sabato 6 febbraio 2016

Charles Burton Barber, Victorian painter of children and pets.

“Maturità nell'uomo significa avere ritrovato quella serietà che si metteva nel gioco da bambini.” 


Reife des Mannes: Das heißt, den Ernst wiedergefunden zu haben,
 den man als Kind hatte, beim Spiel.

Once Bitten, Twice Shy, by Charles Burton Barber

Il 6 di febbraio di alcuni, non molti, ma per me tanti anni fa ( vorrei solo che fossero di meno, tutto qui ! ), aprii per la prima volta i miei occhi su questo nostro meraviglioso mondo, e pensando al rapporto privilegiato e speciale che ho sempre avuto con gli animali da compagnia che mi hanno affiancato, mi sembra questo il miglior modo di festeggiare il mio compleanno ... non solo, mi piace dedicare questo post a tutti coloro che considerano gli animali da compagnia come membri della loro famiglia.

Charles Burton Barber (1845-1894) nacque a Great Yarmouth nel Norfolk e già diciottenne entrò a far parte della Royal Academy. Due anni più tardi fu fregiato con una medaglia d'argento per il disegno e perché fu il primo ad esporre presso l'Accademia nel 1866, dove le sue opere continuarono ad essere esibite fino al 1893. Altri suoi dipinti fecero parte di mostre alla Fine Art Society, Manchester City Art Gallery, Royal Institute of Oil Painters e alla Walker Art Gallery.
Contrariamente a quanto accadde per la maggior parte degli artisti, egli, purtroppo non godette dell'appoggio della famiglia e procedette per la sua strada vivendo dei propri esclusivi, esigui guadagni, conducendo una vita riservata e da uomo tranquillo, tanto che a differenza di altri artisti, quando ricevette commissioni dalla regina Vittoria, non vi fu alcun tentativo da parte dell'artista di farsi pubblicità al fine di accrescere il proprio prestigio e la propria reputazione. 

Dovete infatti sapere che la Regina Vittoria possedeva un gran numero di Collie, Bassotti e Pomeranians e sua figlia, la Principessa Beatrice condivideva con lei questa sconfinata passione. 

Nel 1870 Sua Maestà commissionò a Burton Barber la pittura di una serie di ritratti dei suoi cani preferiti per onorare e commemorare i suoi amati animali domestici, il più prezioso dei quali è tutt'ora di proprietà di Sua Maestà la Regina Elisabetta II e ritrae Beatrice, tre collie e un bassotto a Windsor. 
Qui di seguito potete vedere Marco, immortalato sul tavolo già pronto per il tè della regina 

Marco, 1893, The Royal Collection © 2012,
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 403206


Noble, 1883, The Royal Collection © 2012,
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 403579

ed, appartenenti al Royal Collection Trust e perciò non visibili in fotografia egli dipinse anche gli altri appartenenti alla regina; Watts, Spot e Oswald per Beatrice; e per il principe, futuro re Edoardo VII, Barber dipinse i ritratti di Beattie

Beattie, 1889, The Royal Collection © 2012,
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 402321

e Fozzy. Tra i suoi dipinti più notabili  figura anche quello che egli fece alla Regina Vittoria seduta sul suo cavallo con John Brown che del cavallo tiene le redini.

Queen Victoria with John Brown, 1894

L'ultimo dipinto di Burton Barber fu proprio per la Regina e si tratta di un ritratto che la mostra seduta nella carrozza trainata dal suo pony con alcuni dei suoi nipoti, circondata dai suoi cani, con Clark, che aveva preso il posto di John Brown, il quale appare insieme ad un servitore indiano The Queen and her grandchildren )

Almeno cinque delle sue opere rimangono appartenenti al Royal Collection Trust: purtroppo, secondo il diritto inglese, le fotografie di questi dipinti, che sarebbero considerate di pubblico dominio nel resto del mondo, rimangono esclusivamente di proprietà della Royal Collection e, pertanto, non compaiono nella collezione delle opere facenti capo a Charles Burton Barber.
Mi limiterò perciò, a mostrarvi quelle più famose che ci è dato di pubblicare ...

Questi sono i suoi dipinti più conosciuti:

Off to School, 1883

In Disgrace, (?)

Suspence, 1894

Come potete notare i dipinti di Burton Barber spesso raffigurano bambini provenienti da famiglie benestanti in compagnia dei loro fedeli animali domestici, spesso compagni di gioco. 
Vi lascio ad osservare gli altri che hanno goduto e che godono tutt'ora di minor fama, ma non per questo meno deliziosi ai miei occhi !

