martedì 16 febbraio 2016

To bring Spring inside the Heart...

The words the happy say
Are paltry melody
But those the silent feel
Are beautiful -

Emily Dickinson, J1750

Le parole dette da chi è felice
Son meschina melodia
Ma le parole che sente chi tace
Sono bellissime -

Emily Dickinson, J1750

Analogamente a quella del Natale, quella della primavera è per me una condizione dell'animo, un modo di sentire e di vivere le piccole cose di tutti i giorni, uno stato di gioia interiore che non conosce l'avvicendarsi delle stagioni od il trascorrere degli anni; avere la primavera dentro significa gioire, sempre e comunque, quotidianamente, e non si tratta di qualcosa che possa essere imparato o trasmesso tramite insegnamento, è un dono, immenso e magnifico, che si porta dentro dalla nascita e che, come i fiori che la primavera reca, con gli anni può solamente essere coltivato e reso più gentile ... una sorta di giardino interiore dove alberga quella che chiamiamo GIOIA VERA ...

Perciò tutte le stagioni ti saranno liete,
Sia che l'estate vesta la comune terra 
Con la sua verzura, o che il pettirosso sieda e canti
Fra i ciuffi di neve sul ramo spoglio
Del melo muscoso, mentre la paglia gelata durante la notte
Fuma sotto il sole pel disgelo; sia che dalla gronda cadano gocce 
Udite solamente dalla mente assorbita dalla trance del loro suono,
O che il ministero segreto del gelo
Li tenga sospesi in ghiaccioli silenti,
Tranquillamente splendenti alla luce della quieta Luna.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Febbraio 1798

Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,
Whether the summer clothe the general earth
With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing
Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch
Of mossy apple-tree, while the night-thatch
Smokes in the sun-thaw; whether the eave-drops fall
Heard only in the trances of the blast,
Or if the secret ministry of frost
Shall hang them up in silent icicles,
Quietly shining to the quiet Moon.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, February 1798

Il mondo che tu coloravi 
il mattino dipinse di rosa -
ozioso il suo vermiglio
senza scopo il bagliore diramava
su regni di frutteti
che il giorno prima avevano conquistato
insieme al pettirosso - 

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J1171 (1870)

On the World you colored
Morning painted rose -
Idle his Vermillion
Aimless crept the Glows
Over Realms of Orchards
I the Day before
Conquered with the Robin -

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J1171 (1870)

Possedevo una gioia tanto grande
più dell'altre ai miei occhi
che smisi di misurarla, contenta
di quella forma incantata.

Fu per me limite del sogno, 

centro della preghiera,
godimento perfetto, trafiggente,
pago di sé come l'angoscia.

Non ebbi più fame né freddo; 

essi divennero fantasmi 
per questo nuovo valore dell'anima,
questa suprema ricchezza terrestre.


Emily Dickinson, J756 (1863)

One Blessing had I than the rest
So larger to my Eyes
That I stopped gauging - satisfied -
For this enchanted size -

It was the limit of my Dream -
The focus of my Prayer -
A perfect - paralyzing Bliss -
Contented as Despair -

I knew no more of Want - or Cold -
Phantasms both become
For this new Value in the Soul -
Supremest Earthly Sum -


Emily Dickinson, J756 (1863)

La felicità è come la brevità -
o ad essa proporzionale,
direbbero le scuole -
il mondo dell'arcobaleno -
Un velo 
colorato, spiegato dopo la pioggia,
avrebbe la stessa chiarezza
non fosse la fuggevolezza - 
che è alimento -

"Potesse durare"

chiedevo all'Oriente
quando la striscia curva 
accendeva il mio infantile
firmamento -
e io, dalla gioia, 
presi gli arcobaleni per cose usuali, 
e i cieli vuoti
per eccezionali -

Così pure le vite - 

così pure le farfalle - 

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J257 (1861) 

Delight is as the flight -
Or in the Ratio of it,
As the Schools would say -
The Rainbow's way -
A Skein
Flung colored, after Rain,
Would suit as bright,
Except that flight
Were Aliment -

"If it would last"
I asked the East,
When that Bent Stripe
Struck up my childish
Firmament -
And I, for glee,
Took Rainbows, as the common way,
And empty skies
The Eccentricity -

And so with Lives -
And so with Butterflies -

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J257 (1861) 

Che la gioia  e la serenità camminino sempre al vostro fianco, miei cari, mi sembra questo uno dei migliori auguri che vi possa rivolgere, dal mio cuore al vostro .... e ricordate sempre che 

V'è un Angolo di luce,
nei Meriggi Invernali ...


Emily Dickinson, J258 (1861)

A presto 

Fonti bibliografiche: 

Thomas James Wise, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Cornell University Library, 2009;

Emily Dickinson, EMILY DICKINSON - TUTTE LE POESIE, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano, 1997.

