through fireplaces placed under the carriage, powered externally with small wood burning coal blocks, and of a Schlafwagen

- picture 9

- picture 10

that is a sleeping-wagon, equipped with a luxurious bed, a small table, a mirror, a chair, a toilet area, complete with running water, and a small space for the lady in waiting.

In 1895 both wagons were equipped with electric light (thanks to the company Hardy from Vienna), steam heating, of ducts for the continuous automatic brake and a pneumatic brake to connect to the braking systems of the two wagons, as well as with an electrical signal for internal communication.

Needless to say that after the sudden death of Empress Elizabeth, in 1898, the car was taken out of service and delivered to the Austrian railway museum; since 2004 you can see a copy of the Living room-wagon  in the Sisi Museum at the Hofburg palace.

It dates back to those same years the construction of the kaiserliche Yacht Miramar - Imperial Yacht Miramar, indeed, precisely to 1872 dates this photograph which depicts its final stages at the shipyards of Pula harbor.

- picture 11

Used both for private travel of the family members  as well as on official occasions such as state yacht, the Miramar was used for 40 years during which it was repeatedly restructured to make it more advanced both from a technical point of view and adding the comforts with which, little by little, it was equipped, to arrive to the electrification made in 1882.

- picture 12

- picture 13 - The elegant stairs leading to the upper deck

- picture 14

It will be in the years 80-90 that Sisi will prefer the sea route for the inner dialogue with the sea will become more intense and satisfying;

“O'er thee, like thine own sea birds, 
I'll circle without rest.
 For me earth holds no corner 
To build a lasting nest..” 

~ Empress Elisabeth of Austria

often moored by the porticciolo of Miramare Castle in Trieste, the Empress will use it to make Her 'cruises' inside the Mediterranean waters, especially to plough the waves along the Adriatic Sea and reach the shores of the Peloponnese, so loved by Her to the point of building, in 1890, in Corfu, the Achilleion, the sumptuous imperial villa (numbering more than a hundred rooms) from her entirely designed, and built by an Italian architect, wholly in the style of the Greek temples, surrounded by fragrant gardens collecting heady Mediterranean and exotic plants which became Elisabeth's true, last paradise on earth, for here she could still find that peace and that stillness which Her soul could no longer find elsewhere, or to skirt the Riviera dei Fiori, starting from the French Riviera to reaching  the Ligurian cliffs and the centers by the most famous names amongst the aristocracy, from Cap Saint Martin to Cap d'Antibes, to Sanremo, to Genoa, and they will be precisely those of Sanremo the last waters that the Miramar with Her on board will sall in the Winter of 1898.

- picture 15 - The Empress screen from her parasol on the Miramar bridge during one of Her several trips on board.

Often the trips to the seaside resorts will be recommended by doctors who considered beneficial for Her Majesty's the breathing salty for her lung and heart problems, which, ups and downs, will etiolate and weaken the Empress, as well as the travels to the Austrian spas such as Bad Kissingen and those located within the Swiss Alps, alas ! )

And finally  let's talk about the carriages, of which hardly, except in rare occasions, the Empress will need, being a skilled walker and an exceptional rider: the one you see in the illustration below

- picture 16

(Landaulette produced by Carl Marius Jr., in Vienna in 1885) was used from our Majestic Lady to move unhindered through the streets of Vienna and only on one occasion served the imperial couple to get to Budapest as shown in the photograph that became the cover of this post.
Sometimes, during her trips, she carried this convenient and comfortable car with Her, only if She had to move around some cities.

I conclude with two images I especially dedicate to the Empress's lovers: the first is Her travel toilet

- picture 17

and the second Her personal travel kit to write and sew.

- picture 18

“Destinations are only desirable because a journey lies in between. If I arrived somewhere and knew that I would never leave again, even a sojourn in paradise would turn into hell for me.”