A Mischievous Puppy

Monster - The Tiger Girl


Coaxing is better than Teasing

A Rival Attraction


Any Port in a Storm

Time to Wake Up

No Ride Today

A Scratch Pack


Title Unknown

Do You like Butter?

The Order of the Bath

Compulsory Education 

A Secret Place

The New Keeper


The Little Baker with her two Assistants

Concludo questo mio post, nella speranza che abbiate gradito il tempo trascorso insieme, con una citazione del filosofo ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER, pensatore attivo nella Germania vittoriana ( Danzica, allora provincia prussiana, 22 febbraio 1788 - Francoforte, 21 settembre 1860 ), che amo molto

“Ogni persona geniale è un gran fanciullo, già per il suo guardare al mondo come a un che di estraneo. Chi nella vita non resta per qualche verso un fanciullo e diventa invece un uomo serio, sobrio, posato e ragionevole, sarà certo un bravo e utile cittadino di questo mondo, ma un genio non sarà mai.”

A presto, miei carissimi amici e lettori 


Charles Burton Barber, The Works of Charles Burton Barber, Cassell, 1896; 


"Maturity for a man means to have found back the seriousness that he put in his play as a children."


- picture 1 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy, by Charles Burton Barber

On February 6th of some, not many, but for me too many years ago ( I'd love them to be fewer, that's all ! ), I opened for the first time my eyes on this wonderful world of ours, and thinking of the privileged and special relationship that I have always had with the pets that I have flanked, it seems to me that is the best way to celebrate my birthday ... not only, I like to dedicate this post to all those who consider pets as members of their family.

Charles Burton Barber (1845-1894) was born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and already eighteen he joined the Royal Academy. Two years later he was adorned with a silver medal for drawing and because it was the first to exhibit at the Academy in 1866, where he went on to exhibit his works until 1893. Some other paintings of his were exhibited at the End Art Society, Manchester City Art Gallery, the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and the Walker Art Gallery.
Contrary to what happened for most artists, he unfortunately didn't enjoy the support of his family and proceeded on his way living of his exclusive, meager earnings, leading a quite man's retired life, and, unlike others artists, when he received commissions from Queen Victoria, there wasn't any attempt by him to promote himself in order to enhance his prestige and reputation.
As you well know,  Queen Victoria   ìhad a particular fondness for animals and owned a large number of Collies, Dachshunds and Pomeranians ( alse her daughter Beatrice was very fond with them ).
In 1870 She commissioned Burton Barber to paint a series of portraits of her favorite dogs to honor and commemorate her beloved pets, paintings the most valuable of which are still of poperty of Her Majesty, such as the painting portraying Princess Beatrice with three collie and a dachshund in Windsor.
Below you can see Marco, immortalized on a table ready for the Queen's tea

- picture 2 - Marco, 1893, The Royal Collection © 2012, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 403206


- picture 3 - Noble, 1883, The Royal Collection © 2012, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 403579

and, belonging to the Royal Collection Trust and therefore not visible in any photograph, he also painted the other pets belonging to the Queen; Watts, Spot and Oswald for Beatrice; and for the Prince, the future King Edward VII, Barber painted the portraits of Beattie

- picture 4 - Beattie, 1889, The Royal Collection © 2012, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
RCIN 402321

and Fozzy. Among his most notable paintings there is also the well known one he did to Queen Victoria sat on her horse with John Brown holding the horse's reins.

- picture 5 - Queen Victoria with John Brown, 1894

Charles Burton Barber's last painting  was just that he did made for the Queen and it is a picture that shows her sitting in her carriage drawn by her pony with some of her grandchildren, surrounded by her dogs, with Clark, who had taken the place of John Brown, which appears along with an Indian servant The Queen and her grandchildren ).

At least five of his works remain belonging to the Royal Collection Trust: unfortunately, according to the English law, the photographs of these paintings, that would be considered in the public domain in the rest of the world, remain exclusively with the Royal Collection properties and therefore they are considered not beloning to the collection of works owned by Charles Burton Barber.
Thus I'm going to publish only those I've been able to find; these are his best-known paintings:

- picture 6 - Off to School, 1883

- picture 7 - In Disgrace (?)

