Non che il cane fosse surclassato, solo che ad esso era relegato un ruolo non meno importante, gli veniva chiesta collaborazione e complicità per la caccia, così come il cavallo era amato quale animale da compagnia con cui compiere lunghe passeggiate in mezzo alla natura.
Se infatti fino al secolo XVIII il gatto era considerato un indispensabile 'collaboratore domestico' in quanto dava il suo valido contributo nel mantenere le abitazioni sgombre da ospiti indesiderati, con l'ottocento, le case costruite con metodi sempre più rispettosi delle norme igieniche e civili condussero ad una svalutazione del gatto di casa in questo senso e ciò, unito alla ben nota sensibilità che connotò tutto il periodo vittoriano, agli studi Darwiniani che ne sostenevano l'educabilità ed al fatto che persino la regina Vittoria avesse due gatti da compagnia nel suo castello, lo fece promuovere ad amato e coccolato animale da salotto.
Tutto questo per giungere a dirvi che l'animale domestico da compagnia per eccellenza divenne il gatto, apprezzato in tutte le sue sfumature, generalmente a pelo corto, quello ritenuto più carismatico tra tutti era il soriano bianco e nero;
Dal film di Jane Campion Bright Star, 2009
e fu proprio questo amore per i nostri amici felini ad ispirare i Vittoriani che cominciarono con il riprodurli sempre più spesso, a partire dal tardo ottocento, in atteggiamenti e con caratteristiche umanizzate,
per giungere a vestirli come veri e propri esseri umani ( teniamo presente che il gatto non era un considerato un animale asessuato e perciò coprire il suo corpo con degli abiti significava obbedire al puritanesimo allora imperante ) in cartoline augurali,
carte da parati, storie e racconti per l'infanzia, etc. ( Pensiamo a Beatrix Potter e alla sua Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit, per esempio )
Furono persino create bambole di carta, ovvero gatti che si reggono sulle due zampe posteriori - con la postura da ominide - da ritagliare e vestite come vere e proprie bambole; sul finire del secolo, a Norimberga, città che poco meno di un secolo prima aveva dato i natali ai celebrati fratelli Grimm, Theodor Stroefer (1843 - 1927) pubblicò le illustrazioni di Arthur Thiele (1860 - 1936), abilissimo nel rappresentare ogni sorta di animale domestico con caratteristiche antropomorfiche, tra cui primeggiavano proprio i nostri simpaticissimi amici felini:
All'incirca nello stesso periodo, proprio negli negli Stati Uniti, e per l'esattezza a Boston, nel Massachussets, contagiati da questo modo bizzarro d'interpretare l'amore per i gatti, vedeva la pubblicazione una rivista letteraria che raccoglieva racconti brevi di vario ed inusuale genere, dal titolo The Black Cat (1895 - 1922) illustrato da Capitain Geoffrey Spaulding celebre illustratore dell'epoca tardo vittoriana ed edoardiana il cui nome è principalmente legato ad immagini pubblicitarie o botaniche; di seguito vi mostro le copertine dei primi due numeri della suddetta rivista
che già l'anno successivo mutò decisamente aspetto divenendone il gatto nero il protagonista assoluto !
Susan Herbert (illustrator) and Stanley Baron (author of the text),
Diary of a Victorian Cat,
Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1991
Con un caloroso abbraccio saluto tutti voi ringraziandovi infinitamente ed augurandovi, come sempre, ogni bene.
A presto ♥
- picture 1
- picture 2
You should know that along the whole Victorian period cats enjoyed a genuine admiration and reverence, there wasn't any home or family,that didn't had one at least, and certainly it didn't happened, as, alas, it often happens today, to see cats wandering at the edges of the roads; at that time cat was considered the true and genuine friend of a man.
Not that the dog was outclassed, only he was relegated to a role not less important, he was asked for collaboration and complicity for hunting, as well as the horse was loved as a companion animal with which to take long walks in the countryside.