 ~ Empress Elisabeth of Austria

- picture 19 - Old neck lace bearing a charm with an image inside of the Empress

With all my affection and the most sincere, heartfelt gratitude I take my leave of you, dear friends and readers always following me with enthusiasm and admiration, wishing you all the best you could ever want.

See you soon 


Hellmut Andics, Die Frauen der Habsburger, WILHELM HEYNE VERLAG, München

Angela Micaella Battani, L'IMPERATRICE SISSI - "LA FIGLIA SEGRETA", Anatomia di una vitaEdizioni Medicea, Firenze, 2012;

Marie Louise, Countess Larisch von Wallersee-Wittelsbach with Paul Maerker Branden and Elsa Brander, HER MAJESTY Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, The Beautiful, Tragic Empress of Europe's Most Brilliant Court, DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY Inc. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK, 1934;

Elisabetta d'Austria, Diario poeticoMGS PRESS SAS, 1998;


Maria Valeria d'Asburgo, La prediletta - Il diario della figlia di Sissi, a cura di Martha e Horst Schad, traduzione di Flavia Floradini, MGS PRESS, 2001;

Conte Egon Cesar Corti, L'imperatrice ElisabettaMondadori, Milano, 1937;

Brigitte Hamann, Elisabeth. Kaiserin wieder Willen, Amalthea Verlag, Wien, München, 1982;

Brigitte Hamann, (a cura di)ELISABETH Bilder einer KaiserinAmalthea Verlag, 1998;

Maria Matray - Answald Kruger, L'attentato, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 1998;

Marguerite Cornell Owen, THE MARTYRDOM OF AN EMPRESS WITH PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS [ 1898]HARPERS & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK AND LONDON, collected by Benno Loewy, bequeathed to Cornell University - The Cornell University Library Digital Collection;

Xavier Paoli, THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM - Personal Reminescences of the Kings and Queens of Europe, EDITORA GRIFFO (edizione originale Parigi, 1934);

Gabriele Praschl - Bichler, L'Imperatrice Elisabetta, Longanesi & C., Milano, 1997;

Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books;

Irma Sztáray, Elisabeth gli ultimi anni, L'imperatrice raccontata dalla sua Dama d'onore, MGS PRESS, Trieste, 2010;

Countess Zanardi Landi, THE SECRET OF AN EMPRESS, Fredonia Books, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004, reprinted from the 1915 edition. 


1 - Nellie Ryan, My Years at the Austrian Court, John Lane, 1915, ristampa del settembre 2015, edizione Forgotten Books, page 17;

2 - op. cit., page 38.

72 commenti:

  1. Thank you once more dear Dany for this lovely history moment! I had to google more information on Sisi. She got married at such a young age and had tragic death! Those imperial wagons look very beautiful and luxurious but travelling at that time was very slow... I have seen years ago movies with Romy Schneider...

    Have a lovely weekend with sun in your heart ♥

    1. @ riitta
      beloved, admired friend of mine, I'm so very glad to read that you enjoyed this post of mine and that you're interested in Sisi's life I love so much.
      If you like to deepen this topic, I'm putting here below the links of the posts I've already published, or, maybe it's better for they're so many (23), to do in this way, it's faster and easier to you: looking on the right side of this page, under the title 'Inspirations' you can find all the tags linked to every post of mine; you should click on the tag 'Kaiserin Elisabeth' to have the chance to read them all, if you like !