The words the happy say
Are paltry melody
But those the silent feel
Are beautiful -

Emily Dickinson, J1750

- picture 1

As that of Christmas, for me that of Spring is a condition of the soul, a way of feeling and living the little things of everyday life, a state of inner joy that doesn't know the seasons or the passing of the years; to have Spring inside means to rejoice, always, every day, and it is not something that can be learned or transmitted through teaching, it's a Gift, huge, magnificent, which one carries inside from the birth and that, like the flowers that Spring brings with it every year, can only be cultivated and made more gentle ... somethinhg like a inner garden where dwells what we call REAL JOY ...

Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,
Whether the summer clothe the general earth
With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing
Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch
Of mossy apple-tree, while the night-thatch
Smokes in the sun-thaw; whether the eave-drops fall
Heard only in the trances of the blast,
Or if the secret ministry of frost
Shall hang them up in silent icicles,
Quietly shining to the quiet Moon.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, February 1798

- picture 2

- picture 3

On the World you colored
Morning painted rose -
Idle his Vermillion
Aimless crept the Glows
Over Realms of Orchards
I the Day before
Conquered with the Robin -

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J1171 (1870)

- picture 4

One Blessing had I than the rest
So larger to my Eyes
That I stopped gauging - satisfied -
For this enchanted size -

It was the limit of my Dream -
The focus of my Prayer -
A perfect - paralyzing Bliss -
Contented as Despair -

I knew no more of Want - or Cold -
Phantasms both become
For this new Value in the Soul -
Supremest Earthly Sum -


Emily Dickinson, J756 (1863)

- picture 5

Delight is as the flight -
Or in the Ratio of it,
As the Schools would say -
The Rainbow's way -
A Skein
Flung colored, after Rain,
Would suit as bright,
Except that flight
Were Aliment -

"If it would last"
I asked the East,
When that Bent Stripe
Struck up my childish
Firmament -
And I, for glee,
Took Rainbows, as the common way,
And empty skies
The Eccentricity -

And so with Lives -
And so with Butterflies -

[ ...]

Emily Dickinson, J257 (1861) 

- picture 6

May the Joy and the Serenity always walk by your side, my dear, I think this one of the best wishes I can send you, from my heart to yours .... and always remember that

There's a certain Slaint of light,
Winter Afternoons ...


Emily Dickinson, J258 (1861)

See you soon 

Bibliographic sources: 

Thomas James Wise, A bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Cornell University Library, 2009;

Emily Dickinson, EMILY DICKINSON - TUTTE LE POESIE, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano, 1997.

136 commenti:

  1. It is a wonderful thought - having constant spring feeling inside. That says it all: joy of tiny things, expectations, sunshine in the soul, gratitude, curiosity... The list would be endless.

    Thank you dear Dany for reminding me these things and for these lovely poems and photos.

    1. @ riitta
      my sweetest kind hearted friend, you've perfectly understood what I meant, what I wanted to express, by words, by photographs, by poems ... you're truly a twin soul ... I AM so grateful to you for your precious friendship !

      I hug you with so much joy - your words really touched my heart - thinking of you with heartfelt love ༺♥♡♥༻

  2. Such beautiful words and pictures! Have a dreamy day!

    1. @ Lynn
      you're so very welcome, I hug you with so much joy !
      May your day too be filled with wonder,
      ღ❀ღ thanks most sincerely ღ❀ღ

  3. Hello, lovely words and images. Beautiful post. I am looking forward to spring. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

    1. @ eileen
      to see your beautiful smile and to read your always so lovely words always put a smile on my face, I thank you with all my heart, my sweetest, dearest friend !

      I wish you a most wonderful remainder of your week
      with so much thankfulness and love ❥

  4. Yours is a lovely and gentle soul....


    1. @ Tessa
      oh ... dearest friend of mine, your words move me ... you're too generous with me !

      Enjoy the days to come, sweetie,
      sending much, so much dear love to you ♡❤♡

  5. Oggi, una giornata uggiosa che avrebbe voluto trasmettere quel senso di malinconia cui a volte non si può proprio sfuggire ho fatto esattamente tutto quello che la mia quotidianità mi richiedeva e via,via, momenti di gioia e gratitudine hanno accompagnato anche questo martedì ...fino a qui , alla lettura del tuo post : la dolce eleganza degli angoli della tua dimora , le tue parole e la poesia espressione di una speciale sensibilità sono il regalo inaspettato di fine giornata.
    Grazie , Dany

    1. @ Franca
      che dono inaspettato, speciale, ricevo da te questa mattina, mia cara ... apprendere che ti ho allietato la serata, ieri, e che il tuo cuore ne ha tratto giovamento è un dono inestimabile per me, per cui non esiste gratitudine a sufficienza !