If, in fact, until the eighteenth century, the cat was considered an essential 'domestic worker' as gave his valuable contribution in keeping the houses free from unwanted guests, with the nineteenth century, with houses built with methods more and more respectful of the rules of hygiene and civilization, brought to a devaluation of the domestic cat in this regard and this, combined with the well-known sensitivity that characterized throughout the Victorian period, along with the Darwinians studies which supported his educability, and the fact that even Queen Victoria had two cats inside her castle, did promoted him as a loved and pampered pet.
All this to tell you that the pet companion par excellence became the cat, appreciated in all his nuances, but generally always short-haired - the most charismatic was considered black and white tabby
- picture 3 - picture 4: from the film by Jane Campion Bright Star, 2009
and it was this love for our feline friends to inspire Victorians who began, more and more often, from te end of the XVIII century onwards, to 'give' them humanized attitudes and characteristics.
- picture 5
till putting clothes on them as real human beings ( we have to keep in mind that the cat wasn't considered an asexual animal and therefore to cover his body with clothes meant to obey the rules of the Puritanism ) in greeting cards,
- picture 6
- picture 7
- picture 8
wallpapers, tales for children, etc. (we do have to remember, by the way, Beatrix Potter and her Mrs. Tabitha Twitchit, for example)
- picture 9
- picture 10
They were even created paper dolls, or, better, cats standing on both hind legs - with the hominid posture - to cut out and dress like real dolls; at the end of the century in Nuremberg, the town that less than a century earlier had given birth to the celebrated Brothers Grimm, Theodor Stroefer (1843 - 1927) published the illustrations by Arthur Thiele (1860 - 1936), an expert who excelled in representing all sorts of pet with anthropomorphic characteristics, including own delightful feline friends:
- picture 11
- picture 12
- picture 13
- picture 14
- picture 15
- picture 16
- picture 17
- picture 18
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- picture 21
These cards, which, at their time, already knew a very wide diffusion, especially in the United States, today are considered valuable collectibles, as they have a very high importance for in the Victorian age the mass manufacture didn't exist yet.
- picture 22
Around the same time, just in the United States, and to be exact in Boston, Massachusetts, 'infected' with this bizarre way to feel and interpret the love of cats, saw its publication a literary magazine that collected short stories of various and unusual kind, entitled The Black Cat (1895 - 1922) illustrated by Capitain Geoffrey Spaulding celebrated illustrator of the late Victorian and Edwardian age, whose name is primarily related to advertising or botanical images; I'm going to show you the covers of the first two numbers of the aforesaid magazine
- picture 23
- picture 24
that in the following year significantly changed appearance, becoming the Black Cat the absolute protagonist!
- picture 25
- picture 26
I conclude reporting you a not very recent publication, but that belongs anyway to our time, which adds documentary material and then images to this wonderful world: since the nineties Susan Herbert delight herself representing cats replacing actors, characters depicted in famous paintings of the past, such as the Impressionists or the pre-Raphaelites ones, to arrive to the point to imagine the life of a Victorian cat:
- cover
Susan Herbert (illustrator) and Stanley Baron (author of the text),
Diary of a Victorian Cat,
Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1991
With a warm hug I greet all of you thanking you so much and wishing you, as usual, all the best.
See you soon ♥
This post is joining:
Good morning Dany! HOW CUTE are these sweet cats in clothing! I love animal stories and illustrations of animals in fancy clothes....Beatrix Potter is my favorite illustrator of bunnies and cats in pretty coats and dresses!!!!
RispondiEliminaThank you so much for coming to visit my post early yesterday. It is always fun to meet people around the world through blogging, and I don't know how you found me, but thank you so very much for stopping by. WISHING YOU a happy holiday season! Anita
@ Anita
Eliminagood morning to you my new friend !
Actually I don't remember how and when exactly I found your Blog, but I do perfectly remember that as soon as arrived I decided to follow you, your images are so romantic and your words sound so very sweet ... maybe it was a month ago, more or less, but yesterday I posted my first comment, and so we have known each other !