      I hug you with so mych joy and wish you a most beautiful Sunday ever, sweet friend !
      May the begin of your new week be filled with much love,
      with heartfelt gratitude ༺❀༻

  2. Carissima Dany,
    Ancora una volta mi hai fatto sognare e sentire quella sensazione strana nello stomaco leggendo il tuo post.... Ah che vita ha vissuto Sissi... Sempre in fuga da qualcosa che non voleva accettare e che la portava in un disequilibrio continuo. Sognava probabilmente di cambiare le persone che la circondavano, ma si sa: questo non è possibile... Un abbraccio dolce Dany è un wk sereno. Smack

    1. @ WOODY
      quando leggo che riesco, anche solo che per un attimo, nel mio intento di astrarvi dalla realtà e 'rapirvi' virtualmente per farvi rivivere qualcosa che appartiene al passato, come in un sogno, mi sembra di toccare il cielo con un dito, perdona la retorica !
      Grazie infinite per queste tue parole che mi donano tanta, tanta gioia, mia carissima amica, ti abbraccio con il cuore augurandoti una splendida domenica e meravigliosi giorni a venire ♥♡♥

  3. Empress Elisabeth sounds like an amazing woman and so very different from her mother-in-law! The pictures are fabulous -- that is truly traveling in high style! Your research is excellent!

    Thanks for following me over at Marmelade Gypsy and I'm happy to return the follow!

    1. @ Jeanie
      I'm so very happy to see your Marmalade Gypsy looking at me in your little Avatar( I love cats so much that I cannot express ! ) and so overjoyed to have you as my new follower, thanks most sincerely !
      Empress Elisabeth was a fascinating woman, a so tender and delicate soul whom I do admire so much and I've dedicated more than 20 posts, as I wrote to Riitta answering to her comment - the first of this post.
      You can easily find them, if you're interested in, amongst my labels under the tag 'Kaiserin Elisabeth'.

      So honoured by your wonderful words of appreciation I wish you a most lovely remainder of your Sunday and a wonderful new week ahead,
      sending hugs to you ⊰✽*✽⊱

  4. mia dolcissima Dany che gioia leggere i tuoi post, amo la storia personale della imperatrice Sissi, mi affascina leggere i dettagli della sua meravigliosa quanto malinconica storia d'amore. grazie per condividere con noi tutto questo, per le tue parole dolcissime e per essere come sei. Che gioia sarebbe conoscerti di persona, ma ...mai dire mai! Intanto ti abbraccio caramente e ti auguro un sereno fine settimana Lory

    1. @ Lory
      ma quanto sei adorabile ! Non immagini la gioia che mi darebbe sapere che questo abbraccio che sto per inviarti, un giorno potrò dartelo davvero stringendoti così tanto forte ... lo spero con tutto il cuore !

      Trascorri una magnifica serata dolcissima, e che la nuova settimana inizi recando con sé tante piccole cose che ti colmino il cuore di gioia.
      Con affetto ed ammirazione ti mando anche un bacio *♥*

  5. I so love seeing the train cars and ship rooms from back in that time period, they sure new how to make them a home away from home, with such wonderful architecture and furnishings. I don't know how they could stand back then not to raise their own children, it sounds like she wasn't happy with her mother in laws interference.
    That last quote makes me think that lucky for her she was born with the ability to travel, but I do understand the itch to go out and see new places.

    1. @ Connie
      her mother in law was the principal reason for the failure of her marriage, for she governed her son and look over the education oh her grandchildren: Empress Elisabeth had to fill in an application form, as every stranger did, if She wanted to meet or to dialogue with Her husband or Her children ... it sounds incredible, doesn't it ?

      Of course she tried to spend as less time as possible in such a suffocating atmosphere ... and it was a luck for Her to love to travel, for sure, even if with the passing of the time it became a health necessity.

      I'm here to thank you again and again, but not enough - you know for what - and to wish you a most sweet new week to come, filled with so much love,
      sending blessings and dear hugs to you, my delicate soul ಌ❀ಌ

  6. Oh you bring these past times to life dear Dani.
    What tragic relationships amid control from older family members.
    You can only feel sad for a young wife.
    Happy weekend and lots of fun!
    Shane xox

    1. @ Shane
      dearest friend of mine, Sisi's life wasn't happy at all, even if it had all the numbers to be a wonderful fairy tale, for Her marriage was a marriage of love, as so seldom it happened at Her time !