      Ti abbraccio con il cuore colmo di gioia augurandoti una giornata serena, dolcissima amica, migliore di quella di ieri ... vorrei poterti donare parte della gioia che tu hai dato a me, ti basterebbe per rallegrarti tutte le ore che la compongono ed accompagnarti nelle tue faccende !
      ⊰♥⊱ Con tanto, tanto affetto e riconoscenza ⊰♥⊱

  6. A wonderful post! I'm a great fan of Emily Dickinson's poems so do you I think.

    1. @ Janneke
      I'm so glad you've enjoyed this post of mine and to read that you also love Emily Dickinson's poems so much, her poetry is so deep and meaningful to me, so ahead for her times, she was a woman with a special, unique, outstanding sensibility, I have the book collecting her whole poetical work here always by my side !

      Thanking you most sincerely, my sweet friend,
      I wish you all my best for the days to come,
      ஐ sending hugs and love ஐ

  7. Immagino che queste meravigliose immagino appartengano a casa tua. Non mi sbaglio, vero? Ogni singolo oggetto parla del romantico che hai nel cuore. Adoro le gabbiette shabby chic e le tue, così amorevolmente decorate, sono davvero incantevoli. La primavera, così come il Natale, sono degli stati d'animo da vivere con reale sentimento

    1. @ Alessandra
      le tue parole mi toccano sinceramente !
      Sì, ho scattato queste fotografie nel vano della finestra della nostra sala da pranzo, ma avendo una casa molto grande ho la fortuna di possedere numerosi spazi in cui dare espressione al mio mondo interiore ... ti sono grata per apprezzarlo e per condividere il mio modo di sentire, ti abbraccerei !

      Ti mando un grande bacio, colmo di gratitudine e di ammirazione, carissima amica mia,
      ... che ti accompagni per il resto della tua giornata con un sorriso nel cuore ༺❀༻

  8. Piove a catinelle e la primavera sembra tardare, ma il tuo profumo è un dolce annuncio al cuore!
    Buona notte tenera amica!

    1. @ Nives
      carissima, delicata amica mia, le tue parole mi commuovono !

      Con immensa gratitudine ti auguro un prosieguo di settimana allietato da tanta gioia e serenità,
      di vero cuore *♥*

  9. Your blog is so beautiful Daniela. Emily Dickinson is one of my favorite poets, both because of her wonderful words and because I like thinking of the way she lived a reclusive life, but still left so much beauty to the world.

    1. @ Sallie
      I'm so overjoyed to have you here, dearie, and to read your so beautiful words really touching my heart with love !
      As for Emily Dickinson, she's left us a true heritage of wonderful feelings and of such a deep sweetness, I love her !

      I wish you a very joyous remainder of your week, my dearest one, filled with so many little things delighting your heart,
      with true love and thankfulness ⊰✽♡✽⊱

  10. Oh my your pictures are just beautiful... I love bird cages so I very much enjoyed them, such a lovely setting all around, and such great poems to go along with them. Wishing you the most lovely and blessed week ahead.

    1. @ Connie
      wonderful friend of mine, your words of appreciation fill my heart with so much joy and put me in so high spirits, my darling, I'm sending you a big kiss !

      May your week also be blessed with so much joy, serenity and gratification, sweetie,
      thinking of you with sincere love ❥

  11. Beautiful images and sweet quotes today. xx Karen

    1. @ Karen
      your words are so dear to me and sounds like sweet music to my heart, I wholeheartedly thank you, my darling friend !

      Hope you're having a great, lovely week so far,
      I wish you all my best for the days to come,
      sending sweet hugs to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  12. Dear Daniela,

    Thank you for the beautiful post you have shared - gorgeous pictures and loved all the quotes. I too enjoy Emily Dickinsons work.
    Hope you are enjoying the week dear friend and many thanks for the kind visit to my blog.
    Sending love and hugs

    1. @ Carolyn
      your words bless my heart with such a deep gladness, dearest friend, I'm so happy to read that you've enjoyed this post of mine !

      With so much gratitude I wish you a most lovely remainder of your week,
      sending dear love and sweet hugs across the many miles ♡ஐ♡

  13. Gorgeous words and gorgeous photos, Dany. Spring is beginning to awake in your lovely part of the world and Autumn is beginning to creep up our country road. The light is changing to a softer hue and the trees are beginning to dress in their gorgeous Autumnal frocks. Thank you for sharing these lovely writings of Emily Dickinson.

    1. @ Kim
      my dear, precious friend, your so beautiful words truly make my day, I heartedly thank you, to read them gives such a big gladness to my heart you cannot even immagine !

      Actually, also if most part of our Winter has passed, we're living since the beginning of February the coldest days of this season, which is so very strange this year, mild and dry.
      I didn't know you're living in the Australian emisphere, so you're enjoying Falls days, one the most lovely period of the year to me !