Thank you so much for your kind visit and your lovely words and wishes, I do reciprocate them with much joy ... and go on blogging in this wonderful way ✿⊱╮
Dolce Daniela, quanto mi sono piaciute queste immagini! Deliziosi i gatti vestiti e rappresentati come umani ( piccola parentesi...spesso gli animali sono più umani di quanto non lo sia l' uomo!!). Ancora una volta ho letto con tanto piacere il tuo racconto, sempre ricco di tante curiosità
@ Alessandra
Eliminaè sempre con immenso piacere che leggo le tue parole, porti qui tutta la delicatezza del tuo animo !
ಌ Ti ringrazio cara amica, e ti abbraccio augurandoti una lieta serata ಌ
Dear Daniela, I'd time only to see the adorable images you have chosen to brighten our day, but alas I don't have time to read your post today. Hubby and I are getting ready for a long weekend in Paris. But be sure all these cute kitties put a huge smile on my face! Huggles and sweet dreams!
RispondiElimina@ Kia
Eliminaand you're worried about it ?!?
I'm far too glad to read that you're going to have a weekend in Paris, what, I'm far too sure, will be so much lovely !
Enjoy your holiday, sending huggles to both of you, my dearest and beloved friends, I wonder how many inspirations you're finding in the 'city of love' ♥ ♥ ♥
Ah... cara Daniela...che bello tornare nel tuo meraviglioso mondo !!!,tu non sai quanto mi mancasse!
RispondiEliminaLe immagini sono bellissime,la mia adorata Beatrix poi...
Ma sai che giovedi prossimo andremo a Londra!ti penserò..
Un bacio e grazie sempre sempre!
@ Anto
Eliminae tu non immagini quanto mi siano mancate le tue dolci ed affettuose parole !
Ti abbraccio di cuore e ti ringrazio per questa tenera amicizia, fatta di affetto e di ammirazione reciproca, che sta crescendo sempre più, ti auguro una bellissima vacanza e ... con il pensiero sarò con te, stanne certa :)
ღ A presto carissima ღ
Bellissimo,Dany! La classe di gattini a lezione di maglia ( e non si scherza ... lavorazione di calzini con tre ferri !!) mi ha strappato un sorriso ...e Mrs.Tabitha ...quante storie di Beatrix Potter , lette ad alta voce !
RispondiEliminaQuando un post può arrivare al cuore :)
Serena serata ,
@ Franca
Eliminagrazie mia cara, a me arrivano al cuore le tue parole, sempre !!!
Lascia che mi stringa a te in un forte abbraccio per augurarti un sereno fine settimana, grazie ancora per la tua preziosa presenza qui ❥
Ancora una volta hai toccato uno
RispondiEliminadei miei punti deboli....le cartoline
Ma è bello conoscere anche
la storia che c'è dietro e tu in questo
sei insuperabile, cara Dany.
Un abbraccio mooooolto affettuoso e riconoscente
Love Susy ♥
@ Susy
Eliminaquanto mi fa gioire scoprire sempre più affinità tra di noi, neppure lo immagini cara !
Ti mando un grande bacio per esprimerti tutta la mia gratitudine, essere seguita con entusiasmo da te mi colma il cuore di felicità, e per augurarti un weekend colmo di cose liete ⊰✿⊱
I absolutely love your website. It is simply beautiful!
RispondiEliminaNancy Anne Mayfield-Mas
@ Nancy
Eliminathank you so much, your words brighten this so rainy day, you're so welcome !
With enthusiasm and interest I'm going to follow you on Twitter and Google +, your webpage is so very lovely :)
Have a wonder and joy-filled Sunday ❤
Cara Daniela, che piacere leggerti! Sono sempre così originali i tuoi post! quante ne sai!?! Divertente ed interessante!
RispondiEliminaPS: la gatta con il cappello di piume la mia preferita :)))
Un grande abbraccio e Buona domenica!
@ Barbara
Eliminail piacere è il mio, grande, credimi, a riceverti e a leggere le tue parole, rechi qui una ventata di eleganza, di classe e di allegria !