      So very glad to have you here, my sweet friend, with all my love I wish you a wonderful start of your week to come,
      sending you so dear hugs and smiles ♡❤♡

  7. Hello dear Dany,
    My goodness...such elegance. I just told my husband today that I wish we could live in a time where travel was slower. I would love to ride about in a buggy pulled by horses. I would so enjoy a slower life:)
    Have a wonderful week dear Dany. God bless you.

    1. @ Shirley
      precious, loving friend, thank you for gracing this page with your presence here and with your loveliness !
      I also would live in a age in which time flows slower... that's why we decided to leave the city for the countryside, here the changing of the seasons alters a little the perception of time, in cities life is too ... furious and so very fast to stress you so very easily ... actually, we, who were born in a big city, decided to change our life also because the city itself changed so much while we were growing, and because Hubby and I love to live 'immersed' in the Nature such a lot.
      So we've been looking for a work around here, we both found it and built our nest here !

      With so much gratitude I'm also sending blessing on the start of your new week ahead, darling friend of mine,
      with dear, heartfelt love ღ*ღ

  8. I enjoyed travelling in style with the Empress. I could get used to this :-)

    1. @ Amalia
      .. and I'd love to, believe me, I might even travel much more !

      Have a happy new week, sweetie
      ⊰♥⊱ blessed be ⊰♥⊱

  9. La storia di una grande Donna e il suo affascinante cammino, che sfiora i miei sentimenti in un susseguirsi di emozioni e rapisce il mio cuore....
    Leggendo, leggendo si legge sempre qualcosa di noi...
    Grazie carissima amica, perchè impreziosisci sempre di più i miei pensieri.
    Ti abbraccio di vero cuore e ti auguro una buona e serena domenica.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      le tue dolcissime, amabili parole illuminano di gioia la mia serata, te ne sono tanto, immensamente grata, mia carissima amica !

      Che la nuova settimana abbia in serbo per te letizia e serenità, te lo auguro di vero cuore,
      ti abbraccio con gioia ♡ஐ♡

  10. Una figura splendida e speciale, quella di Sissi.
    Ma leggere poi un post così particolare, proprio sui mezzi di locomozione (e che meraviglie!)che la accompagnavano nei suoi molteplici viaggi...insomma riesci sempre a stupirmi cara Daniela.
    Buona domenica pomeriggio. Ahinoi fredda, umida e piovosa

    1. @ Susanna
      ... sì, giornata davvero poco allettante, atmosfericamente parlando, anche qui, fredda, con pioggia vento e neve ... è arrivato l'inverno !
      Mia cara, le tue parole mi vanno dritte al cuore e te ne sono così tanto riconoscente, credimi, è già una tale gioia averti qui !

      Che la tua giornata si concluda con letizia e che la tua nuova settimana ti rechi tante piccole cose per cui gioire,
      te lo auguro sinceramente ringraziandoti ancora,
      dolcissima amica mia ❀≼♥≽❀

  11. sempre bellissimi e pieni di emozione i tuoi post....un abbraccio

    1. @ simona
      ti sono grata per le belle parole che sempre scrivi nei tuoi commenti, mia cara, ti sono debitrice di tanta dolcezza !

      Trascorri una serata lieta, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ❥

  12. Wow!!! Can you just imagine travelling by train in a car like that? How incredibly beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day Dear Dany.

    1. @ Andrea
      my wonderful lady, this would just a dream to me, I love it much more than the renowned Orient Express, don't you ?

      Sending blessings on your evening and on the new week to come, with heartfelt gratitude and love ✿⊱╮

  13. I would love to ride in a buggy!
    Yet another wonderful post, Dany.
    Transporting me to a wonderful time in history.
    I wish you a beautiful week, sweet friend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      beloved friend of mine, what a deep joy to have you here and to read your words of enjoyment, I wholeheartedly thank you, my wonderful friend !