      Enjoy your week, my lovely lady, and your days to come, leading you little by little to the Autumn,
      with so much thankfulness I'm sending dear, so dear love to you ♥∗✿≫✿≪✿∗♥

  14. What a lovely post. I so enjoyed visiting with and Emily Dickinson this beautiful morning. I've loved her work for years and I think it is time I paid her work a thorough revisiting.
    All my best to you Dany.

    1. @ Andrea
      beloved friend of mine, I hope you're feeling well, sweetie !
      I'm so very glad to have you here this morning and to read your words of enthusiasm for this post of mine and for Emily Dickinson's works you also love !

      May your days be filled with serenity, my dearest one,
      ⊰❀ I hug you with so much sincere love and admiration ❀⊱

  15. Hello there!
    Thanks for visiting!
    You beautiful photos of this entry I have been so entranced with the music! hee hee hee hee,
    The teapot beautiful! and birds, flowers and adorned little cages, transported me to a place where I think and feel in all good!
    it's nice to have your visit and virtual friendship ', warn hugs, Rose M

    1. @ Rose
      my delicate soul, thank you for gracing my blog with your presence and your far beautiful words, I'm so happy you've enjoyed this post and your visit at ~ My little old world ~ !

      Sending sweet hugs and sincere love,
      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your week, dearie,
      thinking of you ♥♡♥

  16. What a lovely post Dany. Loved all your images and poems. The weather has been a little crazy here...I am looking forward to the beauty and peacefulness of Spring. Enjoy your day my sweet friend.


    1. @ Ana
      I wholeheartedly thank you for your words, to have pleased you is the biggest joy to me, my dearest friend !

      May your day too be filled with gladness, sweetie,
      and have a most beautiful rest of your week,
      sending love and hugs to you ღ❀ღ

  17. Quanta dolcezza in queste poesie....
    Ma quello che più mi ha commosso è leggere
    quanto il tuo animo sia sensibile e sereno, non è da tutti
    ed è un bellissimo dono, che tanto vorrei avere anch'io....
    Bellissime le foto e grazie, tu sai per cosa!
    Ti abbraccio mia dolcissima e romantica amica, che questa
    serenità ti accompagni ogni giorno della tua vita.
    Love Susy ♥

    1. @ Susy
      tesoro, tu sei come un fiore delicato, con un dono inestimabile per ciascun petalo ... non uno, ma molti, ne hai davvero molti, tutti preziosissimi, e ti ammiro tanto per questo!
      Grazie a te, dolcezza, non te lo dirò mai abbastanza ... ogni giorno si prende qualche carezza :) ... !

      Che la tua giornata si concluda con gioia, carissima,
      ti abbraccio con immenso affetto ed infinita riconoscenza,
      ti voglio un gran bene e sono così tanto felice per questa nostra amicizia che sempre mi rallegra il cuore ... grazie ❥

  18. Adoro Emily Dickinson!
    Un post bellissimo che si chiama "felicità" ha quel profumo di amabilità e di delicatezza che tranquillizza l'animo.
    Solo la parola felicità è una gioia che trascina i cuori e li incanta.
    Come posso non essere felice?
    Grazie di vero cuore, carissima amica mia, ti abbraccio e ti auguro una serena giornata.
    La tua amica Luci@

    1. @ Luci@
      anche tu, come Susy, mi fai rasentare la commozione ... carissima ... non trovo le parole ... ti sono grata, questo sì, ed anche molto, anzi moltissimo !

      Contraccambio con tanto affetto ed ammirazione il tuo graditissimo abbraccio, con amorevolezza e tanto calore, augurandoti una serata colma di letizia e di spensieratezza, dolcissima amica mia,
      con tutto il cuore ಌ•❤•ಌ

  19. It is as if you've been given a list of all my favorites. Every time your write about something or someone I particularly like.

    1. @ Amalia
      and you think that it's not an immense joy to me ... I'm overjoyed by your words, my lovely lady !

      Hope you're having a wonderful day, I wish you most beautiful days to come, with so much gladness in my heart ! Thank you, my sweetest friend ✿⊱╮

  20. grazie, ti auguro anch'io che la gioia e la serenità camminino sempre al tuo fianco...Minù

    1. Mimù
      carissima la mia fatina, quanto mi sei mancata !

      Felicissima di riaverti qui ti abbraccio di vero cuore, ringraziandoti per l'augurio e per la gaiezza che mi doni *♥*

  21. Carissima Daniela,che bello il tuo inno alla primavera!e come hai ragione quando dici che in realtà è uno stato d'animo uno stato di gioia interiore!!
    Grazie carissima per ricordarci cose che non sempre ricordiamo.
    Siamo a febbraio,e gironzolando fra i tuoi post ho scoperto che questo è il "TUO MESE" quindi,AUGURISSIMI di cuore cara dolcissima ragazza!Un bacione.