- picture 8 - Suspence, 1894

As you can see Burton Barber's paintings tings often depict children from wealthy families in the company of their faithful pets, often their playmates.
I leave you to observe others who have enjoyed and still enjoy less celebrity, but which are not less delightful to my eyes:

- picture 9 - A Mischievous Puppy

- picture 10 - Monster - The Tiger-Girl

- picture 11 - Trust

- picture 12 - Coaxing is Better than Teasing

- picture 13 - A Rival Attraction

- picture 14 - Dressup

- picture 15 - Any Port in a Storm

- picture 16 - Time to Wake Up

- picture 17 - No Ride Today

- picture 18 - A Scratch Pack

- picture 19 - Playmates

- picture 20 - Title Unknown

- picture 21 - Do You like Butter ?

- picture 22 - The Order of the Bath

- picture 23 - Compulsory Education

- picture 24 - A Secret Place

- picture 25 - A New Keeper

- picture 26 - Gellert

- picture 27 - The Little Baker with her two Assistants

I'm going to conclude my post, in the hope that you have enjoyed our time together, with a quote of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, thinker active in the Victorian Germany ( Gdansk, then Prussian province, February 22nd, 1788 - Frankfurt, September 21st, 1860 ), that I love 

"Every genial person is a great child, already for his looking at the world as something of stranger. Those who in life don't remain in some ways a child and becomes instead a serious, sober, posed and reasonable man, will certainly be a good and useful citizen of this world, but will never be a genius. "

See you soon, my beloved readers and friends 


Charles Burton Barber, The Works of Charles Burton Barber, Cassell, 1896; 


75 commenti:

  1. What a lovely way to start my Saturday - looking at these fantastic paintings and listening to Mozart. Thank you so much my darling Daniela ♥

    I love animals. Have had Belgian shephards, now passed away but always in my memory. Now I cherish Sissi the cat. My son has two big Bernese Mountain Dogs and sometimes they come to me for a week. The other is called Ananas - Pineapple :))

    And I want to wish you dear Daniela the most wonderful birthay ever! I feel so blessed having you as a blog friend ♥

    1. @ riitta
      my dearest, that's what I think of you, you're such a wonderful lady and I'm so fortunate to have you by my side !
      I was sure that you also loved animals and had some pets, you're too sweet and I'm so grateful to you for gracing my blog today with your presence and your so beautiful words ... and thank you for the good wishes too, you've truly touched my heart !

      May your weekend be blessed with joy, precious friend of mine, sending much love and dear hugs to you ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  2. My goodness, what a talent, Dany. Not only are these amazing paintings (they almost look like photographs!), but the scenes depicted just melt my heart.

    Thank you for sharing these here, sweet friend, and I wish you a beautiful weekend. xo.

    1. @ Lisa
      sweetest friend of mine, since I know Charles Burton Barber I'm feeling in love with him, he was a fabulous artist, wasn't he ?
      And I think it wasn't a case that amongst all the Victorian painters living in England Queen Victoria chose him for the paintings of her beloved pets, I think that nobody was able to portray them as him !

      Have a serene end of the week you too, my dearest, marvelous lady, I heartily hope you're doing better, even if you have to be so patient, my sweet soul ... I put together this post especially thinking of you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  3. Hello, Daniela! Wow so many beautiful paintings. I am an animal and dog lover. I love all of the paintings, the children are cute too. Happy Birthday! Have a happy weekend!

    1. @ Eileen
      you're such a sensitive woman, you're a lover of every kind of animal we can find on the earth !!!

      Thank you for your so lovely words, your good wishes bless my heart with such a deep joy, my sweet friend, I wholeheartedly thank you wishing you too a wonderful weekend, I hug you so warmly sending love to you ❥

  4. Io ho una cagnolina che considero la mia migliore amica, quindi non posso che farti i complimenti per questo bellissimo post e per le meravigliose immagini dei dipinti che hai inserito. Sono completamente d'accordo con la citazione finale. Tanti auguri di buon compleanno!

    1. @ G.
      forse è il primo tuo commento che ho il piacere di leggere e che sia proprio oggi, non solo mi onora, ma lo considero davvero un grande dono !
      Felicissima di trovare anche in te una persona che ama gli animali di casa, che diventano veri e propri membri della famiglia - come ti capisco !- e per le parole di plauso che questo mio post ti ha ispirato, ti ringrazio con tanta gioia nel cuore augurandoti una bellissima serata ed una domenica all'insegna della gioia, grazie ancora, di tutto cuore ಌ❀ಌ

  5. I love your blog! All the images are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

    1. @ Jody
      it's my pleasure !
      I welcome you both with a big hug, sending love to you, with gratitude ✿⊱╮

  6. I like the work of Charles Burton Barber. So much old world charm in his paintings.
    And a very happy birthday to you, dear friend.