      May your new week too be blessed with so much gladness
      sending big, sweet hugs to you ༺♥♡♥༻

  14. This was so interesting and beautiful! The interior of the carriages was just spectacular. No wonder she liked to travel and preferred it to actually staying somewhere. Thanks for this informative post, Dany!

    1. @ Judy
      ... and I thank you for your amiability, sweetest friend of mine !

      May your new week bring you so many little things filling your heart with joy,
      sending you much, heartfelt love, and many sweet hugs across the Ocean ღ❀ღ

  15. She was stunning, Dany. I'm just so taken with the opulence of the train car. The quote of Elizabeth's regarding the journey between the destinations is one to remember. So true. Hugs, Nancy

    1. @ Nancy
      it's always such a blessing to have you here, my dearest friend !
      I'm so overjoyed to read in your words amusement and appreciation, that's the most beautiful gift to me !

      I wish you all my best for the new week to come,
      *♥* sending so dear love to you *♥*

  16. Poesia, conoscenza, dolcezza e romanticismo sono qui. Autrice di sogni da leggere insieme. Baci. Buona settimana. NI

    1. @ NI
      le tue parole mi toccano il cuore e lo accarezzano con una tale delicatezza da giungere a commuovermi ...!
      Ti ringrazio con tanta, tanta gioia, quanta non riesco neppure ad esprimere, mia dolce amica dall'animo gentile, colmo di buoni sentimenti !

      Che la tua settimana sia lieta e serena, te lo auguro con stima, affetto ed ancora tanta riconoscenza ... grazie ♡❤♡

  17. Che meraviglia, entrare qui è come entrare in un mondo a metà tra il racconto e la storia illustrata da particolari di vita...puntualmente mi perdo a sognare. E anche a riflettere!

    1. @ Marshall
      carissima, anche tu, con le tue dolcissime parole, mi sfiori il cuore con tanta soavità ... come ringraziarti !

      Ti auguro una lieta serata ed un prosieguo di settimana all'insegna della gioia più vera ... sinceramente e con sentita devozione ಌ✿ಌ

  18. Even with all the privilege and money her life was difficult. I wonder how different her life would have been if those around her had been better people.
    To continue being kind even when others are cruel is saintly.
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie
      beloved friend of mine, unfortunately History taught us that richness and goodness of heart don't always get along well, it's easy that a wealthy life parches a person's inner world, and often deprives his soul of good sentiments ... that's what, alas, happend to the poor girl-spouse, whom was taught that love was the first and the most important thing, to give and to receive it is the biggest Gift our life allows us.
      Certainly, hers, with other people at Court, would have been a much more happier life, furthermore if lived together with her loved children !

      I love the phrase you end your comment with, my sweetest friend,it's so very meaningful and brightening, thank you for writing it, it's perfect for this Wonderful Soul's life !
      Have a marvellous remainder of your week, filled with all the love you deserve, my marvellous friend !

      So very thankfuk to you, I'm sending you dear hugs and tender smiles, may your new day be filled with gladness, my lovely lady ༺❀༻

  19. Another fascinating and intriguing post, my lovely Dany. I can see why she enjoyed traveling...I believe I could travel that way all the time as well {{smiles}}

    Love, joy, and sweet blessings to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      your words always make my day, my sweet, precious, loved friend, be blessed !
      Actually she was an Empress and had everything and even more she could wish, but she was missing the most important thing, she was denied the possibility to give love to her family, that's probably the sad thing which can mark a woman's heart and life ...

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your week,
      with haeartfelt gratitude and much, so much love ஐღஐ

  20. Such a revealing history of even the most privileged of society & their struggles & griefs! It is very saddening to read how Elisabetta was treated.
    It is still very impressive to see how she travelled!
    Thank you so much dear Dany for sharing this glimpse into the past!