    1. @ A
      amorevole, splendida amica mia, è sempre con immensa gioia che ti accolgo qui perché rechi sempre un raggio di sole con te !
      Grazie di tutto, per le splendide parole che compongono i tuoi delicati commenti, per gli auguri, graditissimi, e per il cuore colmo di Gentilezza che batte nel tuo petto !

      Che la tua giornata si concluda serenamente e che il tuo risveglio sia allietato dalla più profonda gioia, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ❀≼♡≽❀

  22. Such a lovely post ... again, dear Dany !
    With the most wonderful poems ...
    Wishing you a nice evening, sweet friend !

    1. @ Sylvia
      I always thank you and always will, dearest friend of mine, may your evening too be filled with joy and serenity !

      ✿⋰⋱✿ Thinking of you with so much love ✿⋰⋱✿

  23. Your pictures and words are lovely! I especially love the tea shots and flowers! Thank you for following. I followed back! I Will enjoy seeing your posts. You have a pretty blog. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

    1. @ The Charm of Home
      it's my pleasure !
      To share my post at Home Sweet Home and to follow your so beautiful blog, my new friend, means a lot of joy to me !

      Thanking you so sincerely for all your so lovely words and for following ~ My little old world ~, I wish you a most beautiful end of your weeh ahead,
      with love ⊰✽♥✽⊱

  24. I have always loved Emily Dickinson! Such beautiful words.....thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm! xo Kathleen

    1. @ Kathleen
      you're so very welcome, I thank you with all my heart !

      May your weekend be filled with joy and wonder,
      fondly ღ❀ღ

  25. Daniela, such a beautiful post. This is like an artistic collection here.

    Thank you so much for joining us at Thought of Home on Thursday. We are thrilled to have you. Pinned.

    1. @ Stacey
      I'm so enthusiastic to have found your blog and to take part to your new link-up party, believe, the joy is mine and your beautiful words, well, mean so much to me !

      Enjoy your weekend and thank you with all my heart ಌ•❤•ಌ

  26. My sweet and precious friend, what joy and beauty there is in your images and the words of the poems and quotes. This post was just what I needed, dear Dany. You have blessed me in so many ways and I am so thankful you shared this with Roses of Inspiration.

    You are such a beautiful gift to so many. Much love to you!

    1. @ Stephanie
      I'm so very blessed by your words, my darling, and I'm so very happy to have been helpful, maybe in a pretty boring or sad day ... How many times you put me in good spirits, when I come and visit you, my dearest friend !

      I wish you a most joyous end of your week ahead, sweetie, thank you so much for your so beautiful words filling my heart with such a big joy,
      thinking of you with a lot of love ♥♡♥

  27. What a gorgeous collection of birdcages. I adore Emily Dickinson.
    It is such a joy to have you join the gathering at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. You really help to elevate it to something very special.

    1. @ Laura
      your words truly touch my heart, it's my pleasure to share my post at Thought at Home on Thursday, believe me !

      Truly honoured by your presence here and by your so kind thoughts and words, I wish you all my best for the remainder of your weekend,
      sending love to you with much gratitude ❥

  28. Hello Daniela,
    I enjoy the beautiful pictures and music as I visited you today.
    Some days I put your blog on and do my housework while I listen to your pretty blog music.

    Have a wonderful weekend dear friend....

    1. @ littlegraycottage
      I'm so pleased by your words, my darling friend ... so my blog is something like a 'musical background' to some ordinary days of yours, what a joy to me !

      May your weekend be blessed with so much gladness and wonder, dearie,
      sending so heartfelt love to you with much thankfulness for the posts you always share ღ♥ღ

    2. as I am cleaning the closet I am listening to Daniela's beautiful music!
      Hugs to you from your friend ....Shirley

    3. @ Shirley
      I'm so happy to be near you and to keep you company even in the most ordinary moments of your days, my dearest one !!!

      Sending blessings on your day, today ✿⊱╮

  29. Aggiungere qualsiasi commento a questa melodia (intesa come tripudio di poesia) stonerebbe. Ti dico solo "Grazie cara amica" per ciò che proponi con eleganza, ricercatezza e garbo.
    E' un piacere poter leggere queste selezioni ricercate di strofe.
    Un abbraccio e buona domenica

    1. @ Susanna
      mia cara, il piacere è il mio, credimi, grande e profondo, un piacere che diventa gioa pura nel leggere parole come le tue ... te ne sono sinceramente grata !

      Ti auguro un sereno riposo ed una gioiosa, spensierata domenica, mia dolce amica,
      con tanta gratitudine e tanto affetto ♡ஐ♡


  30. hi Daniela ... appena è venuto da dire ciao ..... amare le poesie che si sceglie oggi .... bello e cosi vero

    1. @ Cielo
      ciao è perfetto, mia cara, sei la benvenuta qui a ~ My little old world ~, anzi, è un vero onore cominciare la mia domenica con te !
      Grazie per le tue belle parole, sei gentilissima ad usare la mia lingua madre, apprezzo molto questo tuo gesto, ma ti prego, scrivi pure in inglese se ti viene più semplice, per me va benissimo !