    1. @ Amalia
      he didn't only paint children and pets, he truly depicted scenes, often located in wealthy Victorian houses, so we can admire also some delightful details, you're so right !
      Thank you, dearest friend of mine, for everything, for your blessed friendship and for your good wishes, filling my heart with joy !

      *♥* May your weekend be joyous, my lovely *♥*

  7. The children with their animals !Oh yes ! There is so much complicity, so much love and tenderness between them, these paintings are very attractive examples!

    1. @ Christelle
      what a deep, so deep joy and privilege to have you here, my precious, estimated friend !
      I'm so very glad to read that you've appreciated this post of mine, it's truly a great gift to me !

      ༺❀༻ Sending much love to you for wishing you a most beautiful end of your week, with gratitude ༺❀༻

  8. Oh I do so consider my pets, or furbabies as I call them part of our family. It was so hard when we lost both of our cats that were 18 1/2 years old this past year, 4 months apart from each other. We are still blessed to have our little Dachshund Peanut who is now 15 1/2 years old. I love how this artist captured how loyal our pets are to us and how they put up with so many things from their child owners.
    Wishing you a most Fabulous Birthday filled with many happy moments and a year ahead that is blessed in many ways!!!

    1. @ Connie
      I also call our two pussies, Philippo and Giuliano, furbabies, that is, in Italian,'bimbi pelosi', because we consider them babies and they behave as babies, those who don't live with pets I think cannot understand it and us, and don't know what a privilege they lose ...
      As for your good wishes and your lovely thought, they touched me so much, thank you, you've truly filled my heart with happiness, my marvelous friend !

      I wish you a most beautiful end of your week, with sincere gratitude,
      blessed be ♥♡♥

  9. Daniela, Tienes toda la razon!Daniela, è vero! Animali come animali domestici diventano membri della nostra famiglia! Anche io ho sempre detto che i loro occhi in esp. i cani appena trasudano amore puro, inocensia!
    belle immagini!
    abbracci, Rose M Ah! Congratulazioni per il tuo compleanno!

    1. @ Rose
      che tesoro che sei, il tuo italiano è quasi perfetto !!!
      Credo che sia davvero impossibile crescere degli animali in casa e non considerarli membri della famiglia, sono praticamente loro a chiederci di considerarli così ... non oso pensare a chi ha il coraggio di maltrattarli, davvero ...

      Ti ringrazio sinceramente e tanto caramente per gli auguri, gli abbracci e tutto l'amore che esprimi, con le parole e con ciò che crei, sei davvero una donna molto speciale ಌ•❤•ಌ

  10. Happy birthday, dear Dany! Barber's work shows children and their pets in the most enjoyable way. Gellert disturbed me so much when as a child I first saw the painting. Now, as a grandmother I appreciate the message it gives. Loyal dog, indeed. Oh, that every child could have such a guardian! Enjoy your day. Nancy

    1. @ Nancy
      probably when you first saw this painting as a child, you saw a big dog over a little baby, something to be scared of ... poor darling !
      You're so right, children who can grow with pets are truly fortunate, much fortunate ...

      I wholeheartedly thank you for your good wishes, my sweetest friend, you're really a so wonderful soul, may your weekend be blessed with joy ♡ஐ♡

  11. Penso che sia una qualità preziosa amare gli animali domestici , prendersene cura,e lasciare che loro ci ricambino con la fedeltà e
    l'affetto di cui sono capaci.
    "A secret place" è il mio preferito , il collie sembra dire : tranquilla , ci sono qui io !
    Sono felice di apprendere che oggi è il tuo compleanno !
    Carissima Dany , mille auguri , amica mia !

    1. @ Franca
      quel che posso dirti, mia cara, è che io sono cresciuta o con cani o con gatti ed essendo figlia unica, riversavo su di loro l'affetto che avrei dato ad un fratello, come puoi ben comprendere; da adulta, in famiglia, li trattiamo tutti con un amore tale che loro ricambiano sentendosi uguali a noi, talvolta imitando i nostri atteggiamenti, le nostre intonazioni nel parlare ... sono creature meravigliose !
      Ti abbraccio con tanto affetto e tanta ammirazione, sei una amica così adorabile ed amorevole, grazie per gli auguri e per il tuo graditissimo, inatteso pensiero ...