    1. @ Christine
      loving friend of mine, you know, it's my pleasure and my joy, and your amusement and interest feed my enthusiasm more and more !
      Believe me, it's always a so big blessing to me to have you here, I'm so grateful to you for this !

      I wish you a most wonderful remainder of your week ever, sweetest, darling friend,
      filled with so many little things for which be glad,
      with heartfelt love ಌ•❤•ಌ

  21. Hi Daniela, thank you for sharing this history. I love seeing the photos and the way comfort was detailed in the train car. This reminds me of the many visits to Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum. A place I visited often growing up and on into adulthood.
    Thank you for always sharing an teaching us something interesting.
    So sorry it has taken me so long to return your visit. Life is keeping me too busy at the moment. Wishing you a wonderful new week my friend. Blessings xo

    1. @ Celestina
      my darling, esteemed friend, please don't worry to neglect me, we do as we can, and if your life is quite busy I hope it's for ordinary things ... I also am so very busy lately and cannot arrive 'everywhere', alas, so very often my comments and my answers here are belated in order to my time ... I hope you do understand me !

      Seding dear blessings on your day, today,
      I wish you wonderful and serene days to come
      ⊰♥⊱ with so much love and thankfulness ⊰♥⊱

  22. Dear Daniela:
    I don't know any of this history. This was very interesting and tells about an era that is amazing. So glad you shared. Loved the musical retreat as well!

    1. @ Bernideen
      Empress Elisabeth belongs to European Victorian History, for she was Kaiser Franz Joseph's wife that means that She was Kaiserin of Austria and Queen of Hungary, maybe it's a part of our History you American don't know much but if you are interested in it, you may find more than 20 posts about this Wonderful Lady, who became an icon of this beautiful age which I do love and admire so much, under the label 'KAISERIN ELISABETH' here, on my blog.
      I always love so much to have you here, my darling friend, thank you with all my heart !

      Have a lovely remainder of your week, sweetest one,
      sending dear hugs and much love across the many miles ✿⊱╮

  23. Hi Dany, your photographs of travels look much more interesting than traveling nowadays. :-)

    1. @ Gina
      first of all thank you for your invitation, I've appreciated it so, so much, dearie !
      Of course, today we have the speed and the comforts that cannot be compared with that age's, but the charm of travelling at that time, well, I think was unique, especially at our eyes, today !

      Sending love and dear blessings on the remainder of your week, darling, sweetest friend of mine, and thank you again for being so kind and good-hearted, please, never change ❥

  24. Mi sono mancati i tuoi post cara Daniela. Qui io trovo una sorta di "casa sull'albero", che mi cattura e allontana da pensieri, corse e amarezze. Sissi, quante volte mi sono chiesta guardando quei suoi occhi, quanta malinconia e tristezza vi si nascondesse. Lei, così diversa da tutto il contesto che la circondava, bella fuori ma soprattutto dentro. E come sempre, tu sei riuscita a farci entrare con delicatezza e amore nel suo breve percorso di vita. Grazie, grazie infinite cara Daniela. Felice di tornare qui, a casa tua. Paola

    1. @ Paola
      carissima, non immagini il valore che il paragone tra ~ My little old world ~ e la 'casa sull'albero' possa avere per me e che dono mi fai proponendomelo !
      Da bambina, pur abitando in città, trascorrevo i fine settimana della bella stagione, a partire da Pasqua e le vacanze estive, fino all'autunno, nella casa che avevamo con i nonni in campagna ... lì avevo la mia casa sull'albero dove tenevo nascoste le cose 'segrete', più 'preziose' - per me, ovviamente - ed era il mio luogo preferito in cui trovare rifugio con le amichette nei momenti di 'fuga dalla realtà'... che ricordi mi hai riportato alla mente, mia cara, che giorni sereni e spensierati ... sono io a ringraziarti per questo, mi hai ridonato la beatitudine di quei preziosi momenti d'infanzia !