ஐ Ti ringrazio cara contraccambiando l'abbraccio ed augurandoti una bellissima nuova settimana, qui cominciata ancora all'insegna della pioggia ... speriamo di rivedere presto il sole ஐ
I love these images, Dany!! :-)
RispondiEliminaI wish you a blessed Advent season, sweet friend. xo.
@ Lisa
Eliminamy dearest friend, thank you with all my heart for your lovely words, I wish you too a very Joyful Advent ╰☆╮
Oh my, I nearly missed this great cat post, Dany ...
RispondiEliminaYou've chosen some wonderful images, all so cute, really enjoyed this !
Have a wonderful evening, dear friend !
@ Sylvia
EliminaI was sure you'd have enjoyed it, you're so much passionate with cats and with vintage images !
Good night, darling, sweet dreams ♥
I love all these little Victorian cats but my favourite is definitely the Christmas card - I love the picture and the old style of drawing.
RispondiEliminaHave a lovely day,
@ Diana
Eliminaand I love you to be here, my lovely friend !
Thank you for coming, have a wonderful day and month of September ••ಌ✿ಌ••
love it thanks for sharing have a great week
RispondiElimina@ robin lorraine
Eliminait is I who want to thank you, you're so welcome !
Wishing you the best of weeks ღ❀ღ
Oh, what lovely photos and beautiful music.
RispondiElimina@ Art and Sand
EliminaI heartily thank you, Carol, I so love your words of amusement !
Hope you're having a lovely week,
I'm sending much love to you ❥
I love all the kitty cat photos adorable hey are. With love Janice
RispondiElimina@ Janice
Eliminawhat a joy to have you here, I welcome you with a big hug, dearie, your words put me in so high spirits !
May the remainder of your week be filled with much joy, sending hugs and more hugs to you •♥•♥•♥•
Dani, I adore cats, so you can imagine how very much I enjoyed this post! Thank you for gathering such a wonderful collection of delightful pictures. I'll be coming back again and again to this post.
RispondiElimina@ Jean
Eliminayour words truly make my day, dearest friend of mine, I'm heartily grateful to you for them and for putting on my face such a sweet smile !
Hope you're having a beautiful week I'm sending my dearest love to you, I'm having a break, forcedly, since my life in this moment doesn't allow me to stay in Blog-Land, but I'm thinking of you with so much love, blessed be, sweetie ...
I'm hoping to come back very soon ಌ•❤•ಌ
Dear Dany:
RispondiEliminaHere is another one of your amazing posts that I love so! You have shared such a collection of cats. These are so darling. Thank you for sharing, linking and participating in my blog party.
@ Bernideen
Eliminawonderful friend of mine, your so beautiful words lift my spirits, thank you, I really needed it !
Wishing you all my best for your days to come ... I hope to come back to blogging as soon as I can, I'm missing you all ✿⊱╮
Brothers Grimm has written some amazing books
EliminaYou're heartily welcome, than you for your so beautiful visit!
Brothers Grimm have written books which will live forever, and will always new to every child of new generations, that's sure!
May your day be filled with joy and smiles ༺❀༻
I see people have been dressing up their cats for centuries. Adorable post.
RispondiEliminaThank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Daniela. ♥
EliminaI'm sincerely glad you liked this article of mine, sweet friend, thank you!
May your week to be as Beauty-ful as you •ღ❤ღ•
What a wonderful collection of amazing art of a different time. Oh the bane of the smart phone and automobile. A much simpler time but very difficult too. Thanks so very much
RispondiEliminaTimmy Tomcat
EliminaIt is I who thank you, believe me, both for your lovely visit and for your nice words of amusement!
Thanks again and good day to you ⊰♥Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ♥⊱
Very sweet! I’m a sucker for cats!
RispondiEliminaGlad bless,
Ridge Haven Homestead
Homestead Blog Hop
Laurie Cover
EliminaI thank you from the bottom of my heart both for taking the time for visiting and for leaving such a lovely comment, I'm coming and visit you at once!
May God bless you too ❀≼♥≽❀