      Ti abbraccio con il cuore augurandoti una splendida serata, ringraziandoti ancora immensamente ♡❤♡


  31. Hola Querida Daniela!
    leyendo cada entrada pasada y el complemento entre las fotos y la poesia, es un rincon favorito para sentirme en paz y creenme disfruto tanto añorar un pasado hermoso atravez de todo lo que nos ofreses!
    hugs, Rose M .
    Ciao caro Daniela!
    Ho letto ogni ultimo ingresso e si completano fra le foto e la poesia, è un posto preferito per sentirsi in pace e godere creenme sia nostalgia passato per un bel destra attraverso tutto ciò che ci ofreses!
    abbracci, Rosa M.
    Sugerir una edición

    1. @ Rose
      sono talmente belle le tue parole che mi riempono il cuore di gioia, grazie, grazie davvero, porti sempre tanto amore qui !

      Trascorri una dolcissima serata, mai cara amica, e che la nuova settimana sia lieta per te,
      ༺❀༻ te lo auguro con tanta gratitudine ༺❀༻

  32. Una splendida galleria di scatti degni di un artista, corredati da meravigliose parole e da versi che parlano al nostro mondo interiore. Grazie Dany, riesci sempre a superare te stessa e a stupire!
    Tuo Ross

    1. @ Ross
      grazie tesoro !!!
      Ti abbraccio con tanto amore ಌ•❤•ಌ

  33. A lovely sentiment about cherishing each season. Love your soft and sepia toned images. They go well with your words. Thank you for linking in with "Through My Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. @ Mersad
      what a joy you're giving me with your words of appreciation, you're such a keen and very talented photographer, that's why they really mean so much to me ... actually I'm overjoyed by them !!!

      As for sharing my posts with your link-up party, well, it's my pleasure, believe me, my friend !

      Hope your week is off to a great start,
      I wish you all my best for the days to come
      sending hugs to you
      with thankfulness and esteem ✿⊱╮

  34. That was lovely, Dany. I think my favorite was the Coleridge. Beautiful word pictures. Have a wonderful Monday.

    1. @ Judy
      I'm so very, very glad you've enjoyed this post of mine too, my sweetest, loving friend, you're so dear to me !

      May the week just began be the merriest ever to you and yours,
      sending dear love to you across the many miles,
      ⊰♥⊱ with heartfelt gratitude ⊰♥⊱

  35. mia dolce amiche che bel post...trovi sempre il modo per incantarci con immagini e parole....questo angolo della tua casa parla di te, dolcezza, romanticismo, ricercatezza nei particolari....intravedo un bellissimo centro ricamato a rintaglio...davvero pregevole! un abbraccio immenso Lory

    1. @ Lory
      che tesoro che sei, le tue parole mi vanno dritte al cuore !
      Il centro che intravedi lo acquistai anni fa ad un mercato dell'antiquariato, è fatto a mano e mi ha subito conquistata non appena lo vidi ;) !

      Ti abbraccio anche io, mia deliziosa, magnifica amica, ti abbraccio forte ... che la tua serata scorra lieta e che il prosieguo della settimana possa riservarti tante piccole cose per cui gioire, te lo auguro con tutto il cuore ❀≼♡≽❀

  36. Dear Dany:
    Emily would so love your blog and could she be here, you and she would be such great friends! This is beautiful! So glad you shared.

    1. @ Bernideen
      do you really think so ?
      How I'd love to !
      Thank you for the beautiful words you've written, and as for sharing, it's my pleasure, dearest friend of mine, believe me !

      Have a most beautiful remainder of your week, sweetie,
      sending so many hugs across the many miles,
      thinking of you with love ༺♥♡♥༻

  37. I also meant to comment on that glorious teapot! How wonderful!

    1. @ Bernideen
      this wonderful teapot is a precious gift I've received from a so dear friend of mine and, as you certainly have understood, with your antiques dealer's eyes, it dates back to the English Victorian age for she only deals with antiquities coming from England and belonging to the XIXth - early XXth century.
      I love it, and I'm far too glad for your words of appreciation ... and certainly she'll also be, when I'm telling her, be sure !

      I hug you with so much tenderness and gratitude ❥

  38. Lovely spring collages Dany and a teapot that is precious to you.

    1. @ Judith
      thank you for gracing my blog today, my dearest friend, your words always fill my heart with such a joy !

      May the remainder of your week be full with so many little things for which to be glad,
      I wish it to you with so much love, esteem and thankfulness *♥*

  39. So lovely! I love the dreaminess of your images. . .the sepia tones, and the content, too.

    1. @ Cynthia
      I welcome you with a big hug !
      Thanks most sincerely for your lovely words and for having decided to follow ~ My little old world ~, my new friend, I'm coming and visit you very soon !