      Ti abbraccio con immenso affetto e grande, grandissima stima, per ciò che fai e per come sei, mia carissima, preziosa amica, che la serenità e la gioia siano con te ಌ❀ಌ

  25. Ho sognato ed ho viaggiato lontano con Sissi, lasciandomi alle spalle la quotidianità con tutte le sue problematiche. Povera Sissi, viaggiatrice spesso forzata alla ricerca della felicità o alla fuga dalle sofferenze di una vita ,sì regale ,ma tanto misera.Grazie per le meravigliose immagini, che non avevo mai visto prima e grazie per la condivisione della vita privata di una donna che tanto adoro.

    1. @ Alessandra
      dolcissima amica dal cuore romantico, l'hai detto, Sisi visse realmente una vita sì regale, ma tanto, tanto misera, ... dolore più grande che quello dato dall'essere privati forzatamente, o per mano del destino, o per interferenze altrui, degli affetti più cari, credo non esista !

      Ringraziandoti immensamente per le tue parole che sempre, molto dolcemente, esprimono il diletto recato dalla lettura del mio scritto, ti abbraccio forte e ti auguro un lieto, sereno prosieguo di settimana ... con tutto il cuore ♥♡♥

  26. Hello, Dany, Empress Elizabeth was lovely and it is so sad to hear about her difficult life. She had beautiful accommodations for traveling. I love the railway car and travel kit. Thank you for sharing these lovely images and interesting history of the Empress.
    Much love,
    xo Karen

    1. @ Karen
      your so lovely words of interest bless my heart with such a joy, sweetest friend of mine, and I'm so thankful to you for this !

      May the remainder of your week be blessed with the deepest gladness and serenity, sending so dear love to you ღ*ღ

  27. La sua dovrebbe essere stata una vita felice e lontano
    dai pensieri, essendo stata una Principessa....
    Niente di più sbagliato, nei suoi occhi si legge tristezza e
    malinconia, sempre in fuga da qualcosa o qualcuno.....
    Bellissimo post e foto, sai che le adoro!
    Certo che un viaggetto su quel treno ce lo farei molto volentieri.
    Ti abbraccio mia dolcissima amica e chissà che non arrivi
    la primavera nel tuo bellissimo parco.
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      dolcezza dal cuore tenero, credo che Sisi avrebbe preferito essere tra le donne più povere del popolo pur di avere accanto a sé i propri figlioli ed il proprio amato marito, pur di poterli accudire e di poterli amare libera da inutili e poco sensate, ormai, costrizioni e formalismi.

      Quanto alla primavera sta arrivando, eccome, e anche di gran carriera, sono io che sono indietro con i lavori dell'inverno ... lo aspetto da Novembre ed ancora deve arrivare, siamo passati dall'autunno alla primavera con piante che mai sono andate a riposo, povere, ed ora ci troviamo con il frutteto ancora da potare e già in fiore, accipicchia !
      Pazienza, faremo come possiamo e come riusciamo, compatibilmente con il tempo ... anche quello atmosferico, intendo !

      Ti abbraccio Tesoro, forte forte, mandandoti un grande grandissimo bacio e ringraziandoti per esserci sempre, e per esserci con il cuore ♡ஐ♡

  28. Hello, I can not imagine living in these times and with a cruel mother in law. I would feel the need to travel just to escape. Wonderful post, information and photos. Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. @ eileen,
      sensitive, delicate friend of mine !
      Sisi's life was extremely unhappy, to the point to feel the need to escape her world, as you say, and to devote herself to travels, art, poetry in a world which was all her own ... that was the only way to survive !
      I thank you with all my heart for being here and for the interest you always show for every post of mine, be blessed !