      Che la tua giornata si concluda serenamente e che domani sia per te una bellissima domenica, carissima, te lo auguro di vero cuore ⊰✽*✽⊱

  12. What beautiful pictures, thank you so much for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings to you

    1. @ Terry
      I'm so overjoyed and thrilled to have you here, it's really a honour to me, believe me, and your words fill my heart with such a gladness !
      Actually I think I have to thank YOU for hosting me, sweet friend, your link-up party is one of the most beautiful on the web.

      May your week be blessed with joy and wonder,
      *✥* with so much heartfelt gratitude *✥* 

  13. ciao
    bellissime immagini. Io adoro i cani. Buona domenica.

    1. @ Robby
      sei la benvenuta ... se poi porti con te amore lo sei ancor di più !
      Ti auguro di trascorrere una felice serata ❀≼♡≽❀

  14. Ciao carissima Daniela, sono finalmente arrivato anche qui da te.. e per la conferma ti dico anche qui che condivido con te con piacere il Award d'amore -> e poi voglio condividere anche l'Award della amicizia e se ti fa piacere poi anche condividere questo qui tutti 3 awards sono ideato da me.. e mi farebbe un piacere se tuo li porti nel mondo.. ti abbraccio Rebecca ♥

    1. @ Rebecca
      che gioia averti qui e quanti doni che mi fai, pensa che ieri era il mio compleanno !!!
      Cercherò di assegnare quanti più Awards mi sarà possibile per onorare questo tuo nobile gesto, te lo prometto ... ora devo pensare se dedicare un post a questo oppure accodarli a quello prossimo che dedicherò all'amore, per S.Valentino ..

      Ringraziandoti con il cuore ti auguro una lieta serata ed una nuova settimana all'insegna della letizia e della gioia, sono davvero felice di averti conosciuta più da vicino, sei una bellissima persona ༺♥༻

  15. Innanzitutto carissima Daniela ti porgo tanti auguri di buon compleanno, seppure in ritardo, ma con tutto il mio affetto.

    Molto belli i dipinti di Burton Barber, così ricchi di dettagli e realistici. Ed è vero che quando un animale entra a far parte della nostra famiglia...assume un ruolo fondamentale ed unico, privilegiato e prezioso.
    Il ricordo degli animaletti, cane o gatti, che ho avuto nella mia vita, non svanirà mai ed anzi è sempre molto amato ed indelebile nel mio cuore.
    Ancora tanti auguri, cara amica.
    Un baciotto

    1. @ Susanna
      carissima, ti ringrazio infinitamente per gli auguri ... ma che ritardo, gli auguri sono sempre un dono e non arrivano mai troppo tardi, vanno diretti al cuore .... sempre !
      Piuttosto sono davvero lieta che tu abbia gradito il post ed i dipinti che ho pubblicato, nessuno dipingeva come Burton Barber ... soprattutto i cani, era il più abile di tutti in questo ... e lo si vede !

      ✿*✿ Ti abbraccio forte forte per ringraziarti ancora e per augurare a te una settimana serena, mia dolcissima amica ✿*✿

  16. Belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, my Dear!!!!

    What lovely, lovely art. Thank you for sharing these, and their painter's story, with us.

    Gentle hugs,

    1. @ Tessa
      I'm so, so glad to read that you've enjoed this post of mine, my wonderful friend, and thank you with all my heart for your Happy Birthday wishes, they truly bless my heart with such a joy !

      May the remainder of your Sunday be filled with happiness,
      sending love to you ♡❖♡

  17. bellissime queste foto, meravigliose!!!!
    un abbraccio

    1. @ simona
      carissima, sono così lieta che ti piacciano, contraccambio con tanta gioia il tuo abbraccio augurandoti una lieta serata ed una notte serena ಌ•❤•ಌ

  18. Happy, happy birthday sweet Daniela!
    Oh these are some of my favourite images.
    The exquisite faces of the children and their animals.
    The artists are so very talented.