      Have a most beautiful day, today ༺❀༻

  40. This post is a lovely balm to my heart, dear friend! Such beautiful vignettes and word pairings. Such a delight!

    1. @ June
      my wonderful friend, your delight is the deepest joy to me, your words bless my evening with such a gladness, darling !

      May your day, and all the days to come, be blessed with true Joy,
      thinking of you with much, oh so much sincere love ღ*ღ

  41. Emily Dickinson has always been a favorite of mine. Thank you for linking up at Vintage Charm Party! Hope to see you there tomorrow (Thursday) morning! xo Kathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

    1. @ Kathleen
      I won't miss your party for nothing on earth, be sure !
      Thanks most sincerely for your visit and your lovely words, my friend, you're so welcome !

      Have a wonderful day,
      sending hugs and love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  42. Thanks most sincerely for sharing these romantic images at

    1. @ NC Sue
      it's my pleasure, sweet friend, I wholeheartedly thank you for appreciating them, indeed !

      Enjoy your Spring day ✿⊱╮

  43. Risposte
    1. @ Anne's Attic - Design
      it's my pleasure and delight, believe me, my sweet friend !

      May your day be filled with much joy and wonder,
      sending you hugs and more hugs ❥

  44. I love your beautiful collection of bird cages! Thanks for sharing them with SYC.

    1. @ Jann
      dear friend of mine, your words fill my heart with true joy, I heartily thank you !

      I wish you all my best for the remainder of your week,
      may it be filled with love and joy ♥♡♥

  45. Thanks for sharing all these gorgeous photos and your wonderful words with SYC.

    1. @ Art and Sand
      I have no words which to ask you to forgive my delay with, sweetest friend of mine, I forgot this comment of yours amongst the others, alas !

      Hoping in your understanding,
      I'm sending my dearest love to you ༺♡❀♡༻

  46. This is a wonderful post Dany ♥

    I'm sorry but I cannot say anything clever on those unhappy obese men :) I have read your post twice - and only feel sorry for them.

    Happy Sunday ♥

    1. @ riitta
      probably your words are related to the last post of mine dedicated to the fattest men of the Regency England, it doesn't matter, darling, you're not obliged to say anything clever about them, of course, they were ill men, they passed down to history for their abuses with food and drinks, virtues are others ツ!

      Good night, wonderful friend, sending much love to you ಌ•❤•ಌ

  47. The photos are so lovely, the words capture the spirit beautifully.

    1. @ Petra
      you're so heartily welcome, my freind, your words bless my heart with joy , thank you !

      Good night, my friend ❀≼♥≽❀

  48. Great photos!Thanks for sharing in Our Beautiful World!AriadnefromGreece!

    1. @ Ariadne
      your so beautiful words make my day, my friend, I'm so very grateful to you for this !

      May your week be filled with much love ❥

  49. You put so much time and thought into your presentations. You make us all want to keep coming back for more interesting thoughts.

    1. @ LV
      you're so very generous and far too kind with me, Sweetest One, I embrace you with all my love !

      Sending my dearest hugs to you, darling friend, thanks most sincerely ༺❀༻

  50. Good morning Daniela, We have arrived home safely from our travels and I am trying to catch up with my wonderful Blue Monday friends.

    I am a fan of Emily Dickenson's poetry. Especially those that speak Spring. Your sepia photos speak to me too. They are all the things that make me smile. Especially birds.

    Happy Blue Monday my sweet friend and have a blessed week.
    Sendings hugs to you today.

    1. @ Jeanne
      you're such a kind-hearted lady, it's always a sincere joy to welcome you here, your words truly bless my day !

      Hope you're having a lovely week I'm sending hugs and more hugs to you, with so much thankfulness •♥•♥•♥•

  51. Daniela,
    Your pictures are always so beautiful. Love visiting your blog and the gentle music.Thanks for sharing at Over The Moon Party.

    1. @ Bev
      how absolutely delightful of you to take the time to come and visit me here and to write your so lovely comment, you truly touched my heart, thanks, darling friend, thanks most sincerely !

      Hope you're having a nice week so far,
      I'm sending blessings of joy on your Friday and on your weekend ahead,
      with heartfelt thankfulness ⊰✽*✽⊱

  52. lovely post, one of my favorite poets Emily Dickinson

    1. @ susan hemann
      I'm heartily glad to read that you enjoyed this post of mine, thank you sweet friend!

      Trusting you're having a great week so far,
      I'm wishing you lovely days to come,
      thank you again ♡❤♡

  53. Such a beautiful post dear Dany, both your photos and the quotes! Thank you so much for sharing, sending you big hugs xx

    1. @ Wen Sylvestre
      how absolutely delightful of you, Lovely Lady, to come and visit me today, with your so beautiful words you truly bless my day and fill my heart to overflowing, thank you!