      May your weekend be filled with all the love you deserve, and even more, sweetest one,
      sending dear hugs across the Ocean, with so much gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ

  29. This is all history I knew nothing about ... Such intrigues and tragedy. That rail care was amazing! What luxury!

    1. @ Sallie
      sweetest friend of mine, don't worry, you're not the only one American lady who doesn't know Sisi, Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, yet: together with Queen Victoria she made Victorian European History, but her fame probably didn't go beyond the confines of the Old Continent ... If you're interested, here, at ~ My little old world ~, you can find so many posts about her, I admire this wonderful woman with all myself !

      Have a wonderful end of your week, dear friend,
      sending so dear love to you ❥

  30. Dear Dany:
    Just letting you know that this post was one of the special featured ones chosen and presented on my blog today! Thanks and congratulations.

    1. @ Bernideen
      thanks most sincerely, my dearest friend, I'm so overjoyed by your words ... I feel ... speechless !

      Have a blessed weekend
      with so, so much, deep gratitude ༺❀༻

  31. What a beautiful post. Can you imagine what it would have been like riding in that salon car. Too live in the past couldn't be all bad..Congratulations for your feature at Bernideens..Happy Monday..Judy

    1. @ Judy
      I'm so delighted to welcome you, and I do it with so much joy, thank you !

      May your new week be filled with serenity,
      sending dear hugs to you ಌ*✿*ಌ

  32. Dear Dany,
    I love Sisi too. I have many books, even some photographies of her "Schönheitenalbum". Are you interested in? I could mail them.
    Have you ever been to Corfu where she lived at the Archilleion? It is so beautiful. Do you also love Heinrich Heine?

    Best wishes from Barbara

    1. @ Barbara
      you know, it would be a blessing to me to have some photographs of Hers ... I've bought some of them during my several trips to Austria, the Land where my ancient roots come from ...
      I've never been to Corfu, but I'd love to, and of course I do love Heine, don't you ?

      May your evening be filled with joy, my sweet, new friend
      sending love to you ... and as for the photographies, if you can mail them, you send me such a wonderful gift, believe me, She won my heart so many years ago, when I was a so young girl, and I love Her more and more ...
      I wholeheartedly thank you ♡❤♡

  33. Such an interesting story about the Empress Elizabeth of Austria! How horrible for her to have such a cruel mother-in-law who had so much control over her life. Although she lived rich with such beautiful railroad car and buggy and traveling cases, it appears she was very poor in affection and kindness in her life. Very sad!

    1. @ Pat
      poor Wonderful Empress, she was so wealthy, of course but her life was so very wretched and unfortunate, it's true, she missed all the most important priceless things, things which cannot be bought, for they come from the heart, things making one's life worth living, my sweet friend !

      Sending blessings on the remainder of your week, take care and ... hope to see you very soon, it's such a delight to answer your comments ღ❀ღ

  34. ...Dany, such wonderful images from the gilded age! Thanks for all the history. Enjoy your week and I hope to see you again soon.

    1. @ Tom
      thank you, you're dear to me more and more, sweet friend!

      Wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      I'm sending my dearest hug across the many miles •♥✿ڿڰۣ✿♥•

  35. I love this quote and shared it on Facebook: “Destinations are only desirable because a journey lies in between. If I arrived somewhere and knew that I would never leave again, even a sojourn in paradise would turn into hell for me.”

    1. @ Linda
      I'm so, so glad to read that you loved it, with these words of yours you truly made my day!

      Sending blessings on your day, today,
      and on your days to come,
      with heartfelt gratitude •♥•♥•♥•

  36. What a heart-wrenching story! I could almost cry for that poor girl! So glad that she was able to travel, doing what she loved. Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

    1. @ Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home
      you know, it's my pleasure, Derest One!

      Especially after the Mayerling accident, which occured on January, 30th, 1889, in which her only male child lost his life, she begun to travel almost without any rest, looking for something which cannot be found in this world of ours and during our own lives.
      She became a sad pilgrim, a bird without nest ...

      With sincere gratitude for appreciating this article,
      I'm sending blessings on your way ❀≼♥≽❀