    Wishing you a happy week full of joy and love.
    Shane xox

    1. @ Shane
      dearest friend of mine, I'm so very glad when you come and visit me here, and I'm even much gladder to read your words of enthusiasm, I'm truly happy that this post has pleased you !
      Thanks most sincerely for your good wishes, sweetie, you're such a wonderful lady !
      Have a most beautiful evening and a new week ahead,
      my precious friend,
      ღ sending so much heartfelt love to you ღ

  19. Cara amica mia, auguri sinceri di buon compleanno! Grazie per la tua dolcezza e poesia che continuano ad arricchire le nostre menti e i nostri cuori!:)

    1. @ Valeria
      carissima, sei molto dolce e graziosa, le tue parole aggiungono una tale gioia a questa mia giornata, ti ringrazio di vero cuore !!!

      Trascorri una settimana serena, mia dolce,
      ⊰✿ te lo auguro con un calorosissimo abbraccio ✿⊱

  20. Happy Birthday dearest Dany! Many more to come.
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. The children and the animals are so lovely. I completely enjoyed seeing them.
    The butter picture reminds me of being a child. My grandmother would hold buttercups under our chins and if there was a yellow reflection it means you love butter!
    Many hugs

    1. @ annie
      my beloved, sweet heart, I sincerely thank you for your Happy Birthday wishes, touching my heart with so much joy !
      I love the anecdote about your grandmother, I'm sure you were fascinated by this sort of ... magic, these are those kind of memories we'll never lose, because they're linked to the charm of our childhood, I'm so grateful to you for sharing it with me !

      May your Monday and your whole new week be blessed with gladness and serenity,
      thinking of you with so much love and sweetness, dearie ••≫♡✿♡≪••

  21. Ed ecco la solita che arriva in ritardo!!
    Tanti, tantissimi auguri mia dolce amica,
    scusami per il ritardo, ma spero che quello del tuo
    compleanno sia stato un giorno indimenticabile.
    Adoro questi dipinti, uno di questi ( Compulsory education)
    Fà bella mostra di sè nella mia sala, naturalmente preso in Inghilterra...... Eh si in quella splendida isola ci sono
    tantissimi tesori è come un grande scrigno, peccato che alcuni di questi restino segreti.
    Ti abbraccio con tanto affetto mia dolcissima, e ti strapazzo
    di baci, ancora auguri di cuore ♥ ♥
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      tesoro caro, ma è del ritardo che ti preoccupi ?
      Vediamo se riesco a tranquillizzarti ... sai quanto ami la cultura anglosassone e quanto la senta mia ... beh, non so se sai che gli inglesi sostengono che gli auguri si possano fare fino ad una settimana dopo la data in cui ricorre il compleanno, ed io con loro, per cui sei giusto in tempo carissima !!!
      Eh, lo so che l'Inghilterra, come l'isola dei pirati, è un'isola incantata che custodisce preziosi tesori ... pensa alla fortuna che hai andando di tanto in tanto a scovarne qualcuno, e alla soddisfazione che ne trai, soprattutto !

      Grazie, grazie infinite per tutti i baci che mi hai inviato, sei sempre nel mio cuore, mia dolce, ti lascio con l'augurio di una dolce notte - la serata ormai sta per concludersi - e di un sereno risveglio su di un bellissimo martedì, ti abbraccio forte forte, con tutto il bene che ti voglio, grazie ancora di vero cuore ஐღஐ

  22. Oh what wonderful pictures. I sold so many of these as prints in my store for years. In Suspense was always a favorite! I am so glad you shared this wonderful background information. I also loved Arthur Esleys!

    1. @ Bernideen
      I didn't know you had a shop of old paintings, and if you love those by Arhur John Elsley, here I put you the link of the post I wrote about him, if you have time and if you like, you may read it whenever you want, I hope you'll enjoy it !
      Arthur John Elsley, blessed childhood !

      In the hope that your week is off to a great start, I wish you all the best for the days to come, my dear friend,
      sending love to you ❀≼♥≽❀

  23. Carissima, sono qui seduta a Guayaquil in attesa del volo per Bogotà. 4 ore per cui tempo di leggere.... e che lettura tanto gradevole passando dalle tue parti! Non conoscevo questo pittore. Che bei dipinti! Le espressioni così veritieri... Un abbraccio e a presto

    1. @ WOODY
      che gioia e che soddisfazione accompagnarti in questo tuo viaggio meraviglioso in terre da sogno !
      Sono felicissima di farti compagnia nei momenti di sosta, ed, anzi, sono più che felicissima nel leggere che la mia compagnia ti sia gradita, grazie di cuore !