      Wishing you a most lovely month of February,
      I'm sending blessings on your way ಌ•❤•ಌ

  54. Beautiful photographs! Beautiful thoughts.
    Have a lovely evening and a good weekend dear friend.

    1. @ Annie
      you always bless both my day and my heart with your so beautiful words, Dearie, thank you!

      Wishing you a most lovely start of your new week,
      with sincere gratitude ❥

  55. So beautiful. You know I'm longing for spring! 💜

    1. @ Debbie Huffaker
      thank you from the bottom of my heart Dearest One!
      And if you're longing for Spring, you're not the alone!

      Trusting your week is off to a great start,
      I'm sending blessings on your coming days ✿*✿

  56. Thank you for this lovely post! I do so enjoy the poetry of Emily Dickinson! Wishing you well!

    1. @ Kathy Keller
      it is I who thank you, sweet friend, I'm so happy you loved it!

      Wishing you to enjoy your week,
      sending my dearest love across the miles ❀≼♥≽❀

  57. Visiting your blog is like stepping back in time to an age when the world appears to be so much more beautiful than our every day, but if we look carefully we will find joy everywhere and it makes life wonderful. Thanks for joining me this week for Mosaic Monday.

    1. @ Maggie
      you're such a loving friend, a truly good-hearted lady, and I appreciate both your visit and your beautiful words so much, you always pur me in good spiruts, thank you!

      Wishing you a beautiful Sunday evening and new week ahead,
      sending blessings across the miles ♡*♥*♥*♡

  58. Nice quotes. I live 30 minutes away from Emily Dickinson's home which is now a museum.

    1. @ pilch92 15andmeowing
      you're really fortunate, you live in waht still today is a wonderful city and I'm sure you've visited her home more than once!

      Thanking you most sincerely
      both for taking the time for visiting and for commenting,
      I'm sending you a big hug •♥✿ڿڰۣ✿♥•

  59. Lovely post as always. Enjoy your week!

    1. @ Kathe W.
      trusting you also had the chance to have a beautiful week, I'm sending all my love to you, with sincere gratitude!

      May your new week ahead be as Beautiful as you,
      sweet friend ༺♡❀♡༻

  60. Beautiful poetry and photos. Happy Monday

    much love...

    1. @ Gillena Cox
      I heartily thank you for you so kind words, Dearie!

      Sending much love to you too,
      I'm wishing you a most lovely remainder of your Sunday
      and new week ahead ❥

  61. Good Morning, Dany! Spring is right around the corner. I think we are all ready for its arrival. Wonderful joy in your posts and heart. Thank you.

    1. @ Snap
      your so beautiful words bless this Winter evening of mine, I thank you wholeheartedly, dear friend!

      Gratitude hugs are sent on your way ♡ஐ♡

  62. Coleridge and Dickinson are poets who live on and on. Thanks for linking to Blue Monday!

    1. @ Magical Mystical Teacher
      it is I who thank you, Dearest friend, you're such a lovely hostess!

      Sending blessings of joy on your new week ahead ♥∗✿∗♥

  63. Lovely poetry! I like your sweet illustrations too.

    1. @ Linda
      I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dearie, you're such a capable photographer and I really appreciate your words!

      May your week to come be filled with joy and wonder ⊰✽*♡*✽⊱

  64. I enjoyed the pictures especially the pink rose Teapot which is telling me with it being cold outside I should make a cup of Tea grab my book and cuddle on the couch till it warms up outside.

    1. Team Mommies PR Bloggers,
      Oh, but that's wonderful, I'm so glad to have inspired you such a feeling with my picture!
      Truly glad you've enjoyed this post of mine,
      I'm sending my warmest hug across the many miles ಌ❀ಌ

  65. Beautiful!
    I really liked the Samuel Taylor Coleridge poem. It’s apparent that he spent a lot of time out in nature and could draw deep lessons from its book!

    Ridge Haven Homestead

    1. Laurie,
      Dearest One, you're so right, to live directly in contact with the Nature is the most wonderful, enthralling school we may enjoy and the lessons of which are worth living during our lives!
      Sending blessings on the remainder of your week ஜ♥♡♥ஜ

  66. Lovely pictures!
    Thank you for linking up at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop
    Have a wonderful week!

    Ridge Haven Homestead

    1. Laurie,
      It is I who thank you once again, to welcome you here means such a deep joy to me!
      Wishing you too a wonderful week to come,
      sweet friend ✿⊰✽⊱✿

  67. So good to read lines from Emily's heart!

    1. Michele Morin,
      Her words always make me feel better and I read a few days ago on a newspaper that she's still the most read in the world, that's why she's considered so alive and actual!
      Have a blessed remainder of your week,
      Lovely Lady *♥*