      Ti mando un grande bacio e contraccambio il tuo abbraccio, mia cara amica, con tanta tenerezza e tanta gratitudine ♡❤♡

  24. Ti mando i più romantici auguri di Buon Compleanno!!! Tantissimi auguri, cara amica romantica. Questi dipinti sono di una straordinaria bellezza. Amo tantissimo gli animali ed i cani , in modo particolare, li ritengo più umani degli esseri umani! Scusa il gioco di parole.

    1. @ Alessandra
      dolcissima amica, non pensare all'assonanza del gioco di parole, il concetto non può essere espresso altrimenti, ed, onestamente, esprime sentitamente ciò che penso anche io ... concetto che va sempre più acquistando significato con più passano gli anni e le mie esperienze aumentano ...!
      Ti abbraccio forte e ti ringrazio con il cuore per gli auguri, mia cara, felice che anche questo post ti abbia entusiasmata.

      Possa la tua settimana essere illuminata da tanta, tanta gioia,
      con affetto e gratitudine ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  25. Hello Daniela,
    I enjoyed the lovely photos of children and their pets.
    You have a beautiful blog and I had a very relaxing visit here with you today. I also love the music....very pretty.
    Hugs from Shirley

    1. @ Shirley
      I'm truly so pleased by your words filling my heart with such a deep gladness, my sweet friend ... It's my pleasure !!!

      So very happy to have you here, I wish you all my best for the week to come,
      ༺❀༻ sending so big hugs to you ༺❀༻

  26. Happy Birthday Daniela!!
    Hugs and more hugs Shirley

    1. @ Shirley
      I wholeheartedly thank you, dearie ಌ•❤•ಌ !!!

  27. Happy Birthday Dani! I love the collection of pictures; my grandmother had prints of some of them in their home... I remember the 'In Disgrace' one and the 'do you like butter' in particular. They are so wonderfully sweet and Victorian (both words would also have described my grandmother -- at least when she was in a good mood and I was not 'in disgrace'). Thanks for the sweet memories.

    1. @ Sallie
      I'm so overjoyed to read that you liked this post, my dearest friend, and I truly thank YOU, I'm so glad to have recalled to your mind such sweet and beloved memories, were made of them ,... also and first of all !

      So thankful for letting me know this part of your personal history, I wish you a most beautiful day today,
      sending so much love to you,
      ⊰♥⊱ with sincere gratitude ⊰♥⊱

    2. @ Sallie
      please forgive me, I forgot to thank you for your Happy Birthday wishes, my sweet friend,
      I thank you with all my heart ❥

  28. Hi My Dear Friend. Happy Birthday. We share the same birthday month as mine is the 28th of Feb. What a beautiful post. Your photos and graphics are so endearing. I love the history you share. Our pets truly have a special place in our lives and hearts. I've hand 4 Golden Retrievers and after my last one passed away, I did not get another. Maybe someday. just not ready now.
    Thank you for sharing. I hope your special day was perfect. Blessings for a wonderful year ahead!! xo

    1. @ Celestina
      thanks most sincerely for you Good Wishes, my darling, you truly make my day !
      So your birthday too is in February ... You have to know that in this month was born my husband, whose birthday will be in a few days, my father in law and a few cousins of mine !

      Thanking you again for your sweetness and your grace,
      I wish you a most beautiful remainder of your week, blessed with joy and wonder,
      ✿⋰♡⋱✿ thinking of you with love ✿⋰♡⋱✿

  29. Life is all the sweeter when shared with beloved pets, is it not?? I love this post, Dany. So many of these paintings bring to mind my childhood where several of these prints adorned my walls. If I remember correctly some of these prints were on Pears Soap advertising signs. Lastly, (but certainly not least) may I wish you the most happiest of birthday greetings. I hope you had the loveliest of days. husband is standing over my shoulder and he would like me to tell you how much he enjoys the beautiful music on your lovely blog. Xx

    1. @ Kim
      my sweetest, I'm so glad to have posted paintings so familiar to you, taking you back to your childhood and yes, you remeber well, some of them were used as advertising images by 'Pears Soap' in the early XXth century.

      I thank you with all my love for your Good Wishes, sweetie, they're always so very welcome, and thank your husband most sincerely, I'm so overjoyed to read that he appreciates the music which makes as background to ~ My little old world ~, I'm truly honoured by this !!!

      I wish to both of you a most beautiful remainder of your week, and I'm sending a special, tender, so big hug to you,
      loving, precious friend of mine ༺♡❀♡༻

  30. Oh my goodness, these are all such beautiful paintings! What a tremendous gift and skill the artist had. Now I'm going to be looking for those paintings. They're inspirational! Have a wonderful week, friend. xo

    1. @ Judy
      Charles Burton Barber was truly very talented, for depicting both children and animals, so much to be chosen by Queen Victoria to portray her beloved pets !
      Your words of true enthusiasm brighten my morning with joy, my darling, thank you so much !

      May your week to be filled with so many little things filling your heart with gladness,
      sending sweet hugs to you,
      ஜ with so much thankfulness ஜ

  31. Dear Daniela, thank you so much, for giving all the information, on the beautiful painting!!! The one in this post of mine.

    Thank you so, so, so much!

    Gentle hugs,

    1. @ Tessa
      sweetest friend of mine, when I can I'm so very happy to be helpful, you've even come here to thank me, you're truly adorable !

      ╰⊰✿ Have a happy day, today ✿⊱╮

  32. Oh, these paintings are all wonderful ... the children with the dogs and cats, so cute !
    Happy belated Birthday, hope you had a great day, my friend !
    Enjoy your week !

    1. @ Sylvia
      my lovely lady, I hug you with so much love, thank you, my dearest friend !

      So very, very glad to read that you've enjoyed my post about these wonderful paintings, I wish you a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      thinking of you with so much love ♡❤♡

  33. Dear Daniela, belated birthday greetings to you sweet lady! What a wonderful way to celebrate with this collection of pets & children! They are so touching & capture the feelings of both child & animal!
    So glad you shared & sending hugs for a wonderful week!

    1. @ Chhristine,
      my darling, the gladness is all mine when I read such words of yours, when I understand that you've appreciated my post and you send me expressions of affection, I thank you with all my heart !

      May your week too be great, my sweetest friend, filled with love and joy,
      ಌ❀ಌ with so, so much gratitude ಌ❀ಌ

  34. Imperdonabilmente in ritardo ma con tutto il mio cuore, tantissimi auguri di ogni bene.
    Baci baci baci tanti quanti sono i tuoi anni.
    Ti abbraccio con tutto il mio affetto e ti auguro una dolce sera.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      carissima, lascia che ti abbracci caramente per tutto quanto mi doni: la tua amicizia, in primis, l'affetto, la dolcezza, la stima ... e per contraccambiare tutti i baci che mi hai inviato !

      Che la tua giornata sia colma di gioia, mia preziosa, ammirata amica ❥

  35. Hello, I just adored all the photos of the children with their pets! I think it was precious!
    Happy Valentines Day!!
    Much Love, Roxy

    1. @ Roxy
      I wholeheartedly thank you for gracing my Blog, this morning, with your presence here and with your smile, when you come and visit me you always bless my heart with such a joy !

      Happy Valentine's Day to you too, my dearest, sweetes friend,
      sending so much love to you too, and sweet hugs !
      With thankfulness ༺♥♡♥༻

  36. Hello, Daniela, my first visit to your beautiful blog. I could not find a translate button, so not able to read your post, but I recognize this artist as one of my all-time favorites. I have many of his framed prints in my home, as they remind me of raising my 4 children, with dogs, cats and ponies as part of their childhood. A lovely post - I am a new follower. Visiting from 'Roses of Inspiration'. xx Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie

    1. @ Karen
      I'm so delighted and honoured to have you as my new follower, my dear, but I am also displeased that you haven't found the translation in English ... I haven't added a translate button because I distrust of all the translations which are done on line ... you simply have to scroll down the page and between the text written in Italian and the comments there's my translation in English.
      I use to translate every post of mine in English, because I love to and because I sincerely think to make things easier to you ... believe me, some translations help to not to understand !!!

      I hug you sending so much love, with sincere gratitude, and I wish you a most beautiful remainder of your week,
      so very fondly ✿*✿

  37. Dear Dany:
    This beautiful post was one of those featured today on my Special Features from the Monday blog party! Congratulations and have a Happy Valentines Day! This is lovely!

    1. @ Bernideen
      I feel so confused, touched and honoured by your words ... So this post of mine is one of your Special Features from last Monday blog party, my dearest one, I still can't believe it ... !
      I thank you with my heart filled with such a great joy ...

      May your Valentine's Day too be filled with much love and joy,
      sending dear hugs to you, with lots of gratitude ಌ•❤•ಌ
